冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 4 Good Habits-Lesson 22 Go to Bed Early!-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a047b).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Good Habits_Lesson 22 Go to Bed Early!_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a047b)
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Lesson22GotoBed Early earlyright gladhear spendbe rightnow review Eatingvegetablesand fruitisagoodhabit. Doingexerciseisa goodhabit Helpingothersisa goodhabit Goodhabits Doyouknowanyothers goodhabits? Eg: 1.Eatinglittlefruitisabadhabit 2.Goingtobedlateisabadhabit Canyoutellmeanybadhabits? Badhabits LiuBoisastudentingrade5. Hefeelsillthesedays. Buthedontknowwhy. Canyoutellhim? Givinghimsomeadvice(建议 ): Heshould HiIamLiuBo,Im13years old.Ilikevegetablesand fruitverymuch.I usuallygetupearlyinthe morning.ButIdontgoto bedearly,becauseIliketo playcomputergames.My motherletmeto exercise,butIthinkitistoo tired. Goodhabits Badhabits Habits 1.exerciseisagoodhabit. 2.breakfasteverydayisagoodhabit. 3.Eatinghealthyfoodisagoodhabit. 4.Goingtobadearlyisagoodhabit. 5.Helpingothersisagoodhabit. Doing Having 吃健康的食物是一个好的习惯 早睡是一个好的习惯 帮助其他人是一个好的习惯 Weshouldhave goodhabits.onlyin thisway,wecan keepourbody healthyandstrong. Writeashortpassageto introduceyourhabits.Go to bed early” 教学设计 1 教材分析: 本课教学内容为五年级下册第四单元第二十二课本课介绍了好坏 习惯。通过了解好坏习惯的内容,作用以及表达习惯,使他们在轻 松、愉快的气氛中达到语言学习,养成良好习惯的目的。 学生分析 : 本节授课对象是五年级的学生。该年龄阶段的孩子天真、活泼, 喜乐好动,具有强烈的表现欲和求知欲。他们有一定的英语基础, 有一定的预习能力,具有自己动手搜集信息的能力,这就要求老师 为他们提供一个开放而富有活力的课堂,这个开放需要融合,让英 语语言的学习和实践贯穿于多个学科的活动中,借助信息技术等多 种手段尽量给他们提供真实的语言情境,使他们在这个情境中把所 学的知识淋漓尽致的体现出来。 教具准备 : 1. 教学图片 2. 多媒体教学课件 课时安排 第二课时 教学目标: 知识目标: 掌握好坏习惯的表达,动名词作主语的知识感知 能力目标: 能灵活表达,掌握所学句型并灵活运用。 情感目标: 孩子们能了解并区分好坏习惯,在生活中树立培养良好习惯的想法 重难点突破(整合点) 1.利用电脑课件来出示一些与好坏习惯有关的内容。了解相关内容 表达 2.让学生帮助刘波来找出生病的原因,从而练习句型的表达 教学流程: Step1.warming up 1、Greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls. S: Hello! Teacher. T: Nice to see you! S:Nice to see you! T: How is the weather today? S: Today is. Step2 New Concepts 1、Review the words: Show the words and let them read it one by one 2、new teaching Show the sentences of good habits. Read it some times and translate it. 3、answer question Do you know any others good habits? (让学生通过回答问题来练 习动名词作主语句型的表达)。 4、show some bad habits and talk about it. Step3、practice 1、解决问题小能手 Liu Bo is a student in grade 5. He feels ill these days. But he dont know why. Can you tell him? Giving him some advice(建议): He should 阅读材料:Hi I am Liu Bo,Im 13 years old. I like vegetables and fruit very much. I usually get up early in the morning .But I dont go to bed early , because I like to play computer games.My mother let me to exercise,but I think it is too tired. 2、good habits and bad habits 让学生将所给的句子贴到相应的位置,用来区分好坏习惯,及让学 生巩固重点句型。 3、practice Do some exercise Step4:拓展 We should have good habits.only in this way ,we can keep our body healthy and strong Step5:homework Write a short passage to introduce your habits. 板书设计: Go to bed early Eating vegetables and fruit is a good habit. Doing exercise is a good habit Helping others is a good habit
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