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1、20202020- -20212021 学年度下学期六年级学年度下学期六年级英语英语第一次月考试题第一次月考试题 听力部分听力部分 一一、听听录音录音选选出你所听到的单出你所听到的单词词(5(5 分分) ) ( )1 1. .A A. .lower lower B . shorter B . shorter C. younger C. younger ( )2 2. .A. drinkA. drink B. drank B. drank C. drawC. draw ( )3 3. .A A. .downdown B . B . growgrow C.shadow C.shadow ( )4

2、4. .A.played B. stayed A.played B. stayed C. play C. play ( )5 5. .A A . .lonlong g B . smarteB . smarter r C. longer C. longer 二二、听音选句子听音选句子(5(5 分分) ) ( )1 1. .A A. .Your feet are bigger than mine.Your feet are bigger than mine. B B.My.My feet are smaller than feet are smaller than yoursyours. . (

3、)2( )2. . A A. .Two students watched TV.Two students watched TV. B B. .Two stTwo stu udents washed their clothes.dents washed their clothes. ( )3( )3. .A A. .The sun The sun is getting lois getting lower and lowerwer and lower. . B B. .The shadow is getting longer and longer.The shadow is getting lo

4、nger and longer. ( )4( )4. .A A. .ZhangZhang P Peng is eng is tallertaller than Sarah.than Sarah. B B. . Zhang Peng is shorter than Sarah.Zhang Peng is shorter than Sarah. ( )5( )5. .A A. .How is How is ourour weekend?weekend? B B. .How was your weekend?How was your weekend? 三三、听录音,听录音,根据所听到的内容根据所听到

5、的内容选择正确的答案。选择正确的答案。(10(10 分分) ) ( ) 1. How ( ) 1. How tall is Bob?tall is Bob? A. He is 1.5A. He is 1.55 5 metres. metres. B. He is 1.56 metres. B. He is 1.56 metres. C. He is 1.65 metres. C. He is 1.65 metres. ( ) ( ) 2. What size are Jacks shoes? A. Size 36. B. Size 37.C. Size 38. ( ) 3. What did

6、Mike do last weekend?( ) 3. What did Mike do last weekend? A.A.He He had a coldhad a cold. B.He did his homework. B.He did his homework. C.He played fC.He played football with Zhang Peng.ootball with Zhang Peng. ( ) 4. How old is ( ) 4. How old is AmyAmy? ? A.ShA.She is e is 1 15 years old. 5 years

7、old. B.B. ShShe is e is 1313 years old. years old. C.C.ShShe is e is 12 years old. years old. ( ) 5. How heavy is J( ) 5. How heavy is Johnohn? ? A. He is 46 kilograms. B. He is 48 kilograms. C. He is 58 kilograms. A. He is 46 kilograms. B. He is 48 kilograms. C. He is 58 kilograms. 四四、听短文,写单词填空。听短文

8、,写单词填空。(10(10 分分) ) Hello,my name is Mary.Im 12 years old.I have aHello,my name is Mary.Im 12 years old.I have a sister.I am 2 years sister.I am 2 years _ _ than her.We look the same.She is than her.We look the same.She is _ _ than me,but she is than me,but she is _.My feet are .My feet are _.I wear

9、 size 38 shoes and she wears size .I wear size 38 shoes and she wears size 37 shoes.We are in the same 37 shoes.We are in the same class.Her schoolbag is class.Her schoolbag is _ _ than mine.than mine. 笔试部分笔试部分 五五、选择正确答案前的序号。 (选择正确答案前的序号。 (1 10 0 分)分) ( )1 1. .I Im two years _ than you. m two years

10、_ than you. A. young B . A. young B . smallsmaller C. youngerer C. younger ( )2 2. .How tall is Chen Jie? How tall is Chen Jie? _ A. A. SheShe is 12 years old. B. is 12 years old. B. She is 1She is 147 metres. C. She47 metres. C. Shes 1.s 1.5 metres.5 metres. ( )3 3. .How _ is your best friend? How

11、_ is your best friend? Thirteen years old.Thirteen years old. A.A. talltall B. B. oldold C. heavyC. heavy ( )4 4. .You look taller _ me. You look taller _ me. A. and B. than C. or A. and B. than C. or ( )5 5. . _ you _ ping_ you _ ping- -pong with Wu Yifan last Saturday?pong with Wu Yifan last Satur

12、day? A. A. Do,Do,playplay B. B. Did, playedDid, played C. C. Did, playDid, play ( )6 6. .My shoes are size 40.My shoes are size 40.也可以也可以怎样怎样表达?表达? A.A.I wear shoes size 40.I wear shoes size 40. B. B. I wear size 40 shoes.I wear size 40 shoes. C. C. I wear 40 size shoes.I wear 40 size shoes. ( )7 7.

