粤教版(三起)五下-Culture 1:Study Tour-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:60012).docx

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1、Culture 1: Study TourCulture 1: Study Tour 第一课时第一课时 理念:求实效,理念:求实效, 求趣味,求趣味, 求创新求创新 一、教学内容:一、教学内容:P44P44- -4545 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1.知识目标:让学生认识本课著名地方。 2.能力目标: (1)使学生能够理解并正确朗读词汇:The Yangtze River, Mount Tai, Beijing University, Museum, USA, Australia, Canada, UK. (2)正确理解课文中的游学计划。 (3)会用用句子:What are you goi

2、ng to do during your vacation? How are you going there? Where are you going to stay?进行交际,并编写游学计划。 3.情感目标: 使学生学会欣赏这些著名的地方,学会爱护景区环境。 三、 教学重点三、 教学重点: : 本课新词汇 (The Yangtze River, Mount Tai, Beijing University, Museum, USA, Australia, Canada, UK.) 教学难点:教学难点:编写游学计划。 四、教学流程:四、教学流程: Step 1Step 1、WarmWarm- -

3、upup 1.Read the words. 2.Free talk. T: Boys and girls. What can you see? S: I can see the Terra-Cotta Warriors. T:Where is it? Ss:Its in Xian. T: Are you going to Xian during the vacation? S: Yes.No. T: Where are you going during the vacation?How are you going? What are you going to do?Where are you

4、 going to stay? S: Im going toIm going by| Im going toIm going to stay (意图:巩固旧知识,为下面编写游学计划作准备) Step 2Step 2、 PresentationPresentation 1.lead in T: Who are they? S: Theyre Amy and Tim. T: What are they talking? Lets listen. 2.呈现课文对话 T: Listen to the dialogue, and check the pre-set homework1. 3.Listen

5、 to the tape again, and Ss read it in groups. 4.认识一些名胜。(小组交流) (show the pictures of these places: The Yangtze River, Mount Tai, Beijing University, Museum, USA, Australia, Canada, UK.) 1) Mount Tai T: Tim is going to Mount Tai .Mount Tai is in Shandong, China. Its a scared mountain. 2) Australia T:

6、And Amy is going to Australia .Look at the picture, what can you see in the picture? S:I can see the Sydney Opera House . (引导学生回答) T: Yes. The Sydney Opera House is in Australia. (And there are many famous places in the world. Look, what are these places?) 3) The Yangtze River T: Whats this ? Ss: It

7、s the Yangtze River. (引导学生回答) T: The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. 4) Beijing University T: Whats this ? Ss: Its Beijing University.(引导学生回答) T: Beijing University is one of the most famous university in China. Do you know any famous Universities in Chinain the world? 5) Shaanxi Histor

8、y Museum T: Whats this ? Ss: Its Shaanxi History Museum. (引导学生回答) T: Shaanxi History Museum is the largest museum in Shaanxi, China. 6) USA T: Look, what can you see? S: I can see the statue of liberty. (引导学生回答) T: Wheres the statue of liberty? S: Its in New York, USA. 7) Canada T: And are you going

9、 to this place? Its the Niagara Falls. S: Yes.No. T: Wheres the Niagara Falls? S: Its in Canada. 8) UK T: Whats this? S: Its the Big Ben. (引导学生回答) T: Do you know where is it? S: Its in London, UK. T: Thats right. 5.Listen to the tape, Ss follow the tape to read the words. 6.Check the pre-set homewor

10、k 2 in groups. 7.Do the Exercise 1. 8.欣赏一些名胜。 T: There are many other famous places in the world. Lets watch the PPT. 9.Share your pre-set homework3 in groups, and show in class. Step3 Step3 、PracticePractice 1. 教师和学生通过口头问答交流,形成对话。 T: Are you going to have a study tour during your vacation? S: Yes.

11、No. T:Lets watch my study tour.(PPT 出示) (老师出示范文) A: What are you going to do during your vacation? B: Im going to A: How are you going to ? B: Im going A: Where are you going to stay? B: Im going to stay 2.Talk about the study tour in groups.(学生在小组内口头交流) Step 4Step 4、ProductionProduction 1. Do the E

12、xercise 2. 2. Write down the plan for your study tour. 教师先出示范文: Hello, Im _. Im going to_during the vacation. Im going to _.Im going by_Im going to stay _. Its going to be lots of fun. 3.Share your plan(小组分享). 4.Check the pre-set homework4 in class. 5.Share your pre-set homework5 in groups. (拓展延伸) S

13、tep Step 5 5、SummarySummary Today we knew many famous places,(Read the words the whole class)and you have own plans. I think, your plans are wonderful. Step Step 6 6、HomeworkHomework 1.Read the words.(巩固新词汇的读音) 2.Talk about your study tour with your partners.(培养学生语言交际能力) 3.Write down the plan for your study tour.(培养学生写作能力) 板书设计: Culture 1: Study Tour The Yangtze River Mount Tai Beijing University Museum USA Australia Canada UK


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