2021新版人教版选修一英语Unit 5 词汇学习ppt课件(含文档).zip

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人教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修第一册 UNIT 5 Work the Land 耕种土地 Words and Expressions Yuan Longping Yuan Longping Yuan Longping Yuan Longping The Medal of the Republic Super Super Hybrid RiceHybrid Rice hybrid corn hybrid eggplant hybrid pepper 2017年10月15日,中国工程院院士袁隆平 团队选育的超级杂交稻品种“湘两优900(超 优千号)”,15日在河北省硅谷农科院超级杂 交稻示范基地,通过了该省科技厅组织的测 产验收。平均亩产1149.02公斤,即每公顷 17.2吨(1 hectare = 10000 square meters)。创 造了世界水稻单产的最新、最高纪录。 2018年5月,袁隆平带领的青岛海水稻研发中 心团队对在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜热带沙漠 实验种植的水稻进行测产,最高亩产超过500 公斤。 2020年6月,袁隆平团队在青海柴达木盆地试 种的高寒耐盐碱水稻(又称海水稻)在盐碱地 里长出了水稻 。 2020年11月2日,在湖南省衡阳市衡南县清竹 村进行的袁隆平领衔的杂交水稻双季测产达 到了亩产1530.76公斤,其中早稻619.06公斤, 第三代杂交水稻晚稻品种“叁优一号”911.7 公斤,超过了1500公斤的预期目标。 袁隆平获2000年度“国家最高科学技术奖”, 奖金500万人民币。2018年9月8日,获得“未 来科学大奖”生命科学奖; 2018年12月18日, 党中央、国务院授予袁隆平改革先锋称号, 颁授改革先锋奖章,获评杂交水稻研究的开 创者。2019年9月17日,国家主席习近平签署 主席令,授予袁隆平“共和国勋章”。2020年 11月28日,当选2020中国经济新闻人物。 袁隆平是国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中 心、湖南杂交水稻研究中心原主任,湖南省 政协原副主席,中国工程院院士,美国国家 科学院院士,中国发明协会会士,湖南农业 大学名誉校长,第六届、七届、八届、九 届、十届、十一届、十二届全国政协常委。 1. hybrid habrd: n. 杂交植(动)物; 合成物; 混合动力车 1)Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid rice”, is one of Chinas most famous scientists. 2)The music is a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song(民歌). 3)This hybrid car can go at a speed of 100 kilometers an hour. 2. devote dvt: vt. 把献(给); 把专用于; 专心于 devotion dvn: n. 奉献; 忠诚; 专心 3. devote.to.: 把用于; 献身; 致力; 专心 devote (oneself/时间/精力等) to (名/代/doing): 专心于; 献身于; 把.用于. be devoted to (名词/doing): 致力于; 专心于; 被用在什么上 1)Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers, to whom he has devoted his life. 2)She decided to devote the rest of her life to the scientific research. 3)The woman devoted herself to her career. 4)They have devoted themselves to fighting poverty(贫困). 5)I can only devote three hours a day to the work. 4. shortage td: n. 不足; 缺少; 短缺 short:adj. 短的; 矮的;缺乏的; 短缺的 lack lk:n./v. 缺乏; 不足; 没有 1)However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. 2)Brazil experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. 3)There is a shortage of fresh water on the island. 4)Many people in the USA are dying because of shortage of medicine. 5)Some countries in Africa are suffering from food shortage. 5. tackle tkl: vt. 解决(难题); 应付(局面); 处理 solve slv: v. 解决; 处理; 解答 settle setl: v. 解决; 结束 deal with.: 处理; 解决 (常与how连用) do with.: 处理(常与what连用) 1)There are four different ways to tackle/ solve the problem. 2)The first reason to tackle these problems is to save the childrens lives. 3)In the last forty years the Chinese government has made great contributions to tackling poverty in China. 6. crisis krass: n. 危机;危急关头 (复数: crises krasi:z) a political/financial crisis : 政治/金融危机 an economic crisis : 经济危机 1)To tackle this crisis, he chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing. 2)In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. 3)The crisis had a negative effect on the world economy. 4)A crisis was rapidly developing in Europe. 5)The company managed to survive the crisis. 7. boost bust: vt. 使增长; 使兴旺 n. 增长; 提高; 激励 reduce/decrease/decline/fall/drop: 减少/下降 (by/to) increase/rise: v. 增加/上升 (by/to) 1)They will build more new hotels in order to boost tourism in the countryside. 2)The people expect the government to take action to boost the economy. 3)This will be a great boost to the economy. 4)The victory will give everyone a boost. 8. yield jild: n. 产量; 产出 vt. 出产(作物); 产生(收益、效益等) vi. 屈服; 让步 field fild:n. 田野; 领域; 运动场 give way to.: 让步; 屈服; 让路 give in: 让步;屈服 give up: 放弃; 投降 give up doing.: 放弃做什么 1)Instead, farmers needed to boost yields in the fields they had. 2)This years yield of rice is higher than ever before. 