冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 4 Countries We Know-Lesson 24 Maddy's Family Photos-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:f14c7).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Countries We Know_Lesson 24 Maddy's Family Photos_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:f14c7)
    • Lesson24 Maddy's Family Photos.flv
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Maddy photo Who is in Maddys family ? Does Maddy have a big family ? Do they live together ? (Watch and find the answer) No they live in different countries . Do they live together ? Where do they live ? (Watch and match) uncleaunt grandfathercousin Canada China the U.S. the U.K. Australia Maddy (Watch and match) Where do they live ? (Watch and match) uncleaunt grandfathercousin Canada China the U.S. the U.K. Australia Maddy Where do they live ? (Watch and match) uncleaunt grandfathercousin Canada China the U.S. the U.K. Australia Maddy What do they like to do ? uncleaunt grandfathercousinMaddy _____ likes to _____ . ___ lives in ____ . The capital city of __ is __ . ___ speaks ___ . ____ likes to ____ . Maddys Family Tree Maddy brother sister father mother cousins uncle aunt grandfather video 2. Where does Maddys father live ? 1. Where does Maddys mother live ? 3. Where do Maddys brother and sister live ? video Task 1 Role play(角色扮演) Maddy brother sister father mother cousins uncle aunt grandfather Task 2 Talk about your favourite country I like _____ . In ____ they speak _____ . The capital city of ______ is ____ . I like to ______ . Open your eyes to the world !1.Where do they live ? (Watch and match 看视频,连线) uncleaunt grandfather cousin CanadaChina the U.S. the U.K. Australia Maddy uncleaunt the U.K. Australia 2. TaskA(角色扮演) Hello !Im ______ . I live in ________ . The capital city of _____ is _____ . I like to ____ . Welcome to _____ . Im waiting (等待)for you ! Task B (介绍你喜欢的国家) I love _______ . In ______ they speak ______ . The capital city of _____ is ______ . I like to _______ in _____ . _____ lives in ______ .教学目标 (核心素养) 1. 语言能力 学生能够运用本单元所学语言知识对故事内容进行描述 2、思维品质 学生通过观看课件资源提取有效信息 3、文化意识 学生能够热爱祖国并渴望了解其它国家相关知识 4、学习能力 学生能够运用所学知识与同伴进行交流 重点与难点 Take on roles and perform the story using their own words. 教学准备 及手段 磁力卡片 教学互动一体机 教师活动学生活动设计意图 教 学 流 程 1.Class1.Class openingopening andand warmwarm upup Greeting Hello,boys and girls. How are you ? I like to travel ,my old friend likes to travel too .Who is she , do you know ? She is green . She is 5 metres tall . T: What do you know about Maddy ,please talk in your group . 2. Presentation T:Does Maddy have a big family? Ss :She is Maddy . S1:Maddy is a monster . S2:Maddy is a girl . S3:Maddy is 99 years old . 简单问候,使 学生快速进入 语言环境。 收听信息,进 行联想。 回忆旧知识进 行语言输出。 小组合作让每 个同学有发言 机会。 Who is in Maddys family ? Reading: (1).Do they live together ? (watch and answer) T:No,they live in different countries . Phoni cs didi fff (2).T ask:Where do they live ? Please watch the video and match the words . Ask a student do the match on teachers computer . (3).What do they like to do ? Read the text by yourself and underline Ss:Yes Maddys mother,father,brother ,sister,auntuncle,c ousins,and grandfather . Ss watch the flash and find the answer . Ss:No Ss:different countries Read with the video . 复习旧知,逻 辑性过度 无字幕动画, 侧重学生听力 练习 根据语境学生 会读,了解单 词 different 学生看视频, 跟读练习阅读 能力,精读课 文掌握文本内 容,利用连线 the answers . T-S:What does Maddy like to do ? S-S:What does___ like to do ? 3.Practice Now do you know about Maddys family ? Can you talk about them ? T:Maddy lives in Canada .He speaks English ,the capital city of Canada is Ottawa .She likes to go to the Niagara Falls . Can you try ? 4. Consolidation and extension Q1:Where does Maddys mother live ? Q2:Where does Maddys father live ? Q3:Where do Maddys sister and brother 在学案上完成连线题。 一名学生上前答题,其 他学生对其答案进行判 断。 Read the text, and underline the answers . S1:Maddy likes to ____. S2:____likes to ___ . 题的形式了解 学生掌握情况。 利用一体机互 动系统,请学 生上台完成。 培养学生阅读 能力和提取有 效信息的能力。 师生互动作为 示范,过渡到 生生互动,让 学生能回答, 会提问,课堂 还给孩子。 教师的示范, 为学生如何完 成任务提供了 方法,胜过其 它语言的解释。 live ? T: Look ! They send us a video ,lets find the answers in it . Please answer the questions . Q1:What does _ like to do in ___ ? Q2: Do they live in English-Speaking countries ? Q3: What does___ speak in __? Q4:Whats the Ss talk about Maddys grandfather,cousin, aunt and uncle . Watch the video ,find the family member 学生认真观看 视频,跟读关 键词,拓展国 际视野,同时 培养其观察能 力,留心视频 中家庭成员的 照片,展开联 想。 capital city of __ ? 5. check up (Task1 or Task 2) Task 1 Role play(角色 扮演) Hello !Im ______ . I live in ________ . The capital city of _____ is _____ . I like to ____ . Welcome to _____ . Im waiting (等待)for you ! Task 2 Task B (介绍你喜欢的 国家) I love _______ . In ______ they speak ______ . The capital city of _____ is ______ . I like to _______ in _____ . 5.SummaryT: There are many photos .Read the key words . (France,Japan,Korea) S1:Maddys mother lives in France . S2:Maddys father lives in Japan . S3:Maddys brother and sister live in Korea . Ss answer 本环节意图在 于拓展学生国 际视野,教师 可以辅助学生 回答问题。了 解世界上有很 多种类的语言。 countries in the world . In different countries ,people speaks different language .So Please open your eyes to the world .The world is wonderful ! Choose task1 or task 2 , talk in group .Fill in the blanks and make a free talk . 两个任务难度 不同,学生可 以根据自己的 水平进行选择, 组内交流,共 同学习,再上 前进行展示。 借助小组评价 机制,用各国 国旗拼出一双 眼睛,画出笑 脸。学生构建 起国际认知。 板 书 设 计 Lesson 24 Maddys Family Photos 评价机制
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