13、 ._ is it? _ is it? Maybe 4 metres.Maybe 4 metres. A. How tall B. How old C. How manA. How tall B. How old C. How many y ( )8 8. .My bag is bigger than _. My bag is bigger than _. A. Mike A. Mike B. MikeB. Mikes C. Mikess C. Mikes ( )9 9. ._ is heavier than you ? _ is heavier than you ? A. What B. W

14、ho C. WhA. What B. Who C. Whereere ( )1010. .Zhang PengZhang Pengs shoes are size 38. Mikes shoes are size 38. Mikes are size 37. Whose s are size 37. Whose shoes are bigger?shoes are bigger? A. ZhanA. Zhang Pengg Pengs shoes are bigger. B. Mikes shoes are bigger. B. Mikes shoes are bigger.s shoes a

15、re bigger. C. Zhang PengC. Zhang Pengs shoes are big.s shoes are big. 六六、按要求写词按要求写词. . 1.1.写写出出对应对应比较级或原形。 (比较级或原形。 (5 5 分)分) sad_ sad_ cloudy_cloudy_angrangrierier_ hot_hot_ sunny_ sunny_ fatter_ fatter_ youngeryounger_ _ happyhappy_ oldold _ longer longer _ 2.2.写出下面动词的过去式。写出下面动词的过去式。 (5 5 分)分) do

16、_ do _ is _ is _ drink _ drink _ play_ play_ clean_clean_ 七、七、根据提示根据提示写词写词填空,完成句子填空,完成句子。 (1010 分)分) I I_(_(洗洗我我的衣服了的衣服了)last S)last Saturaturday.day. Amy _(Amy _(待在家待在家)last weekend.)last weekend. Mike _(Mike _(看电视了看电视了)last weekend.)last weekend. C Chen Jie _(hen Jie _(打扫她的房间了打扫她的房间了) )last weeken

17、d.last weekend. Zhang Peng is _(Zhang Peng is _(更强壮更强壮)than Sarah.)than Sarah. 八八、按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。 (1010 分)分) 1.the tallest that1.the tallest thats in this dinosaur hall (.) (s in this dinosaur hall (.) (连词成句连词成句) ) _ _ 2.watched, tea, the, afternoon, we, TV, drank, i2.watched, tea, the, afternoon,

18、we, TV, drank, in, and (.) (n, and (.) (连词成句连词成句) ) _ 3. Amy is 1.62 metres. Mary is 1.65 metres. (3. Amy is 1.62 metres. Mary is 1.65 metres. (用用 tallertaller 将两句合为一句将两句合为一句) ) _ 4. feet are your than bigger mine (.)(4. feet are your than bigger mine (.)(连词成句连词成句) ) _ 5. is, it, than, taller, us, o

19、f, both, together(. )(5. is, it, than, taller, us, of, both, together(. )(连词成句连词成句) ) _ 6. Tony is6. Tony is 56 kilograms56 kilograms. (. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) ) _ _ is Tony?_ _ is Tony? 7. My shoes are7. My shoes are sisize 36ze 36. (. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) ) _ _ are your shoes?_ _ are your shoes? 8.I 8.I pl

20、ayed football played football last weekend.(last weekend.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) ) WhatWhat _ you _ you _ last weekend?last weekend? 9.My last weekend was 9.My last weekend was finefine.(.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) ) _ _ your last weekend?_ _ your last weekend? 10.10.home, at, I, stayed,your,grandma, with(.home, at,

21、 I, stayed,your,grandma, with(. )()(连词成句连词成句) ) _ 八八、补全对话,选择正确补全对话,选择正确句子抄写在对应的横线上句子抄写在对应的横线上,注意书写格式规范,注意书写格式规范。( (1010 分分) ) Mike: Hi, Grandpa. How are yMike: Hi, Grandpa. How are you? ou? Grandpa: IGrandpa: Im fine, Mike.m fine, Mike. Mike: _ Mike: _ Grandpa:Grandpa:It was good, thank you.It was g

22、ood, thank you. Mike: Mike: _ Grandpa: Well, I stayed at home with yourGrandpa: Well, I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.afternoon and watched TV. Mike: Mike: _ _ I watched some childrenI watched some childrens shows s shows

23、on TV.on TV. Grandpa: ThatGrandpa: Thats nice.s nice. _ Mike: Yes, I cleaned myMike: Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.room and washed my clothes. Grandpa: Grandpa: _ 九九、阅读理解。阅读理解。(10(10 分分) ) Little Duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lowerLittle Duck is watching th

