外研版八年级下册英语Module 9 复习总结自测卷一(有答案).docx

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1、八下八下 Module 9 复习总结自测题一复习总结自测题一 一一、根据、根据汉语汉语完成句子完成句子。 1. 上学期我们去了不同的学校就分开了。 We _ _ when we went to different schools last term. 2. 我能问问你是否跟她说过这件事? Could I ask if youve _ this _ her? 3. 也许在她的新学校她对自己缺乏自信。 Maybe she doesnt feel very _ _ herself in her new school. 4. 设法弄清楚没有你她是否觉得孤独。 Try to find out _ she

2、 feels lonely _ you. 5. 所以对她要有耐心, 向她解释她也能与你的其他朋友交朋友。 So _ _ _ her and explain to her that she can make friends with your other friends too. 二二、根据、根据括号里的括号里的汉语提示写单词汉语提示写单词完成句子。完成句子。 1. In his speech, he _ (提及) the Chinese Character Spelling Contest(汉字听写大赛) several times. 2. Mike is twenty but his mot

3、her always _ (对待) him as a child. 3. His parents always _ (鼓励) him to speak out his opinions. 4. Please _ (解释) this maths problem to me. Its too difficult. 5. She will _ (懊悔) losing a close friend. 6. Bill is an honest boy. Everyone in our class _ (信任) him. 7. I wish you to have a _ (光明的) future. 8.

4、 The ship went through the waves between the _ (暗藏的) rocks. 9. Does Danny have many friends in China? Yes, he has a large _ (圈子) of friends. 10. These stamps _ (粘) together, so I need some water to get them separated. 三、三、单项选择。单项选择。 1. A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much _ than the one with

5、4G. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest 2. Do the twins look the same? No, Jane is _ taller than Claire. A. little B. more C. a little 3. Keep quiet, son! I need complete _ _ when Im working. Sorry, Dad. I wont make any noise again. A. trust B. silence C. control D. strength 4. How can Julie

6、 say bad words about me? I thought we were good friends. Who told you that? Friends need _. A. courage B. distance C. trust D. shame 5. Why not buy a second-hand flat first if you dont have enough money? Thats a good _. A. saying B. question C. suggestion D. decision 6. Mr. Wang together with his wi

7、fe and children _ in the countryside. A. enjoys living B. enjoy living C. enjoys to live D. enjoy to live 7. After the students _ their exams, they celebrated by having a party. A. passed B. failed C. joined D. gave 8. The weather is too bad! So it is. Its reported that it will be even _ later on. A

8、. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst 9. More than 100 million people in over 200 countries like basketball, _ China. A. to include B. includes C. include D. including 10. Must I wear the school uniform on school days? _. Its one of the school rules. A. Its beautiful B. I dont think so C. Im afraid so D.

9、 It fits you well 11. The school library is full of all kinds of books. (对画线词组进行同义 替换) _ A. filled with B. covered with C. strict in D. surprised at 12. How do you learn English? _ listening to tapes. A. By B. With C. For D. In 13. He _ his hometown for twenty years. He really misses it! A. has been

10、 away from B. left C. has left D. is away from 14. What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot. My pleasure. A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice 15. Hello. This is Leo speaking. Is that John? Sorry, he isnt in. _ A. Please hold on. B. May I take a message? C. What are you saying to him? 16

11、. Tomorrow is Fathers Day. I dont know _. A. what can I do for my father B. what I will do for my father C. where I went with my father D. where will I go with my father 17. Hello, may I speak to Daisy? Hi! _ A. This is Daisy speaking. B. She is Daisy. C. What is Daisy? D. That is Daisy. 18. I am wo

12、rried about _ I can enter a good high school or not. Take it easy. Believe in yourself! A. that B. when C. whether D. where 19. Mrs. Gao often gets mad at her noisy son, but she is always _ her noisy pupils in the music class. A. angry with B. patient with C. worried about D. similar to 20. Stephen

13、Hawkings story gives me much _ to face all kinds of difficulties. A. chance B. wealth C. courage D. decision 四四、从方框中选择单词或短语并用其适当形式填空、从方框中选择单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。 1. The four men sat _. They were thinking over the problem. 2. Work hard and youll have a _ future. 3. Stick the picture with the _ on the wall.

