2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 4 Section B Using language ppt课件.pptx

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1、1- Section B Using language .知识体系图解 重点词汇 1. n.社区,街坊 2. n.书法 3. v.示范,演示 4. adv.生动地 5. n.缝衣针 6. adj.高雅的,优美的 7. v.刻(图形或字母) neighbourhood calligraphy demonstrate vividly needle elegant carve 8.contemporary adj. 9.cigarette n. 10.lack v. 11.stimulate v. 12.seal n. 当代的 香烟 没有,缺乏 刺激,促使,促进 印章,图章 重点短语 1.push

2、around 2.mistake sth for sth 3.seal cutting 4.throw away 5.lie in 6.意识到 7.了解,得知 8.以的形式/形状 9.张贴;搭建 10.仰望;查找 推来推去 把错认为 篆刻 扔掉 在于 be aware of learn about in the shape of put up look up 重点句式 1.Do you think going to a museum is the only way to see art? 2.Since it began in the late 20th century,the Contemp

3、orary Art Movement has raised questions and doubts. 重点语法 现在进行时的被动语态 .释义匹配 1.demonstrate A.to have none or not enough of sth 2.carve B.attractive and showing a good sense of style 3.lack C.to write sth on a surface by cutting into it 4.stimulate D.to show and explain how sth works or how to do sth 5.

4、elegant E.to make sth develop or become more active,to encourage sth 答案 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B .完成句子 1.我的房屋正在被粉刷。 My house now. 2.这个方案正在会议上被讨论着。 The project at the meeting. 3.我们的家乡正在建一条铁路。 A railway in our home town. 4.这些天许多有趣的实验正在被进行着。 Many interesting experiences these days. 5.他总是受到老师的表扬。 He always b

5、y the teacher. is being painted is being discussed is being built are being carried out is being praised 重点词汇 1.And look upconstruction workers are building impressive,original buildings in every neighbourhood.(教材P41) 抬头看建筑工人们正在每个街区建造令人印象深刻的、独创 性的建筑。 【词汇精讲】句中的original是形容词,意为“新颖的;独创的;有独创 性的”。此外,还表示“原

6、来的;起初的;最早的”。original还可以作名 词,意为“原件;正本;原稿;原作”。 It is one of the most original works of imagination in the language. 这是用该语言写成的最具独创性和想象力的作品之一。 I would like to thank them for allowing me to develop their original idea. 我想感谢他们允许我深入完善他们最初的想法。 We consulted the original and made some necessary changes. 我们参照原

7、文作了必要的修改。 【词汇拓展】 origin n.起源;根源;出身;血统 originate v.起源;发源;发端于 originality n.独创性;创意;独特构思 originally adv.本来;原来;起初 originate from发源于;起源于 Many words in the English language are French in origin. 英语中的许多词源于法语。 The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics. 这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。 2.With help from the arti

8、st,I managed to make one in the shape of a fish.(教材P42) 在艺术家的帮助下,我设法以一条鱼的形状剪了一个。 【词汇精讲】在这个句子中shape为名词,表示“形状”。此外,shape 还有“体型”的含义。shape作动词时,表示“成形,塑造;对有重大 影响”。 Coins may be of different sizes,weights,shapes,and metals. 硬币可能在大小、重量、形状和铸造的金属这些方面都有所不同。 The advantage of climbing is that it can build our bod

9、y and shape our characters. 爬山的好处就是它可以增强我们的体质,塑造我们的性格。 【词汇拓展】 in shape处于良好状态 get into shape使身体好起来 be shaped like形状像 out of shape 变形;身体不好的 have a nice shape 身材很好 As a matter of fact,sports help get into shape. 实际上,体育运动有助于强身健体。 The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了。 3.While some s

10、ay contemporary art lacks skill,meaning and artistic value,others argue that its worth lies in its ability to stimulate new discussions and understanding of everyday objects.(教材P43) 虽然有些人说当代艺术缺乏技巧、意义和艺术价值,但也有些人认 为它的价值在于能够激发人们对日常事物的新讨论和新理解。 【词汇精讲1】句中的lack是及物动词,意为“没有,缺乏”。lack还可 作名词,意为“缺乏;短缺”。 She has

