2021新版人教版选修一英语 Unit1 Explore the meaning of greatness-Listening and Speakingppt课件(含教案+视频).zip

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Explore the meaning of greatness 1 教学设计教学设计 Explore the meaning of greatness Listening and speaking Lead-in 2020 is a special year, do you think so? Who do you think made the biggest contributions in this period? (导入中问题的设计既要接近学生生活又要能够引出文章主题,所以课堂开始直接导入中问题的设计既要接近学生生活又要能够引出文章主题,所以课堂开始直接 抛出抛出2020是特别的一年,把学生引入到全民抗疫的特殊情境下。老师继续追问疫情是特别的一年,把学生引入到全民抗疫的特殊情境下。老师继续追问疫情 期间最伟大的人,并在肯定学生的答案之后抛出问题:伟大的意义是什么?引出本期间最伟大的人,并在肯定学生的答案之后抛出问题:伟大的意义是什么?引出本 课主题并与课堂最后的问题设置形成呼应。课主题并与课堂最后的问题设置形成呼应。) Learning objectives: After this class, you will learn how to listen for reasons when listening to a dialogue. know how to describe a great man in spoken English. get the true meaning of greatness (此部分是用来给学生展示本课目标,使学生明白这节课的任务是先听后说,最后(此部分是用来给学生展示本课目标,使学生明白这节课的任务是先听后说,最后 从听说中总结出伟大的意义。)从听说中总结出伟大的意义。) Learning Procedures: Activity I Listening I. Listen for basic information Listen to a dialogue and try to match the people with their achievements. 1.Elon Musk A. founder of modern nursing 2.Bill Gates B. founded high-tech and futuristic companies 3.Jack Ma C. managed the SARS outbreak 4.Alexander Fleming D made great advancement in online shopping 5.Florence Nightingale E. made home computing accessible 6.Zhong Nanshan F. discovered penicilin Explore the meaning of greatness 2 (此部分设置的是泛听练习(此部分设置的是泛听练习,学生带着问题去捕捉听力中提到的人物和他们的成就并学生带着问题去捕捉听力中提到的人物和他们的成就并 完成连线题,第一遍听力之后,学生对听力内容的主题有所了解。)完成连线题,第一遍听力之后,学生对听力内容的主题有所了解。) II. Listen for detailed information (此部分设置的是精听练习(此部分设置的是精听练习,学生在浏览表格以后开始第二遍听力。通过对细节的填学生在浏览表格以后开始第二遍听力。通过对细节的填 写,学生进一步把握了听力中提到的伟人的具体贡献。填表以后,老师提出写,学生进一步把握了听力中提到的伟人的具体贡献。填表以后,老师提出What can we learn from these men based on the details?引导学生浏览所填信息并开始头脑风暴。学生一边说出自己想出的词引导学生浏览所填信息并开始头脑风暴。学生一边说出自己想出的词,老师老师 SpeakerPerson admiredReason for admiration Anna SmithElon MuskHes the guy who founded a private_______________ and also some other companies. The companies he founds are all really_____________ and futuristic. Hes made millions of_________. Wang LinElon Musk He must be a really ____________guy and so ____________right now. Anna SmithBill Gates Jack Ma Hes as _________ as Bill Gates or Jack Ma now. Theyre really smart, too. Just think of all that ________they must make! Dr WangAlexander Fleming Florence Nightingale Zhong Nanshan they________ made millions of dollars, but their_ _______________ have ____________. Wang LinBill Gates/ Jack MaSuccessful people like Bill Gates and Jack Ma have___________ millions of dollars to__________, which should also count for something, Anna SmithElon Musk Bill Gates I like those people________ they have worked so hard to achieve their goals and have positive____________ to society. Its not just_____ how much money they make. Wang Lin Jack Ma Dr Wang Well, dont forget Jack Mas contribution. _________, I wouldnt ___________ to shop online! And by the way, Dad, if were talking about people who _____________and inspire us- you______ Dad. Explore the meaning of greatness 3 一边写在黑板上。)一边写在黑板上。) III. Further questions 1. Why does Dr Wang say “money isnt anything”? 2. What is the real reason Anna admires the famous people? 3. What kind of person do you think Wang Lin admires? Why do you think so? (这三个问题的设置一方面是为了让学生进一步学会提炼和总结所听信息,另一方(这三个问题的设置一方面是为了让学生进一步学会提炼和总结所听信息,另一方 面是为下面给出的听力技巧做铺垫。)面是为下面给出的听力技巧做铺垫。) IV. Listening tips How to listen for reasons? Sometimes, the reason is introduced At other times, the reason is given by words such as because of,______, right after the opinion or decisions. ________,_________,_______,________ (给出听力技巧时,引导学生说出和(给出听力技巧时,引导学生说出和because of 类似的各种表达,学生说出时老师写在黑板上。给出学生在听力中如何捕捉原因的类似的各种表达,学生说出时老师写在黑板上。给出学生在听力中如何捕捉原因的 技巧后,告诉学生下一环节即将练习如何让在说中表达原因。)技巧后,告诉学生下一环节即将练习如何让在说中表达原因。) Explore the meaning of greatness 4 Activity II Speaking Work in groups to make a presentation about man of great achievements. Attention: 1.Introduce the great deeds of the great man. 2.Give the reasons why you admire him or her. (此部分设置了不同领域的著名伟人展示给学生,目的是让学生通过讨论进一步了(此部分设置了不同领域的著名伟人展示给学生,目的是让学生通过讨论进一步了 解伟人的伟大事迹并感受伟人的伟大品质。演讲之前给学生的注意事项则引导了学解伟人的伟大事迹并感受伟人的伟大品质。演讲之前给学生的注意事项则引导了学 生注意在说时要包括哪些内容。此部分结束时,引导学生回顾不论在听力中还是在生注意在说时要包括哪些内容。此部分结束时,引导学生回顾不论在听力中还是在 讨论中,我们听到和说到的都是著名伟人,由此引出,实际上,平凡人也可以很伟讨论中,我们听到和说到的都是著名伟人,由此引出,实际上,平凡人也可以很伟 大。)