教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 4 Textbook p.64-66-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:6007e).doc

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1、Lesson5 I ride a bike 课 题 Lesson5 I ride a bike. 课时 第一课时 教 学 目 标 知识目标: 1 四会单词:ride bike library violin piano bike after 四会短语:go to the library ride a bike play the piano play the violin 2 2.重点句型 :What do you do after school? I go to the library. She goes to the library.She likes reading. 能力目标:能听懂有关放

2、学后做些什么的询问。 能听懂并说出有关自己或他人喜欢做的事情的表达。 情感目标:培养学生合理安培时间做事情的能力。 重 点 动词三单的正确使用(goes ) 难 点 She goes to the library. She likes reading . 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节 教师活动 学生活动 Step1 Greeting and Revision 1 Say hello to each other. 2 Lets chant together to review some verb phrases 复习动词短语,做好 热身,调动学生的积极 性, 为新课的学习做好准 备。 在此环节

3、, 教师应和学生 边 chant 边做动作,要有节 奏 Step2 New concepts 1 T: Lets play a guessing game (show a little part of a bike) 2.T:(继续出示图片,再次猜图 片) (Show more parts of a bike) 3.T: Look! Its a T:Whats this? T: Guess again Whats this? T:Right.A bike. S1: Is it a ball? S2: Is it a cake? S3:Is it an egg? S5:Is it a bike?

4、 bike.( 师出示一辆自行车) What color can you see? T:Yes.You can see blue,yellow and black on mybike.Its a beautiful bike. S1:blue. S2:yellow S3:black Ss: So beautiful. 学生与教师一起书写 bike 这一单词。 4.讲授 ride a bike 这一短 语 并write it on the blackboard. 5.同样的方法讲授动词短语 sing a song go to the library read a book play the pi

5、ano play the violin T:(出示一张图书馆的图 片) Show a picture T:Look at the letter“r”It sounds like / r / i / ai / d / d / T: Yes,this is a bike. I can ride a bike. Who can ride a bike? T:Lets ride a bike together. Today well learn Lesson5 I ride a bike. (师引课题并读两遍) T(师出示一张图片): Where are they? T:Yes. Its a libr

6、ary. I say one you say another. SS: r r r /r / /r/ /r/ d d d /d/ /d/ i i i /ai/ /ai/ . S5:I can ride a bike. S6:I can ride a bike. . 生一起读课题。 S:Theyre in the library. 板 书 短 语 : go to the library T: 在此环节,教师告诉学 生,当主语是 he /she/it 时, 在一般现在时里,动词也要用 到第三人称单数形式。变化规 则:1)一般在词尾加 s , 2) 以 s ,x ,ch ,sh,o 结尾的动词 在词

7、尾加 es, 3) have 的三单 是 has T:(show a picture) T:Show a picture of reading a book 在此讲解动词的三单形式。 告诉学生当主语是 he/she/it 等单个人或物时,在一般现在 时里,动词也要用三单形式。 (师和学生一替一 个字母的拼单词) T: Write it together T:I go to the library. How about you? T:(师指一位学生) He/She goes to the library. T:Please look at this picture. T his is my fr

8、iend. She likes reading.So we can say she goes to the library. Who can say? T: Look at this phrase “read a book” T:read read read a book T: write it on the blackboard. T:I like reading books. Who likes reading books? T:Ithink you all like readingbooks.Right, we should read more SS:l-i-b-r-a-r-y Read

9、 it one by one. S: I go to the library,too. S1S6 S7: She goes to the library. S8S12 Read together and do some actions Ss:write it with fighers. Say this sentence one by one. S5.S10:I like reading books. S11.17:She likes reading books. 动词三单的变化规则: 一般在词尾加 s 以 ch/sh/s/x/o 结尾的动词 在词尾加 es. have 的三单是 has. T

10、:show a picture of piano 讲解 like+doing sth. 告诉学生 like 的相关用法 列如:I like music. I like you. I like reading. like 的常用搭配:可在其 后加名词;可加代词的兵格; 加动词常用动词的 ing 形式.在 此进行造句练习。 T:show a picture of playing the piano(并板书该 短语) books. As we know knowledge is power. T:She likes reading books. T:Look.Its a piano. Here yo

11、u can see an old word T: Right. Look at the letter P / p / i /i / a / / T:What color is this piano? T: (拍手)play play Play the piano Do with me T: Good!I Think you all play the best. Just like Langlang-a very famous pianist in the world. T:We know piano is akindofinstrument.But therere also other ins

12、truments. Who knows? T:Show a violin and write it on the blackboard. SS: no SS:P-i-a-n-o piano one Read it one by S18.23 blue/pink/oraqnge/yellow a blue piano a pink piano an orange piano. SS:(加动作) play the piano (one by one) I play the piano. . S1.S6 violin guitar flute erhu violin S7.S12 I can pla

13、y the violin. 学生一起读学过的动词 短语, 对这些词汇整体把握, 为 下面句子的学习埋下伏 笔。 Teaching another kind of instrument (violin) and play the violin.(以猜的形式讲解 violin) 对学过的短语进行总结(I point you read.) Step3 Practice (guessing game) 头脑风 暴 大屏幕上闪现句子,让学生 瞬间记忆,句子从易到难,从 开始的一句话,到最后的三句 话。逐渐加大难度,锻炼学生 的记忆能力。 Step4:Consolidation 巩固知识点,讲解课文 1)

14、 Look! Our friends are coming.Theyreso happy.Theyre talking someing Listen and try to know.(出示两个问 题)引出短语 after school 并 板书 师 - 生 - 师 生 -生 2)Practice in pairs and act it out 3)Game time 教师和学生一起玩游戏,来 巩固句型,在此还有一些拓展 知识的练习。 4)Listening and repeat T: Ipoint quickly .You read it as quickly as you can. T: L

15、ets play a game. Lets see whos the fastest.Who has bright eyes? When is it? What do they ask? T:Whatsthemeanin g? Who can translate? T:I ride a bike after school.What do you do after school? What do you do after school? I .after school? T: Lets play a S5-8 This is a piano. I have a piano.(2-3 人) S9-

16、12 I play the piano. I like playing the piano. . S9 after school S10 What do you do after school? I read a book. I play the piano. I play the violin. .(5-8 人) (生生互练,操练句型) 全班性的句型操练, 既巩 固了知识,又符合学生的认 知水平。 学生听磁带并跟读 S4: She likes reading. S5:She goes to the library. 5)Read the story and answer some quest

17、ions (在此设置三个问题,来巩 固主要知识点,同时复习一般 现在时的相关用法。) Step5 Closing the class do some homework Say good-bye game.Pass a magic box.When you got it. Choose one and answer it. Ready Go! T:Listen to the story and read it. T: Here are some questions for you. 1)What does Li Li like doing? 2)What does Li Li do after school? 3)What does Jess do after school? T:Pleaseread the story and recite it. S6: She plays the violin. SS:Say good-bye.


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