冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 7 We Are Friends-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:204b8).zip

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Lesson7: We Are Friends. dog cat friends 朋友朋友们们 Whats the cats name? Whats the dogs name? 阅读完成:阅读完成: Kim: This is my ___. Her name is __. We are _____. Read the part1 Danny : I have a ___. His name is __. We ___together. Write the names. Part2 Lily Joy Alan Kate 1、 The dogs name is _______. Read the part2. Homework : (家庭作业家庭作业) Introduce your animal friend to your family in English.(用英用英 语向家人介绍你的动物朋友语向家人介绍你的动物朋友 )Lesson7 We Are Friends教案教案 教学目标教学目标 1. 能够正确听、说、认读单词:dog,cat,this,animal,friend,together. 2. 掌握句子:We are friends. This is my cat. She is not a cat. 等。 3. 会仿照课文介绍自己的宠物。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点:会读句子:We are friends. This is my cat. She is not a cat 等。 难点:会仿照课文介绍自己的宠物。 教学方法教学方法 情景交际教学法,合作学习教学法。 教学媒体准备教学媒体准备 教学卡片 cards、tape-recorder、多媒体课件 ppt. 课时安排课时安排 1 课时 教学过程教学过程 Step1 热身热身 (Warm-up) 1.带领学生回忆 unit1 的单词。 2.日常口语对话:Hello! Hi!Good morning!How are you? What day is it today?What would you like?来源:21世纪教育网】 Step 2 呈现新课呈现新课 (Presentation) 1. 情景呈现。课件出示动物图片,找学生指一指,说一说:What is it?绍:这是 李出示单词:dog,cat 和 animal。指导学生读一读,比一比,谁的发音准确。www-2-1-cnjy-com 2. 第一次阅读,略读短文回答问题。Questions:Whats the cats name? Whats the dogs name?找学生说一说,共同核对答案。 3. 第二次阅读,细读短文回答问题。 Kim: This is my ___. Her name is __. We are _____. Danny : I have a ___. His name is __. We ___together. 学生仔细阅读,回答问题,共同核对答案。有不懂的地方可以用铅笔标出来,然后小 组讨论。世纪教育网版权所有 Step 3 文本学习(文本学习(Reading) 1. Listen to the tape, and point to the sentences.21cnjycom 2. Read the text with the tape. Step4 趣味操练趣味操练 (Practice) 1. 复述短文。 教师出示本课的一些提示性的单词,学生根据这些提示复述短文。比 一比,评选出“最佳口才奖”。21cnjy 纪*教育网 2. Talk about your animals. 说一说你的宠物,以及他们的特征。 Step 5 课堂总结(课堂总结(Summary) 1. 我们这节课学习了单词 dog, cat, this, animal, friend, together 2. 本节课的重点句型是 We are friends. This is my cat. She is not a cat Step 7 家庭作业(家庭作业(HomeworkHomework) Introduce your animal friend to your family in English.(用英语向家人介绍你的动物朋友) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 Lesson7 We Are Friends dog, cat, this, animal, friend, together We are friends. This is my cat. She is not a cat
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