外研版七年级下册英语Module8知识点 语法点 练习题(含答案).docx

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1、一、必背词汇 hair w:k n. 头发 gold uld n. 金色; 黄金; 金牌 forest frist n. 森林 once wns adv. 一次; 一回 upon pn, pn prep. 在上; 到上 decide disaid v. 决定 basket b:skit n. 篮子 notice ntis v. 注意到 dark d:k adj. 黑暗的 pick pik v. 采; 摘 soonsu:n adv. 立刻; 不久 lost lst adj. 迷路的 around rand prep. 环绕着 little litl adj. 小的 towards tw:dz p

2、rep. 往; 向; 朝方向 knocknk v. 敲 door d:(r) n. 门 answer:ns(r) v. 应门; 回答 pushp v. 推 enter ent(r) v. 进入 bowlbl n. 碗 知识图谱 Module 8 Story timeModule 8 Story time 知识精讲 hungry hgri adj. 感到饿的; 饥饿的 right rait adj.合适的; 恰当的 finish fini v. 吃完; 喝完; 用尽 either ai(r) adv. 也(不) piecepi:s n. 部件; 碎片; 一件/个/张 asleepsli:p ad

3、j. 睡着的 return rit:n v. 返回; 归还 crykrai v. 哭; 喊叫 pointpint v. 指向; 指 shoutat v. 高声说; 大声喊 jumpdmp v. 跳 withoutwiat prep. 无; 没有 part p:t n. 部分; 地区; 地方 二、重点词汇 1. decide verb /dsad/ to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities (尤指仔细考虑后)决定,决断,确定 例句: They have to decid

4、e by next Friday. 他们必须在下周五前作出决定。 It doesnt matter to me which one we have - you decide. 我不在乎给我们哪个你来决定吧 2. notice verb play B Did; play C Do; played D Did; played 随练随练 1.81.8 仿照例子完成句子 例子:Jack learned French at school but he didnt learn Russian. (1)He called Tom yesterday but he _ Mike. (2)They worked

5、 on Saturday but they _ on Sunday. (3)We watched a film today but we_ a film yesterday. (4)She used a pen but she _ a pencil. (5)You saw apple flees but you _ pear trees. 随练随练 1.91.9 句型转换 (1)My father will return to Beijing in two days. (改为同义句) My father will _ _ to Beijing in two days. (2)Lily went

6、 to the museum last weekend. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Lily go last weekend? (3)He played football this morning. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ he _ football this morning? _, he_. 随练随练 1.101.10 补全对话 A: Hi, Pete. _. B: Hi. Jenny. It looks funny. A: _. B: No, I dont. A: Well, I read something about it in a book. B: _. A: Its

7、Robots in the future. B: _. A: Of course. Some pictures are really interesting. You should read the book one day. B: _. 拓展拓展 1 1 -Who is knocking _ the door? -Maybe its a postman. A to B of C at D for 拓展拓展 2 2 Mary enjoys _ in the library. A to read B read C reading D reads 拓展拓展 3 3 The story begins

8、 _ “Long long ago”. A for B with C of D at 拓展拓展 4 4 单词拼写(词汇运用) (1)Weve got two bamboo _(篮子). (2)The boy _(大声喊)for help ten minutes ago. (3)Nobody was in when he _(进入)the hall. (4)Im not in Class 1 and they arent in Class 1 _(也). (5)He lives in a house _(没有)a garden. 拓展拓展 5 5 根据中文提示完成句子 1. 从前,有一个善良的渔

9、夫。 _ _ _ _, there was a kind fisherman. 2. 昨天我在机场没有遇到丽萨。 I _ _ Lisa at the airport yesterday. 3. 上周你们去海滩了吗? ADo you know anything about it? B Are there many robot pictures in it? CWhat do you think of the robot? DWhats the name of the book? EThat sounds great. 能力拓展 _ you _ _ the beach last week? 4.

10、那把椅子成了碎片,所以我把它扔了。 The chair was _ _, so I threw it away. 5. 玛丽觉得很累,坐在椅子上就睡着了。 Mary _ so _ that she _ _ on the chair. 拓展拓展 6 6 My parents arent at home. They _ London last week. A go to B went to C will go to D are going to 拓展拓展 7 7 -Did you play games last night? -_. I did my homework till eleven oc

11、lock. A Yes, I was B Yes, I did C No, I didnt D No, I wasnt 拓展拓展 8 8 完形填空 Do you like stories? Here is an old one. There was a man _1_ Qiang. He was a chess master(象棋能手)and he was _2_ playing chess. Qiang had two students. They wanted to _3_ chess from him. One of them listened to the teacher _4_ an

12、d always studied hard. And _5_ wasnt like that and he thought studying chess was very _6_. When he was in class, he _7_ listen to the teacher. He always though, What a sunny day! Ill go the forest. So he didnt know _8_ the class was about at all. The two students had the same _9_ and time. One learn

