2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 4 Amazing art Section B(共20张PPT) ppt课件.pptx

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1、UNIT 4 Amazing art Section B Using language 词汇一词汇一 put up 建造;举起;张贴;提高;投宿;留(某人)在家里过夜建造;举起;张贴;提高;投宿;留(某人)在家里过夜 一言助记 Once,the activity group put up a notice that they planned to go camping in the valley the next day. As soon as they reached the foot of the mountain,they put up a tent and made a fire to

2、 cook. At dusk,Tom put up his hand and asked to be put up in the hotel for the night,but he didnt know the hotel expense had been put up a lot. 有一次,活动小组贴出 一个通知,说他们计划第二天去山谷露营。他们一到山脚下,就搭起帐篷,生起火来做饭。傍晚时分, 汤姆举手要求在旅馆里过夜,可他不知道住宿费已经涨了很多。 归纳拓展 put up with 忍受,容忍 put down 放下;记下;镇压 put forward 提 出;将提前 put off 推

3、迟,延期 put on 穿上;上演 put out 扑 灭;熄灭 put away 将收起;储存 题组练领悟方法 核心词汇核心词汇 汉译英 (1) 盖楼房_ (2) 举手 _ (3) 张贴通知_ (4) 提高租金_ (5) 留我住一宿_ 写出下列句中 put up 的含义 (6) They are putting up several new office blocks in the centre of the town._ (7) The exam results will be put up on Friday afternoon. _ (8) He decided that he wou

4、ld drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night. 单句语法填空 _ (9)2016 天津The manager put_a suggestion that we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do. (10) Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can put_ almost every word her teacher says. (11) The rescu

5、e services are still trying to put_ the fire put up a building put up ones hand put up a notice put up the rent put up for the night 投宿投宿 建造建造 张贴张贴 out up down 词汇二词汇二 elegant adj. 高雅的,优美的高雅的,优美的 教材原句 . his writing was so free and elegant!他的书写是如此自由和优雅! 要点必记 (1)an elegant dress 优雅的连衣裙 an elegant room/

6、restaurant雅致的房间 / 餐厅 (2)dress elegantly 穿着雅致 be decorated elegantly 装饰高雅 单词积累 elegance n. 优雅 elegantly adv. 优雅地 单句写作 (1) The musician is playing the piano_ (用一种优雅的方式). (2) Its typical of her to_(穿得很雅致). 单句语法填空 (3) I was filled with admiration watching her dancing _(elegant). (4) It was her natural_(

7、elegant) that impressed me. elegance elegantly in an elegant way dress elegantly 词汇三词汇三 contemporary adj. 当代的;同一时代的当代的;同一时代的 教材原句 Since it began in the late 20th century,the Contemporary Art Movement has raised questions and doubts. 当代艺术运动自20 世纪末兴起以来,一直受到人们的质疑 要点必记 contemporary music/dance/art 当代音乐

8、/ 舞蹈 / 艺术 contemporary setting 当代背景 modern and contemporary 现当代的 be contemporary with 与属于同一时代 单句写作 (1) He_(与是同龄人)me. (2)马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的人。 Marlowe_. (3) 2019 重庆一中高一期中 He wrote short stories with a_ (当代背景). (4)2019 四川成都外国语学校高一开学 In this play only the names belong to the old age but the characters are_ (现

9、当代的). is contemporary with was contemporary with Shakespeare contemporary setting modern and contemporary 词汇四词汇四 lack (1) v. 没有;缺乏没有;缺乏 (2) n. 不足,缺乏;没有不足,缺乏;没有 教材原句 While some say contemporary art lacks skill,meaning and artistic value. 虽然有人说当代艺术缺乏技巧、意义和艺术价值 要点必记 lack confidence/imagination 缺乏信心 / 想

10、象力 not lack for sth. 某物应有尽有,不乏某物 a lack of 缺乏 for/through lack of 因缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏 单词积累 lacking adj. 不足的,缺少的 单句语法填空 (1)They_ (lack)the money to send him to university. (2)Though he is_ (lack)in experience,he makes up for it in enthusiasm. (3)She does not lack _friends. 单句写作 (4) If he fails it wo

11、nt be_ (因为缺乏努力). (5) Her only problem is _(缺乏自信). lacked lacked for for/through lack of a lack of confidence 词汇五词汇五 be aware of 意识到意识到,知道,知道 教材原句 Try to be aware of where and when to pause during a conversation . 尽力意识到在谈话中应该何时在什么地方停顿。 要点必记 (1)be/become aware of/that. 意识到,知道 make sb. aware of/that. 使

12、某人意识到 so/as far as I am aware 就我所知 (2)raise the awareness of.提高对的认识 arouse ones awareness of唤起某人对的认识 单句语法填空 (1) At the sight of the scene,they were aware _what had happened. (2) Are you aware _there is danger? 单句写作 (3) 2018 江苏卷The customers_ (没有意识到)eating more than usual. (4) They suddenly_( 意 识 到)p

13、eople looking at them. (5) Patients should_ (使意识到) the risks involved in this treatment. (6) People should_ (提高对.的意识)environmental protection. of that arent aware of/ are unaware of became aware of be made aware of raise the awareness of 句式一句式一 主语从句主语从句 教材原句 What caught my attention first was a 15th

14、-century qinghua bowl in a breath- taking exhibition of Chinese porcelain. 首先引起我注意的是一件 15 世纪的青花瓷碗,它陈列在令人叹为观止的中国瓷器展览中。 句式分析 what caught my attention first 是 what 引导的主语从句,what 相当于 the thing(s) that。 要点必记 (1)由 what 等连接词引导的主语从句连 接 代 词 what,which,who,whom, whatever, whoever 等和连接副词 when,where,why,how 等在主语

