北京西城区19-20学年下学期(北师大版)高一英语期末复习 ppt课件(含练习+资料包).zip

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2020 20202020年年 高一英语期末复习高一英语期末复习 词组复习(词组复习(1 1) Phrases in Unit 5-Unit 9Phrases in Unit 5-Unit 9Phrases in Unit 5-Unit 9Phrases in Unit 5-Unit 9 单击此处添加标题文本内容 turn ones back (on sb/sth) come across argue with come up with in one way or another 对置之不理 偶然遇见 争论 想出,提出(计划、想法等) 以某种方式 还 记 得 这 些 短 语 吗 单击此处添加标题文本内容 in spite of take charge of at the heart of not be bothered to do sth. to sum up 尽管 负责 在. 的中心 懒得做某事 总而言之 还 记 得 这 些 短 语 吗 Unit 5 Humans and Nature turn ones back (on sb/sth) on the edge of breathe in run out break down 对置之不理 在边缘 吸气 用完,耗尽 停止运转,出故障 1. 大自然受到伤害,感到痛苦,最后背弃了我们。(turn ones back on) Nature got hurt, felt pain, and finally turned its back on us. 2. 你为什么坐在大楼的边缘呢?太危险了。(on the edge of) Why are you sitting on the edge of the building? Its dangerous. 3. 每天早晨我敞开窗户,做深呼吸。 (breathe in) Every morning I open the window wide and breathe in deeply. 4. 今天没时间了,我们下次继续做这个练习。(run out of) Weve run out of time, but well go on with this exercise next time. 5. 两辆雪橇坏了,马也开始在大雪和严寒的天气下出现严重问题。 (break down ) Two sledges broke down and the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. Unit 6 The Admirable put out fires fight for havein mind apart from come across pick out the other day due to in spite of 除之外 由于,因为 为斗争 挑选 心里已有 不久前某天 灭火 尽管 偶然遇见 1. 他们花了几个小时扑灭了这场火。(put out) It took them several hours to put out the fire. 2. 他是一个性格刚强的人,愿为正义而战斗。(fight for) He is a man of strong character who will fight for what is right. 3. 你心里有敬仰的人吗?(have in mind) Do you have someone in mind that you admire? 4. 除了几处语法错误之外,你这篇作文写得不错。(apart from) Apart from a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of yours is well written. 5. 今天早晨我在报纸上偶然看到了一篇有意思的文章。(come across) I came across an interesting article in the newspaper this morning. 1. 玛丽花了很长时间在那个商店里挑选新衣服。(pick out) It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store. 2. 对很多人来说,里夫也被认为是现实生活中的英雄。(be regarded as) Reeve is also regarded as a superhero to many in real life. 3. 由于天气恶劣,下一航班将被取消。(due to) Due to bad weather, the next flight will be cancelled. 4. 他们俩虽然感冒了,可都兴高采烈的。(in spite of) They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds. Unit 7 Art let out a scream refer to not hesitate to do take charge of broad smile 发出尖叫声 提到 毫不犹豫做某事 负责 满面笑容 1. 他张大嘴巴,发出强烈的尖叫声。(let out) His mouth is wide open and lets out a powerful scream. 2. 老战士谈到了长征时的一些经历。 (refer to) The old soldier referred to his experiences during the Long March. 3.你翻译文章有困难时,请务必来找我。 (not hesitate to do sth) When you have difficulties in translating the article, dont hesitate to ask me. 4. 主动学习就是学习者对自己的学习负责的能力。(take charge of ) Active learning is the ability to take charge of ones own learning. 5.他向他们挥一下手,热情地笑着向他们打招呼。(broad smile) He greeted them with a wave and a broad smile. Unit 8 Green Living 1. do my part (for sth.) 2. not be bothered to do sth. 3. take action 4. all around the world 5. make sbs dream come true 6. work through 7. come up with 8. take part in 9. cut back on 10. to sum up A. 想出,提出(计划、想法等 ) B. 总而言之 C. (使)某人梦想成真 D. 尽自己所能做某事 E. 懒得做某事 F. 采取行动 G. 全世界 H. 度过难关,调整(情绪) I. 参加 J. 削减,缩减 D E F G C H A I J B 1.我想尽自己的力量去建设一个更美好的世界。(do my part ) I want to do my part to shape a better world. 2.扔一块垃圾,却懒得捡起来。(cant be bothered) Drop a piece of litter and cant be bothered to pick it up. 3. 我们现在就得采取行动了,否则就迟到了。(take action ) We must take action right now, otherwise well be late. 4.我和世界上有着美好心灵的人交朋友。(all around the world) I am making new friends with beautiful souls all around the world. 5.易解放决定让儿子的梦想成真,NPO-Greenlife由此诞生。(make sbs dream come true) Yi Jiefang decided to make her sons dream come true, and NPO-Greenlife was born. 6. 易解放在她儿子去世后是如何调整悲痛情绪的?(work through ) How did Yi Jiefang work through her sadness after her sons death? 7. 你能想出这么一个主意真是太棒了。(come up with) Its wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea. 8. 