13、ed to be a famous chess player, but the other never learned much at all. Oh, my friends, what can you learn _10_ the story?. 拓展拓展 9 9 阅读理解 Helen Keller was a bright and beautiful girl. At the age of six months she could already say a few words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. Sh

14、e could not see or hear, and soon she could not even talk. When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. She learned to read the books for the blind(盲人). The teacher took Helen for long walks,

15、and told about all the beautiful things. Helen tried to learn. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story encouraged(鼓励)many blind and deaf people. 根据短文内容判断正误(T/F)。 (1)Helen Kel

16、ler could already say a few words at the age of six years old. (2)Helen couldnt see or hear later because she was badly ill. (3)Helen could begin to see and hear around her with the help of parents. (4)After she grew up, Helen became a famous writer. (5)Helens story encouraged those people in darkne

17、ss. 拓展拓展 1010 写作题 下面四幅图片描述了一个小故事。请你根据图片内容及所给词语提示写一篇 70 词左右的小 故事。 要求:语句规范、通顺,情节合理、完整。 play in the tree (1)Acall Bto call Ccalling Dcalled (2)Agood at Bcareful with Clate for Dbored with (3)Aplay Blearn Cbuy Dwatch (4)Asoon Bearly Ccarefully Dlater (5)Aother Bthe other Cothers Dthe others (6)Aeasy Bfr

18、ee Cright Dfantastic (7)Aisnt Bwasnt Cdoesnt Ddidnt (8)Awhy Bwhat Cwho Dwhen (9)Aboat Bfather Cteacher Dchess (10)Aat Bto Cfrom Dinto (fall into the river) (cry for help) (help out of the water) 答案解析答案解析 题模一:题模一:Module8 词汇应用词汇应用 例例 1.1.1 【答案】B 【解析】 考查动词固定搭配。根据句意:汤姆决定毕业之后做兼职工作。decide to do sth. “决定做某

19、事” ,故选 B。 例例 1.1.2 【答案】 1). hungry 2). forest 【解析】 考查本课重点核心词汇,根据提示和语境,填出相应单词。 题模二:一般过去时题模二:一般过去时-行为动词行为动词 例例 1.2.1 【答案】B 【解析】 考查实意动词过去时。根据句意:你上周末去哪了?我去了长城。last weekend为过去时标志,go的过去式为went,故选 B。 例例 1.2.2 【答案】 1). looked around Module 8 Story timeModule 8 Story time 题模精选 2). was in pieces 【解析】 考查动词过去式和固

20、定搭配,注意动词变过去式的规则。 随练随练 1.1 【答案】A 【解析】 考查动词固定搭配。根据句意:那位女士注意到她的女儿正在花园里跟狗狗玩。 notice sb. doing sth.“注意到某人正在做某事” ,故选 A。 随练随练 1.2 【答案】C 【解析】 考查动词固定搭配。decide to do sth.“决定做某事” ,故选 C。 随练随练 1.3 【答案】B 【解析】 考查形容词辨析。根据句意:里奥如此饿,以至于他冲进厨房,希望能够找到些 吃的东西。故选 B。 随练随练 1.4 【答案】 1. Once 2. pick 3. entered; notice 4. lost 5

21、. asleep 6. pointed 7. cry 随堂练习 8. saw 【解析】 考查本课重点词汇。根据提示填出对应单词。 随练随练 1.5 【答案】 (1)began with (2)died (3)emperor (4)uncomfortable (5)changes into 【解析】 (1)时间状语 this morning 可以理解为过去的时间。句意是:今天早上我们的英 语课以一直英语歌曲开始。 (2)时间状语是 two years ago。句意是:他的奶奶两年以前死于肺癌。 (3)根据句意“武则天是中国历史上唯一一位女皇帝”可知选 emperor。 (4)句意是:如果没有足够

22、的时间休息,汤姆会感觉不舒服的。根据句意可知应该用 comfortable 的反义词 uncomfortable 填空。 (5)句意是:冬天水经常变成冰。often 表示“经常”,用于一般现在时,主语 water 是第三人称 单数。 随练随练 1.6 【答案】C 【解析】 考查一般过去时。three years ago为过去时标志,start的过去式为started,故 选 C。 随练随练 1.7 【答案】B 【解析】 考查过去时实意动词的一般疑问句。过去时中,对实意动词提问用did,且did 之后的动词用原形,故选 B。 随练随练 1.8 【答案】 (1)didnt call (2)didn

23、t work (3)didnt watch (4)didnt use (5)didnt see 【解析】 观察例句可发现划线部分填的是 didnt+动原。 (1)called 的原形是 call。 (2)worked 的原形是 work。 (3)watched 的原形是 watch。 (4)used 的原形是 use。 (5)saw 的原形是 see。 随练随练 1.9 【答案】 (1)go; back (2)Where; did (3)Did; play; Yes; did 【解析】 (1)本句主要考察动词 return ,意思是“返回”,同义词是 go back,可以互相替换同 义句。 (

