2021版外研版必修三英语:Unit5 Learning from nature 单元 教案.docx

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1、Unit 5 Learning from nature 教案设计教案设计 单元主题单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与自然” ,涉及的主题语境内容是人类向自然 界学习。本单元从介绍人类应该向自然界的动物植物学习开始,依次呈 现了人类从自然界获取灵感进行建筑设计、苏州留园、二十四节气、仿 生学、五禽戏、中国诗人陶渊明和美国诗人Henry David Thoreau对自然 的热爱等相关内容,引导学生深入思考人与自然的关系,树立向大自然 学习和与环境和谐相处的观念。 单元目标单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于本单元提供的说明文、论说 文等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,掌握本单元有关动

2、植物及向 自然界学习、从自然界获取灵感的词汇及表达,听懂人类向大自然学习 等相关话题,恰当使用所学词汇与表达谈论、阐述相关话题;初步了解 建筑学家和诗人从自然界获取灵感和启发进行创作,深化对单元主题意 义的理解与认识; 运用单元所学知识, 经过比较、 分析并联系自身实际, 积极探索自然和向自然界学习,培养不断探究、不断创新的思维意识; 在自主学习、合作学习与探究式学习的过程中,运用各种策略,结合单 元提供的反思性和评价性问题,不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学 习内容和进程,激发学习兴趣,提升分析问题和解决问题的能力,最终 促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。 Start

3、ing out 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 1015 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Viewing + Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与自然学习自然、探索自然 内容分析内容分析 四幅图片分别是 Claude Monet、张大千、William Wordsworth 和 Ralph Waldo Emerson 四位名人关于向自然学习的名言。视频呈现的是与单元 主题相关的内容,介绍了人类可以从自然界获得的一些启发。本版块旨 在导入“人类向自然界学习”这一话题,激活学生已有的语言、背景知 识,激发对话题的兴趣,为整个单元的学习活动预热,并让学生结合自 身实际思考

4、自然和人类的关系。 教学目标教学目标 1引导学生阅读四则名人名言,理解名言的含义,使学生初步了解人 类可以从自然界获得启发和灵感的观点; 2学生通过观看视频,理解视频的主旨大意,并能够从视频中迅速提 取关键信息,激活学生已有的背景信息和语言知识; 3引导学生基于自身经历,谈谈自己对自然和人类关系的认识。 教学重点教学重点 1.认识自然的重要性并向大自然学习的意识。 2.引导学生通过视频材料,了解人类向大自然学习的实例。 教学难点教学难点 1.引导学生阅读名言,思考和分析问题; 2.引导学生在观看视频的过程中记录关键信息。 教学策略教学策略 视听说法 Teaching contents Proc

5、edures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T presents four pictures of Claude Monet, Zhang Daqian, William Wordsworth and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2. T asks Ss the questions in Activity 1. 1. Ss look at the pictures and read the information below the picture. 2. Ss answer the ques

6、tions. Develop Ss ability to wield the language comprehensively and to summarise ideas. Activity 2 1. T plays the video. 2. T asks Ss the questions in Activity 2. 1. Ss watch the video about nature. 2. Ss answer the questions. Let Ss get the basic information of the video, activate their background

7、knowledge as well as lead to the topic. Understanding ideas 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 3035 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading + Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与自然学习自然、探索自然 内容分析内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为说明文。课文介绍 了人类从自然界中获取灵感进行建筑设计的情况,并具体列举了三个代 表性建筑。读前的导入活动旨在帮助学生激活从自然界获取灵感的相关 知识并储备相应的词汇,为课文学习做铺垫。读中和读后活动则通过语 篇出处判断、语篇结构分析

8、、细节理解和开放式问答等活动,启发学生 深入思考,探究主题意义。 教学目标教学目标 1 学生通过略读和精读, 获取课文大意, 了解和总结新加坡的 ArtScience Museum、 津巴布韦的 The Eastgate Centre 和德国的 Algae House 三个代 表性建筑的特色和艺术灵感来源; 2 学生感知课文的结构和语言,学习和掌握语篇中与话题相关的表达, 并能运用所学表达进行交流; 3 学生基于课文内容联系生活实际,从人类向自然界学习的例子中获得 启发和鼓励, 深入思考人与自然的关系, 合理利用自然, 尊重自然规律, 与自然和谐共生。 教学重点教学重点 引导学生通过自主阅读和

9、小组合作理解文章的语篇类型和篇章结构。 教学难点教学难点 引导学生根据语篇类型预测文章出处,分析文章写作目的,培养这一阅 读策略与技能。 教学策略教学策略 任务型教学法、PWP 阅读模式 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to look at the title of the passage and the pictures. 2. T asks Ss to associate the pictures with architectu

10、re. 3. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and check their answers to Activity 1. 1. Ss work in groups on the questions in Activity 2. Ss read the passage quickly and check what the passage is about. Lead to the topic and activate Ss background knowledge. Train students reading skills of predictin

11、g and getting the main ideas. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to choose the source of the passage in Activity 2. 2. T asks some Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss complete Activity 2 and read the passage again if necessary. 2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons. Train students re

12、ading skills of getting the source of the passage. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to complete the diagram with words from the passage. 2. T asks Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss read the passage again and complete the notes in Activity 3. 2. Ss share their answers and give the reasons.

