粤教版(三起)五下-Unit 1 Making Plans-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:73eb1).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Making Plans_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:73eb1)
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1 BookBook 6 6 UnitUnit 3 3 OnOn VacationVacation 一、一、单单元知元知识简识简介介 本单元是在学生学会 be going to 句型的基础上继续巩固,进一步学习 用动词的正确形式来谈论自己打算要做的事情。话题是介绍自己假期打 算做些什么事情。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生在 Unit1 Making Plans 和 Unit2 Vacation Plans 中,已经学习 be going to 句型,并掌握相当的词组。由这两个单元进行引导铺垫,让学生 对 be going to 句型的理解和巩固,并进行简单的写作可以说是水到渠成。 三、教学目三、教学目标标 1 语语言知言知识识目目标标 学习四会词组 have a picnic, visit relatives, help Dad, take some photos, play with friends, make models, surf the net, read some books 和四会句子 What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to surf the net. 2 语语言技能目言技能目标标 通过说唱歌谣,做游戏,做调查报告,表演,比赛等多个环节,培养学 生观察,归纳的学习策略。 3情感情感态态度目度目标标 培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,挖掘学生的表演才能和实际应用语言 的能力,给学生一个自我展示的舞台。 2 四、教学重点与四、教学重点与难难点点 1教学重点教学重点 本节课重点学习四会单词、学习一组句型和对话,由于开心学英语 的每一个对话都是一个小故事,所以通过对句型的学习,理解对话的意 义,并能表演出来是本课的重点。 2教学教学难难点点 通过对话的学习,能让学生学会灵活运用句型,自己创设新的情景对 话,又是本课的难点。 五、教法学法五、教法学法 根据本单元的教学内容,可采用活动途径,倡导体验参与、遵循淡 化语法教学的原则。 本节课通过阅读,模仿 chant 来学习语法,以 chant 的内容为主线, 引导学生听,读 chant 的内容来感受、发现 be going to 句型,培养学生正 确使用语言习惯和语感。 六、六、课课前准前准备备 金太阳课件、图片、头饰、录音带 句子卡等。 七、七、课时课时划分划分 第一课时:Vocabulary, Target and Chant activity 第二课时:Story, Practice1 and Practice 2 第三课时:Reading and writing, Sounds and words 第四课时:More reading and writing 3 八、教学八、教学过过程程 第一第一课时课时 一、一、课时课时目目标标 通过学习,让学生熟练掌握 8 个词组并能用它们替换 be going to 句 型。 二、二、课时课时重点和重点和难难点点 本节课重点学习 8 个四会词组和一个 be going to 句型;难点是会灵 活运用。 三、三、课课前准前准备备 幻灯片、金太阳课件、图片、句子卡等。 四、教学四、教学过过程程 前置前置练习练习: :听音判断,与图片内容相符的写听音判断,与图片内容相符的写“T” ,不相符的写,不相符的写“F” 。 1.Are Gogo and Joan going to HongKong by ship ? Yes, they are. 2. What is your friend going to do on Saturday afternoon ? Shes going to have a party . 3.Are you going to go sightseeing tomorrow ? No , we are going to go fishing . Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready T: Hello, boys and girls. 4 Ss: Hello, Miss Huang. T: Good! What are you going to today? S1: Im going to T: OK. Do you remember the chantAre you going to write a letter? Lets chant together.(示范开头,拍着手齐唱 1 次) Step 2Presentation 1. Write Were going toon the board. T: (Hold up Picture Card have a picnic word-side up next to the phrase on the board.) Have a picnic .Repeat. Ss: Have a picnic. T: (Show the picture side of the card.) Were going to have a picnic. T: Show me “have a picnic”. (Demonstrate a pantomime.) 2. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the cards. 3. T: Listen to the tape and repeat. (播放金太阳课件) Have Ss listen, repeat each picture. 4. Have individual Ss say the words and have the rest of the class point to the corresponding picture (or do the pantomimes.) 5. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T: (Point to Lisas thought bubble) What is she going to do? Ss: Shes going to surf the net. 5 T: (Point to Gogos thought bubble) What is he going to do? Ss: Hes going to read some books. 6. Play the tape a few times and have Ss repeat. (播放金太阳课件) 建议:教学时注意动组的巩固搭配,增加练习,写词组: make ______ ________ the net _________ some books 等。 7. Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. 建议:结合第 5 课词组替换,操练句子。 8. T: Boys and girls. Do you like singing? Lets learn a new song. Ok? Have Ss look at the picture beside the lyricsP34. T: Now lets listen to the song. (播放金太阳课件) (齐读一次- 听一次- 跟音乐齐唱 -分组唱 ) Step3 Summary Read what weve learned today. Step4 Homework 1. Listen, read, spell and copy the new words three times after school. 2. Ask and answer in pairs, using the sentence patterns on page 32. 3. Preview Conversation. Step 5 Blackboard design Unit 3 On Vacation - What are you going to do during the vacation? - Im going to surf the net. have a picnic help dad 6 take photos play with friends make models read books 第二第二课时课时 一、一、课时课时目目标标 在掌握第一课时内容的基础上继续进一步训练 be going to 句型,培 养学生运用话题语言进行交际的能力,通过学习 Story,用 be going to 句 型来谈论自己打算要做的事情。话题是介绍自己假期出游的计划。 二、二、课时课时重点和重点和难难点点 7 本节课的重点是学习和小组合作表演对话,并在练习中巩固句型的 灵活运用。难点是运用 be going to 句型写出自己的假期旅游计划。 三、三、课课前准前准备备 金太阳课件、图片、实物等。 四、教学四、教学过过程程 Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: Nice to meet you again. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Lets sing the songWhat are you going to do?(示范开头,拍着手齐唱 1 次) Step 2 Revision 1. Read Vocabulary quickly together. 2. Ask and answer like Target in pairs. Step 3 Presentation Learn Conversation 1. Bring in a hat and a camera. Write Im going to _____. on the board T: (Put on the hat and hold up the camera) Look! (Summer) vacation is coming. Im going to take some photos. What are you going to do in the vacation? 8 2. Have Ss look at the page. T: (Point to the second picture.) Whats Gogo asking Jenny? Ss: What are you going to do in the vacation? T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story. 建议:教课文前先解决 see the Great Wall of China Hurray! do tai chi 等 生词 3. Play the tape and have Ss follow by looking at the page. T: Lets listen again and repeat. 4. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. 5. Put Ss into pairs to practice acting out the dialog. 6. Ask volunteers to reform for the class. Step 4 Drill and practice 1. Group work T: This time lets act out the dialogue in groups of four. Then Ill choose some groups to act out your dialogues. (小组比赛)Encourage Ss to act out the dialogue. 2. Practice 2 1) Have Ss look at the model question on the page. 2) Ask S1 to read the question. S1: What are you going to do in the vacation? T: I (surf the net). (Write the words on the board.) 3) Have Ss write their answers on the page. T: (Point to the top row in the chart.) Now write your answers on the page. 4) Walk around the classroom to provide help if needed. 9 5) Put Ss into pairs. T: Now ask your partners the questions and write the answers on the page. 6) Give Ss time to ask the questions and write the answers. 7) Have individual Ss talk about their partners, e.g. (S2s name)s going to (read some books) in the vacation. 建议:拓展句型 When are you going to go on vacation? Who are you going to play with? Where are you going to go? What are you going to eat on your picnic? Step 5 Consolidation / Exercises design 1. Practice 1:书本听力练习 1)Ask four Ss to read questions A-D aloud. 2)Ask four Ss to write questions on the board. 3)Have Ss look at the pictures and play the tape. T: Put a checkmark in the box. 4) Check the answers. 2. 模仿例句写句子。 Model : What are you going to do? Im going to surf the net. 1. they, take some photos 2. your mother, visit relatives 3. his friends, read some books 4. Jenny, play with friends 10 Step 6 Summary Read what weve learned today. Step 7 Homework 1. Listen and read the dialogue after school. 2. Act out the dialogue with your classmates after class. 3. Ask and answer in pairs to talk about the pictures on page 32. 4. Preview Activity in groups. Step 8 Blackboard design Unit 3 On Vacation - What are you going to do on vacation? - I am going to play with friends. on your picnic see the Great Wall of China do tai chi 第三第三课时课时 一、一、课时课时目目标标 1.这一课时主要是进行拓展训练,强化学生的语言综合运用能力并教学 Sounds and words。 2. 掌握阅读技巧 二、二、课时课时重点和重点和难难点点 本节课重点学习 Sounds and words, 难点是归纳总结 be going to 的 句型运用。 三、三、课课前准前准备备 幻灯片、金太阳课件、图片等。 四、教学四、教学过过程程 练习练习与思考:与思考:连词成句。连词成句。 1. going, to, she, to, surf, Internet, the, is (?) ________________________________________________________ 2. is, grandma, going, to, tai, do, chi, my (.) 11 ________________________________________________________ 3. their, what, they, to, eat, on, going, are, picnic (?) ________________________________________________________ 4.is, he ,some, to , going ,take, photos , tomorrow(?) _________________________________________________ Step 1 Warming-up and getting ready Sing the song: What are you going to do? Step 2 Revision 1. Read Vocabulary, Target and Conversation quickly. T: Good job! Open your books and read Vocabulary, Target and Conversation together. 2. Act out the dialogue. T: Which group wants to act out the dialogue again? (抽 1-2 组) Step3 Presentation Teach the sound f trand the words. 1. Write the words on the blackboard. 2. Underline the beginning ph/ tr. 3. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. 4. Play the tape and repeat. 5. After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. 6. Have a chant. Step 4 Drill and practice Activity (用实物投影仪展出本页的图片) 1. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. T: Look at the pictures very carefully. T: (Give Ss one minute.) Now close your books. T: What is Gogo going to do? Ss: He is going to visit his relatives. 