冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 2 Seasons-Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:20f17).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Seasons_Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:20f17)
    • Seasons of the Year.flv
    • Seasons of the Year.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案20f17.doc--点击预览


Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year season 四季(复数形式) 季节 s How many seasons are there in a year? 一年中有几个季节? There are four seasons. 一年中四个季节。 summer winter spring autumn seasons Different Different seasonsseasons Different Different weatherweather 不同季节 不同天气 spring warm It is warm in spring! 温暖的 summer hot 热的 It is hot in summer. autumn cool 凉爽的 It is cool in autumn. In winter Many trees dont have any leaves winter cold 寒冷的 It is cold in winter. 1. How many seasons are there in a year?(一年中有几个季节?) 2. Hows the weather in different seasons?(不同的季节中天气是怎样 的?) What is your favorite season?Why? 说说你最喜欢的季节是什么? 为什么呢? Discussion:(讨论 ) Class is over ! Class is over ! Good bye !Good bye ! 退出Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year Teaching Aims : 1、Help students grasp the 4-skill words : season、spring、summer、autumn、winter . 2、Help students grasp the patterns : What season is it?(spring / summer / autumn/winter) Whats the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter? It is warm/hot/cool/cold in spring/summer/autumn/winter. Key-points and Difficult-points : 1、Help each students grasps the 4-skill words . 2、Help some of them learn to describe the change of seasons. 3、Enable students to use the patterns fluently correctly . Teaching tools: 1、computer. 2、the pictures of season . 3、the word-cards of describing seasons / weather. Teaching methods : TPR(全身动作反应法) Object teaching(直观法), Competition(竞赛法)etc . TeachingTeaching StepsSteps : : StepStep 1 1 : : WarmingWarmingupup andand RevisionRevision(热身和复习) 1、Greetings & Everyday English : What day is it today ? Whats the date today ? Whats the weather like today? etc 2、Teacher act and students say : cold , warm , hot , cool. 3、Use the word-cards , review all the weather words . (设计意图:设计意图:通过演演猜猜,比赛读词两个活动,既快有效地复习了表示天气 的所有单词,为后面的新课呈现作了充分铺垫。 ) Step 2 : Presentation : (新课呈现)(新课呈现) 1、Look at the season pictures and talk about the weather .Teacher ask students as show the pictures and write the seasons one by one as the following on the blackboard : T: Look at the picture . I have two questions: How many seasons are there in a year? Whats the weather like in these seasons? 2、Student speak after teacher once more and check some groups and some students. 3、Lets chant !(学唱歌谣) (Look at the screen.) (设计意图设计意图:这首歌谣韵感强、节奏轻快、受到孩子的喜爱,很好地操练并巩 固了本课的教学重点, 突破了难点.) 4、Ask for some volunteers to come to the front of the blackboard, and find out the word-cards of describing seasons, then put up these cards under the season picture cards. (设计意图:设计意图:让学生看不同季节的图片,并说说“天气现象、自然景色”教师 很自然地引出新单词,新的语言表达,学生易于接受,再通过老师张贴出来的 季节图片,学生上台来将描述这个季节的词语卡片找出来贴在相应处等活动, 学生乐于操练,达到寓教于乐的目的。 ) 5、Book opens on P18. Lets learn No .1 of this lesson .(Ask some students try to read. (设计意图:设计意图:让学生明确今天所学的内容,并学会看英语书,同时也起到了对 所学内容的检测反馈作用。 ) Step 3 : Lets play ( 玩玩练练玩玩练练单词闪卡等单词闪卡等 ) Ask and answer in groups : What season is it? Whats the weather like in spring / ?(Pointing to“warm、cool、hot、cold”on the blackboard) Step 4: Draw and guess(画画猜猜)(画画猜猜) Lets find out : ( Draw picture one by one on the screen ) (动画的形 式), then practise the questions : What season is it ? Whats the weather like in spring /? spring fall summer winter (设计意图设计意图:要求学生照屏幕上(动画型的)画画写写,并要求画完后,先 同桌相互猜猜 What season is it ? 再来操练句型 What s the weather like in spring /?这样对教材设计不完美的地方作出了较好的改进,符 合学生的认识规律,并很好地落实了“写”的练习。 ) Step 5 : Consolidation , extension and using(巩固、延伸、运用)(巩固、延伸、运用) 1、T: Lets look at the blackboard again . How many seasons are the in a year ? Yes , therere four. Then , Whats my favourite season ? Spring is warm and beautiful , I like it very much , Summer is hot , but I can eat ice-creams .So I like it . Winter is very cold .I dont like it . Autumn is cool.I like cool days very much , So I like autumn best (drawing Smile face on blackboard) seasons warmcool coldhot 设计意图:教师自述对四个季节的不同喜欢程度,并相应地画上笑脸和哭脸, 使学生很快回忆起了Whats your favourite season ?的含义,有效地训练 了学生的纯英语思维和英语理解能力,如果教师在平时能注意经常用英语旧知 解释新知,定能为学生的持续发展打下很好的基础。 ) 2、Homework : Tell parents the season words and changed words about the weather . Tell me that what is your favorite season? Why? (设计意图设计意图:在布置作业的同时,顺便检测和总括了本节课的主要学习内容, 可谓一举两得。 ) Boardwriting(板书) Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year Season Weather Spring warm seasons Summer hot Autumn cool Winter cold
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