2021版外研版选修三英语 Unit 1 Face values教学知识细解码 ppt课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 Face values 教学教学 知识细解码知识细解码 1_ v(使)苦恼bothersome adj.引起麻烦的;困扰人的 2_ v促进,推动booster n. 助力/推器;加速器;支持者 3_ adj.完全相同的;非常相似的identically adv.完全 相同地 4_ v承认(某事属实或某情况存在)acknowledged adj.公认的acknowledgement n承认 5_ v假装,装作pretence n假装;作假;做作 bother boost identical acknowledge pretend acknowledge vt.承认(某事属实或某情况

2、存在);告知收到;鸣谢, 感谢 He unwillingly acknowledged having made a mistake. _ We must acknowledge his letter as soon as we receive it. _ They wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the police in the making of this film. _ vt.承认 vt.告知收到 vt.鸣谢,感谢 Words and Phrases 知识要点1 boost v促进,推动 n增加,促进,激励 (教材 P2)Each“like

3、”boosts my confidence. 每个“赞”都能增强我的自信。 例 1 These changes will help to boost share prices. 这些变化将有助于提高股票价格。 例 2 Encouraging your childs talents can boost his confidence and slowly establish his confidence in other areas. 鼓励孩子的某项才能,能够提升他的自信,慢慢就能扩展他在别 的方面的信心。 造句 我们需要休假以激发士气。 _ We need a holiday to boost

4、our spirits. 知识拓展 (1)boost to 提高到 boost sales 增加销售额 boost ones confidence 增加某人的信心 (2)a boost in 的增加 a boost to 对的促进 即学即练 单句语法填空 The total was boosted _ nearly 200 by donations from parents. With more cyclists on the roads,there has been a boost _ bike sales over the past few months. No doubt,aid wil

5、l be defended as a boost _ global influence. 小片段填空 Amazon hopes that its cheap tablet will be wildly popular and therefore _ of its cloudbased content,just as the ereader _ of ebooks. to in to boost sales boosted sales 知识要点2 pretend v假装,装作;自认为 (教材 P2)People who pretend to be someone they are not ten

6、d to misjudge themselves. 自认为是个人物而其实不是的人往往会误判自己。 例 1 He would ask who we were and pretend not to know us. 他会问我们是谁,假装不认识我们。 例 2 The guest pretended to be enjoying the meal to show his politeness. 为了表示礼貌,这个客人假装吃得津津有味。 造句 他假装已经理解了句子的隐含意义。 _ He pretended to have understood the hidden meaning of the sent

7、ence. 知识拓展 pretend to do sth. 假装要做某事 pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth. 假装做了某事 pretend that. 假装 即学即练 单句语法填空/句型转换 We should never pretend _(know)what we dont know. He pretended _(do)his homework when his mother came in. The worker pretended that he had finished the work. The w

8、orker pretended _ 小片段填空 She does not need a man who pretended _(love), so you do not need to pretend _ you love someone. to know to be doing to have finished the work to love that 知识要点3 identical adj.完全相同的;非常相似的 (教材 P3)I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. 我

9、以前只有 5 条一模一样的裤子和 5 件一模一样的衬衫。 例 1 The fingerprints of all individuals, even identical twins, are unique. 每个人,包括同卵双胞胎,其指纹都是独一无二的。 例 2 Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical. 不同的电子制表软件包往往很相似,虽然不一定相同。 造句 他们的衣服在外观都是相同的。 _ Their clothes are identical in appeara

10、nce. 知识拓展 (be)identical in 在方面是相同的 (be)identical with/to 和完全相同;和一致 identical twins 同卵双胞胎;一模一样的双胞胎 即学即练 单句语法填空 This knife is identical _ the one used in the attack. The two words are in effect identical _ meaning. to/with in 知识要点4 from head to toe 从头到脚 (教材 P3)I didnt like being reviewed from head to

11、toe. 我不喜欢被人从头到脚地审视。 例 1 He got coated with mud from head to toe. 他弄得从头到脚都是泥。 例 2 The following sections list and describe the letter parts from head to toe. 下面从头至尾列出和阐述了一封信的各个组成部分。 造句 他从头到脚穿了一身白色。 _ He was dressed in white from head to toe. 知识拓展 from time to time 有时,不时 from day to day 天天;日复一日 from d

12、oor to door 挨家挨户 from morning to/till night 从早到晚 from beginning to end 自始至终 即学即练 完成句子 He works _ every day.There is no weekend in his mind. 每天从早工作到晚,在他心目中根本没有周末的概念。 Our eyes follow lines _ in an attempt to see patterns. 我们的眼睛会从始至终跟随着线条,试图识别图案。 No one knows what will happen _ 没有人知道每天会发生什么事。 from morn