因左脚受伤,他不能参加今天的篮球赛了。(take part in) His left foot is hurt and he is unable to take part in todays basketball game. 9. 我们正在试着削减购买食品的开支。(cut back on ) Were trying to cut back on the amount we spend on food. 10. 总而言之,在这个世界上没有马上的成功。(to sum up) To sum up, there is no instant success in this world. Unit 9 Learning brush up (on) reflect on argue with end up doing work out in short 重温,复习 思考 争论 最终 计算出,弄懂 总之; 简而言之 attempt to at the heart of be based on be honoured to do in one way or another as a result take it easy 尝试 在. 的中心 以为根据 很荣幸做某事 以某种方式 作为结果 放轻松 1. 杰克不能同你一块儿去,因为他需要温习笔记。(brush up on) Jack cant go with you because he needs to brush up on his notes. 2. 你该静下心来好好反省你自己的错误,从中吸取教训。(reflect on) You should calm down to reflect on your own errors and learn from them. 3. 我不同你计较,等你气消了再说。(argue with) I wont argue with you now. Lets talk it over when youve calmed down. 4. 如果你不知道自己想要什么,到头来你可能得非所愿。(end up doing) If you dont know what you want, you might end up getting something you dont want. 5. 我每次把这些数字相加得出的结果都不一样。(work out) These figures work out differently each time I add them. 6. 总之,他是我见过最有希望的学生之一。(in short) In short, he is one of the most promising students Ive ever known. 7. 我将努力回答你的全部问题。(attempt to) I will attempt to answer all your questions. 8. 真挚和诚实是我们业务的核心。(at the heart of) Sincerity and honesty are at the heart of our business. 9. 那故事是根据现实生活而写的。(be based on) The story is based on real life. 10. 被邀请在此讲话是我的荣幸。(be honoured to do sth.) I am honoured to be asked to speak. 11. 尽管英国英语和美国英语在某种程度上有所不同,但人们相互理 解并不困难。(in one way or another) Though British and American English are different in one way or another, people have no difficulty in understanding each other. 12.由于努力学习,他通过了这次考试。(as a result) He worked hard at his study. As a result, he passed the exam easily. 13.你现在可以放轻松了,因为你现在在休假。(take it easy) You can take it easy now since you are on vacation. 单击此处添加标题文本内容 1. 我很想知道更多,但我们已经没时间了。(run out) 2. 如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。(end up) 3. 我没有提出这个问题的解决方法。(come up with) 4. 是时候让你来掌控自己的生活和未来的方向了。(take charge of) 5. 在这个问题蔓延到其他地区之前,我们必须采取行动解决它。(take action) 6. 读以下的句子并说出他们所指的是哪些节日。(refer to) 课 后 作 业高一英高一英语语期末复期末复习习-短短语语复复习习 Unit 5-9 作作业业答案答案 1. 我很想知道更多,但我们已经没时间了。(run out) Id love to know more, but weve run out of time. 2. 如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。(end up) If no one helps him he may end up being a beggar. 3. 我没有提出这个问题的解决方法。(come up with) I havent come up with a solution to this problem. 4. 是时候让你来掌控自己的生活和未来的方向了。(take charge of) Its time for you to take charge of your life and the direction youre going to. 5. 在这个问题蔓延到其他地区之前,我们必须采取行动解决它。(take action) We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas. 6. 读以下的句子并说出他们所指的是哪些节日。(refer to) Read the following sentences and tell which festivals they refer to.2020 20202020 高一英语期末复习高一英语期末复习 词汇复习词汇复习( (一一) ) Words in Unit 5-Unit 7Words in Unit 5-Unit 7Words in Unit 5-Unit 7Words in Unit 5-Unit 7 单击此处添加标题文本内容 1. These rocks proved that at one time in the distant past, the continent of Antarctica was covered by plants. 2. With a new sense of energy and commitment, Reeve undertook an intense exercise programme to help him achieve this goal. 3. Before the performance, the backstage atmosphere at a very famous theatre in Vienna was tense. 4. Most people assume that the human brain is set on “automatic”. Do you still remember the underlined words? 证明;证实 大陆;大洲 投入,奉献,承诺着手做,承担剧烈的 后台的 紧张的 自动的;无意识的假定;认为 Unit 5 Humans and Nature frightened curious escape survive trap measure anxiously distant shelter attempt 1. I passed my driving test at the first ______________. 2. Exporting is necessary for our economic ____________. 3. Some hospital patients experience high levels of ___________. 4. The pond ____________ about 2 meters across. 