13、 Train Ss skills of getting specific information. Think & Share T asks Ss to discuss the three questions in groups and offers help if they need. Ss discuss the three questions in groups and then share their ideas with the class. Train Ss ability to use language in their real life and express their i

14、deas in a logical way. Using Language 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 8090 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading + Listening+Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与自然学习自然、探索自然 内容分析内容分析 本板块围绕单元话题,通过多模态的形式,引领学生通过语篇活动、听 说训练等内容, 学习语法知识及相关词汇和表达, 从不同方面开拓视野, 提升语言运用能力,进一步理解单元主题。语法部分的主要内容为复习 非谓语动词作主语、宾语和表语的用法。在引导学生归纳总结课文中该 语法知识用法的同时,通过与苏州留园和二十四

15、节气相关的两个语言材 料,进一步巩固学生对非谓语动词作主语、宾语和表语的理解和掌握。 综合语言运用部分的话题为“从动物身上获得的灵感” ,涉及仿生学、 五禽戏等内容,帮助学生深度聚焦语言的意义和功能,在真实语境下进 行思考和交际运用,全方位提升综合语言运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1 学生通过分析课文中的典型例句,复习非谓语动词作主语、宾语和表 语的用法,并正确运用非谓语动词作主语、宾语和表语完成语篇活动; 2 学生听懂与仿生学相关的话题内容,并能够恰当地运用相关词汇和表 达,学会谈论益处和表示兴趣; 3 学生关注英语语法的语用功能,了解语言的形式和意义是相统一的, 并且能够在实际生活中运用这

16、一规律。 教学重点教学重点 引导学生熟悉并识别非谓语动词做主语、宾语和表语。 教学难点教学难点 引导学生认真观察非谓语动词的语言现象,并总结规律。 教学策略教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to read the sentences and expressions in Activity 1 and pay attention to the words in bold. 1. Ss read the

17、 sentences and expressions in Activity 1. Review non-finite forms as subject, object and predicative and get to know the rules. 2. T asks Ss to finish Questions 1-3 in Activity 1. 3. T asks Ss to find more sentences with these structures in the reading passage. 4. T helps students to find the rules

18、of non-finite forms as subject, object and predicative. 2. Ss finish Questions1-3 in Activity 1. 3. Ss try to find more sentences in the reading passage. 4. Ss know the rules with the Ts help. Activity 2 T gives the task in Activity 2 and offers the answers and help. 1. Ss read the passage and under

19、stand the main idea. 2. Ss complete the passage and check the answers. Use language in the real situation. Activity 3 1. T divides Ss into groups and introduces the requirements of Activity 3. 2. T asks Ss in different groups to introduce the 24 Solar Terms using the given information and the struct

20、ures of non-finite. 3. T asks Ss to share their articles in groups and among groups and gives comments. 1. Ss in each group get to know the requirements. 2. Ss in different groups begin to create their own articles using the structures of non-finite. 3. Ss share their articles. Practise using the st

21、ructures of non-finite and stimulate Ss creativity. Activity 4 1. T divides students into groups of two and 1. Ss talk about one of the Solar Terms using Enhance the abilities of using the structures asks them to choose one of the 24 Solar Terms to introduce using the structures they have learnt in

22、this unit. 2. T asks Ss to share the Solar Term they have chosen. the structures they have learnt. 2. Ss share share the Solar Term they have chosen.and give comments to each other. learnt in this unit and develop Ss creativity. Activity 5 1. T asks Ss to read the passage and pay attention to the wo

23、rds and expressions in bold. 2. T divides Ss into groups of two and asks Ss to complete Questions 1-2 in Activity 5. 3. T asks Ss to share their answers. 1. Ss read the passage by themselves. 2. Ss complete Questions 1-2 in groups. 3. Ss share the answers. Deepen Ss understanding of the unit theme b