3)They will not yield to the American soldiers. 4)The farm yielded a good wheat crop. 5)The talks with India failed to yield any results. 9. convince knvns: vt. 使相信; 使确信; 说服 convinced: adj. 坚信; 深信; 确信 convincing: adj. 令人信服的; 有说服力的 be convinced of: 相信 convince sb to do.: 说服某人做什么 persuade sb to do: 说服某人做什么 = persuade/talk/reason sb into doing persuade sb not to do = persuade/talk/reason sb out of doing: 说服某人不做什么 1)Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. 2)I will try to convince him to see a doctor. 3)She will be able to convince Paul. 4)He convinced me that he was right. 10. characteristic krktrstk: n. 特征; 特点; 品质 adj. 典型的; 独特的 character : n. 特性; 特点; 特色 1)The two groups of children have quite different characteristics. 2)In my opinion, honesty is the most important characteristic in a person. 3)This kind of pineapple has its own characteristic smell. 11. attain ten: vt. (通常经过努力)获得; 得到; 达到(某年龄/水平/状况) get (got-got/gotten): v. 获得; 挣得 赚 win(won) : v. 获得; 挣得; 取得; 赢得 gain: v. 获得; 取得 acquire : v. 获得; 取得 turn: v. 达到/超过(年龄/数量/时间) 1)He attained a good mark in the exam. 2)Most of our students attained five A grades in their tests. 3)Our economy has attained a very high rate of growth. 4)He will attain/turn 105 next month. 12. conventional knvennl: adj. 传统的; 守旧的; 习惯的 traditional: adj. 传统的; 习俗的; 守旧的 convenience knvinns: n. 方便; 便利 convenient knvinnt: adj. 方便的; 便利的; 附近的 1)One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crops. 2)The old teacher is very conventional in her views. 3)He is interested in conventional medicine. pollinate 13. pollinate plnet: vt. 授粉; 传粉 1)However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate. 2)Many of the insects are needed to pollinate the local plants. 3)The bees pollinated the crops and helped them to grow. 4)Many plants need butterflies to pollinate them. 14. assumption smpn: n. 假定; 设定; (责任的)承担; (权利的)获得 assume sjum /sum: v. 假设; 获得; 承担 1)The common assumption then was that it could not be done. 2)His actions were based on a false assumption. 3)Great changes have taken place in Hongkong since their assumption of power last year. 15. intense ntens: adj. 热切的; 十分强烈的; 激烈的 intense heat/pain: 酷热/剧痛 1)Hes very intense about everything. 2)There was an intense competition between the players to win the gold medal. 16. overcome vkm (overcame - overcome): vt. 克服; 解决; 战胜 get over: 克服; 解决; 战胜 1)Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. 2) Something gave us the strength to overcome the difficulty. 3)She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 4)In the final game China easily overcame Brazil. 17. expand kspnd: v. 扩大; 增加; 扩展; 发展(业务) expansion kspnn: n. 扩张; 扩展; 扩大; 膨胀 1)There are no plans to expand the local airport. 2)Your vocabulary will expand through reading. 3)He has expanded the business by opening four more shops. 18. output atpt: n. 产量; 输出; 输出量 vt. 输出 (outputting - output) inputnpt: n. 输入; 投入 v. 输入 (inputting - inputted/input) 1)This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly. 2)Output will fall/increase by 8% . 3)Computers can now output data much more quickly. 19. estimate estmt: vt./n. 估计; 估价; 估算 establish stbl: v. 建立; 创立; 设立 assess: v. 评估; 评定; 估算; 估定 evaluate vljuet: v. 估计; 评价; 评估 1)I estimate (that) it will cost about 7,000 pounds. 2)It is hard to estimate how many children will take part in the activity. 3)It is estimated the project will last five years. 4)Its very difficult to give a reliable estimate. 20. domestic dmestk: adj. 本国的; 国内的; 家用的; 家庭的 family: n.家; 家庭; 亲属; 家族 abroad brd: adv. 国外; 外国 at home and abroad/overseas: 在国内外 domestic affairs/politics/flight/ market/reform: 国内事务/政治/航班/市场/改革 1)Because of the sharp fall in domestic demand, production has stopped. 