教科EEC版三下-Unit4 It's Red-Class 3Textbook p.30-32-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:31408).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册_小学英语_Unit4 It's Red_Class 3 Textbook p.30-32_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:31408)
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chameleonIm a . Whats your name? Introduce and ask name. 介绍并询问名字 A Swim. (游泳) B Change the colors. (变色) Watch and think. 看一看并思考 What can the chameleon do in the video? 故事中的变色龙会做什么? The chameleons can change the colors to protect themselves and survive in the nature when the environment,temperature and the mood change. 变色龙的皮肤会随着背景、温度的变化和心情而 改变,目的是为了保护自己,避免遭袭击,使自 己生存下来。 Watch and think. 看一看并思考 How does the chameleon change the colors? 变色龙是怎么变色的? I say you do and say the colour around us. 请给奥运五环涂上相应的颜色 blue yellow black green red Groupwork 小组活动 Its a _____. Its ______. Its a ____ ____. Its a ____ _____. Its a _____ ___. fish blue blue fish green car yellow hat Practice in pairs A: What color is it? B: Its Its a 用我们学过的颜色能画出彩虹吗? 还需要什么颜色,查出它们的英文 表达,画出彩虹,并标注出颜色的 英文表达。 Homework家庭作业1、 教学内容: 教科 EEC 版三年级下册 Unit 4 It is red 2、 教学目标 1、 知识与能力目标:学生能听懂、会说、会读:red、blue、 yellow 、green、 black、white、 orange 等词汇,并能运用句型“What colour ?”、“Its Its a ”.来准确 介绍事物的颜色。 、 2、 情感态度目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与,乐于模仿和表 达,在学习中互相帮助,形成合作意识。 3、 学习策略目标:通过歌谣或游戏来学习单词,主动练习和实践所学内容,积极与他人合作, 共同完成学习任务。 4、 文化意识目标:简单了解中英文中不同颜色所表达意思的不同,了解中西方的颜色文化, 提高审美意识。 四、 教学重点和难点 1、 教学重点: 基本能听懂、会说、会读七种颜色 red、blue、 yellow 、green、 black 、white、 orange 运用 Its+颜色的语句结构介绍事物的颜色。 2、 教学难点:各种颜色词汇的发音及分辨,发音要到位。 五、 教学方法:直观教学法、提问法,精讲多练,充分发挥学生的主体作用,在活动中,通过 合作学习,游戏法学习,建立团队意识和集体责任感。 六、 教学准备:颜色卡片,单词卡片,录音机 七、 教学过程 Step 1 warming-up 1.greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Ma. T: How are you, today? S: Im fine . thank you. T:Nice to meet you. S:Nice to meet you, too 2.first, let us review some words:apple, banana, pencil,orange, cat, cap, bag. You did a good job. 3.Today, Ill introduce a new friend to you . Do you want to know who is he? S:变色龙 T: You are right. This is a “chameleon” Please say hello to the chameleon. S :hello. Now let us watch a story about the chameleon. OK? 出示并教授 color 一词 Step2 Presentation 1. 老师拿出一个绿色袋子,里面装有卡片红苹果、黄香蕉、篮彩笔和橙子。 T: Boys and girls ,look, what is this? S: A bag. T: Yes, very good. What colour is it? (慢速重复 2 次) S; Green/绿色 T: Right. This is a green bag. (出示单词卡片) OK, read after me :green green green 2. T: OK, boys and girls. Now,There is something in my bag. Do you want to know what are they? I need a student to take them out, and say what it is. Who want to try? S: (学生拿出物品,并说出 此物,然后老师顺着说: Very good, and what colour is it? S: T:教授新单词,学生可个人操练,小组操练,开火车操练。再用同样的方法呈现另外几种颜色 单词。 3. 拿一黑色帽子呈现单词 black, 帽子里放一只会发出声音的猫咪呈现 white 一词。 T: Wow, it looks beautiful. What colour is it? S: black/黑色 T: yes. Its black. (出示单词卡片) follow me , black black black (设计意图:通过这一直观教学手段使学生产生浓厚的兴趣,是抽象化的词汇学习具体化,易化 了词汇这一教学难点,在学生操练单词时,还运用各种形式操练) Step3. Practice 1.“I say, you point. ”let us point the colors around you. OK? 2. play a game:颜色大转盘 (训练句型) 3. let us enjoy some pictures and find some colors in it. Step 4. consolidation and extension What color is it? It is a +颜色+物品. Step 5. homework Read the color words Find out the color of the things as many as you can. 板书: Unit 4 Its red. What color is it? Its red. green yellow blue black orange white
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