(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 7 Time-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:804b9).zip

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  • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 7 Time_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:804b9)
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    • Unit 7 Time.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案804b9.doc--点击预览


一、阅读故事,回答问题。一、阅读故事,回答问题。 1.Who are in the story? ___________________________ 2.Where are they? ________________________________ 3.Do they buy (买) a watch ? ________________________________ 4.Are they happy at first ? Why(为什么 )? ________________________________ 5.Is Gogo happy at last? Why(为什么) ? ________________________________ 二、选择你喜欢的两幅图片,用时间的问答句来设计图片的对话。二、选择你喜欢的两幅图片,用时间的问答句来设计图片的对话。 (对话要求分别用上(对话要求分别用上 1、What time is it ? Its和和 2、Is it ? Yes, it is. 或者或者 No,it isnt .Its) 1.A: B: A: B: 2. A: B: A: B: 3.A: B: A: B: 4.A: B: A: B:Unit 7 Time What time is it ? What time is it ? Its oclock. What is it ? Its a clock . I dont know .lets go to the shop to buy(买) a watch. What time is it , Tony ? Ok! 1、 Who are in the story ? 2、 Where are they ? 3、 Do they buy a watch ? 4、 Are they happy at first? Why? 5、 Is Gogo happy at last (最后)Why? They are Gogo ,Tony and the seller(售货员) . They are at the watch shop. Yes , they do . Because they have a new watch now. No, he isnt. Because his watch doesnt work. Yes, they are. Can you show(表演) the story ? 演员要求:1、声音响亮(1分) 2、表情、 动作到位(2分 ) 3、语音、语调准确(2分) 观众要求:1、安静、认真观看(1分) 2、找出演员存在的问题(2分 ) 一、请用时间 的问答句子来设计图 片的对 话。 (对话要求分别用上1、What time is it ? Its和 2、Is it ? Yes, it is.或者No,it isnt . Its) A:Hello. B:Hi . A:What time is it ? B:Its five oclock. 一、请用时间 的问答句子来设计图 片的对 话。 (对话要求分别用上1、What time is it ? Its.和 2、Is it ? Yes, it is.或者No,it isnt .Its.) A: Is it five oclock ? B: Yes, it is. A: Is it six oclock ? B: No, it isnt .Its five oclock. Homework: A: Choose four pictures in Vocabulary, use the Target sentences to make a dialogue. Recite the story. B: Remember the words in the Vocabulary, Prepare for the dictation. Read the story.1 Unit 7 Time 一、一、教学内容与教材分析教学内容与教材分析 1、本节课是粤教版三年级下册 Unit7 story 的教学内容。 2、在第一课时学生已经学习了 Target 的句型,本课时的教学内容主要是: (1)复习巩固询问时间的特殊问句和一般疑问句及其答句。 (2)学习 story,掌握故事的内容,并能用丰富的语言、动作、表情表演出来。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、知识与技能目标: (1)复习巩固句型:What time is it ? Its 及 Is it ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt .It s (2)学习 story,掌握故事的内容,并能用丰富的语言、动作、表情表演出来。 2、过程与方法目标: (1)通过 Song 来吸引学生的注意力,并激发学生的学习热情。 (2)通过回答问题、小组表演,使学生理解故事内容。 (3)通过看图写对话等方式来巩固、突破本节课的重点、难点。 3、情感与态度目标: (1)通过 song 的方式,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2)通过小组合作和小组讨论,提高学生的学习效率和合作精神。 (3)通过 story 的学习,教育学生购买商品时应该注意商品的质量。 三、重点与难点:三、重点与难点: 1、故事的理解与朗读。 2、表演故事。 3、看图写对话。 四、教学策略四、教学策略 1、运用 PPT 制作课件,以展示图片、歌曲等信息。 2、综合运用了听说法、交际法、多媒体辅助法等,提供平台给学生学习、合作、 交流,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 五、教学流程图五、教学流程图 Warm-up speech 1、Sing a song . 2 六、具体教学过程六、具体教学过程: 教学环节教师活动/方法学生活动活动目的 1.Warm-up Ask the students to sing a song. Sing a song. Motivate students interest in learning. 2.Revision Ask and answer the questions. Ask and answer the questions. Review the Target sentences. Revision Presentation speech 1、Lead in : Show the ppt to create a scene . 2、Ask the students to watch the flash for the first time. 3、Present 5 questions,watch the video again. 4、Read the story picture by picture and answer the questions. Practice 1、 Read the story emotionally. 2、 Act out the story. Summary 1、Sum up the key sentences. 1、Use the key sentences to design the conversation. Extention 1、Ask and answer the questions. Homework A: Remember the words in the Vocabulary, Prepare for the dictation. Read the Story. B: Choose four pictures in Vocabulary, Use the Target sentences to make a dialogue. 3 3.Presentation 1、Lead in : Show the ppt to create a scene . 2、Ask the students to watch the flash for the first time. 3、Present 5 questions,watch the video again. 4、Read the story picture by picture and answer the questions. 1、 Watch the flash. 2、 Answer the questions. To learn the story. 4. Practice 1、 Read the story emotionally with the students. 2、 Teach the students how to act out the story. 1、Read the story emotionally. 2、Act out the story. To understand the story deeply. 5.Extension Ask the students to use the sentences to design the conversation of the pictures, make a model for them first. Use the key sentences to design the conversation. To use the key sentence patterns in this unit. . 6. Summary Ask the students to sum up the key sentences on the blackboard. Sum up the key sentences. Review and summarize what we learned in the lesson. 7. Homework Layering assignment. Do the homework.To practice the sentences
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