冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 3 More About Me-Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:91947).doc

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1、Lesson 16: How Do You Go to School? 教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)第四册第三单元(All about me)的第 4 个新授课,Lesson16:How do you go to school? 经过 一年半的学习, 四年级下学期孩子们学习的重点逐渐过渡到各种基本 句型。本单元前面三课分别学习了关于年龄、身高、住处的句子,本 课教材以 How do you go to school?为切入点,重点学习关于出行方式 的交流:询问别人、介绍自己的出行方式。 二、学生分析: 孩子们经过一年半的学习,基本了解了字母:26 个字母及常见

2、 字母组合的发音规则, 词汇的学习方法: 单词音形意用的结合、 音节、 重音及不同词类(名、动、数、形、冠等)的用法特点,初步体会英 语句子的语序与汉语的不同,但对于句子结构及变化还比较陌生。本 课内容对于孩子们来说并不陌生,Book3 L16 已学习过四种出行方式 by bus, by car, by bike, by taxi 和句子: How do you go to school? I go to school by _? 另一种出行方式 on foot /walk,dives me 及选择此种 出行方式的原因表述学生相对陌生。但我校学生学习英语较早,一二 年级有了两年的口语学习,还有

3、近 1/3 有课外学习经历或正在进行, 这些内容对于他们可能都不陌生。 基于以上分析,本课时目标制定如下。 三、教学目标: 1、知识技能目标: A. 学生能够运用所学句型 Do you walk to school? How do you go to school? I go to _ by_ / on foot.询问、 表达适合自己的出行方式。 B. 学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运用所学句子 介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school

4、by_ / on foot. 2、 文化目标: 尝试了解不同地区人们选择不同出行方式:山区孩子、牧民(草原) 、 江南居民及西方国家等。 3、学习策略目标: 学生知道句子的变化是有规律可循的,并引导尝试找出这些规 律: A.和人称变化的关系; B.不同句式之间的关系等。 初步构建“单词短语句子”的建构学习模式。 4.情感态度目标: 通过寻找句子规律及了解不同人们的出行方式,引导学生体会 英语学习是有规律可循的,English is easy! 及交流开阔自己的眼界 English is fun! 四、教学重难点: 1、教学重点:学生能够运用所学句型 Do you walk to school?

5、 How do you go to school? I go to _ by_ / on foot.询问、表达适合自己的 出行方式。 2、教学难点:学生知道句子的变化是和人称有关系的,并能尝试运 用所学句子介绍和询问他人的出行方式:Does he/she walk to school? How does he/she go to school? He/she goes to school by_ / on foot. 五、教学过程 Class Opening Greetings: Good morning , Miss Wang! Good morning, boys and girls! F

6、ree Talk: 1. Whats your name? Nice to meet you! Where do you live? Do you live nearfar from the school? 2. Make sentences with “How”. Write the title: How do you go to school? Presentation 1. Lets chant: How do you go to school? By bus, by bus. How do you go to school? By bike, by bike. How do you g

7、o to school? By car, by car. How do you go to school? On foot, on foot. 2. Ask and answer: The teacher asks “How do you go to school?” The students try to answer the question with “I go to school” Then the students try to ask and answer. Practice with the pictures on the blackboard. 3. Pair Work: Th

8、e students make a dialogue with “How do you go to school?” and “I go to school” 4. Use the pictures and CAI to present “I live near far from the school.” Lead the student to say “I live near the school. I go to school on foot.” and “I live far from the school. I go to school by bus.” 5. Learn two ne

9、w sentences: I ride my bike. My dad drives me. 6. Listen to the tape. a. Listen and answer the questions. b. Listen and check. c. Listen and repeat. 7. Read the dialogue in the book with their partners. 8. Ask the classmates “How do you go to school?”. Fill in the blanks and exchange the answers. 9. Group Work: Make sentences with the words and present. 10. Writing: Fill in the blanks and present. Homework Try to write a short passage to introduce themselves.


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