14、4. In spring, the temperature gets higher and higher _. 5. Here are some _ about how to improve your memory. 五五、用、用疑问词填空。疑问词填空。 bright, day by day, suggest, glue, in silence 1. Can you tell me _ we will have the meeting this afternoon? Of course. On the playground. 2. I cant say _ he will come on ti

15、me or not. 3. She asked me _ you looked worried just then. Well, her story made me think of those poor kids. 4. I really cant imagine _ you made the model ship by yourself. 5. Do you know _ the train leaves? Yes. It leaves at nine oclock. 六六、根据句意及首字母填写单词、根据句意及首字母填写单词, 完成句子完成句子 1. Our English teacher

16、 i himself to us on our first school day. 2. Youd better not m the meeting to anyone. Its a secret. 3. I got s from my friends when we were in the crowd. 4. How would you e colour to a blind person? 5. Can you repair it? No p . 七七、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The boy refused _ (answer) the que

17、stion. 2. Mr. Liu encouraged us _ (work) hard at school. 3. Beck regretted _ (break) the cup. She decided to buy a new one with her pocket money. 4. Miss Smith put her new dress on, and looked at _ (she) in the mirror. 5. Of all the teachers in the school, Mrs. Smith is the _ (patient) with students

18、. 八八、补全对话补全对话, 其中有两个多余选项其中有两个多余选项 A: Lingling, you look unhappy. Whats up? B: Dad, I have a problem with my best friend. A: _ 1 B: Weve been friends for five years. We went to different schools last term. And she came to study at my school this term. I was very happy at first. _ 2 A: Can you tell me

19、 how shes different? B: She doesnt like me to see my other friends. A: _ 3 B: Yes. I have. But she refused to listen. A: _ 4 B: No. I dont know. A. Do you know why she treats you like that? B. Whats her name? C. Have you mentioned this to her? D. Whats happened? E. Shes very tall. F. Or she probably

20、 feels lonely without you. G. But shes so different. A: Maybe she doesnt feel sure of herself. _ 5 B: Maybe. What shall I do then? A: You can introduce her to your other friends and encourage her to join in more. B: I see. Thanks, Dad. 九、九、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,补全下面短文,补全下面短文。 Everyone needs f

21、riends because they make us (1)_. Friendship is important to us because we all need a (2)_ of friends to support us. You dont need to (3)_ together all the time like (4)_ , but you should help each other when you meet (5)_. What is important to having a good friend? In my opinion, we should learn to

22、 trust people at first. 十、完形填空。十、完形填空。 Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of the people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their lives. Why are people 1? It is found that family size might 2 people to be shy. Children with no brothers or sisters may be shy

23、. Growing up 3, they often play by themselves. They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big 4. circle live stuck problem glue Another cause of shyness could be 5. As more and more people use the Internet, they 6 less time outside talking to people. As a result, they lose

24、practice at conversation. 7 to new people face to face can make them feel nervous. For shy people, it can be 8 to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can 9 your shyness. They suggest trying 10 things and practicing conversation. 1. A. excited B. shy C. happy

25、 D. brave 2. A. remind B. teach C. guide D. cause 3. A. quickly B. happily C. alone D. abroad 4. A. countries B. cities C. teams D. families 5. A. duty B. safety C. technology D. education 6. A. design B. spend C. collect D. save 7. A. Nodding B. Running C. Jumping D. Speaking 8. A. difficult B. saf

26、e C. harmful D. surprising 9. A. run into B. look for C. get over D. depend on 10. A. new B. private C. awful D. heavy 十一、阅读理解。十一、阅读理解。 In 1997, 12- year- old American girl Caitlin and 14- year- old Zimbabwean(津巴布韦人)Martin became pen friends through their schools. They didnt realise at that time how

27、 their handwritten letters would change their lives. It all began as a school task. Everyone in Caitlins class was supposed to choose a pen friend from another country. All the other kids picked countries like France or Germany, but Caitlin chose Zimbabwe because the name sounded exotic(异国风情) and co

28、ol. Martin lived with his family in one of Zimbabwes worst slums(贫民 窟) where they shared one room with another family. And a bed was their only piece of furniture. When Caitlins first letter reached Martin, they were simple and general. The two kids wrote about their favourite music and what they li

29、ked to do. But as Martin gradually revealed_ more about his life and his letters started arriving written on pieces of trash, Caitlin realised what the living conditions were like for Martin. Without telling her parents, she began sending money with her letters $20 at a time. While the money was not

30、 much to Caitlin, it meant more food for Martins family and enabled him to pay his school fees. It lasted six years from their first exchange of letters to Martins arrival in the United States. With the help of the money from Caitlins parents later on, Martin finished his university and got his MBA