大。) Activity III Reflection I. Reading and thinking I want to tell everyone about two teachers on Changyu Island, Wang Kaiquan and Lin Zhujin. Few people know about this hometown of mine. The island is beautiful, but its quite isolated, and there arent many modern conveniences. In bad weather, even our water and power supplies are unstable. People who have never been to our island are often surprised by this and find it hard to adjust. Many who live on the island dream of leaving. These two primary school teachers, however, have stayed on for 23 long years! They are the only teachers here, and they plan to stay for as long as there are children who need to Explore the meaning of greatness 5 attend school. I want to thank them, and let the world know about these teachers who work tirelessly every day for the sake of the children. My mother, Liu Shurong, is my greatest inspiration. She is 47 years old and works as a cashier at a neighbourhood supermarket. I used to think her job was pretty easy, but now that I am older, I realise that my mother deserves respect for doing an amazing job all these years. She works long hours every day for the sake of our family, and she still finds the time to help with household chores and spend time with me. My mother takes pride in her work. She faces customers with a smile and works hard even when she is tired. Because of her, I have learnt to stay positive even when times are hard. Question: What impresses you most? (此部分设置了来自学生教材(此部分设置了来自学生教材workbook 里的两个平凡人的小故事,学生通过读和思考进一步感受到身边的平凡人的伟大之里的两个平凡人的小故事,学生通过读和思考进一步感受到身边的平凡人的伟大之 处。)处。) II. Sharing Can you share one person around you who does something good? (在上面的读和思考以后,引导学生回到自己身边,分享自己身边的伟大的人。)(在上面的读和思考以后,引导学生回到自己身边,分享自己身边的伟大的人。) III. Deep thinking What is the meaning of greatness? (在前面的各种铺垫之后,回到本课最初提出的问题:伟大的意义是什么?)(在前面的各种铺垫之后,回到本课最初提出的问题:伟大的意义是什么?) Homework Explore the meaning of greatness 6 Write down one person around you who does something good within 100 words (通过写来进一步巩固学生对伟大的认识。)(通过写来进一步巩固学生对伟大的认识。)ListeningListening andand SpeakingSpeaking Explore the meaning of greatness Learning objectives: You will 1.learn how to listen for reasons when listening to a dialogue. 2.know how to describe a great man in spoken English. 3.get the true meaning of greatness. Activity I Listening I. Listen for basic information 1.Elon Musk A. founder of modern nursing 2.Bill Gates B. founded high-tech and futuristic companies 3.Jack Ma C. managed the SARS outbreak 4.Alexander Fleming D made great advancement in online shopping 5.Florence Nightingale E. made home coputing accssible 6.Zhong Nanshan F. discovered penicilin B E D F A C SpeakerPerson admired Reason for admiration Anna SmithElon Musk Hes the guy who founded a private____________ and also some other companies. The companies he founds are all really_____________ and futuristic. Hes made millions of_________. Wang LinElon Musk He must be a really ____________guy and so ____________right now. Anna Smith Bill Gates Jack Ma Hes as___________as Bill Gates or Jack Ma now. Theyre really smart, too. Just think of all that ________they must make! II Listen for details space company high-tech dollars. smart rich famous money 音频音频 1 音频细节音频细节 1 音频细节音频细节 2 音频细节音频细节 3 SpeakerPerson admiredReason for admiration Dr Wang Alexander Fleming Florence Nightingale Zhong Nanshan they________ made millions of dollars, but their ______________________ have _____________ Wang Lin Bill Gates Jack Ma Successful people like Bill Gates and Jack Ma have_________millions of dollars to__________, which should also count for something. Anna Smith Elon Musk Bill Gates I like those people________ they have worked so hard to achieve their goals and have positive ____________ to society. Its not just_____ how much money they make. Wang Lin Jack Ma Dr Wang Well,dont forget Jack Mas contribution._______, I wouldnt ____________ to shop online!.if were talking about people who _____________and inspire us-you___________ Dad. never contributions to health care saved countless lives. donated charity because contributions due to Without him find it so easy do good things inspire me 1.Why does Dr Wang say “money isnt everything” ? 2.What is the real reason Anna admires the famous people? 3.What kind of person do you think Wang Lin admires? Why do you think so? Listening Tips How to listen for reasons? Sometimes, the reason is introduced by words such as because of . At other times, the reason is given right after the opinion or decision. Activity II Speaking Attention: 1.Introduce the great deeds of the great man. 2.Explain the reasons why you admire him or her. Activity III Reflection I. Reading and thinking They are two teachers on Changyu lsland,Wang Kaiquan and Lin Zhujin. She is 47 years old and works as a cashier at a neighbourhood supermarket. What impresses you most? II. Sharing Can you share one person around you who does something good? III. Deep thinking Whats the true meaning of greatness? Homework Write down one person around you who does something good within 100 words. ThankThank YouYou
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