11、the determination that her brother lacks. 她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。 Despite his lack of experience,he got the job。 他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。 【词汇拓展1】 (1)v. lack + . lack for+ .多用于否定句中,“需求;需要” (2)n. for/through lack of+ .因缺乏 a lack of+ .缺乏 (3) lacking.短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少 The lack of eco-friendly habits among the p

12、ublic is thought to be a major cause of global climate change. 公众缺乏环境保护的习惯被认为是全球气候变化的一个主要原因。 She felt nervous,increasingly lacking in confidence about herself。 她感到紧张,对自己越来越没有信心。 【词汇精讲2】argue为动词,表示“争论,辩论”,为不及物动词。 Some argued that attention should be paid to our heavy road traffic. 一些人提出说应该多注意我们拥堵的道路交

13、通。 【词汇拓展2】 argue with sb about/over sth就某事与某人争论 argue for/against.为赞成/反对而辩论 argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事 argument n.论证;论据;争吵 have an argument with sb about sth就某事与某人争吵 They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他们说服他撤回了投诉。 We had an argument with the waiter a

14、bout the bill. 我们和服务员就账单发生了争吵。 【名师点睛】当argue表示“极力主张”时,其后的宾语从句的谓语动 词应该用虚拟语气,即用“(should) do sth”形式。 4.Everyday objects can also be art.(教材P43) 日常物品也可以是艺术。 【词汇精讲】句中的object是名词,意为“物品,物体”。此外,还表示 “对象;目标;目的”。object还可作动词,意为“不同意;不赞成;反对”。 Tell me the names of the objects in this room. 告诉我这屋里各种东西的名称。 His one obj

15、ect in life is to earn as much money as possible. 他生活的一个目标就是尽可能多挣钱。 If no one objects,the plan will be carried out immediately. 如果没人反对的话,该计划将立即执行。 【词汇拓展】 objection n.反对;异议;反对的理由 objectionable adj.引起反对的;令人反感的;令人不快的 objective n.目的,目标 adj.客观的,公正的 objectively adv.客观地 objector n.反对者 object to (doing) sth

16、反对(做)某事 My main objection to the plan is that it would be too expensive. 我反对该计划的主要理由是代价太高。 Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well. 我们的主要目标是将孩子安然无恙地找回来。 The couple objected to their daughters engagement to a poor man. 这对夫妇反对他们的女儿和一个穷小子订婚。 5.Try to be aware of where and when to

17、 pause during a conversation.(教材P43) 试着在谈话中注意停顿的时间和地点。 【词汇精讲】句中的be aware of意为“意识到,知道;注意”,其中 aware是形容词,意为“意识到的,知道的,明白的”,可单独作表语使用。 Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. 应该让人人都知道其中的风险。 As far as Im aware,nobody has done anything about it. 据我所知,尚无人对此采取任何措施。 We,as a human being,should be

18、aware of the importance of gratitude. 作为一个人,我们应该意识到感恩的重要性。 【词汇拓展】 unaware adj.没意识的,不知道的 awareness n.意识;认识;知道 be aware that.意识到/知道 develop an awareness of 培养意识 arouse the awareness of 唤起意识 He was completely unaware of the whole affair. 他对整件事情一无所知。 The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of C

19、hinese culture and traditions. 该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对中国文化和传统的认识。 He must have been aware that his parents marriage was breaking up. 他一定已经知道父母的婚姻即将破裂。 重点句式 1.Do you think going to a museum is the only way to see art?(教材 P41) 你认为去博物馆是欣赏艺术作品的唯一途径吗? 【句式剖析】think后面是省略了that的宾语从句,在从句中,going to a museum是动词-ing形式短语作主

20、语。动词-ing形式作主语时,往 往表示一般性的、经常性的或抽象性的动作或行为,其逻辑主语通 常是形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,谓语动词通常要用单数。 Missing the bus means waiting for half an hour. 错过了这班车意味着再等半个小时。 Collecting stamps is a good hobby,which can enrich our lives. 集邮是一个很好的爱好,可以丰富我们的生活。 His being late again made his manager very angry. 他又迟到了,这使得他的经理很生气。 【句式拓展】