13、ing to/till night from beginning to end from day to day 知识要点5 bother v(使)苦恼 n麻烦;困难;令人烦恼的情 况(或事物,人) (教材 P3)For a long time,this really bothered me. 在很长一段时间里,这真地困扰着我。 例 1 Thank you,but please dont bother. 谢谢,但请你不要费事了。 例 2 What a bother! Weve missed the bus. 真恼人!我们错过了公交车。 造句 我小睡的时候不要打扰我。 _ Dont bother

14、me while I am taking my nap. 知识拓展 (1)bother sb.with sth. 因某事打扰/麻烦某人 bother to do/doing sth. 操心做某事 It bothers sb.that/to do sth. 使某人苦恼的是 Dont bother. 不用费心了。 (2)put sb.to any bother 给某人添乱/让某人心烦 即学即练 单句语法填空 I didnt want to put you _ any bother. It really bothered me _ hed forgotten my birthday. You nee

15、dnt bother _(come)to my office. 小片段填空 This may not put you _ any bother but it really _ (bother)me. to that coming/to come to bothers 知识要点6 acknowledge v承认(某事属实或某情况存在) (教材 P3)What I really admire is the way she has acknowledged that good health not only makes us more beautiful,but happier,too! 我真正钦佩

16、的是她以这种方式承认健康不仅使我们更美丽而且 使我们更快乐! 例 1 I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses. 我对几家本地企业的经济资助表示感谢。 例 2 I acknowledged him as an expert. 我视他为专家。 造句 他承认做错了。 _ He acknowledged that he had made a mistake. 知识拓展 (1)acknowledge sth. 承认某事 acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as. 承认某人/某物是 a

17、cknowledge that. 承认 Its generally/universally acknowledged that. 大家公认 (2)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢;谢礼 特别提醒 acknowledge之后不跟动词的- ing形式。 即学即练 单句语法填空/句型转换 She is acknowledged _(be)one of the best singers in the world. I was sent a free copy in _ (acknowledge) of my contribution. People widely acknowledge

18、 that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality. _ students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality. to be acknowledgement It is widely acknowledged that 小片段填空 Most men want _ and appreciation from women.Learning _ instead of making your partner wrong is one of the most powerf

19、ul relationship survival tools available to you. acknowledgement to acknowledge Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 as 引导方式状语从句 (教材 P2)As a song in Ugly Betty puts it, “It s a pretty person s world” 正如丑女贝蒂中的一首歌中所唱的, “这是一个漂亮的人的 世界”。 句式分析:句中As a song in Ugly Betty puts it为as引导方式状语 从句,意为“正如;就像”。 例 1 Leave it as it

20、 is. 让它保持原状好了。 例 2 She stayed in bed as the doctor had told her. 她遵照医嘱卧床休息。 造句 告诉你怎么做你就怎么做,否则你会被解雇的。 _ Do as you are told to,or youll be fired. 知识拓展 (1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当时;一边 一边;随着”。 (2)as 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为,由于”,既可放在主句前 也可放在主句后。一般来说,as 引导原因状语从句表示双方都知道的 原因。 (3)引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管;虽然”,从句应倒装。 (4)引导比较状语从句,表示“像一样地”。 即

21、学即练 完成句子 _,well have to stay at home. 因为又下起雨来了,我们只好待在家里了。 He hurried home,looking behind _ 他匆匆忙忙回家去,一边走一边回头望。 _,she had not much insight. 她虽然聪明,但不是很有洞察力。 As its raining again as he went Intelligent as/though she was 重点句式2 形式主语 it (教材 P3)It s true that inner beauty is very important,but external beau

22、ty shouldn t be completely overlooked. 诚然,内在美很重要,但外在美也不应该完全被忽视。 句式分析:句中 it 为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的 that 从句。 例 1 It is important that you arrive on time. 你准时到达很重要。 例 2 It is necessary that he come next week. 他有必要下周来。 造句 他改变主意很正常。 _ It is natural that he change his mind. 知识拓展 英语中把主语从句后置,同时把形式主语 it 放在主语位置的常见 句

23、型有: (1)It is过去分词(reported,believed,said,announced 等)主语 从句 (该结构可与“Sb./Sth. be过去分词to do.”结构相互转 换) (2)It不及物动词(seem,happen,turn out,appear 等)主语从 句 (3)It is名词词组(a pity,a fact,a wonder,an honour 等)主语 从句 (4)It is adj.(clear,natural,obvious,possible,likely 等)主语 从句 即学即练 完成句子/一句多译 _ the film star will come to

24、 our city. 据报道那位电影明星将来我们市。 _ you cant go with us to enjoy the concert. 你不能跟我们一块去欣赏音乐会真是可惜。 _ he studied abroad,but we dont know which country he studied in. He _ abroad, but we dont know which country he studied in. 据说他在国外学习过,但是我们不知道他是在哪个国家学的。 It is reported that It is a pity that It is said that is

