(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第一册英语Unit 1复习 ppt课件.ppt

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1、Review of Unit 1 Back to school .词族关联词族关联(根据汉语和词性写出单词根据汉语和词性写出单词) 1._n.潜力,可能性 _adj.潜在的 _adv.可能地,潜在地 2._ vt. & n. 挑战 _ adj. 具有挑 战性的 3._vt.获得,得到 _n. 4._n.努力,费力的事 _adj.不费 力气的,应付自如的 5._adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的 _vt.使吃惊 _n.惊奇,吃惊 _adj.惊奇的 6._n.品质,性格 _adj.有特色的, 典型的 potential potential potentially challenge challen

2、ging acquire acquisition effort effortless amazing amaze amazement amazed character characteristic 6._n. 信心,信任 _adj.自信的, 确信的 7._ vt.比得上 n.同等的人(物) _ adj. 相等的,平等的_ adv.相等 地 8._vt.同等重视,保持平衡 n.平衡。均衡 _adj.平衡的,均衡的 9._vt.&.vi改进,改善_n. 改 进,改善 10._adj.有责任,负责的_adv. 有责任地 _n.责任,义务 confidence confident equal equa

3、l equally balance balanced improve improvement responsible responsibly responsibility 11._adj.自主的,有主见的 _n. 独立,自立 _adj.依赖的,_ n.依赖 12._n.细节,具体情况_adj.详细 的 13. _ vt.以.为基础 & n. 根据,基础 _adj. 基础的,基本的 _adv. 基本 上,从根本上说 14._vt.提议,建议_n.提议 15._n.职业,行业_adj.职业的, 专业的 independent independence dependent dependence de

4、tail detailed base basic basically propose proposal profession professional 16._adj.艰难的,严厉的 _adv. 艰难地_ n.坚韧,强硬 17._ vt.使惊恐,使害怕 n. 闹钟,恐慌 _ adj. 惊人的,使人惊恐的 18._vt.促成,捐款,贡献 _n. 贡献,捐款 19._n.运气 ,大笔的钱_n.不幸 _adj.幸运的_adv.幸运地 _adj.不幸的_adv.不幸运地 20._ vt.吸引,招引_n.吸引力 _adj.有吸引力的 21._ n.选择,可选择的事物_adj. 可选择的,非强制的 tou

5、gh toughly toughness alarm alarming contribute contribution fortune misfortune fortunate fortunately fortunately fortunately attract attraction attractive option optional 用单词的适当形式填空用单词的适当形式填空 1.There are some _ (option) courses for exchange students. 2.We should make a _ (contribute)to our country.

6、3._(fortunate), he kicked a goal in the last minute. 4.Through her attitude, I can know she treats her son _ (tough). 5. Is he _ (responsibility) for the car accident ? 6. This film is so _ that we feel _(amaze) . optional contribution Fortunately toughly responsible amazing amazed 1.get on/along we

7、ll with sb _ 2.most importantly_ 3.lead to _ 4.put simply _ 5.have confidence in _ 6.take an active in _ 7. make efforts to do sth ._ 8.in time _ 9. be responsible for_ 10. have the opportunity to do sth._ .词组构建词组构建(英译汉英译汉) 和某人相处融洽 最重要的是 导致,通向 简而言之 对.有信心 积极参加 努力去做某事 最后,及时 对.负责 有机会做某事 .词组构建词组构建(英译汉英译

8、汉) 1. _ 存在于,在于 2. _ 起作用 , 有影响 (to) 3._ /_ 利用, _充分利用 4._均衡饮食 5.让某人想起某事_ 6.发挥某人的潜力_ lie in make a difference make use of take advantage of make full /good/ the most/the best use of a balanced diet remind sb. of sth realize ones potential 7. _ 最后但同等重要的 8. _ 盼望,期望 9._ 由于 10._坚持 11._随着时间迁移,久而久之 12.迫不及待做某

9、事_ 13.精通.的知识_ 14.能够处理_ last but not least look forward to as a result of stick to over time cant wait to do sth acquire a good knowledge of rise to 用单词的正确形式填空。 1.We must make efforts _( study) each subject. 2. They went back just in time _(have) dinner. 3.Its our responsibility _(keep) the class cle

10、an. 4.He is looking forward to _( go) home early. 5.Everyone should make contributions to _( save) the earth. 6. Mr. Lee had the opportunity _ (travel) abroad. to study to have to keep going saving to travel 1. He is looking forward to being independent _his parents. 2. .We should stick _ our dreams

