人教版七年级下册英语Unit9知识清单+习题 (含答案).docx

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1、1 7 下 Unit 9 What does he look like? 一、一、必会单词必会单词: curly adj 卷曲的 straight adj.直的 tall adj.高的 medium adj 中等的 height n 身高;高度 thin adj 瘦的 heavy adj.重的 tonight advn(在)今晚;(在)今夜 little adj 小的 may modal v 也许;可能;可以 cinema n.电影院 glasses (pl.)n.眼镜 later adv 以后 handsome adj 英俊的 actor n.演员 actress n 女演员 person

2、n.人 nose n 鼻子 blonde adj (头发)金黄色的 mouth n.嘴 round adj.圆形的 face n.脸 singer n.歌手 put v 放 artist n.艺术家 crime n 犯罪活动 criminal n 罪犯 describe v 描述 each adj.pron 每个;各自 way n 方式,路线 another adj.pron 另一;又一 differently adv.不同地 end n 结尾,尽头 real adj.真正的;真实的 jeans n 牛仔裤 二、常考短语:二、常考短语: short hair 短发 long hair 长发 c

3、urly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 (be) of medium height 中等身高 a little 有点儿,一点,少量 look like 看起来像 a big nose 大鼻子 a small mouth 小嘴巴 a round face 圆脸 black hair 黑发 big eyes 大眼晴 a long face 长脸 the same way 同样的方式 in the end 最后 blonde hair 金黄色的头发 wear glasses 戴眼镜 first of all 首先 What does/do+主语+ look like?长什么样?

4、sb.+be+of+ medium height 某人中等身高 sb.+have/has+hair 某人留着发 want to do sth.想要做某事 tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事 三、三、基本句型:基本句型: 1.-what does he look like? -Hes really tall 2. Is he short or tall? 3. Are you going to the movie tonight? 4. Hes of medium height 5. She has long straight hair 6. They tell him wha

5、t the criminal looks like 四、四、重点语法:重点语法: (一一) 、) 、询问询问和描述和描述某人的外貌特征某人的外貌特征 1.询问长相询问长相 句型: What+do/ does+主语+ look like? 此处 like 是 prep,“像,像一样” What do you look like?你长什么样? What does he look like?他长什么样? 2.描述长相描述长相 回答时常用描述外貌的形容词,可用“主语+be 动词+形容词”句式,也可用“主语+have/has+形容 词+名词”句式进行描述。 He/ She is tall/short/t

6、hin/heavy 他/她是高的/矮的/疲的/胖的。 He/ She is of medium height.他/她中等身高。 He/She has long/short/curly/straight hair 他/她留着长/短/卷/直发。 2 拓展拓展:在英语中,询问性格、品质 通常用“What+be 动词+主语+like?的句式。 -What is your new teacher like?你的新老师是什么样的人? -She is very strict 她很严厉。 (二二) 、描述性形容词、描述性形容词 1.形容词的定义 用来说明、修饰名词或代词,表示人或物的性质、特征或状态。 2.形

7、容词的用法 在句中作定语、表语或宾语补足语等。 She is a beautiful girl.她是一个漂亮的姑娘。(定语) The game is quite interesting 这个游戏相当有趣。(表语) We must keep the classroom clean 我们必须保持教室千净。(宾语补足语) 3.多个形容词的排列顺序排列顺序 英语中,当名词前有多个形容词修饰时,这些形容词的排列顺序通常遵循一定的规则,不得随意调换。 基本顺序基本顺序:限定词限定词(冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等冠词、指示代词、物主代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性形容词表示观点的描述性形容词+形状、大小

8、、长短、高低形状、大小、长短、高低+年龄、年龄、 新旧新旧+颜色颜色+国籍、地区国籍、地区+物质材料物质材料+中心词。中心词。 that big round apple 那个又大又圆的苹果 an expensive new Japanese sports car 一辆昂贵的新型日本跑车 a tall medical worker位高个子医务工作者 口诀一口诀一:限观形龄色国材限观形龄色国材 口口诀二诀二:大小、形状、描述性,年龄、颜色后跟定,产地、材料和用途,先后顺序已排清。大小、形状、描述性,年龄、颜色后跟定,产地、材料和用途,先后顺序已排清。 拓展:拓展:各类形容词各类形容词 1.情绪类情

9、绪类 happy 开心的 sad 伤心的/angry 生气的 up 情绪高涨的 down 沮丧的 worried 担忧的 relaxed 放松的 interested 感兴趣的 bored 无聊的 sorry 抱歉的 glad 乐意的 surprised 吃惊的 2.性格类性格类 lazy 懒惰的 active 积极的 shy 害羞的 outgoing 外向的 polite 有礼貌的 rude 粗鲁的 funny 滑稽的,有趣的 serious 严肃的 lively 活泼的 boring 无聊的 strict 严格的 kind 和蔼的 clever 聪明的 stupid 愚蠢的 noisy 吵

