粤教版(三起)五下-Review 1-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:a00e9).doc

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1、1 教学内容:Reading and writing. 一、教学目标 1、知识目标:通过复习巩固,学生能熟练地掌握 be going to 句型以及相关词汇和短语。 2、能力目标: (1)运用 be going to 句型讨论旅游计划。 (2)通过阅读材料,收集课文中相关信息并准确地填写。 (3)熟练运用本节复习内容制定旅游计划,并与他人交流。 3、情感、策略和文化目标: (1)形成自主复习的学习态度,掌握复习、拓展的学习方法,注意发现复习语言的规律,并 能将规律举一反三地运用、表达。 (2)培养学生热爱大自然的情怀;并了解中外著名文化风光。培养学生成为一个文明的旅游 者。 二、教学重点,难点

2、 1、重点:巩固与灵活使用be going to 句型 2、难点:如何运用所学知识和方法完整表达个人的旅游计划,编写一个对话。 三、教学准备 1. 英语教学光盘,ppt 2.学生练习资料等。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up (1)Song activity Students sing the song “What are they going to do?. (设计意图:通过吟唱的方式,营造轻松的气氛引导学生复习(设计意图:通过吟唱的方式,营造轻松的气氛引导学生复习 be going to 句型句型) (2)Play a game: Sharp eyes:Whats missin

3、g? 出示前面 1-3 单元所学的部分词组, (设计意图:(设计意图:通过展示消失 再呈现的过程吸引学生的注意力,同时复习旧知。) Step 2 Lead-in & Presentation 1. T: Oh. Going sighting and taking photos are missing.I like going sighting and taking photos, so Im going to Guilin this May Day. 2. T:(展示桂林图片) Look! Guilin is a beautiful place. Im going to take lots o

4、f photos there. 教学 lots of 3. (先后展示 sunny 和 rain 的图片)T:And I hope the weather is sunny on May Day. I hope it doesnt rain.(教学句子:I hope it doesnt rain.) 4. T: Guess:Who am I going to go with? S1:. S2:. T: Yes.Im going to go with my friend, Debbie. T: (出示 Debbie 的相片)Look! This is my friend,Debbie. Can

5、you say “Hello” to Debbie. Ss: Hello, Debbie. 5. (出示 Debbie 和 Laura 的相片)Debbie is talking something with her friend Laura. Do you know what are they talking about? (设计意图:通过设计意图:通过和和学生学生的对话,的对话,复习前复习前面面所学词汇和句型;同时在这一过程中让学生初步感所学词汇和句型;同时在这一过程中让学生初步感 2 知生词知生词 lots of, Debbie, Laura,以及新句子以及新句子 I hope it d

6、oesnt rain, 为进一步开展为进一步开展 story 学习作学习作 铺垫铺垫。 ) 6. Listen to the tape and choose. Q: What are they talking about? A. Lauras vacation plan. B. Lauras work. C. Lauras birthday party. Ss answer. T: Right. They are talking about Lauras vacation plan. (板书:Lauras vacation plan.) (设计意图:通过设计意图:通过设问,让学生带着问题有目的

7、性地听课文设问,让学生带着问题有目的性地听课文。) 7. T:Do you want to know what is Lauras vacation plan? 8. Now open your book and turn to page 40, look,listen and match, Please finish EX3(P41) 9. Ss listen to the tape, find the answers and match. T: Can you match? Who can try? S1 read out the phrases. 10. T: You did a goo

8、d job.You can find the answers from the story. Can you read the story? Now read in your groups(Four students in a group)Then,find some key words or sentences to finish Ex 2(P41). Q:1. Where is Laura going for her vacation? 2. How is she going there? 3. Where is she going to stay? (教师边读题目边板书:Where, H

9、ow) Ss check the answers.(教师根据学生的回答板书:Australia, by plane, stay in a hotel) 11. T: The conversation is not very difficult. Lets read after the computer. 12. Ss read after the computer,then read with their partners. 13. T:We know something about Lauras vacation plan now. Do you have more question? Yo

10、u can ask some questions with the words “when”,”what”,and so on. 14. Lead Ss to ask some questions like “Whens Laura going to go on vacation? “and “What is she going to do there?. 15. Answer these questions. 16. T: Well.I have questions for you,too.Do you think Laura is going to be happy on her vaca

11、tion?Why? S1:. S2:. T: I think so./ I think she is happy. Because she is going to go swimming , eat lots of great food with her friends.And she is going to take lots of photos there. (设计意图:通过提问设计意图:通过提问检验了学生对课文的整体掌握程度,检验了学生对课文的整体掌握程度,同时同时培养培养了了学生用英语思考和对话学生用英语思考和对话 的能力。的能力。) 17. Retell the story. Ste

12、p 3 Extension 1.T: Now you know Lauras trip plan. Australia is a beautiful country. Let s enjoy! (欣赏澳大利亚风光短片) 2. T: Wow!What a beautiful place! The animals are so cute. Do you want to go there? Me too.But it is so far. So I can go there this vacation.Im want to go to the other place . Do you want to

13、 know 3 about my vacation plan? Ss: Yes. T: Look! Who wants to talk with me? 3.T and S1 talk. 4.T: Can you talk about your vacation plan with your partner? There are three different places for you in the book.( P41 4 ) They are the UK, Zhangjiajie and Guilin. They are very good places. First, lets w

14、atch the videos and enjoy. 5.T: Choose a place and talk with your partner. But if you dont like all these places, you can choose the other places. Just likeHainan, Beijing,Shuangchuan Island OK? 6.Make a trip plan with your partner. (Complete the conversation P41 EX4 ) 7.Check some students keys. (设

15、计意图:设计意图:通过播放视频通过播放视频,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生谈话的兴趣,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生谈话的兴趣,让学生把本节课所学让学生把本节课所学 语言知识在这一语境中进行交流。语言知识在这一语境中进行交流。) Step 4 Summary We have learned how to make a trip plan. When we make a trip plan, what should we think of? T: When we talk about plans, we should use T: Before we go on vacation,wed better

16、make a plan.Good plan,good life.When we go out.Remember:Put the trash in the trash bin.And wait in line for a bus. (引导学生总结有关making trip plans的关键词汇、 句型等知识点, 培养学生的学习归纳能力。 ) Step 6 Homework (Choose one) 把 P41 Ex4 的对话改编成一篇小作文。 Writing.(根据自己的实际情况,从下面两篇作文选择其中一篇完成) (A) May Day is coming. Im going to _with

17、my family for my vacation. Were going by _. Were going to stay _. Were going to _.Im going to be very happy. (B) _is coming. Im going to _with my _._ _ I will have a great time. 板书设计: Review 1 Lauras Vacation Plan Who Laura When next eek Where Australia stay in a hotel How by plane 4 go swimming What eat lots of great food take lots of photos Feeling have a great time


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