24、y reading the passage about biomimicry and the knowledge of non-finite structures. Activity 6 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures in Activity 6 and read the above passage again. 2. T asks Ss to complete the information with the words and expressions in bold in Activity 5. 3. T offers the answers. 1

25、. Ss read the passage again and understand the words and expressions in bold. 2. Ss complete the information. 3. Ss check the answers. Train the reading skills of summarising in a quick way using the structures of non-finite. Activity 7 1. T asks Ss to give more examples of 1. Ss work together to th

26、ink about more Enhance Ss use of the words and expressions, as well as biomimicry. 2. T asks Ss to share their examples. examples. 2. Ss share the examples. the structures of non-finite they have learnt. Activity 8 1. T asks Ss to read the passage. 2. T asks Ss to finish Questions 1-2 in Activity 8.

27、 3. T asks Ss to discuss their answers. 1. Ss read the passage and get a rough understanding of Wu Qin Xi. 2. Ss complete the questions. 3. Ss share their answers in groups. Lay the foundations for the listening activities. Activity 9- Activity 12 1. T asks Ss to listen to the conversation about Wu

28、Qin Xi and tick the topics mentioned. 2. T asks Ss to listen to the conversation again and complete the introduction to Wu Qin Xi in Activity 10 and offers answers. 3. T divides Ss into groups to complete Activity 11. 4. T divides Ss into groups to complete Activity 12. 1. Ss listen and find the ans

29、wers. 2. Ss listen, take notes and check the answers. 3. Ss discuss in groups about the expressions of talking about benefits and showing interest. 4. Ss discuss other exercises inspired by animals. Train listening ability of getting the information in a real situation by taking notes. Enhance Ss ab

30、ilities of expressing ideas logically and creatively based on what they have learnt. Developing ideas 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 8090 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading + Writing 主题语境主题语境 人与自然学习自然、探索自然 内容分析内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为论说文。通 过介绍、比较中外田园诗人陶渊明和Henry David Thoreau生活的年代, 回归田园生活的社会背景、原因,写作风格的异同,表达

31、了他们对自然 的热爱和对田园生活的向往,帮助学生学会用比较的写作手法介绍人 物。读写部分的短文对蝴蝶破茧的过程进行了描述和评价。通过这一板 块的学习,学生能够加深对单元主题的理解,并初步掌握人物介绍的基 本内容、文体特征和写作手法,在比较文化异同的同时,汲取国外文化 中的精华,并弘扬中国优秀文化,坚定文化自信。 教学目标教学目标 1 学生通过提取课文大意、梳理课文结构,更好地了解自然对于文学创 作的重要性; 2 学生通过分析、 概括、 整合陶渊明和Henry David Thoreau生活的年代、 回归田园生活的社会背景、原因,写作风格的异同等信息,领悟他们对 田园生活的向往和对自然的热爱,树

32、立积极健康的世界观、人生观和价 值观; 3 学生通过观察语篇,发现并总结故事的基本内容、文体特征和写作手 法,并能运用所学知识写一则小故事。 教学重点教学重点 引导学生读懂文章,了解中外田园诗人的生活的年代、回归田园生活的 社会背景、原因及写作风格。 教学难点教学难点 引导学生注重语言在思维层面的内化和输出。 教学策略教学策略 交际教学法、任务型教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to share what they know

33、about Tao Yuanming and Henry David Thoreau before class. 2. T invites two Ss to read the introductions of the two poets. 3. T asks the class to read the introductions and get the main information of them. 1. Ss share what they know about the two poets before class. 2. Two Ss read the instructions to

34、 the two poets. 3. Ss read the introductions individually and get the main information. Lead to the topic and activate Ss background knowledge. Activity 2 1. T asks Ss to read the passage and guess the meanings of the words or expressions that they dont understand. 2. T asks Ss to try to figure out

35、the answers to Activity 2. 3. T invites some Ss to share their answers. 1.Ss read the passage and guess the meanings of the words or expressions that they dont understand. 2. Ss try to summarise their answers to Activity 2. 3. Ss share their answers. Get the main idea of the passage by guessing the

36、meanings of the words or expressions that they dont understand according to the context. Activity 3 1. T asks Ss to read the passage and complete the chart individually. 2. T asks Ss to share their answers and give the reasons. 1. Ss read the passage and complete the chart individually. 2. Ss share

37、their answers and give the reasons. Check Ss understanding of the passage. Think & 1. T asks Ss to think and 1. Ss think and answer Deepen Ss Share answer the four questions in Think &Share. 2. T asks Ss to discuss and share their answers. the four questions individually. 2. Ss discuss and share the