21、动词-ing形式短语作主语时,可用it作形式主语,把真正的主语(动词- ing形式短语)置于句末。但值得注意的是,动词-ing形式作后置主 语的情况远不及不定式那么普遍,通常只限于以下几个名词或形容 词后面。 (1)名词good,fun,use,joy等后面。 Its no use crying over spilt milk. 不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣 (覆水难收)。 It is no good pretending to know what you dont know. 不懂装懂没有好处。 (2)形容词useless,nice,good,interesting,worth等后面。 Its us

22、eless talking about it with a stubborn person. 和一位固执的人谈论这些是没有用的。 2.Since it began in the late 20th century,the Contemporary Art Movement has raised questions and doubts.(教材P43) 从20世纪末开始,当代艺术运动引起了人们的质疑 【句式剖析】since在句中引导时间状语从句时,表示“自从”,从句 中的谓语动词多用一般过去时,而主句中的谓语动词多用现在完成 时或现在完成进行时。 The man has been drinkin

23、g beer since the party started. 晚会开始以来,那个男人就一个劲儿地喝啤酒。 She has been collecting stamps since she was a child. 她从小就一直在集邮。 【句式拓展】since的基本用法: (1)作副词,单独使用,在句中作时间状语(有时与ever连用); (2)作介词,后接表示时间的名词(短语)或动词-ing形式; (3)作连词,引导时间状语从句,从句通常用一般过去时。 (4)It is/has been+一段时间+since从句(常用一般过去时). He left home two weeks ago and

24、 we havent heard from him(ever) since. 他两周前离家外出,我们至今还没有他的音信。 They havent seen each other since they quarreled. 自从吵架后,他们就没再见过面。 It is/has been more than 100 years since Qinghua University was founded. 自清华大学建校以来已有一百多年了。 重点语法 现在进行时的被动语态 一、定义和构成 现在进行时的被动语态同主动语态一样强调在目前或现阶段正在 进行的动作。现在进行时的被动语态由“is/am/are+b

25、eing+及物动 词的过去分词”构成。 当把现在进行时的主动语态的句子变为被动语态时,往往在be动词 后加上一个being来体现现在进行时,然后再把动词的现在分词形 式变成过去分词来表示被动,即be (am/is/are)+being+done。 二、基本结构 肯定结构 be(am/is/are)+being done 否定结构 be(am/is/are)+not+being done 一般疑问结构 be(am/is/are)+主语+being done 特殊疑问结构 特殊疑问词+be(am/is/are)+主语+being done 三、基本用法 1.表示正在进行或发生的被动动作,常与now

26、,look等词连用。 My sister is now being interviewed. 我妹妹正在面试。 2.表示现阶段或目前这段时间正在进行的被动动作,但被动动作在 此时不一定正在发生。 It is reported that the tomb in Henan is still being dug. 据报道河南的那个墓仍然在挖掘中。 3.表示按计划、安排主语将要承受某个动作。 An English evening is being held tonight. 今晚将要举行一场英语晚会。 4.表示一种经常性或习惯性的被动行为,常与 always,forever,continually,

27、constantly等词连用,往往带有赞扬、责备、 厌烦及埋怨等感情色彩。 I feel very surprised that the window of our classroom is frequently being broken. 我感到很吃惊的是我们教室的那扇窗户经常被打破。 【特别提醒】主动语态变被动语态的原则: “三变”:主语变为by短语,宾语变为主语,谓语由主动变为被动; “三不变”:原句意思不变,原句时态不变,原句主谓宾以外的成分不 变。 They are building nine parks. Nine parks are being built. How many p

28、arks are being built? .单词拼写 1.We hope the project will s students interest in science. 答案 stimulate 2.These children have health problems linked to poor diet for l of exercise. 答案 lack 3.Let me d to you how this machine works. 答案 demonstrate 4.The statue was c out of a single piece of stone. 答案 carv

29、ed 5.The characters in the novel are v presented. 答案 vividly 6.The document impressed me with its e design. 答案 elegant .翻译句子 1.最近他们建起了许多摩天大厦。 答案 Theyve put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. 2.婴儿正在被悉心照料着。 答案 The baby is being taken good care of. 3.目前,我们的环境正受到严重的破坏。 答案 At present,our environment is being destroyed seriously. 4.如果你被陌生人跟踪,你会做什么? 答案 What would you do if you are being followed by a stranger? 5.总之,全世界的人们都应该意识到水资源短缺的真实现状。 答案 In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.


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