2021年春人教新目标版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 精选精炼检测题(含听力音频及素材+学生版+教师版).zip

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    • 人教新目标版八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 名校精选精炼检测题(教师版).doc--点击预览
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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 名校精选精炼 检测题 (考试时间 120 分钟满分 120 分班级:____________姓名:____________) 听力部分(25 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子听一遍。(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. 二、听短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ()6.What did the woman think of the film? AInteresting. BMoving. CBoring. ()7.Whats Michaels dream job? AA teacher. BA doctor. CA nurse. ()8.What does the woman think of Glory King game? AInteresting. BExciting. CBoring. ()9.Does the boy like the book? AYes,he does. BNo,he doesnt. CHe buys it. ()10.What is the man doing? AHe is having dinner. BHe is reading a story. CHe is planning his vacation. 三、听长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 ()11.What did the princess take from the palace? AAn apple. BA necklace. CA book. ()12.Does the story have a happy ending? ANo,it doesnt. BA happy ending. CYes,it does. 听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 ()13.What are Paul and Maria going to do tomorrow? AWatch a movie. BGo for a walk. CPrepare for an exam. ()14.Where will Paul and Maria go tomorrow? ATo the Central Park. BTo the Peoples Park. CTo the City Park. ()15.Will Annie have lunch with Paul and Maria tomorrow? AYes,she will. BNo,she wont. CWe dont know. 四、听短文,选择正确答案。短文听两遍。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) ()16.Whats did the farmer take to a town one day? AA bag of fruit. BA bag of rice. CA bag of salt. ()17.Where did the poor farmer live? AIn the town. BIn the city. CNear the great mans home. ()18.How was the farmer when seeing the great man? AVery happy. BVery bored. CVery unhappy. ()19.What did the great man do as soon as he came nearer to the farmer? AGot off his horse. BTook away his bag. CLift the bag by himself. ()20.How could the farmer thank the great man? ABy helping others. BBy lifting the bag. CBy giving him money. 笔试部分(95 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ()21.There was ______ emperor in ______ Europe long long ago. Aa;a Ban;an Ca;/ Dan;/ ()22.______,there was a handsome young man falling in love with a beautiful girl. AOnce upon a time BSometimes COnce a time DLong time ()23.Finally,a god was so ______ by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains ______ Amoving;away Bmoveable;off Cmoved;away Dmoved;off ()24.Its ______ of Yang Xiangming to save the boy who fell into the river. Yes.He is a great man of our times. Apatient BEnergetic Cbrave Dconfident ()25.He spent the ______ afternoon. Aall BWhole Cboth Dneither ()26.The students exercise every day and they try ______ themselves healthy. Akeep BKeeping Ckept Dto keep ()27.(云南中考)Excuse me.Where is the nearest hotel? Just go down this road ______ you see a library.Its across from it. Auntil BBecause Chowever Dthough ()28.We all like to listen to her sing,because she has a beautiful ______ Avoice BSound Cnoise Dface ()29.We like those who have only one idea but make it ______ Ato work BWorking Cwork Dworks ()30.That cup isnt mine.It may be ______ Asomebodys Bsomebody else Csomebodys else Dsomebody elses 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Once there was a king.When he was old,he decided to choose a new king.He told all the young people in his country.“Ill give __31__ of you a seed(种子).Plant it and bring it back one year later.Show me the plants that you bring,__32__ Ill choose a new king from you.” A boy __33__ Ling got a seed,too.He planted it __34__But the seed didnt grow at all.After a year,Ling had to take his __35__ box to the palace.Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt __36__ The king __37__ the palace and looked around.When he found there was nothing in Lings box,the king smiled and said to the others,“One year ago,I gave everyone a seed __38__ couldnt grow.But all of you,__39__ Ling,have brought me plants and flowers.Ling was the only one with the honesty(诚实)and __40__ to bring such a box.So hell be the new king!” ()31.A.each BNeither Cboth Dnone ()32.A.and BBut Calthough Dso ()33.A.liked BHelped Cnamed Dasked ()34.A.quickly BCarefully Ceasily Dcarelessly ()35.A.full BEmpty Cbeautiful Dbroken ()36.A.sad BExcited Chappy Dsatisfied ()37.A.left BVisited Cpainted Dreached ()38.A.which BWho Cwhat Dwhen ()39.A.besides BWith Cexcept Das ()40.A.skill BCourage Cexperience Dfear 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A One day,an old woman found a peach(桃子)in the river and took it home.She and her husband found a child in the peach when they were trying to eat it.They called him Momotaro.When Momotaro grew up,he started to fight bad men.With the help of a dog,a monkey and a bird,Momotaro beat them and went back home safely. A kind old man created(创造)Pinocchio from wood and treated(对待)him as his son.Instead of doing right things like going to school,Pinocchio liked hanging out.One day,a whale(鲸)ate the old man.Pinocchio went into the sea and risked his life to save his father.The brave act made him become a real man. ()41.Who found the