24、2)划线部分 the museum 表示地点,用 Where 提问,动词 went 是过去式,疑问句需要用 助动词 did。 (3)本句是一般过去时,一般疑问句需要用助动词 Did 开头,后面跟动词原形 play;肯定回答 是 Yes, he did. 随练随练 1.10 【答案】 CADBE 【解析】 从下文的“它看起来很有趣。”可知问的是对方对某东西的看法,“你觉得这个机 器人怎么样?” 从下文的回答可知是一个一般疑问句。“你对它有了解吗?” 从下文的回答可知问的是这本书叫什么名字。 从下文的回答“有些图片很有趣”,可知选 B“里面有很多机器人的画吗?” 故最后选 E“听起来不错。” 拓展

25、拓展 1 【答案】C 【解析】 考查介词的固定搭配。根据句意:谁在敲门?可能是邮递员。knock at the door“敲门” ,故选 C。 拓展拓展 2 【答案】C 【解析】 考查动词固定搭配。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事” ,故选 C。 拓展拓展 3 【答案】B 【解析】 考查介词固定搭配。根据句意:故意以“很久很久以前”开始。begin with“以 开始” ,故选 A。 能力拓展 拓展拓展 4 【答案】 (1)baskets (2)shouted (3)entered (4)either (5)without 【解析】 (1)篮子:basket,因为是两个篮子,所以用

26、名词复数形式。 (2)大声喊 shouted,符合句意。 (3)enter,进入,因为句子是一般过去时。 (4)否定句中,也用 either。 (5)without 没有,符合句意。 拓展拓展 5 【答案】 1. Once upon a time 2. didnt meet 3. Did; go to 4. in pieces 5. felt; tired; fell asleep 【解析】 考查本课中重点表达,注意时态和大小写问题。 拓展拓展 6 【答案】B 【解析】 考查实意动词的过去时。last week为过去时标志,go的过去式为went, 故选 B。 拓展拓展 7 【答案】C 【解析

27、】 考查过去时实意动词的否定。根据句意:昨晚你打游戏了么?并没有。 我昨天做作业做到 11 点。应该用否定,排除 AB;过去时中对实意动词提问用did,回答也 要用didnt,故选 C。 拓展拓展 8 【答案】 DABCB ADBCC 【解析】 (1)由 There was a man Qiang 可知,此处 called 被动语态,意为被叫作,被称作,这 有一个被叫做强的人。 (2)A、good at 擅长 B、careful with 对小心 C、late for 迟到 D、bored with 对.厌烦。由 he was playing chess. 他很擅长下象棋,A 选项符合题意。

28、(3)A、play 玩耍 B、learn 学习 C、buy 买 D、watch 看。They wanted to-chess from him。 他们想要向他学习下象棋,只有 B 选项符合文意。 (4)A、soon 不久 B、early 更早 C、carefully 小心的 D、later 最后。One of them listened to the teacher and always studied hard.他们其中的一个听老师讲课特别的仔细总是学的很刻 苦。 (5)the other 两者中的另一个,相当于 another。 两个学生一个学的很认真,另一个并不喜欢象 棋。 (6)A、

29、easy 简单 B、 free 空闲 C、 right 正确的 D、 fantastic 极好的。 he thought studying chess was-他认为学象棋非常的简单因此不认真听课。 (7)he listen to the teacher. 他认为很简单所以他不听讲。此处需要借助助动词来构成否定 陈述句,又因为通篇是一般过去时,所以用过去式。 (8)A、 why 为什么 B、 what 什么 C、 who 谁 D、 when 什么时候。 .So he didnt know the class was about at all. 所以他根本不知道这堂课是关于什么的。 (9)A、b

30、oat 船 B、father 爸爸 C、teacher 老师 D、chess 象棋。The two students had the same and time 两个学生有着相同的老师和时间。 (10)learn.from 从.中学到.what can you learn the story?你从这个故事中学到了什么? 拓展拓展 9 【答案】 (1)F (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)T 【解析】 (1)根据 At the age of six months she could already say a few words. 可知句子 描述错误。 (2)根据 But before she

31、 was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see or hear, and soon she could not even talk.可知句子正确。 (3)根据 With the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. 可知句子错误。 (4)根据 After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. 可知句子正确。 (5)根据文章最后以及

32、 Her first and famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story encouraged(鼓励)many blind and deaf people.可知句子正确。 拓展拓展 10 【答案】 Once upon a time, a monkey played in the tree near the river. It was happy and jumped again and again. Then, it fell into the river. It cried for help because it couldnt swim.

33、A dog happened to play near the river and saw it. The dog jumped into the river and helped the monkey out of the water. They became good friends later. 【解析】 1、理清图片内容,避免漏点偏题。 2、 从头开始讲述故事,组织好通顺的语句。 例如: one day, a monkey was playing on the tree when the wind came.the monkey was scared and cry. 3、故事内容要完整有条理


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