5. Sorry, I didnt mean to ____________ you. 6. ___________, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health. 7. As a child he would often _________ into a dream world of his own. 8. _____________ is no problem on the Internet. 9. They were __________ in the burning building. 10. We ____________ from the rain in a doorway. attempt survival anxiety measures frighten Curiously escape Distance trapped sheltered Unit 6 The Admirable admirable award academy recognition independent regard depression strike impressive inspiring 1. Since the launch of the product, it is_____________ by the vast number of consumers. 2. I ____________ her when I first met her and I still think shes marvelous. 3. She gives me the ________________of being very busy. 4. The students return in October for the start of the new ______________ year. 5. Tu Youyou was ____________ a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin. 6. Two __________________ research bodies reached the same conclusions. 7. She suffered from severe ________________ after losing her job. 8. He ___________ himself as a patriot. 9. The actors enthusiasm ___________ the kids. 10. It suddenly ______________ me how we could improve the situation. recognized admired impression academic awarded independent depression regards inspired struck Unit 7 Art(1) Performance talented hesitate respond emotion 1. I receive an encouraging _____________ to my advertisement. 2. She agreed without the slightest _____________. 3. Mothers are often the ones who provide _____________ support for the family. 4. She is proud that both her children have a __________ for music. 5. The play was first _____________ in 1987. response hesitation emotional talent performed2020 20202020 高一英语期末复习高一英语期末复习 词汇复习词汇复习( (二二) ) Words in Unit 7-9Words in Unit 7-9Words in Unit 7-9Words in Unit 7-9 Words in Unit 7Words in Unit 7Words in Unit 7Words in Unit 7(2 2 2 2) exhibitionaffectacceptableappreciateotherwise 6.Theywill__________theirnewdesigns. 7.Howwillthesechanges_________us? 8.Myparentslentmethemoney.______________,Icouldnthaveafforded thetrip. 9.Pleaseacceptthisgiftin______________ofallyouvedoneforus. 10.Please__________oursincereapologies. exhibit affect Otherwise appreciation accept Unit 8 Green Living solutionovercomedisappearmajorannual involveorganizerextinctionglobalindustrial 1.Wedonotfullyunderstandhowthebrainis___________. 2.Thetestwill__________answeringquestionsaboutaphotograph. 3.She_____________injurytowintheOlympicgoldmedal. 4.Hernervousnessquickly_______________onceshewasonstage. 5.___________warmingisarealproblem. 6.Attemptsarebeingmadeto__________theproblemofwastedisposal. 7.Servantsarenowalmost__________inmodernsociety. 8.Companiesreporttotheirshareholders______________. 9.The____________ofpeopleinterviewedpreferTVtoradio. 10.Weneedtodeveloplocal______________. organized involve overcame disappeared Global solve extinct annually majority industries Unit 9 Learning flexibleignoreunfamiliarsharparrangement reflectionapproachrecommendassumepromote 1.Asyou____________thetown,youllseethecollegeontheleft. 2.“Isthereaproblem?”heasked_____________. 3.Itisgenerally__________thatstressiscausedbytoomuchwork. 4.Thepartywas____________quickly. 5.Her____________toSalesManagertookeveryonebysurprise. 6.Imadeasuggestionbuttheychoseto_________it. 7.Thesmellisvery_________toeveryonewholivesnearabakery. 8.Hergreatstrengthliesinher___________inthewayworkisorganized. 9.Canyou_______________agoodhotel? 10.BeforeIdecide,Ineedtimeto_________. approach sharply assumed arranged promotion ignore familiar flexibility recommend reflect 为了帮助同学们进一步巩固和复习词汇,我们还精选 和设计了期末词汇复习练习题和配套答案,大家可根 据自己的情况,自主选择练习。高一英高一英语语期末复期末复习词汇习词汇复复习习作作业业 I. 用括号里用括号里词语词语的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 1. Most information was collected by direct __________ (observe) of the animals behaviour. 2. This war has caused widespread human__________ (suffer). 