peach in the river? AAn old woman. BAn old man. CAn old couple. DMomotaro. ()42.What did Pinocchio enjoy doing? ACutting wood. BGoing to school. CHelping others. DHanging out. ()43.Pinocchios ______ act made him become a real man at last. Afriendly BBrave Cfunny Dbad ()44.What did Momotaro and Pinocchio have in common? A.They both came from a peach. BThey didnt love their fathers. CThey were not born humans. DThey both loved to fight bad men. ()45.What can we know from the passage? AMomotaro loved eating peach. BMomotaro got hurt in the fight. CPinocchio had three animal friends. DPinocchio saved his father from the whale. (陕西月考)B An old man lived with his little grandson.Every day the old man got up early to read books. One day the grandson asked,“Grandpa,I want to read books as you do.But I always forget what I read.What are the advantages of reading?” The grandfather didnt answer him,but said,“Take this little basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” The boy did as his grandpa said,but all the water leaked(漏)out before he got back home.The grandfather laughed and said,“Youll have to walk faster next time.” The next time the boy ran faster,but the basket was still empty before he returned home.The boy said,“See,Grandpa,its no use!”“Is it no use?” the old man said.“Look at the basket.” The boy looked at the basket and found that the basket was different.It was cleaner,inside and out. “Thats what happens when you read books.You might not understand or remember everything,but when you read them,you will be changed,inside and out.” ()46.What did the old man do every day? AHe carried water. BHe read books. CHe wrote something. DHe did some chores. ()47.After the grandson read books,he ______ Awas too busy to do it Bgot up late Calways forgot what he read Dslept late ()48.What did the grandson use to get some water? AA basket. BA bowl. CA glass. DA cup. ()49.How many times did the grandson go to the river to get some water? AOnce. BTwice. CThree times. DFour times. ()50.According to the grandpas words,what happens when we read books? AWe wont have any changes. BWe can understand everything. CWe will be changed,inside and out. DWe can never forget what we read. (东营中考)C Once upon a time,there lived a great storyteller whose stories gave both children and adults a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.He told a story about an emperor who loved new clothes and about a tiny girl who was no taller than a persons thumb(拇指). That storytellers name was Hans Christian Andersen.He was born in Denmark.He wrote more than 150 stories,which are told in many countries.He became the first author to write and publish his own fairy tales.Andersen grew up poor.His father was a shoemaker,and his mother could hardly read.Andersen once said,“Most of what I have written is a reflection of myself.” His fairy tale,The Ugly Duckling,about a duckling that is laughed by other animals until it grows up to be a swan(天鹅),was written according to his own experience as a child.His other famous fairy tales include The Little Match Girl,The Daughter of the Sea and The Snow Queen. Andersens fans celebrated the anniversary(周年纪念日)of his 200th birthday in 2005.People are told his fairy tales in many countries.They organized different kinds of celebrations to remind people of Andersen and Andersens fairy tales. In Denmark,15foottall puppets(木偶)danced in midair every night from May until September.In Singapore,the post office published a series(系列)of Andersen stamps.And in Egypt,the library in Alexandria showed Andersens books,which were translated into 150 languages! In New York Citys Central Park,storyteller Ellen Shapiro told The Real Princess to a crowd of children. “Andersens stories have everything,” Shapiro told the reporter.“They are funny and sad and enjoyable.I never get tired of them.” Storytellers such as Shapiro love continuing Andersens tradition.Shapiro doesnt memorize her favorite stories,however.Instead,she learns what happens at the beginning,middle,and end.She changes the words of a story to fit the listeners.So no two tellings of a story are exactly alike. ()51.What can we know about Andersen according to the passage? AHe was born in Denmark in 1820. BHe was from a rich family. CHe was the first author to write and publish his own fairy tales. DHe was laughed by other children because he was a poor storyteller. ()52.Which statement about Andersens 200th birthday anniversary celebrations is TRUE? AIn Denmark,puppets danced every night for half a year. BIn Singapore,the post office published a series of Andersen stamps. CIn Egypt,Andersens fans translated his books into 150 languages. DIn the US,Ellen Shapiro told The Ugly Duckling to a crowd of children. ()53.How many Andersens fairy tales are mentioned in this passage? A5. B7. C15. D150. ()54.What can we know about Shapiro from the passage? A.She doesnt like following Andersens tradition. B.She organized Andersens 200th birthday anniversary celebrations. CShe never tells the same story in exactly the same way. DShe is used to reading Andersons stories to her listeners. ()55.According to the passage,we can know that ______ Aall of Andersens fairy tales reflect his own life BAndersens fairy tales can bring people a lot of pain and pleasure CAndersens fairy tales are only loved by children in 150 countries DAndersens fairy tales are funny and sad and enjoyable 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示填词。 