10、闹的 quiet 安静的 careful 细心的 careless 粗心的 lovely 可爱的 brave 勇敢的 proud 骄傲的 honest 诚实的 3 状态类状态类 poor 贫穷的 rich 富裕的 quiet 安静的 noisy 吵闹的 tired 疲劳的 relaxed 放松的 small 小的 big 大的 full 饱的 hungry 饥饿的 famous 著名的 good 好的 lonely 孤单的 alone 独自的 alive 活着的 awake 醒着的 soft 柔和的 weak 虚弱的 4.身体状况类身体状况类 ill 生病的 healthy 健康的 stron

11、g 强壮的 weak 虚弱的 worse 更坏的 better F 更好的 5.外貌特征类外貌特征类 young 年轻的 old 年长的 lovely 可爱的 ugly 丑陋的 fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 heavy 重的 light 轻的 strong 强壮的 weak 虚弱的 blind 盲的 deaf 聋的 handsome 英俊的 6.天气类天气类 nice 好的 bad 坏的/ terrible 恶劣的 cool 凉爽的 warm 暖和的 rainy 有雨的 fine 晴朗的 windy 有风的 (三三) 、选择疑问句、选择疑问句 结构结构: (1)“一般疑问句+or+选择部分”

12、Is your friend a boy or a girl? 你的朋友是男孩儿还是女孩儿? (2)“特殊疑问句+A or B When do you usually get up, at six oclock or seven oclock?你通常几点钟起床,六点还是七点? 回答回答: 选择疑问句不能不能用 yes 或 no 来回答。 - Does she have short or long hair?她留着短发还是长发? -She has long hair.她留着长发。 练习题练习题: 3 1. -What does your sister_? -She is tall and has

13、 short black hair. A. look at B. look for C. like D. look like 2. -What does he look like? -_ A Hes a student B. He likes apples C. He is fine D. He is tall and thin 3. Please tell me what your uncle_like A. does look B. is look C. looks D. look 4. Miss Green has_hair A. beautiful short blonde strai

14、ght B. beautiful short straight blonde C short beautiful straight blonde D. curly beautiful blonde short 5. She_ short and she_ medium build. A. has: is B. is: has of C. has: has D. is: is of 6. Jeff, clean your bedroom. Dont be so_ A. shy B lazy C brave 五、知识点五、知识点拓展:拓展: 1. 教材教材(50 页)页) Yeah,but I m

15、ay be a little late.对,但是我可能会晚到一点。对,但是我可能会晚到一点。 本句中的 may 是情态动词,接动词原形,意为“可能;或许” ,表示推测。 -Where is Man?玛丽在哪里? -Im not sure. She may be in the library.我不确定。她可能在图书馆。 其他用来表推测表推测的情态动词: must:用在肯定句中,语气较为强烈,可译为”一定:肯定” might: 表示不确定,可译为“或许;也许” can: 用在否定句中,cant 可译为“不可能” She walks for long, so she must be hungry.她

16、走了很长时间,所以她一定饿了。 The man may be our new teacher.那个男人可能是我们的新老师。 He cant be Tom. Tom has gone to Beijing.他不可能是汤姆。汤姆去北京了。 2.辨析辨析 may be “情态动词+be 动词”结构,在句子中作谓语,意为“也许是” He may be a teacher 他也许是个教师。 maybe 副词,常用于句首,作状语,意为“也许” ,同义词是 perhaps Maybe he is a teacher. 也许他是个教师。 含义含义 意义意义 所修饰的词所修饰的词 few 几乎没有 否定 可数名

17、词复数 a few 些,少数 肯定 可数名词复数 little 几乎没有 否定 不可数名词 a little 少量 肯定 不可数名词 She has few friends, so she often feels lonely.她几乎没有朋友,所以她经常觉得孤独。 There are a few coins in my pocket.我的口袋里有几枚硬币 I have little time for reading.我没有多少时间看书。 Dont worry. We can get there on time. We still have a little time.别担心,我们能按时到那里。

18、我们还有一些时间。 3.(教材(教材 51)What does your favorite actor or actress look like?你最喜欢的男演员或女演员长什么样你最喜欢的男演员或女演员长什么样? actor 名词,意为“(男)演员”; actress 意为“女演员” 。 actor 是由动词 act 加后缀 or 构成的。在英语构词法构词法中,动 词加后缀-or 通常变为名词,表示动作的执行者。类似的单词有 visitor“参观者” inventor“发明家”等 英语构词法中,还有动词加后缀-er 变为名词的,也表示动作的执行者。 teacher“教师” , reader“读

19、者” , worker“工人” singer“歌手,歌唱家”等。 在英语构词法中,还有名词、动词和形容词加后缀-ist 变为名词的,表示“从事的专家” 。 artist“艺术家, tourist 旅行家, scientist“科学家” specialist“专家”等。 4.(教材(教材 53 页)页) He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal each 与 every 都有“每个”的意思,但二者含义及语法功能不同,主要区别是: (1)each:同时具有 adj 和 pron 词性,在句中可以作定语、主语、宾语、同位语。 Each stud