38、ir answers with the class. understanding of the passage and stimulate their deep thinking. Activity 4 1. T asks Ss to read the two quotes one by one. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to find the Chinese version of Taos poem, and translate Thoreaus quote into Chinese. 3. T asks Ss to work in groups to

39、complete Questions1-2 in Activity 4. 4. T invites several Ss to share their thoughts and others to give comments. 1. Ss read the two quotes one by one. 2. Ss work in groups to find the Chinese version of Taos poem, and translate Thoreaus quote into Chinese. 3. Ss work in groups to complete Questions

40、 1-2 in Activity 4. 4. Several Ss share their thoughts and others give comments. Appreciate and analyse poems from the perspective of their genres, images, contents and messages they try to convey. Activity 5 T guides Ss to look at the pictures and read the passage considering the four given questio

41、ns. Ss read the passage and answer the questions. Get to know the extended metaphor. Activity 6 1. T asks Ss to look at the pictures. 2. T asks Ss to describe the pictures. 1. Ss look at the pictures carefully and think. 2. Ss describe the pictures. Lay the foundations for the following writing. 3.

42、T asks Ss what they get from the pictures associated with nature. 4. T asks Ss to discuss and offers help. 3. Ss discuss what they have learnt from the pictures. 4. Ss share their thoughts and listen to the Ts comments. Activity 7-8 1. T shows the criteria of a good composition and demonstrates how

43、to assess a composition. 2. T asks Ss to work in groups to entitle the pictures. 3. T asks Ss to list the contents of the composition logically. 4. T asks Ss to write the composition individually. 5. T invites Ss to share and then write peer evaluations. 6. T offers help and give comments. 1. Ss tak

44、e notes of the criteria of a good composition. 2. Ss discuss in groups about the titles of the pictures. 3. Ss work together to list the contents. 4. Ss write individually and share. 5. Ss share their compositions and then write peer evaluations. 6. Ss revise their compositions according to the Ts c

45、omments. Write a composition using an extended metaphor and practise writing a peer evaluation. Presenting ideas & Reflection 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (Presenting ideas 和 Reflection 部分建议时长 8090 分钟, 教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与自然学习自然、探索自然 内容分析内容分析 Presenting ideas 板块是要求学生基于本单元主题,先分组讨论,然后写 一篇题为 Natu

46、re is our best teacher 的演讲稿并进行演讲。本版块旨在通 过准备演讲,促进学生对所学内容的复习与掌握,使学生能够在真实的 情境下对所学内容加以综合运用,同时帮助学生内化单元主题思想,发 展思维品质,完成对所学内容的迁移和创新。Reflection 板块要求学生 能够在本单元学习过程中和结束时对自己的学习行为和效果做出评估 和分析,对自己的优缺点和得失做出反思,并与教师沟通改进方法。 教学目标教学目标 1.学生通过本单元的学习,更深入地理解人类与自然的关系密不可分; 人类可以从自然界获得解决问题的灵感,可以利用自然,同时也应尊重 自然规律、敬畏自然、保护自然,引导学生轻物质

47、生活,重精神生活, 回归自然,与自然和谐共生; 2.学生熟悉演讲稿的写作方法和演讲的必要技巧,引导学生通过完成综 合性活动,加深对单元主题意义的理解; 3.学生通过小组合作,培养学生团队合作意识,完成演讲稿; 4.学生能够在本单元学习过程中和结束时对自己的学习行为和效果做出 评估和分析, 对自己的优缺点和得失做出反思, 并与教师沟通改进方法。 教学重点教学重点 1. 引导学生根据单元所学内容,反思自己的英语学习方法, 讨论有创意 的英语学习方法。 2. 引导学生从语言能力、 思维品质等方面对自己在学习本单元后的效果 作出合理的评价。 教学难点教学难点 1. 指导学生使用本板块中的实用表达,加强

48、展示内容的逻辑性。 2. 引导学生养成自我评价的良好学习习惯。 教学策略教学策略 元认知策略、认知策略、交际策略和情感策略 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. T asks Ss to work in groups to list what they have learnt in this unit logically. 2. T offers help by giving advice. 1. Ss brainstorm their ideas in g

49、roups by making a mind map. 2. Ss write down their ideas on a piece of paper with the help of T. Review the knowledge learnt in this unit and prepare for the writing and speech. Activity 2 1. T divides Ss into several groups, with each group having a leader, a note-taker and 2-4 idea providers. 2. T

50、 asks Ss to work in groups, share their ideas and prepare a short speech. 1. Ss take different roles in their group. 2. Ss work in groups, share their ideas and prepare a short speech. Organise the ideas in groups. Activity 3-5 1. T asks each group to prepare a short speech. 2. T gives Ss instructio


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