56When the English TV program Monkey came out in 1979, _(西方的) children became interested in this wonderful story. 57The emperor didnt want people to think he was _ (愚蠢的). 58This song _ __(使想起)us that what has happened between us. 59The old man is holding a small _(棍)in his hand. 60The animal has a long _ __(尾巴)and short ears. B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 61They got _ _(marry)many years ago. 62Mr.Green lives on the _ _(twelve)floor of the building. 63Mary used to be afraid of the dark,but she is a little _ __(brave)than before. 64The sports meeting will continue unless it _ __(rain)this afternoon. 65She is not strong enough _ __(go)climbing the mountain. 九、补全对话。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项完成对话。其中有两项多余。 A:66. _ B:Yes,I did. A:What do you think of the story? B:67. _ A:68. _ B:I think he was very silly. A:69. _ B:Because the emperor was stupid,and the others were afraid of telling the truth. A:What can you learn from the story? B:70. _ AWhat about the emperor? BWe should focus on(关注)the facts and tell the truth bravely. CHow do you like the story? DWhy could the two brothers cheat the emperor easily? EInteresting and educational(有教育意义的). FWhen did you read it? GDid you read the story the Emperors New Clothes? 十、阅读还原。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 根据短文内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项多余。 Long long ago,there was a crow(乌鸦).71. _Whenever she heard cuckoos(布谷鸟的) babies singing,she felt sad.72. _ She wanted her babies to grow up with cuckoos babies and sing like them.73. _ Because cuckoos babies were also black,the mother cuckoo didnt notice that Eric was different and fed him along with her babies. 74 _ But Eric couldnt sing the same notes(音符)as cuckoos babies did.All the cuckoos babies started laughing at him and pushed him out of the nest.The mother crow saw it and took him back to her nest.75. _ AShe knew that it was not necessary to change natural rules. BSo she put one of her babies Eric in the cuckoos nest(窝). CAfter a few days,the mother cuckoo started teaching her babies to sing. DShe had 3 babies. EThe mother crow was very angry. FShe knew that her own babies couldnt sing. GShe thought that her own babies sang very sweet. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 true,important,never,move,plan,careful,her,if,for,talk Once there was a spider(蜘蛛)in a field.She liked this home and 76._ _to stay there for the rest of her life.One day the spider caught a little bug(虫子),and just as the spider was going to eat him,the bug said,“If you let me go,Ill tell you something 77._ _ that will save your life.” The spider stopped and listened 78.__ _ “Youd better leave this field,” the little bug said.“The harvest(收割)is coming!” The spider smiled and said,“Whats the harvest youre 79._ _ about?Youre just telling me a story.” But the little bug said,“Oh,no,its 80._ __The owner of this field is coming to harvest it soon.Youll be killed by the machines 81. _you stay here.” The spider said,“I dont believe you.Ive lived here all of my life,and the owner has 82._ _ come here.” And then the spider ate the little bug 83. _lunch. The next day was a beautiful sunny day.As the spider was going to have a rest,she saw some thick dustyclouds 84._ __ towards her.She could hear the sound of machines and said to 85.__ _,“I wonder what that could be?” 十二、书面表达。(15 分) 86童话故事深受孩子们的喜爱。你读过哪些童话故事?请把你印象最深刻的 一部写下来,和大家一起分享。80 词左右。 要求:(1)Whats the name of it? (2)Whats the story about?(3)Why do you like it? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 名校精选精炼 检测题 (考试时间 120 分钟满分 120 分班级:____________姓名:____________) 听力部分(25 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子听一遍。(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) (B)1. (A)2. (C)3. (C)4. (A)5. 二、听短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) (C)6.What did the woman think of the film? AInteresting. BMoving. CBoring. (A)7.Whats Michaels dream job? AA teacher. BA doctor. CA nurse. (C)8.What does the woman think of Glory King game? AInteresting. BExciting. CBoring. (A)9.Does the boy like the book? AYes,he does. BNo,he doesnt. CHe buys it. (B)10.What is the man doing? AHe is having dinner. BHe is reading a story. CHe is planning his vacation. 三、听长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 (B)11.What did the princess take from the palace? AAn apple. BA necklace. CA book. (C)12.Does the story have a happy ending? ANo,it doesnt. BA happy ending. CYes,it does. 听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 (B)13.What are Paul and Maria going to do tomorrow? AWatch a movie. BGo for a walk. CPrepare for an exam. (C)14.Where will Paul and Maria go tomorrow? ATo the Central Park. BTo the Peoples Park. CTo the City Park. (B)15.Will Annie have lunch with Paul and Maria tomorrow? AYes,she will. BNo,she wont. CWe dont know. 四、听短文,选择正确答案。短文听两遍。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) (B)16.Whats did the farmer take to a town one day? AA bag of fruit. BA bag of rice. CA bag of salt. (C)17.Where did the poor farmer live? A
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