教科EEC版三下-Unit4 It's Red-Class 1 Textbook p.28-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:101af).zip

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Unit 4 Its Red. Period 1 EEC English Whats in it? What is it? Its yellow . What is it? gre en. Its What is it? Its orange. The orange is orange. an What color is it? blu e. white. Its It s What color is it? blac k. Its Its a black cat. What is it? colo r redIts a nose. 想一想,连一连想一想,连一连 black and white red and yellow blue and green 红黄相间的红黄相间的 站起来快速说出你看到的颜色站起来快速说出你看到的颜色. red yellow blue black blue red orang e blue red black orange It has seven colors,they are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, purple .What is it? A:What color is it? B:Its _____. 同桌间用你身边的物品进行对话练习同桌间用你身边的物品进行对话练习 。 A:What color is it? B:Its _____. Its aan ___ ____. blue blu e blue hat box dox hox lox mox Look in this box. Whats in it? Put it on. 戴上戴上它它。 Put them on.戴上它戴上它 们。们。 OK.Look at me. 小小模特小小模特 。 认真听并且跟读。认真听并且跟读。 认真听并且模仿。认真听并且模仿。 自己大声地读一读,回答问题。自己大声地读一读,回答问题。 28 1.Whats in the box? 2.What color is the nose? A.black B.green C.red 分角色读一读吧。分角色读一读吧。 28 认真听并且连线。认真听并且连线。 31 请涂上正确的颜色吧。请涂上正确的颜色吧。 31 The light is ______,you should stop. 停止停止 red The light is ______,you should wait. 等候等候 yello w The light is ______,you should go. 出出 发发 gree n 交通灯交通灯 Everyone should follow traffic rules. 33 用我们今天学习的颜色词,以用我们今天学习的颜色词,以“ 我的中国梦我的中国梦”为题,画一幅画为题,画一幅画, 并标出颜色的单词。并标出颜色的单词。 请你在课上得到的卡片或者自制请你在课上得到的卡片或者自制 卡片上面写出正确的颜色单词(卡片上面写出正确的颜色单词( 至少五个)。至少五个)。 (可以任选一项(可以任选一项 哦。)哦。)1 EECEEC 三年级下册三年级下册 UnitUnit 4 4 : : ItsIts Red.Red. 1本单元设计意图:学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关的单词和句型,并 能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。并掌握描述事物的能力。 2本单元学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能用英语问答颜色,能从听、说、读、写四方面进行交际。 语言技能目标:培养学生的观察力、想象力、动手操作能力,发展学生综合运用语 言的能力。教师创设情境,学生在和实际生活相联系的情境中学语言,学生能运用所学 的语言进行交际的能力。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的主动性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生参与 合作的意识,通过学习和交流, 提高学生的实际生活能力,鼓励学生在生活中能运用这 些内容,更好的体现语言的交际性。提高学生感受美、欣赏美的水平。 学习策略目标:培养学生的判断力,观察力,激发学生积极思考问题,通过情境活 动,激发学习英语的兴趣,引导全体学生在任务中积极运用所学英语进行表达。 3学情分析 4、单元具体设计 根据课时安排我把本单元分 3 课时来完成教学。 The first period:P28 2. get to know the meaning of “color” both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce it clearly; 3. use the words “nose , hat , box , blue , black , red , green , white , yellow, orange” both in speaking and writing; 4. use structures like “What color is it ? Its .” to talk about the colors in English . 3. Focus of the lesson: Main points of the lesson 1. understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. read the structures with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. “What color is it ? Its .” 4. Predicted area of difficulty: Difficulties of the lesson 1.Students can distinguish hat and cap . The difference between hat and cap. 2. The pronunciation of “nose , hat , box , blue , black , red , green , white , yellow,orange, cat”; 3. The meaning and usage of some expressions about colors, such as “What color is it?” 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、Teaching aids: pictures, CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Warming-up and revision. 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song “What color is it ?” together. 设计意图:复习环节是为本课的教学目标服务,可以在新学期伊始将学生带入轻松 活跃的英语课堂气氛中,并引出本课新授内容。 Step II : Presentation 3 1. (ppt) Show some colors 2. (ppt) Study “color”, read one group by one group, and write down on the Bb. T: So today lets learn “Lesson 4 : Its Red.” (Read and write the title.) T: Boys and girls, look here !Whats this? (配图,同时出现 fox. Read x Then, 拓展到 box, 出示实物, Ss read it. Read box one by one.) Boys and girls, look in this box. (配图画解释 look in,并 read it)Please guess , whats in it? 设计意图:通过单词配图降低理解难度,并将新知与旧知有效结合。采取猜东西环节, 激发学习兴趣。 3. T: Take out an apple. What color is it? Its red.(Read them and practice them in pairs.) 学生说 Look in this box.教师做动作,Take out a flower(七色花). 摘下红色的花瓣(What color is it?) Ss: Its red. 以此类推,to learn the new words: blue , black , green , white , yellow,orange, (Let Ss read these words and T writes these words on the Blackboard.) write down these words one by one and let Ss read it. 4. T: Play a game “1.2.3. bomb” and review the words of: red, blue , black , green , white , yellow,orange, 5.Then show some new things: nose , eyes, (What is this ? What are these ? What color is it?) hat ,cat (由 cat 过渡到 hat, 并与 cap 进行区分) (Let Ss read these words and make the sentences.) 6. Show a picture. T: Look, whos this? Ss: Miss Gao. T: Yes, look carefully. Then show a flash and a sentence: Put them on. Look at me.(利用动画演示并出示句子) 设计意图:借助游戏营造欢快的学习氛围,使学生轻松学习新知识,让学生能够快 速掌握并进行交流。 Step III: Practice 1. PPT. Show some things to practice the sentences: Put them on. Put it on. First show one thing and let Ss say put it on Show some things and let Ss say Put them on. Then play a game “one say, one do”, then check some pairs. (一个说句子,一个做动作,来 进行句型Put them/ it on.的同桌练习。) 2. PPT. Show a dialogue and T gives an example first. Then the students practice in pairs. A: Look in this box, Jack. B: Whats in it?. A: A hat and B: A hat ? What color is it ? 4 A: Its yellow.Its a yellow hat. B: Put it on. A:Look at me. B: Ha ha. (把本课句型整合到一个完整对话中,划线部分可以替换。 ) 设计意图:在已学句型基础上加以变化,使学生能够灵活运用英语进行听说,运用课 件创设情境,为学生提供大量的语言材料,让学生有语言支撑,能够大胆地自信地主动 运用英语进行交流。教学活动由易到难,将所学语言结构整合成完整情景对话,使学生 能力在不知不觉中逐渐得到培养和提高。 Step IV: Consolidation. 1.Play the tape. Listen and read the text onP28. Then practice reading in groups.Then answer the questions: (1)What color are the eyes? (2)Whats in the box? (3)What color is the nose? 2. Listen and read the colors together. 设计意图:任务型教学模式。让学生带着任务去听,引导学生把握关键信息,指导听 力技巧,提高听力技能。 3.Listen and read the text. 4.Exercise Step V: Homework. 五、五、Blackboard design 六、六、Teaching reflection 5
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