(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 6 Outdoor Fun-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:72acc).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Outdoor Fun_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:72acc)
    • Unit 6第二课时.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案72acc.docx--点击预览


fork forks spoon spoons knife knives chopsticks Do you have chopsticks? Yes, I do. Do you have knives? No, I dont. X Do you have spoons? Yes, I do. Yes, we do. Do you have forks? No, I dont. No, we dont. X cup a cup cups Do you have cups? Yes, I do. / Yes, we do. No, I dont. / No, we dont. a glass glasses Do you have glasses? Yes, I do. / Yes, we do. No, I dont. / No, we dont. Do you have a plate? No, I dont. Do you have plates? No, I dont. plate a plate plates I have a bowl. He has a bowl. bowl She has a bowl. Does she have a bowl? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. doesnt = does not has He has two spoons. Does he have spoons? Yes, he does. She has two glasses. Does she have two glasses? Yes, she does. cup cups bowl glass glasses plateplates bowls Does he have forks? No, he doesnt. Does he have spoons? Yes, he does. Does she have cups? No, she doesnt. Does she have bowls? Yes, she does. X I have a cup. I dont have a glass. X I have plates. I dont have cups. I have chopsticks. I dont have knives. X X Gogo has a bowl. He doesnt have a plate. X Tony has forks. He doesnt have spoons. X Jenny has plates. She doesnt have cups.第二课时 一、教学目标教学目标 1. 能正确认读、听说礼貌用语Excuse me.Here you are.Thank you.,并深刻体会 凡事要做好准备。 2.让学生紧密联系学习和生活实际,通过有趣的情景和对话,体会英语学习的 趣味,提高学习积极性。 3.让学生在学习过程中,体会成功的喜悦,增强学习的自信心。 4.通过学习,知道“好的准备是成功的一半。 ”A good preparation is half done. 学会未雨绸缪。 5.通过学习课文,懂得与他人交流要有礼貌。 二、教学重点二、教学重点,难点。难点。 1.理解故事意思,能在阅读中提取信息回答问题. 2. 掌握礼貌用语 Excuse me.Here you are.Thank you. 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1. 多媒体课件,餐具实物,餐具卡片,练习题资料 2. 磁铁 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm- up 1. 课前,教师在黑板上布置好云朵、太阳、小鸟,帐篷,营造郊外的气氛。 2. Greetings. T: Hi, children. Welcome to the countryside. How are you today? Ss: Very well. 3. Sing a song. Do you have a fork? 4. Play a game: Whats missing? Review the words and the sentences. (设计意图:这样的问候、歌曲和游戏既能消除师生之间的距离感和紧张感,使 学生能自然地融入到英语学习的状态中,也为师生间的互动创设了轻松愉悦的 语言环境。) Step 2 Lead-in & Presentation 1. Watch the flash of the story and answer the question: What dont Tony and Gogo have? Ss: They dont have plates, cups and a tent . T: How do they do? How do they ask? We should be polite. 引入Excuse me. 复习句型Do you have? 教学句子Here you are. Thank you. 2. Watch again and fill the blank of the story with Excuse me.Here you are.Thank you. Step 3 Practice 1.根据课文在适当的位置上填上适当的礼貌用语Excuse me.Here you are.Thank you. A: .Do you have cups? B: Yes, we do. . A: . 2. Oral practice. Finish Practice 2 on P44 Step 4 Extension或或Consolidation或或Production 1. Act out. T: Look, they are so happy in the countryside. Lets share their happiness. Lets read after the computer and act out the story! (设计意图:通过模仿录音语音语调对课文进行透彻的理解,通过角色扮演让学 生感受情景,趣能两得。) 2. Do a survey in groups .(设计意图:使用课前准备好的单词卡片到各组去做调 查,既能巩固礼貌用语,又能巩固本课重点词汇句子,一举两得。) Step 5 Summary Read the story again. We know we should be polite. We should do good prepare for everything. Step 6 Homework 1. Try to read the story to your friends or your parents. 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Excuse me. Here you are. Thank you.
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