2)Their domestic reforms failed to solve the problem of unemployment. 3)Women are still the main victims of domestic violence(暴力). 21. consumption knsmpn: n. 消耗; 消耗量; 消费 consume knsjum: v. 消耗; 吃; 饮; 喝; 烧毁 1)Gas and oil consumption always increases in winter. 2)In some developing countries cigarette consumption is increasing. 3)The food is not fit for human consumption. 22. comprise kmpraz: vt. 包括; 包含; 由组成 include: v. 包含; 包括 including: prep. 包括 contain: v. 含有; 包含; 容纳; 控制 prize praz: n. 奖品; 奖金; 奖赏 price pras: n. 价格; 代价 praise prez: n./v. 表扬; 赞扬 consist of sb/sth/doing.: 由组成/构成 (常用) be made up of sb/sth: 由组成/构成 (常用) be comprised of sb/sth: 由组成/构成 (很正式) 23. be comprised of.: 包括; 包含; 由组成/构成 1)The study group comprises six students. 2)The study group is comprised of six students. 3)The study group is made up of six students. 4)The study group consists of six students. 5)Six students make up/comprise the study group. 24. generate denret: vt. 产生; 引起 general denr()l: n. 将军; 上将 adj. 大慨的; 全体的; 普遍的 generate/produce/make electricity: 发电 generate power: 发电 generate heat/power : 产生热/动力 generate income/profit/wealth: 产生收益/利润/财富 1)We need some experts to generate new ideas. 2)The proposal has generated a lot of interest. 3)The minister said the reforms would generate new jobs. 4)This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time. 25. strain stren: n. (动、植物的)系; 品种; 拉伤; 压力 pressure pre : n. 压力; 压强 species: n. 物种(单数复数相同) train tren: v. 培训; 训练; 锻炼 n. 火车 under pressure: 在压力下 under strain: 在压力下 put a strain on.: 给某人增加压力/负担 26. leisure n(r): n . 闲暇; 休闲; 空闲 luxury lkri: n. 奢华; 奢侈; 奢侈品 leisure shoes/clothes: 便鞋/便服 at leisure: 闲散; 悠闲; 不慌不忙; 从容 at ones leisure: 有空时; 空闲时; 方便时 in ones spare/free time: 在的空闲时间里 1)Given that (考虑到/鉴于)Yuans hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure. 2)I like to go to the cinema when I have leisure time. 3)Life today is divided into work and leisure. 4)I can read the paper again at leisure at home. 27. deep down: 在内心深处; 本质上; 实际上 as a matter of fact = in fact/effect: 实际/事实上 1)Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart. 2)Deep down, I think they are still afraid of you. 3)We know deep down that we will make it. 4)He is only a boy deep down. soil soil 28. soil sl: n. 泥士; 土壤; 国土; 领土 oil l: n. 油; 石油; 食用油 territory tertri: n.领土; 版图; 领地 floor: n. 地板; 地面 (室内的) ground: n. 土壤; 土地; 地; 地面(室外的) land: n. 农田; 陆地; 大地; 国土; 国家 earth: n.土壤; 泥土; 大地; 陆地; 地面; 地球 1)Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil. 2)They were determined to drive the Japanese soldiers from Chinese soil. 3)We must defend Chinas sacred soil. celebrity celebrity celebrity celebrity 29. celebrity slebrti: n. 名望; 名誉; 名人; 名流 celebrate: v. 庆祝; 庆贺; 歌颂 1)As a man of the soil, he cares little for celebrity or money. 2)In 1987, at the age of 22, the singer suddenly became a celebrity. 3)If you are a celebrity, you are headline news. 4)Celebrity, money and possessions will not bring you happiness. 30. envision nvn: vt. 展望; 想象 imagine mdn: v. 想象; 设想; 猜测; 认为 imagination: n. 想象力; 想象 image md: n. 图像; 形象; 印象; 声誉 envision/imagine doing.: 想象做什么 1)They envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease. 2)We didnt envision any problems with the new bridge. 3)Go your own road, do what you love and live the life you envision. 4)No one in1978 could have envisioned this result. 5)I dont envision working with him again. sorghum sorghum 31. sorghum sm: n. 高梁; 高梁米 1)Sorghum is often used to make liquor in some countries. 2)Sorghum is an important food grain in southern Africa. 3)This place is famous for corn, wheat, sorghum and cattle. broom broom 32. broom brum: n. 