教科EEC版四下-Unit7 Where's the Post Office -Class 1 Textbook p.52-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:102aa).doc

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1、Unit7 Wheres the Post Office? (EECEEC 小学英语四小学英语四年级年级下下册册 U Unit7nit7 第一课时第一课时) 【摘要】此教学设计从故事教学模式入手,在教学过程中为学生创造了一个完整的故事情 境,并通过多媒体课件及多种教学手段的运用帮助学生在理解课文的基础上表演 故事、使用语言,提高综合语言运用能力。 【关键词】故事教学 多媒体 多元评价 【教材分析】 1. 1. 教材地位及选取原因教材地位及选取原因 “Wheres the Post Office?” 是义务教育课程标准实验教科书 EEC 四年级下册的第七课, 本课以“去邮局邮寄包裹”为故事情境,

2、从生活出发,从兴趣入手,学习问路及如何应答。 本课从故事上来说是承接于前一课的, 因此在讲授时应注意与前文的衔接。 此教学设计为第 一课时,在简单了解整个故事的基础上学习课文的前两段。从整篇课文来看,这两节内容相 对比较连贯且独立,适合在一课时中呈现。 2. 2. 教学目标教学目标 1. Function Objectives: 理解课文内容,并能在有语言提示的情况下正确再现故事情节;学习 问路的询问和应答。 2. Structure Objectives: Excuse me. Wheres the post office? Its over there. 3. 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点

3、 1. 教学重点:问路的询问和应答。 2. 教学难点: 对 Lets ask him 的理解。 Excuse me.和 theres 的发音。 【学情分析】 四年级的学生已经有初步的英语会话能力, 能听懂一般的课堂用语, 能够小组合作完成 对话表演。 学生对于本课出现的一些简单句型如: I dont know./I can see it./ Thank you./ Youre welcome.等已熟练掌握,并且在三年级下册已经学习过 Wheres Wangwang?一课,对于 Wheres 的含义和用法有了初步的了解。因此在教学设计中可以将重点放在对课文的理解以 及如何问路和应答上。 【教学策

4、略】 1. 教学中牢牢抓住学生的注意力。 2. 采用逐步导入、创设情境的情感教学。 3. 巧妙设计教学环节,逐层突破重难点。 【教学过程】 I. Warm Up.I. Warm Up. 1. Do the greeting and say a chant: 1. Do the greeting and say a chant: T: Before the class we will say a chant together. Are you ready? S: Yes! T: OK. Please stand up. Lets clap hands and say it together. S

5、: Say the chant. T: Super! You did a very good job. Please sit down. 设计意图:设计意图: 在热身环节通过一个根据课文内容创编的小歌谣让学生快速进入学习状态, 三个 不同速度的伴奏会很容易带动课堂的气氛,同时为新授课作了很好的铺垫。 2. Review the story of lesson6.2. Review the story of lesson6. T: Can you tell me: Are you happy on your birthday? What do you do on your birthday? L

6、ook, our friend Ken also has a happy birthday party.(P1) And he gets many presents on that day. Do you remember the cap? (P2) Who gives it to Ken? Do you know what does Ken do after getting a cap? (P3) (引导学生说出 thank you card) Can you guess what will Ken do today? (如果学生说出 send 这个词,则顺势用动态图简单讲解讲解 sends

7、end 的含义;如果说不出来则 由师引导) T: If Ken wants to send this card, where should he go? S: Post office. T: 讲解讲解 post officepost office,拼读,将图和单词贴在黑板上。 设计意图:设计意图:在学习新课之前以引导图的方式带领学生们温习上一课的内容:Ken 的姨妈在他 生日时送给他一顶帽子,为了表示感谢,Ken 写了一张感谢卡。此时可以让学生自己猜测接 下来的故事,对新课产生期待。并由此引出本课去邮局,在此时解决生词 post office,为 下一步听故事扫清障碍。 II. Present

8、ation.II. Presentation. 过渡:过渡: T: We know that Ken wants to go to the post office. But can he find it? You can find the answer today. “Wheres the post office?” Read it together. S: Read the title. 1. Talk about the pictures.1. Talk about the pictures. T: Who are they? ( 在学生回答出警察这个词时顺势讲解在学生回答出警察这个词时顺

9、势讲解 policemanpoliceman。拼读,将图和单词 贴在黑板上,问:Can you show me a policeman?) Where are they? What are they doing? S: 设计意图:设计意图:在新授时先让学生看图预测故事,对故事情节做一定的设想,并适时解决生词 policeman,为接下来的听音排除障碍。 2. Frame question2. Frame question T: We know on his way to the post office Ken sees a policeman. But whats wrong with Lil

10、i? What does Lili want to do?What does Lili want to do? Lets listen. 给出选项:A. Give the box to the policeman. B. Find the boxs owner. C. Send the box to Beijing. S: Listen to the story. T: Which one is right? S: C T: Yes, youre right. Good job! 设计意图:设计意图: 在预测之后听整个故事, 并回答框架问题: 丽丽想要做什么?通过讨论、 观察、 初听录音,引导