3. I now felt for the first time the joy of__________ (explore). 4. The freshmen have made __________ (remark) progress in their studies. 5. The school has __________ (establish) a successful relationship with the local community. 6. The smell is very __________ (unfamiliar) to everyone who lives near a bakery. 7. How can I communicate more __________ (effective) with employees, customers, investors, and the media? 8. The phenomenon used to __________ (disappear) unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter. II. 用方框中所用方框中所给给的的词词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 measure impress award emotion overcome arrange flexible sharp perform hesitate 1. Were looking for people of all ages who have __________ outstanding acts of bravery, kindness or courage. 2. She never hides her __________ in front of her friends. 3. Which kind of shark has the __________ teeth and strongest jaws? 4. Jennifer has an __________ academic and business background. 5. Something gave me the strength to __________ the difficulty 6. After a long __________, he told the truth at last. 7. Please __________ these books in alphabetical order. 8. The house is more than twenty metres long and __________ six metres in width 9. This __________ is given to you in recognition of your good performance. 10. Our plans need to be __________ enough to cater for the needs of everyone.高一英高一英语语期末复期末复习词汇习词汇复复习习作作业业答案答案 I. 用括号里用括号里词语词语的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 1. observation 2. suffering3. exploration4. remarkable 5. established 6. familiar7. effectively 8. appear II. 用方框中所用方框中所给给的的词词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 1. performed 2. emotions 3. sharpest 4. impressive 5. overcome 6. hesitation7. arrange 8. measures9. award10. flexible高一英语期末语法复习主谓一致测试题 1. Anyone ______ (need) to train themselves to be better learners. 2. Writing your notes clearly ______ (help) you remember things better. 3. Global warming, in addition to earthquakes and tsunami, ____(be) a major concern for the whole planet. 4. The book______________ (return) to the library last week. 5. John _____ (do) regular sports. 6. There ________(be) a book and two pens in my bag. 7. Not you but Kate _____(be) to answer for the accident. 8. Nobody, except his most close friends, ______ (know) about the secret. 9. Either of the answers _______ (sound) reasonable. 10. We ____________ (fight) against the coronavirus at the moment. 11. Each of us_______ (have) two voices. 12. Email, as well as mobile phones, ______(play) an important part in daily communication. 13. Not you but your father ___ (be) to blame. 14. John together with his friends ______(go) fishing every Saturday. 15. Please keep in mind that nobody but doctors __________ (allow) to enter the patients room.高一英语期末语法复习高一英语期末语法复习主谓一致测试题主谓一致测试题 Keys: 1.needs 2.helps 3.is 4.was returned 5.does 6.is 7.is 8.knows 9.sounds 10. are fighting 11.has 12.plays 13.is 14.goes 15.is allowed2020 20202020 高一英语高一英语期末语法期末语法复习(复习(2 2) 主谓一致主谓一致 单击此处添加标题文本内容 谓语动词和助动词在人称和数上与主语保持一致。 包括两个方面的内容: 1.在一般现在时的句子中,第三人称有单数形式。 He prefers to study alone in a quiet place. 2.当句子是其他时态时,助动词be, do和have使主语与动词 在人称和数上保持一致。 I have read the book. He has read the book. Subject-Verb Agreement 主谓一致 单击此处添加标题文本内容 1. We _____ (have) to get up early on Monday. 2. He _____ (have) to get up early on Monday. 3. You ____ (be) my sunshine, my only sunshine. 4. She ____ (be) a talented musician. 5. They ___ (do) morning exercise every day. 6. John _____ (do) regular sports. 在一般现在时的句子中,主语决定谓语动词是否需要加s 或做相应的变化。 has is does Summary 1 have are do 单击此处添加标题文本内容 1. We ____________ (fight) against the coronavirus at the moment. 2. She __________ (take)part in a problem-solving activity now. 3. The TV play ___ (be) to be on show
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