教科EEC版四下-Unit1 It's the Spring Festival-Class 2Textbook p.5-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f020b).doc

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1、Its the Spring Festival 教学设计 一、学情分析 本课是四年级学生开学后的第一课时,大部分学生还沉浸在愉快 的寒假生活和欢庆的过大年气氛中,很难要他们马上回到课堂当中 来。并且有相当一部分学生在听、说、读、写各方面的能力都有所下 降。 因此, 我在本课设计上结合本课 “Spring Festival” 春节这个话题, 从学生感兴趣的事物入手,展开听说练习,先让孩子们的眼、耳、口 和脑动起来,再让孩子们的心回到课堂当中来,最后轻松愉快地学到 了新的知识。 二、教材分析: 本节课选自 EEC 教材四年级下册 Lesson 1 How Delicious! 的第一 课时。本课通

2、过中国春节和西方国家相应节日的对比,帮助学生了解 中外文化,训练关于春节内容的对话,使学生能够用英语说“春节” , 并能向外国人简单地介绍春节。 三、教学目标 知识目标: 能听懂确认某种事实的话;能用英语说“春节” 。 能力目标: 培养学生向外国人介绍中国春节文化和饮食的交际能力。 情感目标: 帮助学生了解中外文化。 教学重点:birthday Spring Festival New Years Day 教学难点: -Is it your birthday? -No, its not. Its Spring Festival. Its like New Years Day. 四、教学方法、手段

3、: 听说法、交际法 五、教 具:录音机、单词卡片等 Teaching Steps(教学步骤) I.The Teaching leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼) : T:Hello,everyone. Glad to see you again .How was your vacation? Ss:. 2.Have a revision(复习): T:Nice to meet you . Lets sing a song Ss:Sing a song. 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: What Chinese festival do you k

4、now? How can you say them in English? Lets study Lesson1 How Delicious! II.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): (一) Join the Beat ! Lets listen to the tape, try to repeat. (二) Listening Fun 1.Pre-Listening : Look at the picture and think. 2.While-Listening T:Listen to the tape ,circle the new words, Tea

5、cher writes them on the blackboard. delicious Spring Festival New Years Day 3.Post-Listening A.Teach to read and write the new words. (强调节日首字母大写) (1) spell and read (2) listen and reapeat B.Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. C.(1)is it LiLis birthday? (2)Whats the festival ? D.Lear

6、n drills: (1)Look at the picture of “Spring Festival”. T:Is it your birthday? Ss:No, its not. Its Spring Festival. T:Yes, youre clever. Its Spring Festival. Its like New Years Day.(CAI shows) 新旧知识比较记忆与理解 Its like. 像.似的 It looks like. 看起来像.似的 (2)T:Do you understand? Ss:Yes. T:So you can say: Oh, I se

7、e. (3)T:What do you do on “Spring Festival”? 教师在有关春节内容的图片中指出包饺子的一幅图并提问: T: What are these? Ss:Dumplings. T:Theyre dumpings. Ss repeat. 教师再指其中一个饺子问(知识扩展) : T:What is it?并引导学生回答:Its a dumping. T shows the picture on P12 and ask the questions What is this(that)? What are these(those)? Ss answer the que

8、stions Its a . Theyre . 教师继续指图提问: T:What are they doing? Ss:Theyre making dumplings. T:Yes. We make dumplings on Spring Festival. Ss listen and repeat. (三)Lets chant . Listen and speak. (1)Ss listen and repeat. (2)Ss read by themselves. (3)Ss read one by one. (四)Practice 1.Word in pairs to make dial

9、ogs and act them out. 2.Game: Do the action. III.Sum Up(总结): T:Lets read the dialog together. Homework(作业) : 1.Listen read and copy the new words and dialog.2.Do the excise book. The Black Writing(板书) Lesson 1 Its the Spring Festival delicious Is it your birthday ? No,its not. Spring Festival Its Sping Festival . New Years Day Its like New Years Day


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