11、学生充分理解对话产生的故事背景,明确人物的关系,以及故事对话的主 题,从而实现对故事框架的整体理解。 3. Picture1: 3. Picture1: 过渡:过渡:Now we know that both Lili and Ken want to go to the post office. Q1: But can they find the post office?Q1: But can they find the post office? S: Listen carefully. T: Can Lili find the post office? S: No, she cant. T:

12、 Why? What did you hear? S: 说出听到的句子:Hi, Ken. Wheres the post office? T: Right? Lets listen. S: Listen to this sentence: Hi, Ken. Wheres the post office? T: Good, youre right! Lets follow it.(出示文字) S: 全班一起跟读这一句. T: 板书 Wheres the .? 边做动作边领读,让学生明确含义。 T: Oh, Lili cant find the post office. How about Ken

13、? S: No, he cant. T: Can you tell me why? S: Because he says “Well, I dont know.” T: Is he right? Lets check up. S: Listen to this sentence. T: Well done. Lets read it. (出示文字,学生跟读) So we know that both Lili and Ken can not find the post office. Who can help them?Who can help them? (过渡问题,不用听,学生直接答,引出

14、(过渡问题,不用听,学生直接答,引出 Q2Q2) S: The policeman. Q2: Q2: But whereBut wheres the pols the policeman?iceman? S: Listen to picture1 again. S: 说出听到的句子:Theres a policeman. T: Right? Lets listen. (出示动画,远处 policeman 动一下) Great! Lets point and say. (学生边指课件中的 policeman 边读:Theres a policeman.) 强调 theres 的发音,边指边读。

15、T: Now they see a policeman. Q3: Q3: What will What will they do? they do? (三个选项:A. Listen to him. B. Ask him. C. Look at him. ) S: 学生再一次听整段课文,给出答案:B. Ask him. T: Will they? Lets listen. Can you repeat this sentence? OK, youre right. (出示文字) Lets follow it. T: Look at this word: askask. What does it

16、mean in Chinese? S: 问。 T: Do you understand? S: Yes. T:OK. They will ask him. But who is “himhim”? S: The policeman. T: So “Lets ask him.”= “Lets ask the policeman.” 用课件制作简单动画,帮助学生总结和复述第一段:用课件制作简单动画,帮助学生总结和复述第一段:We know Ken and Lili meet in theWe know Ken and Lili meet in the street. Do you remember

17、 what did they talkstreet. Do you remember what did they talk? Let? Lets recall together.s recall together. 设计意图:设计意图:通过再次听音(第一段)回答问题,明白 Lili 和 Ken 要向警察求助。同时解决 重难点,即“theres”的发音和“Lets ask him.”的含义。最后利用“关键词法”将 本小节内容做一个串联,让学生达到看着老师给的提示图即能复述该段故事。 4. Picture2: 4. Picture2: 过渡:过渡:You know, Ken and Lili wi

18、ll ask the policeman. Q1: But how does Ken speak to the policQ1: But how does Ken speak to the policeman? eman? (出示问题和选项: A. Hello. B. Excuse me. C. Sorry.) S: Listen and answer: Excuse me. T: Clever! Lets listen again. (听后出示文字,跟读。) 板书板书 解释解释 Excuse meExcuse me:When you need some help or you want to

19、 ask something, please say “excuse me”first. For example, I want to know that boys name. So I will say “Excuse me. Whats your name?” Understand? S: Yes. T: OK. Ken is a very polite boy. But how does the policeman show them the way? After listening you will know: Q2 Act one picture, you can get one s

20、tamp; And if you can act two pictures, you will get two stamps. Understand? First, please practice the dialogue with your partner. S: Practice and get ready to show the story. 设计意图:设计意图: 能否流畅表演文中的小故事是对课文理解和语言运用的一种有效检验方式。 在这 个活动中我为不同水平的学生设置了不同层次的任务。 在表演故事时学生可以选择 “有文字 提示”或“无文字提示” ,他们可以根据自己的程度选择合适的类型,当

21、然加分奖励会有不 同,也许正因为这份奖励,很多“想背又不敢背”的同学就会选择挑战一下,很多时候学生 缺少的就是那么一点鼓励。 IV. SumIV. Sum- -up.up. T: You know in this lesson Ken and Lili cant find the post office, so they ask the policeman. In our life, sometimes we also need to ask the way. Or sometimes you can also show the way to others. But how to ask an

22、d show the way? Lets look at a video. S: Watch the videos. T: Can you tell me some good sentences in this video? S: . T: Yes, I agree with you. So can you be polite when you ask or show the way? Lets make a dialogue with these sentences. Have a try with your partner. S: Make and show. T: I see all o

23、f you are polite children. Please keep on the good manner in you life. Thank you for your attention, boys and girls. Goodbye. 设计意图:设计意图:在最后的整理总结阶段,既是对重难点的巩固拓展,也是对主题情境的延伸和升 华,希望学生可以通过本课的学习了解如何有礼貌地用英语问路和指路 V. Homework.V. Homework. 1. Listen and read the first two paragraphs. 2. Remember the words: post office policeman 3. Preview the third paragraph. 附:板书设计附:板书设计 Lesson7 WhereLesson7 Wheres the Post Office?s the Post Office


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