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1、读后续写专题 山东省临沂市 2021 届高三一模英语试题 第二节(满分 25分) 47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “I dont want to see that cat in our yard again,” my husband said as he drove the beautiful cat back into the neighbors yard. “Cats arent like dogs, honey. They are very independent and tend to move around wherever the

2、y please, especially if they are mousing,” I said. “Well, text our neighbor and let her know I don I appreciate her cat in our yard,” he insisted. Sighing, I sent off a quick text to our sweet neighbor, Cheryl, informing her of my husbands dislike of cats. “Ill do my best,” she replied sometime late

3、r, “but its kind of hard controlling where she goes when I let her outside.” The following morning, John stood at the picture window in our bedroom. Hed installed it so that I could watch the birds visiting our feeders. “You arent going to believe this,” he said. “Come look!” Slowly, I approached th

4、e window, praying Cheryls cat wasnt in our yard. “Oh, my God!” I cried. Seated side by side, right in the center of our yard, were two enormous groundhogs (土拨鼠). Wed observed groundhogs before, especially since our back yard backs, up to a wooded area, but never, had they been as brave as these two.

5、 John raised the window, and the two raced into the woods. That evening, I happened to glance out the picture window. Then something caught my eye in. the flowerbed beyond. “John, come quick!” Hurriedly, he entered the bedroom just in time to see one of the groundhogs chewing on the flowers wed plan

6、ted around the water fountain. “Why, it s eating every single blossom!” Again, John lifted the window, and the groundhog fled into the woods. “Hmmm, I better look up groundhogs on the computer and see just how destructive they can be.” Before he left the room, however, he saw something again. A grou

7、ndhog was chewing our vegetables in the center of the garden. Across the yard, wed planted a vegetable garden. Wed taken great pains to enclose the rows and rows of plants in chicken wire. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 “Somethings got to be done!” John shouted. _ _ I couldnt help smiling

8、 to myself as I went to search for my cellphone. _ _ 【答案】Paragraph 1: “Somethings got to be done!” John shouted. He went to start the computer in the other room. “It says here that groundhogs do not like cats. in fact, they hate the smell of soiled kitty litter.” I thought about the absence of our n

9、eighbors cat lately. “You know, I havent seen Cheryls cat mousing in our yard for some time. I wonder if thats the reason these groundhogs have gotten so brave.” John glanced in my direction. “You might have something there. Why dont you text Cheryl and let her know the eat ban has been removed.” Pa

10、ragraph 2: I couldnt help smiling to myself as I went to search for my cell phone. That evening, we spotted the sweet yellow cat moving around the border of our woods in search of mice. The groundhogs were nowhere in sight. “Its beautiful evening, isnt it?” My husband smiled as we sat on the sofa. T

11、he sunset painted the sky pink, purple and gold. I couldnt help sighing contentedly. Cheryls cat meowed in the distance. “You might say its absolutely perfect!” 山东省淄博市 2021 届高三下学期 3 月份一模英语试题 第二节(满分 25 分) 47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词 数应为 150 左右。 Mom was born in a small village, which

12、 is famous for paper-folding art, and Mom learnt how to make paper animals. In 1967, Mom went to Hong Kong, where she met Dad. They went to the suburbs of Connecticut later. Not knowing English, she was lonely until I was born. When I was young, Mom liked to make paper animals for me. She folded up

13、the paper, then lifted the paper packet to her mouth and blew into it. There in her hands was a little paper tiger. It seemed that the little tiger shared her breath. This was her magic. At my request, Mom also made a goat, a deer and even a shark. Mark, one of the neighborhood boys, came over with

14、his Star Wars action figure. I brought out the paper tiger. Mark examined the wrapping-paper pattern of the tigers skin. That doesnt look like a tiger. Is it a toy? I had never thought of that. But looking at it, it was really just a piece of wrapping paper. Later, Dad bought me a full set of Wars a

15、ction figures. I packed the paper animals in a shoebox and put them into the comer of the attic(阁楼). Once in a while, I would see Mom at the kitchen table making new paper animals. I caught them, pressed and then put them away in the box in the attic. Mom was also trying to learn to speak English, b

16、ut her accent and broken sentences embarrassed me. I tried to correct her. but in vain. Eventually. I stopped talking with her. For years, I paid no attention to Mom until one day my Dad called and told me that Mom was in hospital. Dad and I stood, one on each side of Mom. She turned to me, Jack, ju

