2021新版北师大版必修第二册英语-Unit 4 Information TechnologyLesson 2 Apps-ppt课件(含教案+学案).zip

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Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps Lesson 2 Apps Period 1 Activity 1: Brainstorm What apps do you often use? What do you use them for? Activity 2 Listen and find out Why are apps so popular? Activity 3 Listen and complete Educational apps are ________. powerful Activity 3 Listen and complete Educational apps are becoming increasingly powerful. For example, some apps allow students to_____________________ according to their________________________________; they also ensure that students can all ___________________________________even when ____________________________________. choose their online teachers and subjects personal interests and needs enjoy the same learning materials they are not sitting in the same classroom Activity 4 Finding out what people need and solving real-world problems. VR, AR and MR Listen and find out difficulties for developing an app the latest technologies used in apps Activity 5 Listen and draw a mind map Give a talk on apps based on the mind map Activity 6 Work in groups & design your own app -1 poster maker -2 idea providers -1 speaker Be creative! New Product Launch 新品发布会 Lesson 2 Apps Period 2 Revision What can students do when they use educational apps? What are the difficulties in developing an app? What are the latest technologies used in apps? Asking for & Offering help Activity 1: Conversation 1 Listen and find What help does Dad ask for? He wants to know how to set up an account. Activity 1: Conversation 1 Key steps to solve Dads problem First , ______________________ ____________________________________________ The last step is to __________________ press “Sign Up” button Put in name, sex, telephone number and email address press “ Finish” button Activity 2: Conversation 2 Listen and find What problem does Barbara have? She hasnt received her order. Activity 2: Conversation 2 Key steps Chris takes to help First, ask her for ____________________ _____________________________ Enquire about the order_________________ __________________________ the order number Confirm her name with the delivery man Call her back Activity 3: Listen and complete Asking for and Offering Help Asking for help 1. ________________with something? 2. ____________set up an account? 3. I havent received the goods. ____________ and find out whats going on? 4. ____________check again? Offering help 1. _________________downloa ding it? 2. No worries. _____________with that. 3. _______________help you? 4. ___________enquire about the order with the delivery man. 5. ________________anything else today? Activity 4: Listen and complete Asking for Help 1._____________________ with something? 2._____________________ set up an account? 3.__________________and find out whats going on? 4.________________ check again? Can you help me out I cant figure out how to Can you do me a favour Would you be able to Activity 4: Listen and complete Offering Help 1.______________________ downloading it? 2.No worries. __________________with that. 3._______________help you? 4._______ enquire about the order with the delivery man. 5.___________________anything else today? Do you need my help I can help you How may I Let me Can I assist you with Activity 4: Formal or Informal Pick out the expressions that are formal / informal from the conversations. Activity 5: Role-play Work in a group of 4. Each picks a role. Pair up and make a dialogue. Remember to use the expressions properly! Activity 5: Role-play The password of your account is wrong and you cant log in to the campus network. Situation 1: A classmate offering help Situation 2: School network administrator offering help Activity 5: Role-play Your mom/dad wants to return the shoes she/he bought online, which are not the right size. Situation 3: Son/daughter offering help Situation 4: Customer service offering help Thank YouUnit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps 【第一学时第一学时】 【学习目标学习目标】 1能够提取听力文本中应用程序流行的原因,应用程序的基本功能以及设 计应用程序的困难和最新运用的科技等信息; 2能够利用思维导图梳理整合听力文本中的信息,并通过角色扮演说出主 要信息; 3能够通过小组合作设计应用程序,表达自己的创意和想法。 【学习重难点学习重难点】 提取听力文本的主要信息,利用思维导图梳理信息。 【学习过程学习过程】 Activity 1: Brainstorm. What do you use apps for? Activity 2: Listen and find out why apps are so popular. Apps are very _____________________. They help us Activity 3: Listen and complete. Educational apps are becoming increasingly __________. For example, some apps allow students to_______________ according to their____________________; they also ensure that students can all _____________even when ____________________. Activity 4: Listen and find out. Q1: What are the difficulties for developing an app? Q2: What are the latest technologies used in apps? Activity 5: Listen and draw a mind map. Share your mind map in pairs and prepare your talk on apps. Activity 6: Design your own app. The following points are for your reference: Icon of your app What problem(s) you want to solve Functions of your app Difficulties you met 【第二学时第二学时】 【学习目标学习目标】 1能够听懂并获取听力文本中提到的使用应用程序过程中遇到的困难和解 决办法等内容; 2能够准确获取并判断出正式与非正式场合中寻求和提供帮助的功能用语; 3能够在不同情境中运用寻求和提供帮助的功能用语进行得体的表达。 【学习重难点学习重难点】 使用恰当的语言,在不同情境中有效地寻求帮助和提供帮助。 