31、from Duke University. Today, Caitlin and Martin arent only best friends, but they also share their story in a book called I Will Always Write Back. They want to encourage readers to look beyond their own lives and do something kind for others, which might greatly influence their lives. ( )1. _ is fr

32、om Zimbabwe. A. Duke B. Caitlin C. Martin D. Frank ( )2. What does the underlined word “revealed” mean in Chinese? A. 索要 B. 透露 C. 回顾 D. 检索 ( )3. Which is the correct order of the following events? a. They shared their story in a book. b. Caitlins first letter reached Martin. c. Caitlin chose a pen f

33、riend from Zimbabwe. d. Martin got his MBA from Duke University. A. a- b- c- d B. a- b- d- c C. c- b- d- a D. c- d- b- a ( )4. According to the passage, which of the following is not TRUE? A. Caitlin chose Zimbabwe because the name sounded exotic and cool. B. Martin lived a very hard life in one of

34、the worst slums in Zimbabwe. C. Martins family could get more food with Caitlins money in the letters. D. They had kept writing to each other for five years before Martin arrived in the US. ( )5. Which would be the best title for this passage? A. The Two Pen Friends. B. The Power of Writing. C. The

35、Special School Task. D. The Money in Letters. 答答 案案 一、1. got separated 2. mentioned; to 3. sure of 4. whether; without 5. be patient with 二、1. mentioned 2. treats 3. encourage 4. explain 5. regret 6. trusts 7. bright 8. hidden 9. circle 10. have stuck 三、BCBCC AACDC AAACB BACBC 四、1. in silence 2. bri

36、ght 3.glue 4. day by day 5. suggestions 五、1. where 2. whether 3. why 4. how 5. when 六、1. introduced 2. mention 3. separated 4. explain 5. problem 七、1. to answer 2. to work 3. breaking 4. herself 5. most patient 八、DGCAF 九、1. lively 2. circle 3. stick 4. glue 5. problems 十、1. B excited 激动的;shy 害羞的;hap

37、py 高兴的;brave 勇 敢的。本文谈论的就是“害羞”。因此这里作者设问“人们为什么害 羞呢?”。故选 B。 2. D remind 提醒;teach 教;guide 引导;cause 引起。上文提出 设问“人们为什么害羞呢?”, 现在回答第一个原因“据发现, 家 庭大小或许会引起人们害羞。”故选 D。 3. C quickly 迅速地; happily 高兴地; alone 单独; abroad 出国。 4. D country 国家;citi 城市;team 队伍;family 家庭。本段说 的是, 规模太小的家庭的孩子或许就会害羞。 这些孩子就不能形成与 来自大家庭的孩子一样的社交技

38、能。故选 D。 5. C duty 职责; safety 安全; technology 技术; education 教育。 从下文提及孩子宅在家里上网的信息知, 引起害羞的另外一个原因 是“科技”。故选 C。 6. B design 设计;spend 花费; collect 收集;save 拯救, 节省。 由于因特网的普及, 越来越多的人会花费很少的时间在外面与人交 流。故选 B。 7. D nod 点头;run 跑;jump 跳;speak 说。从上文“talking to people”知, 这里说的是“人们宅在家里上网, 他们就失去训练会 话的机会, 于是与新认识的人面对面说话可能就会使

39、得他们感到紧 张。”故选 D。 8. A difficult 困难的; safe 安全的; harmful 伤害的; surprising 令人惊讶的。根据常识, 害羞的人交朋友、上课发言甚至得到好工作 都会很难。故选 A。 9. C run into 闯入, 撞到; look for 寻找; get over 克服;depend on 依赖。害羞的人交友、说话都比较难, 但科学家说, 害羞的性格 是可以克服的。故选 C。 10. A 点拨: 考查形容词词义辨析。 new 新的; private 私有的; awful 可怕的, 糟糕的;heavy 重的。如果要克服害羞的性格, 科学家建议 去尝试新的事物并训练对话。故选 A。 十一、1. C 2. B 由后面的句子可知,Caitlin 了解了很多 Martin 的信息,由 此可推断 reveal 意为“透露”。故选 B。 3. C 4. D 由文章倒数第二段开头句子可知,在 Martin 到达美国之前, 他们保持写信 6 年了,而不是 5 年。故选 D。 5. A 本文主要讲述两个笔友的故事。故选 A。


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