20、ent has his own dictionary.(定语) 每个学生都有自己的词典。 Each has his good point.(主语)每个人都有优点。 4 He had a talk with each of us.(宾语) 他和我们每个人都谈了话。 The students each have a desk.(同位语,不影响谓语动词的单复数)学生们每人有一张书桌。 (2)each 与 every 都可在句中作定语,every 只有 adj 词性,但 each 更强调个人或个别, every 更强调全体或全部。 I know each member of your family 我

21、认识你们家的每个成员。 I know every member of your family 我认识你们家的每个成员。 (3)each 指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”; every 是指许多人或事物的“全体” ,与 all 的意思相近。试译: 这条街上每边都有很多商店。 误: There are many shops on every side of the street 正: There are many shops on each side of the street 注意注意:each 作主语或 each、 every 修饰的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词为单数单数形式。但如果 ea

22、ch 作同位语时 它并不影响谓语动词的单复数。 Each/Each person/Every person is living a happy life now 现在,人人都过着幸福的生活。 We each love the pop singer.我们每个人都喜欢那位流行歌手。 六、六、单元习题:单元习题: 1. 根据句意及汉语提示,填写句中所缺的单词。Mary has curly hair and she is of medium_(高度) 2.-_? -He is of medium build and has straight hair. A. What does his uncle d

23、o B. What does his uncle look like C. What can his uncle do D. What is his uncle doing 3. Excuse me, could you tell me_? A. where the restrooms are B. where are the restrooms C. where the restrooms 4. We cant do it that way-but whether it will work is _matter A. other B. another C. each D. every 5.

24、根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出单词的完全形式(限填一词)。 This kind of thing only happens in films, not in r_ life 1. I dont like this book. Can you show me_? A. other one B another one C one another D one other 2.-Is he tall_ short? -He is short. A. or B and C but D with 3. He always_ white shoes A. in B have on C. wears D.

25、puts on 4. There is a bookshop _of the street. A. in the end B. at the end C by the end D. to the end 5. The boy_ black hair _a blue coat A. has; has B with; in C has: wears D with; wears 6. Jim has_ curly hair A a B an C./ D. the 7. -I cant see the things there -You can wear your_ A. glasses B swea

26、ter C hat D shoes 8. He joins the art club in his school. He wants to be an _ A actor B. actress C artist D athlete 9. I have two children. Each of them_ his own room A. have B has C. having D. to have 10. The new student is_ quiet A. a little B. a little of C. a few D. few 用所给单词的适当形式填空 26. He is a

27、great_ (act) 27. Who is your favorite_(sing)? 28. My father is leaving for Beijing an hour_(late) 29. Whats the_ (high )of the tall building? 30. Each person thinks_ ( different )of the movie 1. -_? -She is tall and thin A. What is Mrs. Brown B. What does Mrs. Brown do C. What does Mrs. Brown look l

28、ike D. What does Mrs. Brown like 2. - Do you go to school by bus or by bike? -_. Its good exercise. A By bus B By bike C Yes, I do D No, I dont 3. -What is your plan for this summer holiday? -I_ a summer camp in the United States A join B am going to join C joined D joining 4. -Wow. another gift! Wh

29、ats in the box? -Im not sure. It_be a pair of sports shoes A must B may C will 5.根据汉语意思完成句子。 她中等身材,长头发。She_ and has long hair 6. - Do they describe the same person _? -Yes, they have_ descriptions 5 A different: different B different; differently C differently; different D differently: differently 7

30、. 根据汉语意思完成句子。最后,他们爬上了山顶。_,they climbed to the top of the mountain 8. -David, are you reading or watching TV now? -_ A Im reading B Im thirteen C Yes. I am D No. he isnt 9. -The river is very dirty. _people want to swim in it -We should do something to save it A. A few B Little C. Few D. A little 10.

31、 We each_ strong points and each of us_ weak points. A have: have B has: have C has: has D have: has 七、书面表达七、书面表达 假如你的弟弟叫丁洋,请根据以下信息,写篇短文,介绍他的外貌特征、性格及爱好等。 姓名 丁洋 年龄 8 岁 班级 二年级三班 外貌 个高,但不胖,留着短发,喜欢穿白色 T 恤衫和黑裤子 性格 外向 爱好 乒乓球球迷,喜欢在电视上看乒乓球比赛 _ _ _ _ _ _ 八、参考答案八、参考答案 四、四、1-6DDCBD B 六、六、1-5 height BAB real 1-

32、5BACBD 6-10CACBA 26-30 actor singer later height differently 1-5CBBB is of medium height 6-10C In the end ACD 七七、 My brother I have a little brother. His name is Ding Yang. He is eight years old. He looks like me. He is really tall but not fat. He has short hair. He likes wearing a white T-shirt and

33、 black trousers. He is in Class Three, Grade Two. He is outgoing, so he has many good friends. He studies very hard. His teachers often say, Ding Yang is a good student He is a ping-pong fan. He likes watching ping pong matches on TV. His favorite ping-pong player is Zhang Jike He often helps me to do something. I love him very much .


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