冀教版(一起)五下-Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to Canada-Lesson 2 Jenny's House-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:7001a).docx

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1、Lesson2: Jennys House 一. 整体设计思路: 采用任务型教学法,由介绍 Jenny 的家呈现新知,师生利用思维导图,互相介绍自己 的家进行巩固操练,设计描述梦想中的家进行拓展运用,使整节课层层递进,让学生在完成 任务的过程中理解并运用语言。 二. 教学背景分析: 1. 教学内容分析: 本单元主要介绍家中各个房间的名称、 功能, 房间内的物品以及如何描述房间内人们的 活动,本课主要介绍房间名称以及房间内的物品。 2. 学生情况分析: 本课的授课对象是小学五年级学生, 他们已具有一定的英语学习经验和语言积累, 能够 用简单的句子进行日常交际,具有一定的自主学习能力和语言运用能力

2、。 三教学目标分析: 1.知识目标: 学生能听说读写以下单词:house, bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, toilet 2.能力目标: 学生能用所学语言描述自己的家。 3.情感目标: 感悟家庭的温暖,关爱家人。 让学生了解世界各地不同国家的房屋,开阔学生的国际视野。 四. 教学重难点分析: 1.教学重点: house, bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, toilet 2.教学难点:如何用语言描述自己的家。 五.教学过程: (一)Warming up Greetings

3、: T: Hello, Im Lucy. Nice to meet you. S: nice to meet you, too. 教师利用 chant 做自我介绍 Chant: Everybody! Look at me! Make a friend with me. Im Lucy from a school. I say Lucy, you say Cool. Lucy, Cool! Lucy Cool! I have many hobbies. I like eating. I like swimming. I like going on a trip. I like riding a

4、bicycle. I think that is the best. 师生自由交谈: T: I like riding a bicycle. What do you like doing? S: I like _. T: I go to school by bicycle. How do you go to school? S1: By bus. T: Why? S1: Because I live far from school. T: I live far from school, too. I live in an apartment. My parents live in a hous

5、e. Review apartment and house. 视频:Lets watch the wonderful houses around the world. 设计意图:教师做自我介绍,增进师生关系,利用 Chant 的形式激发学生兴趣。通过自由交 谈导入本课主题 house 并复习, 下一步学习新知做准备。 通过观看世界各地的房屋拓展学生 国际视野。 (二) New Concepts 步骤一.Teaching “floor” 出示房子图片, 让学生猜测 Whose house is it? 听课文录音, 得出答案: This is Jennys house. It has two f

6、loors. floor 楼层,地板。 教授楼层的说法:The first floor 一楼,the second floor 二楼 T: I live on the first floor. Which floor do you live on? S: I live on the _ floor. 不同国家楼层说法的差别:In the U.K., 一楼 the ground floor, 二楼 the first floor, 三楼 the second floor 等, In the U.S. and China, 一楼 the first floor, 二楼 the second flo

7、or,三楼 the third floor 等. 设计意图:通过先预测再让学生带着问题听课文录音并验证自己的猜测,调动学生积极性。 在教授楼层时,让学生了解不同国家楼层说法的差别,培养跨文化意识。 步骤二. Teaching “rooms” T: How many rooms are there in Jennys house? S: Eight rooms. T: Lets go to Room 1 together. What room is it? This is the bedroom. Read bedroom.注意字母组 合 dr 发音 dr T: Which room do yo

8、u want to go? S: I want to go to Room3. T: This is the bathroom. Read bathroom. 注意字母组合 th 发音. T: There is a toilet in the bathroom. Read toilet. T: Which room do you want to go? S: I want to go to Room6. T: This is the living room. Read living room. T: Whats in the living room? 让学生用 There be 句型回答。S:

9、 There is a TV in the living room T: What can you do in the living room? S: I can watch TV 用同样的方法教授 kitchen, study. 注意区分 kitchen 和 chicken 的读音。 study 名词: 书房, 动 词:学习。 设计意图:在教授不同房间名称时注意了字母组合发音的指导,同时还做到了词不离句。 步骤三. Teaching “there be” Read the text then answer questions. 选择一种喜欢的方式在小组内读课文,然后回答问题。 方式 1. R

10、ead together. (齐读);方式 2. Read one by one. (轮流读) ;方式 3.Read in roles. (分角 色读) Questions: 1. What rooms are there on the first floor? There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. 2. What rooms are there on the second floor? There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floo

11、r. 将各个房间的单词卡片贴到黑板上 Jennys house 的相应位置。 读句子 There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. 注意升降调的变化。 There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. =There is a study and four bedrooms on the second floor. 就近原则:在

12、there be 句型中,如果 be 动词后第一个单词是单数,用 there is;如果是复 数,用 there are. 填空: 1. There _ a bed and two lamps in the bedroom. 2. There _ some books and a computer in the study. 3. There _ a toilet, a bathtub and a sink in the bathroom. 4. There _ two chairs, a TV and a sofa in the living room. 设计意图:让学生选择喜欢的方式在小组

13、内读课文,充分体现了学生的自主性。读句子时注 意了升降调的指导。归纳 there be 句型的就近原则,有助于学生理清知识脉络。 步骤四:Introduce “My house/ apartment” T: Jenny lives in a house. I live in an apartment. 通过思维导图教师描述自己的家。 T: This is my apartment. I live on the third floor. There are six rooms in my apartment. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a st

14、udy, a kitchen and a bathroom. There is a TV in the living room. There are some books in the study. I can cook dinner in the kitchen. I can wash my clothes in the bathroom. I can clean the floor. T: This is my apartment. What about you? T: Where do you live? S:_. T: Which floor do you live on? S:_.

15、T: How many rooms? What are they? S:_. T: Whats in your bedroom? What can you do in your bedroom? S:_. 根据思维导图选择一种喜欢的方式介绍你的家。 1.一人叙述式介绍;2.两人问答式介绍;3.小组表演式介绍 设计意图:通过思维导图为学生理清知识脉络,搭建语言支架。让学生自主选择喜欢的方式 介绍自己的家,体现了学生的主体性。 步骤五:Design “My dream house” 学生选择一种适合自己的方式设计 My dream house. 设计意图:学生自主选择一种适合自己的方式设计并介绍,面向全体学生,分层教学设计不 同难度的任务,使不同层次的学生都能学有所得。 (三) Class Closing East or west, home is the best. Home is where you feel safe. Home is where you feel beloved. Home is where you enjoy life. Home is where you enjoy love 设计意图:通过一首配乐小诗,让学生感悟家的温暖,达到情感的升华。 (四) Homework 设计制作关于 My house 的思维导图,并用所学语言描述 My house.


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