25、 said to have studied 重点句式3 - ing 短语作主语 (教材 P3)It plays a part in the image we present to the world, and making an effort with your appearance can leave a positive first impression on others and boost your confidence. 它在我们呈现给世人的形象中扮演着重要的角色,努力打扮自己 可以给别人留下积极的第一印象,并增强你的自信心。 句式分析:句中 making an effort wit

26、h your appearance 为动名词短 语,作第二个分句的主语。 例 1 Reading aloud is a good way to learn a language. 大声朗读是学习语言的一种好方法。 例 2 Saying is one thing,and doing is another. 说是一回事,而做是另一回事。 造句 每天散步对你的健康有好处。 _ Walking every day will do good to your health. 知识拓展 (1)- ing(短语)作主语往往表达一种概念、习惯或经验,谓语动词 通常用单数。 (2)- ing 与不定式作主语时的区

27、别: ing 表示一种抽象的和泛指的动作,而不定式则表示一次性的、 具体的动作。 (3)it 可代表- ing 作形式主语,常用于下列句型中: It is/was no use/good doing.做某事是没用的 It is/was a waste of time doing.做某事是浪费时间 即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子 _(lie)on the beach in summer can make you relaxed. It is a waste of time _(wait)here.He wont come today. _She is so stubborn. 和她争吵是没有用

28、的,她太固执了。 Lying waiting It is no use arguing with her 1Through interviews,I was able to discover what“me”means to other people,and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves. 分析: 句中 and 连接两个宾语从句, what “me” means to other people 为第一个宾语从句, 由 what 引导, how they have learnt to appreciate

29、the beauty in themselves 为第二个宾语从句,由 how 引导。 译文:通过采访,我能够发现“我”对其他人意味着什么,以及 他们如何学会欣赏自己的美。 2Thats why I could never understand my sister,who has 17 lipsticks and cant decide which one to use every morning. 分析:句中 why I could never understand my sister 为 why 引导的 表语从句,构成 thats why.句式,who has 17 lipsticks a

30、nd cant decide which one to use every morning 为关系代词 who 引导的非限制性定语从 句,修饰先行词 my sister,其中 which one to use 作动词 decide 的宾语。 译文:这就是我永远无法理解我妹妹的原因,她有 17 支口红, 每天早上都不知道该用哪一支。 教材 高考 1.As a song in Ugly Betty puts it , “Its a pretty persons world” (2019 浙江6月卷)As you can imagine, the trip is no piece of cake.

31、2.Each“ like” boosts my confidence. (2020 浙江 1 月卷)Therefore,they can work for longer,consume more and in general be a boost to the economy. 3.People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves. (2019 天津卷)So I carried around a book, and each night,just to be like her,I would pr

32、etend to be reading. 4.For a long time,this really bothered me. (2019 江苏卷)Why bother? 5.What I really admire is the way she has acknowledged that good health not only makes us more beautiful, but happier,too! (2019 全国卷)If you talk about fashion today,you are talking about Chinaits influences,its dir

33、ection,its breathtaking clothes,and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways. .单句语法填空 1 As many people do, you often pretend _(do)some work when actually you are just wasting time online. 2Instead,we should focus on _(boost)investment in physical,human,and knowledge

34、 capital. 3Therefore,it _(acknowledge)that Shenzhen has become Chinas most livable city. to do boosting is acknowledged 4Why do I have to take all these _(pill)? 5Since I came to England I have not bothered _(contact) my friends. 6 The students live in _(dormitory)or apartments or with local familie

35、s. 7The body must return _(identical)to its original condition when the loads are released. pills to contact dormitories identically .短语填空 boost ones confidence, from head to toe, be identical in, a lack of, play a part in 1The old lady looked me over _ 2What I needed were techniques _ and overcome

36、my fear. from head to toe to boost my confidence 3Hard work can often make up for _ ability. 4Geography also _ making dialects. 5However,as we will see later,the actual coding techniques can _ both cases. a lack of plays a part in be identical in .课文语法填空 Jade is plainlooking,but shed love to look go

37、od.So she spends hours every day 1._(edit)her selfies,posting them and eagerly checking her phone for 2._(comment).Each“like”boosts her 3._(confident).Anthony wouldnt care about his appearance.But he was surprised at how good he looked after the makeover! At that moment,he perceived that external be

38、auty isnt 4._(total)worthless.Emma is larger 5._ other girls and in the past this really bothered her.Everything changed when one day she came editing comments confidence totally than across the success story of a plus- size model,Tess Holliday.Her story has changed Emmas ideas about what it 6._(mea

39、n)to be beautiful.She realised that mental and physical health is 7._(important) thing.Dr Hart thinks that the image Jade presents 8._(obtain)the praise of others is false,that making an effort with our appearance can leave a positive first impression on others 9._ boost our confidence, and that being healthy is beautiful,and we should wear that beauty 10._ confidence. means the most important to obtain and with


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