15、从句中起连接作用并且有 实际意义。 (2)由 that 引导的主语从句that 在主语从句中不作任何成分,也无实际词义,只起连 接作 用,但不能省略。 (3)由 whether 或 if 引导的主语从句whether 与 if 皆可引导主语从句,但放在句首时 常用 whether,whether/if 不作句子成分,表示“是否”。 重点句式重点句式 单句语法填空 (1) _you have done might do harm to other people. (2)_he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. (3 ) It wo

16、rried her a bit_ her hair was turning grey. (4)词汇复现_ the exhibition will be held is not known yet. (5)_ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. (6) Does it matter_ he can finish the job on time? 单句写作 (7)_ (我们得不到的) seems better than what we have. (8)_ (你不喜欢他)is none of my business. (9)_(我们

17、是否去野营) tomorrow depends on the weather. What What that Whether Whoever whether Whether well go camping That you dont like him What we cant get 1. 构成 肯定式:主语 +am/is/are+being done. 否定式:主语 +am/is/are not+being done. 一般疑问式:Am/Is/Are+主 语 +being done.? 特殊疑问式:疑问词 +am/is/are+(主语 +)being done.? 2. 用法 (1)表示说话

18、时正在进行的被动动作。 (2)表示现阶段正在进行的被动动作,说话时不一定在进行。 (3)表 示 一 种 经 常 性 的 被 动 行 为,常 与 always,constantly,frequently 等表示频度 的副词连用,带有赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩。 (4)表示按计划或安排将要发生的被动动作(仅限于少数及物动词)。 单元语法单元语法 现在进行时的被动语态现在进行时的被动语态 3. 注意事项 (1)一些表示状态、心理活动、拥有、存在等的动词,如 have,want,need,love,realize 等,一般不用于进行时,因而也没有进行时的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语 态表示此刻或目前主

19、语正承受谓语动词所表示的动作。 玛丽,过来,有你的电话。 Mary,come here. Youre being wanted on the phone. () Mary,come here. Youre wanted on the phone. () (2)少数动词用于现在进行时态,用主动形式表示被动含义,如 print,cook,fry, hang,build,make 等。 (3)“be+in/on/under+ 名词”常含被动意义,可代替现在进行时的被动语态。 (4)现在进行时的被动语态与现在分词的被动式 being done 均可表示正在进行的被动动 作,因此它们之间可以相互转换。

20、误区警示 非谓语动词的被动形式表达不同时间的被动意义,作用也不一样。 to be done:不定式的被动形式,表将来和被动; to have been done:不定式完成式的被动形式,表完成和被动; being done:现在分词的被动形式,表进行和被动; having been done:现在分词完成式的被动形式,表完成和被动。 单句语法填空 (1) Look! The baby _(take)care of by her aunt. (2) A new building_(decorate)outside our school at present. (3) Hi,Im Alice. L

21、ook at this photoa snowman_(make)by me. (4) At present a new home_(build) for pandas. (5) Is the bridge_ (repair)now? (6) To our delight,many endangered species_(protect) by the government now. (7) 词汇复现Many interesting experiments _(carry) out these days. (8) Since your bike _(repair),you can use mi

22、ne. (9) Daisy has found that a lot of antelopes _(hunt) and killed for the wool beneath their stomachs now. is being taken is being decorated is being made is being built being repaired are being protected are being carried is being repaired are being hunted (10) The new generation of computers,with

23、 artificial intelligence,_ (develop)and perfected now. (11) 2017 江苏卷 He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he _ (follow). (12) I dont suppose the police know who did it. Well,surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and_ (question) now. (13) Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? Y

24、es,I have. I guess it_(grade) now. (14) Whats that noise? Oh,I forgot to tell you. The new machine_(test). are being developed is being followed is being questioned is being graded is being tested 单句写作 (1) These birds_(正在被保护) well here. (2) The sports meeting_(正在被举办)in our school. (3) How many build

25、ings_(正在被修建)in the town? (4) The giant machine_ (正 在被拆卸)at the moment and it will be fixed up in the new workshop in the near future. (5) The classroom _(被 装 饰)with balloons and flowers right now and the students are preparing for the New Year party. (6) It is reported that many a new house _(正在被建造)

26、at present in the disaster area. (7) He _(总是受到表扬)by the teacher. (8) The window of our classroom _(经常被打破). (9) The sum these computers will cost us_(正在计算中). (10) With the population increasing,more land _(被需要). are being protected are being built is being held is being taken apart is being decorated

27、 is being needed is being calculated are frequently being broken is always being praised is being built 同义句转换 (1)请告诉我此刻正在举行的会议的有关情况。 Please tell me something about the meeting being held now. =Please tell me something about the meeting _. (2)我发现国旗正在升起。 I find the national flag is being raised. =I fi

28、nd the national flag_. (3)电脑现在正在使用中。 The computer is in use now. =The computer _now. (4)最近这些高科技产品正在展出中。These high-tech products are on display these days. = These high-tech products _ these days. which is being held now being raised is being used are being displayed (5)此刻,那座城堡正受到攻击。 The castle is under attack at the moment. = The castle _at the moment. (6)这条公路正在修建 / 建设中。 The highway is under repair /construction. = The highway_. (7)这个建议正在会上讨论。 The suggestion is under discussion at the meeting. =The suggestion _at the meeting. is being attacked is being repaired/ constructed is being discussed


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