扫把 ;扫帚; 金雀花 1)Betty picked up the broom and began sweeping the floor. 2)Use a broom to sweep the leaves from the path. 3)Broom is a wild bush with a lot of tiny yellow flowers. grain grain 33. grain ren: n. 谷物; 谷粒; 颗粒 rice: n. 水稻; 大米 wheat: n. 小麦 corn: n. 玉米 vegetable: n. 蔬菜 a grain of wheat/rice/sand: 一粒小麦/大米/沙子 a bag of grain: 一袋谷物 1)Long ago, he envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as a broom, and each grain of rice as huge as a peanut. 2)Corn is that countys most important grain. 3)The province produces one third of the countrys grain, meat and milk. 34. vision vn: n. 想象; 视力; 视野; 影像 sight sat: n. 视力;景色 eyesight asat: n. 视力 imagination: n. 想象力; 想象 image md: n. 图像; 形象; 印象 have good/perfect/poor/normal vision : 视力好/极好/差/正常 1)He has a vision of a world in which there will be no wars. 2)My vision is perfect. 3)Cats have good night vision. 4)Ten minutes later, the car moved outside her field of vision. 5)We apologize for the loss of vision. 35. reality rilti: n. 现实; 实际情况; 事实 real ril: adj. 真的; 真正的; 真实的; 实在的 really rl: adv. 真实地; 真正地; 事实上 become a reality: 成为现实 in reality: 事实上 1)The girl refuses to face reality. 2)Youre out of touch with reality. 3)The reality is that they are very poor. 4)Will time travel ever become a reality ? 5)It is difficult to distinguish between imagination and reality. 36. salty slti: adj. 含盐的; 咸的 salt slt: n. 盐 1)His latest vision for “seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for rice production. 2)Mom added salt but it still wasnt salty enough. 37. urban bn: adj. 城市的; 都市的; 城镇的 rural rrl: adj. 乡村的; 农村的 city: n. 大城市 town: n. 城镇 countryside: n. 农村 country: n. 农村; 乡村; 国家 county: n. 县; 郡 1)Most of the population is an urban population. 2)Traffic is a major urban problem. 3)The factory will surely do damage to both urban and rural environments. bomb go off = explode = blow up 38. bomb bm: n. 炸弹 v. 轰炸; 对投炸弹 a time/nuclear bomb: 定时/核炸弹 set off a bomb: 引爆炸弹 go off = explode = blow up: 爆炸 1)Thousands of bombs were dropped on the city of Chongqing in the late 1930s and in the early 1940s. 2)Bombs went off/exploded/blew up at two London railway stations. 3)The city was heavily bombed in the Second World War. 4)They bombed three towns yesterday. Bishan Tunnel tunnel tunnel 39. tunnel tnl: n. 地下通道; 地道; 隧道 drive a tunnel: 开凿隧道 1)They drove a tunnel through the solid rock. 2)The tunnel is 10 metres wide and 5,000 metres long. 3)The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. 40. extension kstenn: n. 扩建部分; 扩大; 电话分机 extend kstend: v.伸长; 扩大; 扩展; 延长 1)We have an extension in the bedroom. 2)Our extension is nearly finished. 3)He built an extension onto his house. 41. chemical kemkl: adj. 与化学有关的; 化学的 n.化学制品; 化学品 chemistry kemstr: n. 化学 chemist kemst: n. 化学家; 药剂师 physics fzks: n. 物理 physical fzkl: adj. 物理的;身体的 1)You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water. 2)Chemical weapons are banned internationally. 3)Many people think that this chemical can cause cancer. wheat wheat wheat wheat flour 42. wheat wit: n. 小麦; 小麦籽 sweat swet: v. 出汗 n. 汗水; 流汗 flour fla: n. 面粉 flower fla: n. 花 steamed bun/bread: 馒头 steamed stuffed bun: 包子 noodle nudl: n. 面条 1)The three provinces produce over 50% of the countrys wheat. 2)The price of wheat has decreased/ increased by 15%. 43. flavor/flavour flev: n. 味道; 特点; 特色 favour/favor feiv: n. 好意; 恩惠; 支持;赞同; 偏爱 v. 赞同; 支持; 喜爱; 偏袒 favourite/favorite feivrit: adj. 最喜爱的 n. 最喜爱的事物/东西/人 smell : n. 气味; 味觉; 臭味 character: n. 特性; 特点; 特色 characteristic: n. 特点; 特征; 特色 1)Do you like the flavor of the dish? 2)This bread has lots of flavor. 3)This newspaper has a sporting flavor. fertilizer fertilizer chemical fertilizer chemical fertilizer fertilizer ferti
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