2. Give Ss some time to look at the pictures, then answer the questions. T: Now open your books. You can look at pictures now. Answer the 12 questions. 3. Give Ss time to finish up writing the sentences on the page. 4. Circulate around the classroom to see how Ss are doing. 5. When Ss are finished, put them in pairs. 6. Have Ss take turns asking and answering the questions. 7. Ask some Ss to write the sentences on the board so that the whole class can check the answers. 建议:让学生自己归纳其它发/f/ 的单词 增加辨音练习: 找出发音不同的单词:fly phone play drive train try Step 5 Reading and writing 1. Ss read the passage once by themselves. Repeat the passage after tape. 2. Ss find out the words or sentences which they dont understand. 3. T explains the words or sentences which Ss dont understand. 4. Answer the questions on the book. 5. Exercise: Fill in the blank. 6. Read the passage loudly. Step 6 Consolidation / Exercises design Step 7 Summary Read what weve learned today. Step 8 Homework 1. Review Unit 3. 13 2. Listen and read aloud Unit 3 again and again. 3. Ask and answer in pairs to talk about the pictures on page 31. Step 9 Blackboard design Unit3 On Vacation! /ph / phone photo elephant /tr/ train tree travel The fourth period (第四(第四课时课时) ) 一、教学目标 1.进一步巩固所学句型,能准确运用句型进行询问。 2.能较好地完成书本和练习册的练习题。 3.进一步提高学生听、说、写的能力。 4.掌握阅读技巧:根据上下文猜词 二、教学重点难点 1、进一步提高学生四会及运用知识的能力。 2、关注中下层生的学习过程。 三、三、课课前准前准备备 金太阳课件、录音机、磁带、图片、学习用品、实物、人民币和自制简 单课件。 四、教学教学过过程:程: _ Step 1 Revision 1. Read Vocabulary, Target and Conversation quickly. 14 T: Good job! Open your books and read Vocabulary, Target and Conversation together. 2. Act out the dialogue. T: Which group wants to act out the dialogue again? (抽 1-2 组) Step2. More Reading and writing 1. Ss read the passage once by themselves. Repeat the passage after tape. 2. Ss find out the words or sentences which they dont understand. 3. T explains the words or sentences which Ss dont understand. 4. Answer the questions on the book. 5. Exercise: Fill in the blank. 6. Read the passage loudly. Step 3 练习练习与思考:与思考:仿例造句。仿例造句。 Model A: What are you going to do? Im going to take some photos. 1. your sister, have a picnic __________________________________________________________ 2. Tony and Jenny, do tai chi __________________________________________________________ Model B: Are your parents going to go on vacation? Yes, they are. 3. Ben, play with friends _________________________________________________________ 4. they, make a model plane _________________________________________________________ Homework: Dictate the words and sentences from Vocabulary and Target. 板书设计: Step 4 Blackboard writing Unit 3 On Vacation Toronto Canada one-weekUnit 3. On vacation Free talk: A:Whatre you going to do today? B:Im going to A:Whatre you going to do tomorrow? B:Im. have a vacation/picnic. What are you going to do today? Im going to What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to have a party. read books. What are you going to do during the vacation ? Im going to surf the Internet. What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to play with friends. What are you going to do during the vacation ? Were going to take photos. What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to help dad. What are you going to do during the vacation? Im going to make models. What are you going to do during the vacation? Were going to take photos make models Im going to have a party. Im going to surf the Internet play with friends A:What are you going to do druring the vacation/today/tonight/tomorr ow/ the day after tomorrow? B:Im going to Ask and answer in pair What are you going to do today? Im going to 1 A:What are you going to do today? B: Im going to__________ 2A:What do you going to do tomorrow? B:Im going to_________ 3 A:What are you going to do tonight? B: Im going to__________ 4 A:What are you going to do the day after tomorrow? B: Im going to__________ 5A:What are you going to do next Sunday? B: Im going to__________ surf the Internet make models play with friends read books take photos surf the Internet make models read books play with friends take photos Practice:do a survey We know today: A.What are you going to do during the vacation? B. Im going to
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