24、e sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, , but his shadow is getting longer and longer but his shadow is getting longer and longer “Why is that? Why is that? ”Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. “ You are You are older and smarter than me. Tell meolder an

25、d smarter than me. Tell me- -why is my shadow longer when the sun why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?gets lower?” Old Tree says, Old Tree says, “Thats easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, Thats easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Youan

26、d we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are r shadow grows longer because you are growing growing taller.taller.You are becoming a big beautiful bird.You are becoming a big beautiful bird.” ( )1( )1. ._ is getting lower and lower. _ is getting lower and lower. A A. . Little D

27、uck Little Duck B. The sun B. The sun C. C. O Old Tree ld Tree ( )2. _is older and smarter than_.( )2. _is older and smarter than_. A. Old Tree A. Old Tree , ,the sthe sun un B. Little Duck B. Little Duck , ,Old Tree Old Tree C. Old TreeC. Old Tree, , Little Duck Little Duck ( )3. _ goes down every

28、day .( )3. _ goes down every day . A. Little Duck A. Little Duck B. The sun B. The sun C. Old Tree C. Old Tree Did you do anything else? How was your weekend? Did you do anything else? How was your weekend? You are a good boy! What did you do?You are a good boy! What did you do? I watched TV, too.I

29、watched TV, too. ( ( )4. )4. Ood tree thinks,Ood tree thinks,Little Ducks shadow grows longer because he Little Ducks shadow grows longer because he is growing_.is growing_. A A. .lower lower B. B. taller C youngertaller C younger ( )5. Little Duck is becoming a big beautiful_.( )5. Little Duck is b

30、ecoming a big beautiful_. A A. .tree tree B B. . shadow shadow C. birdC. bird 十、十、根据表格信息,请用根据表格信息,请用做做比较的句式比较的句式对对 AmyAmy 和和 SarahSarah 的进行的进行三个方面三个方面比较比较, 并并根据提示根据提示描述他们描述他们做的做的不同活动不同活动,共共写五句话写五句话。(10(10 分分) ) _ _ _ _ _ 六年级英语第一次月考答案六年级英语第一次月考答案 一、一、BBCBC BBCBC 二、二、BBBBBBBBBB 三、三、CBCCBCBCCB 四、四、Youn

31、ger, taller, thinner, bigger, heavier, Younger, taller, thinner, bigger, heavier, 五、五、CCBBC BABBACCBBC BABBA 六、六、Sadder cloudier angry hotter sunnier fat young happier Sadder cloudier angry hotter sunnier fat young happier ololder der long ; did was drank played cleanedlong ; did was drank played cl

32、eaned 七、七、 washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV cleaned her room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV cleaned her room strongerstronger 八、八、1.That1.Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 2.2. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.We drank te

33、a in the afternoon and watched TV. 3.3. Mary is taller than Amy.Mary is taller than Amy. 4.4. Y Your feet are bigger than mine.our feet are bigger than mine. 5.5. It is taller than both of us together.It is taller than both of us together. 6.6. How heavy How heavy 7.7. What size What size 8.8. Did,d

34、oDid,do AmyAmy SarahSarah 12 years old12 years old 13 years old13 years old 1. 54 metres1. 54 metres 1. 56 me1. 56 metrestres 40 kilograms40 kilograms 45 kilograms45 kilograms AmyAmy 洗她的衣服洗她的衣服 last Sundaylast Sunday SarahSarah 待在家待在家 last weekendlast weekend 9.9. How wasHow was 10.10. I stayed at h

35、ome with your grandma.I stayed at home with your grandma. 九、补全对话。九、补全对话。 How was your weekend?How was your weekend? What did you do?What did you do? I watched TV,too.I watched TV,too. Did you do anything else?Did you do anything else? YouYou are a good boy! are a good boy! 十、阅读理解十、阅读理解 B C B B CB C

36、B B C 十一、作文。十一、作文。 Amy is younger than Sarah. Amy is younger than Sarah. 或或 Sarah is older than Amy.Sarah is older than Amy. Amy is shorter than Sarah. Amy is shorter than Sarah. 或或 Sarah is taller than Amy.Sarah is taller than Amy. Amy is thinner than Sarah. Amy is thinner than Sarah. 或或 Sarah is heavier than Amy.Sarah is heavier than Amy. Amy washed her clothes last SundayAmy washed her clothes last Sunday. . Sarah stayed at home last weekend.Sarah stayed at home last weekend.


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