17、st keep that box with you, and you will find it so important. She died several days later. Dad aged raw after that. The house was too big for him and had to be sold. My girlfriend Susan and I went to help him pack and clean the place. Susan found the shoebox in the attic. _ _ I unfolded the paper ti

18、ger and found several lines of Chinese characters written by my mother. _ _ 【答案】Susan found the shoebox in the attic .It was covered with dust. Susan Cleaned and removed the cover . The paper animals hidden in the darkness of the attic for so long had been dusty and the bright paper patterns had fad

19、ed. Susan held the paper animals carefully and admired. She was amazed at them , “ I have never seen such creative works .Your mom was an amazing artist.” In my memories the paper animals would jump and run. But now I found they couldnt move. I picked up the paper tiger. I unfolded the paper tiger a

20、nd found several lines of Chinese characters written by my mother. But I could not read Chinese. I only recognized the word “son” in Chinese. I knew it was a letter to me written by my mother. I posted the photo of the letter on Facebook in hope that somebody could read it for me .In no time it rece

21、ived some comments ,which said it was life story of my mother . One translated it into English. Reading the letter ,I couldnt help sobbing. Through my misty eyes, I read, “wo ai ni ,baobei.”Which means, “ I love you, my son” . I cried out , “I love you, mom. I miss you , mum.” 【解析】 【分析】本文以母亲折的纸兽为线索,

22、讲述母亲深沉的爱。而儿子却一度嫌弃母亲,不和母亲说 话。母亲去世后,作者发现纸兽的背面是妈妈写给自己的信,作者悔恨不已。 【详解】1.段落续写: 由第一段首句内容“Susan 发现了阁楼上的那个鞋盒子。”可知,第一段可描写打开鞋盒子,看到 那些幼年母亲为他叠的折纸动物,童年回忆。 由第二段首句内容“我把那只纸老虎展开,发现了几行妈妈写下的中国文字。”可知,第二段可描 写作者读信的内容,及读信之后的心理描写。 2.续写线索:打开鞋盒看到纸兽回忆纸老虎展开发现文字信的内容想念妈妈。 3.词汇激活 行为类 打开盒子:open the shoebox/remove thee cover 拿起纸兽:pi

23、ck up /hold/ take up .上传网络:post/ share/upload 情绪类 欣赏:amazing / wonderful/magical .悔恨:regret / cry 【点睛】高分句型 1. The paper animals hidden in the darkness of the attic for so long had been dusty and the bright paper patterns had faded.(hidden 动词过去分词短语作后置定语) 高分句型 2. In no time it received some comments ,

24、 which said it was life story of my mother .(which 引导非限制性定语从句) 山东日照市 2021 届高三 3 月第一次模拟考试英语试题 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 When there was news that a storm was coming,Sarah didnt think much about itShe simply shrugged it off like any other normal day When she went to the grocery

25、 store and saw that it was full, she still didnt worry People ran like mad between aisles(过道),grabbing what they couldBare shelves and long lines made Sarah chuckle(窃笑)They must be overreacting,she thought On her way home,she looked overheadDark clouds were indeed formingAnd they seemed to be moving

26、 quickly across the skyStill,Sarah was not botheredThe rain would be nice since it had been warm lately When she got home,Sarah made popcorn and sat on the sofa with her dog,Cooper,and got ready to watch a movieJust as she hit play on the remote,she heard the thunderRain started to come down hard,ma

27、king it almost impossible to see the trees in her front yard through the windowCooper immediately jumped from the sofa,barking in fear in the corner “Its OK ”Sarah said She moved to one side and saw Cooper looked a bit nervous Sarah turned off the movie and instead skipped to the local news stationT

28、he storm was much more serious than she had thoughtPeople in a nearby city even said they spotted a tornadoThe reporter advised people to stay inside and secure all of the doors and windows Sarah got up and began making her way around the houseCooper followed close behind as she checked a11 of the w

29、indows to make sure they were all fully closed By the time she got back to her sofa, the rain had stopped“That wasnt so bad,”Sarah said aloud“Just a nice shower” She turned to cooper,who had gone back to the corner and still looked a bit frightenedShe looked outsideIt was actually very calm,but she

30、could see that the wind was picking upThe branches of the trees were swinging and the garbage bin had tipped over 注意: 1续写词数应为 150 左右; 2请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 山东省济宁市 2021 年高考一模英语试题 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I was in my room, unwilling to head to the community theatre with “my bro

31、ther” Henry. He was just adopted by my parents recently. I was not in the mood for being onstage with him. “Kirstie, come here, my mom called. Following her voice, I found her outside the bathroom, holding a wet book. She gave the book a shake. Henrys book was in the bathtub. Did you put it there?”

