教科EEC版三下-Unit4 It's Red-Class 4 Textbook p.33-34-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10336).zip

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hat mouth nose eye red red red The apple is red. yellow yellow yellow The banana is yellow. green green green The watermelon is green. orange orange orang The orange is orange. A: What color is it ? B: Its . Its a . yellow yellow hat + + 颜色颜色 + +颜色颜色 + +名词名词 A: What color are they ? B: Theyre . Theyre . blue blue eyes A: What color is it ? B: Its . Its a . yellow yellow hat A: What color are they ? B: Theyre . Theyre . blue blue eyes Put it on. 穿上它,戴上它穿上它,戴上它 Put them on. 穿上它们,戴上它们穿上它们,戴上它们 it it it Put it on. them them them Put them on. box 看盒子里面。看盒子里面。 里面有什么?里面有什么? look in look in Look in this box. whats in whats in whats in it ? 分角色朗读课文 1. 说说你周围物品的颜色说说你周围物品的颜色. 2. 穿衣服的时候用穿衣服的时候用put on练习练习.Its red 一、教材分析 本单元主要是学习回答颜色及熟悉色彩名称。色彩是人们每时 每刻都在接触的内容,孩子们对色彩有着浓厚的兴趣。本课围绕 “颜色”这一话题,把有关物品与颜色有机地结合起来,给我们展 示了一幅真实的生活画面。通过学习句型 Its yellow.让学生学会运 用色彩来描述事物,培养学生通过色彩正确地表现事物的能力。 二、学情分析 学生为小学三年级的学生,他们的知识和认知水平有限,对直 观、新颖、有趣的材料容易理解和接受,而且善于模仿、乐于参与 游戏,有较强的尝试和表现欲望。通过形式多样的活动,使其能够 在活动中掌握所学,并灵活应用。 三、教学目标 1、知识目标:学会用英语回答颜色;四会掌握单词: hat 、yellow。 2、能力目标:能说色彩名称,并能用 Its. .描述生活中物品的 颜色。 3、情感态度:进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情,使学生树立学习 英语的自信心,培养学生观察和合作交流能力,培养他们对美的正 确认识。 四、教学重点 重、难点:学习回答颜色及熟悉色彩名称。 五、教学步骤 StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm up:up: T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And how are you? T: Fine, thanks. Now lets sing a song together. Sing and do: Please stand up Students try to sing and do. (设计意图:从歌曲入手,与学生互动,起到生动、直观的作用增 进情感,提高学生兴趣。) StepStep 2 2 LeadLead in:in: Ts: Everybody acts great. So today I will introduce a frien d to you. Look,Do you know him?(你们认识它吗?) Ss: 熊猫 Ts: Yes,its a panda. Its name is Panpan. Do you know Why are they so happy? Lets look.(播放视频) what are they seeing? Ss: 鱼。 Ts:Yes, they are seeing some fishes. What color are they? Look, red. Wow, yellow. Ooh, blue. They are so beautiful.(study new words) Step3Step3 Presentation:Presentation: 1. Panda is a large animal with black and white color. Hi s great dream is “he wants to take a color photo” with red green a nd many other colors(它最大的梦想是想照一张彩色照片,) Do you think it is possible?(你们认为可能吗?) Ts:But today he meets a magic animal.she likes changing cloths very m uch.(今天 Panda 见到了一个神奇的朋友,她可以根据环境的变化改 变自己的颜色)Do you know what is it?(你知道是什么动物吗?) (设计意图:运用学生感兴趣的方式导入新课,激发学生的兴趣。 ) T: Look here. Whats this? Ss:Its a chameleon(简单的领读并练习,让学生感知) Ts: Now lets go to see how is the chameleon changing colors. So tod ay lets learn Module4 Unit 1 Its red T: Now look, listen, and find how many colors does chamel eon change? Ss find and answer. Listen again,What are the colors? Circle them on your books. (播放视频) words learn: red blueyellowgreenblack Study new sentences. Its red yellowbluegreenblack.(Practice in pairs) (设计意图:对颜色单词的进一步巩固。) text learn First,please be quiet and just listen. Now,read after CD-ROM. Now This group is the Chameleon and this group is the Panda.R ead the text.(设计意图:在这一环节中,先安排学生用各种方式 读书,如跟读、自读、分角色读等,帮助学生纠正语音语调、掌握 本课的语言知识。) Step 4Extension: Task 1: Play a game. T: Listen, whats in this box? Now, please look in this box! (师晃 动盒子)Guess, what color is it? (学生举手猜是什么颜色) Ss:Its red yellowbluegreenblack. (设计意图:增强学生自由交 际与会话的能力,同时课堂学习的趣味性也得到了增强,使学生在 实践练习的过程中不感到枯燥,将课堂气氛推向高潮。) Task 2: Do you know? 1. red 红色的 Red 莱德 2. yellow 黄色的 Yellow 耶鲁 3. blue 蓝色的 Blue 布鲁 4. green 绿色的 Green 格林 5. black 黑色的 Black 布莱克 (设计意图:拓展颜色与姓氏的联系的学习,开拓学生视野,将知 识延续。) Step 5 Homework Read the text three times and tell your mother what colors in your room. 板书设计: What color is it
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