【学习过程学习过程】 Activity 1: Listen to the first conversation. What help does Dad ask for? _____________________________________________________________________ Key steps to solve Dads problem First, ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ The last step is to _________________________________________________ Activity 2: listen to the second conversation. What problem does Barbara have? _____________________________________________________________________ Key steps Chris takes to help Barbara First, ask for ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Enquire about the order ____________________________________________ Activity 3: Listen again and complete the chart. Asking for and Offering Help Asking for help 1. ________________with something? 2. ____________set up an account? 3. I havent received the goods. ____________ and find out whats going on? 4. ____________check again? Offering help 1. _________________downloading it? No worries. _____________with that. 2. _______________help you? 3. ___________enquire about the order with the delivery man. 4. ________________anything else today? Activity 4: Role play. The password of your account is wrong and you cant log in to the campus network. Situation 1: A classmate offering help Situation 2: School network administrator offering help Your mom/dad wants to return the shoes she/he bought online. Situation 3: Son/daughter offering help Situation 4: Customer service offering helpUnit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 Apps 第一课时第一课时 教学目标教学目标 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1提取听力文本中应用程序流行的原因,应用程序的基本 功能以及设计应用程序的困难和最新运用的科技等信息; 2利用思维导图梳理整合听力文本中的信息,并通过角色 扮演说出主要信息; 3通过小组合作设计应用程序,表达自己的创意和想法。 教学重难点教学重难点 提取听力文本的主要信息,利用思维导图梳理信息。 教学过程教学过程 教学目标教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点 Step 1 The teacher shows pictures of some apps to lead to the topic. Brainstorm: The teacher asks Ss questions: (1) What apps do you often use? (2) What do you use them for? Students work in pairs and then share their answers to the whole class. 引入主题,激 活背景知识, 激发兴趣,铺 垫语言。 学生说出自己 使用应用程序 所做的事情。 1提取听 力文本中 应用程序 流行的原 因,应用 程序的基 本功能以 及设计应 用程序的 困难和最 新运用的 科技等信 息。 Step 2 The teacher asks Ss the question:Why are apps so popular? 引导学生借助 关键词获取主 要信息。 学生能够准确 获取信息回答 问题。 Ss listen to the first part of the dialogue and answer the question. Then the teacher asks the question: What are the general functions of apps mentioned by Li Xing? Step 3 Q: Do you use any educational apps? What do you think of them? Ss listen to the second part of the dialogue and complete the diagram. Educational apps are becoming increasingly __________. Some apps allow students to ________ according to their ________. They also ensure that students can all ________, even when________. 用问题预热, 引导并帮助学 生获取文本中 关于教育应用 程序的关键信 息。 学生能够表达 自己对于教育 软件应用的看 法,并补全表 格信息。 Step 4 The teacher invites Ss to predict the difficulties in developing an app. Q: What do you think might be the difficulties in developing an app? 帮助学生获取 相关问题的信 息。 学生能够获取 听力文本中关 于设计应用程 序的困难和最 新科技的内容。 2利用思Step5帮助学生梳理通过再听一遍 The teacher asks Ss to listen to the whole interview and draw a mind map. 和巩固听力文 本信息,为下 一步口语输出 做准备。 文本,学生能 自主整合信息 并画出思维导 图。 维导图梳 理整合听 力文本中 的信息, 并通过角 色扮演说 出主要信 息。 Step 6 The teacher invites Ss to give a talk about apps according to their mind maps. 帮助学生梳理 重组信息并讲 述文本内容。 学生能复述听 力文本中的内 容。 3通过小 组合作设 计应用程 序,表达 自己的创 意和想法。 Step 7 Ss work in groups of four and design a new app. Each group introduces the apps functions, problems they want to solve, difficulties they met, etc. 鼓励学生有创 造性地表达所 学内容,培养 创意思维。 学生小组内合 作设计一款应 用程序并向其 他组介绍该应 用程序的基本 功能和用途、 开发过程中遇 到的困难等。 第二课时第二课时 教学目标教学目标 在本课结束时,学生能够: 1听懂并获取听力文本中提到的使用应用程序过程中遇到 的困难和解决办法等内容; 2准确获取并判断出正式与非正式场合中寻求和提供帮助 的功能用语; 3在不同情境中运用寻求和提供帮助的功能用语进行得体 的表达。 教学重难点教学重难点 使用恰当的语言,在不同情境中有效地寻求帮助和提供帮 助。 教学过程教学过程 教学目标教学活动与步骤设计意图评价要点 回顾与复 习。 Step 1 The teacher asks Ss to answer the following questions about apps. (1) What can students do when they use educational apps? (2) According to Li Xing, what is difficult about developing an app? (3) What are the latest technologies used in apps? 帮助学生回顾 和复习第一节 课所学内容。 学生能够回忆 所学内容并回 答问题。 Step 2 The teacher asks Ss: Do your parents or grandparents have trouble when using some apps? Do you offer some help? 引入听力主题。 学生依据自己 真实情况回答 出问题。 1听懂并 获取听力 文本中提 到的使用 应用程序 过程中遇 到的困难 和解决办 法等内容。 Step 3 Ss listen to two conversations and figure out what help Dad asks for in the first conversation and what help the woman asks for in the second conversation, and then find out the key steps to solve each problem. 帮助学生整体 理解对话,提 取主要信息。 学生能够说出 两组对话中父 亲和女士在使 用应用程序时 分别需要怎样 的帮助和提供 帮助的具体步 骤。 Step 4 Ss listen to the conversations again and complete the chart with the functional phrases they hear. 帮助学生获取 寻求和提供帮 助的功能用语。 学生能够填写 出表格中所缺 的功能用语。 2准确获 取并判断 出正式与 非正式场 合中寻求 和提供帮 Step 5帮助学生区分学生能够判断 助的功能 用语。 Listen again and check the functional phrases Ss have taken down. Ask Ss to identify the formal and informal functional phrases. 正式与非正式 功能用语,为 后面的语言输 出做准备。 和区分正式与 非正式场合下 不同的功能用 语。 3在不同 情境中运 用寻求和 提供帮助 的功能用 语进行得 体的表达。 Step 6 Ss work in groups of four. One is responsible for making a poster. Two students are idea providers, and the other one is the speaker to introduce their app. Situation 1: A: a mother who wants to choose an app B: the son or daughter offering help Situation 2: A: a teenager preparing for a party B: a friend offering help to buy things online 创设情境帮助 学生进一步内 化功能用语, 鼓励学生运用 所学语言进行 得体表达。 学生能够灵活 运用所学功能 用语完成角色 扮演。
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