32、She glared at me, something she never did before Henry came to our home. I didnt wet his book on purpose. Tears of hurt clouded my eyes. Worse still, she promised to buy him a new copy. My heart ached. Henry was stealing my mothers love. He was ruining my life. Meanwhile, Henry was just nearby, abso

33、rbed in working on a complicated rope knot (绳结)as usual. Why did a boy like him do the girly work? Far from manly! Soon, it was time to have to set off to the community theatre. As Henry walked ahead of us to the car, my mom took me aside and said in a low voice, Its the first time for Henry to be o

34、nstage. Be kind to him, Honey. I nodded but sighed. Being kind didnt use to be hard. But after Henry moved in, everything felt different. The theatre used to be a special place for my parents and me. With Henry involved, it didnt Obviously,a storm was on its way Trapped at home,Sarah wondered how sh

35、e could survive seem so special any more. Finally, it was our stage time. My heart beat wildly. I forgot my annoyance at Henry for a while. As we kids lined up, ready to act out our short play, I realized how loosely I had tied the drawstring (束带) on my skirt. Sure enough, my skirt began to drop. La

36、ughter from the audience could be heard, and even though I was wearing shorts under my skirt, I could feel my face burst into flames. However, my hands were full. If only someone could help me out! 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 第二节 Right then, Henry sensed my embarrassment. He immediatel

37、y came to my aid. He pulled up my skirt and skillfully tied the drawstring with a beautiful knot. Seeing what Henry did for me, something deep in my mind began to change. It seemed as if my cold heart began to melt slowly and my annoyance at him gradually gave way to guilt. I regretted having treate

38、d him as a stranger. While my mind was wandering, our performance time came. It turned out a great success, thunderous applause filling the whole theatre. After the performance, I found Henry and tapped him on the arm gratefully. “Thanks,” I said with a grateful smile on my face. I had to admit that

39、 but for his timely help, I would have been extremely embarrassed. Without his knotting skill, the performance would have been quite different. “KNOT a problem. You are my sister,” he grinned innocently, saying humorously. Surrounded by the cheerful atmosphere, I felt a flood of warmth of a big fami

40、ly. Maybe it wouldnt be so bad to have a new person in my corner of the world after all. 山东省潍坊市 2021 届高三 3 月高考模拟英语试题 第二节第二节(满分满分 25 分分) 47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文. Our friendship runs back to our college days when I first met Rishi. We had our own share “ first impression about each ot

41、her. Mine wasshes a lovely, charming and full of life personality. Hers wasI look like an arrogant personality. I dont blame her for this. Many of my close friends had the same view when they first met me. Blame it on my bitch face and me being a shy person to some extent. Right then, Henry sensed m

42、y embarrassment. After the performance, I found Henry and tapped him on the arm gratefully. We became really close within a short period of time. Ours was group of four people divided into 2 each during our final year when we both chose advertising as our specialization and the other two journalism.

43、 Back then, I was a regular user of BBM messenger and hardly used Whatsapp. On one specific occasion, we had really bad argument about a failed project. The usual blame game was on. We decided to put it past us and focus on our studies. During this time, she once handed me her phone to show me a pic

44、ture. While I was going through that, I came across a message from a particular Whatsapp group that comprises of her and my other two friends. I asked her permission to view the group. She had a blank expression on her face. But she allowed me to go ahead. I was in shock while going through their me

45、ssages. Not really positive things were said about me in particular. It shook me. Because these were the people. I considered my friends. I broke down in front of her. She apologised. But I felt cheated on. I told her about my decision of not wanting to continue this friendship further. We both miss

46、ed each other. But neither of us wanted to give the last try. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Then came the Rajasthan IV trip which was our official last trip. _ _ _ _ Its been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship. _ _ _ _ 【答案】Para 1: Then come the Rajasthan IV trip which was our official last trip. I hanged out with my other friends while she with the other two girls. I wasnt enjoying this trip al all, which she could make out. When she saw me approaching the common washroom, she followed me in


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