11、. 3. Lucy learns English_ effort every day. 4. Please tell me _ advance if you want to go shopping with me this weekend. 5. She has confidence _ taking good care of the little dog,but she isnt confident _curing it. 6. As a senior high school student,we should have a positive attitude _ our life. 用适当

12、的介词填空。 of to with in in of to/towards 重点句式和结构 1.It is/was +(for sb.) +to do sth. (对某人来说)对某人来说) 做某事是做某事是.的的 其中it是_,真正的主语是 _ 常见的词有: necessary,important,easy,difficult,hard, dangerous ,possible 等表示事物特征的词 如:对学生来说,在新学期开始制定学习计划是有 必要的。 Its _for students _ (make) a plan for their studies before a new term s

13、tarts. 形式主语 动词不定式 necessary to make 2.It is/was +(of sb.) +to do sth. (某人)做某事某人)做某事 是是.的的。 常见的形容词有: kind,nice,good,clever,wrong,foolish,careless,polite, wise等表示人的性格,品质的词。 如: 你听从你母亲的建议是明智的。 _ to follow your mothers advice. Practice: 1.Its important _ us _(finish) our homework on time. 2.It is foolish

14、 _ you _ (be) afraid of your own shadow.(影子) Its very wise for to finish of to 2.“find +宾语+宾补” 结构 In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual. 其中宾语补足语可以用形容词,副词,介词形容词,副词,介词 短语,动名词,过去分词短语,动名词,过去分词等充当。 如:我发现这本书很有趣。 I find this book_ _. 他发现许多男孩正在操场上玩。 He found many boys _ _ _ _

15、. very interesting playing on the playground 3. “of + 名词”结构可在句中作表语,后置定语和宾 语补足语。 (1)可以转化为同根形容词的:此时,用来说明句 子主语或所修饰词具有的作用,重要性等。这类名 词有value,use ,importance,help,benefit等。 E.g. In fact, reading books is _或_(有 用的)for us. (2)不可以转换为形容词的:此时,用来说明句子主语 或所修饰词在重量、大小、颜色、类别等方面的特 征。这类名词有 color,size,age,height,weight,

16、shape,kind,price等名 词前可用different,the same ,a ,an等来修饰。 E.g.The two rooms are of _. (大小一样) of use useful of the same size 词典对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。 Dictionaries are _ _ _ to English learners. 或Dictionaries are _ _ to English learners. of great help very helpful 4.so.that.结构 “如此.以至于.”,引导结果状语从 句。具体用法如下: so + 形容

17、词形容词/副词副词 形容词形容词+a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数 +that many/few +可数名词可数名词 much/little (少的)少的)+不可数名词不可数名词 We had _ _ (如此少的)time _ we couldnt finish the work on time. such+ a/an +形容词形容词+可数名词单数可数名词单数 +that 形容词形容词+不可数名不可数名/可数名词复数可数名词复数 It is _ a heavy box _ I cant lift it. =It is _ heavy a box _ I cant lift it. so li

18、ttle that such that so that 选词填空: so/such,so.that, such.that 1. It is _ a great city _ the buildings are tall and beautiful. 2.It is _bad weather _I cant go to walk in the park. 3.We cant imagine _ little boys can eat _much food in _ a short time. 4.He didnt imagine _ a little girl could do _ much h

19、ousework,so he was surprised. 5. Tom ran _ fast _ Lucy couldnt catch up with him. such that such that such so such such so so that 句子基本结构句子基本结构 一:一: + +V V(主谓主谓) 二:二: + +V V+ + (主系表主系表) 三:三: + +V V+ + (主谓宾主谓宾) 四:四: + +V V+ +I IO O+ +D DO O (主谓间宾直宾主谓间宾直宾) 五:五: + +V V+ + + (主谓宾宾补主谓宾宾补) 六:+ +V V+ +A A(

20、主谓状主谓状) 七:七:+ +V V+ + O O+ +A A(主谓状主谓状) 八:存现句八:存现句 引导词引导词therethere 引导的句子引导的句子 1.He can speak English fluently._ 2.We have read many books._ 3.They took some photos in the park. _ 4.I agree._ 5.We are studying hard._ 6.He became a scientist._ 7.We find him very funny._ 8.8.Mr.Wang gave me some pens.

21、_ 9.9. There are 50 students in our class._ S + V + O S + V + O S + V +O+ A S + V + A S + V+ P S + V+ O+OC S + V+ IO+DO S + V 请写出以下句子的基本结构。请写出以下句子的基本结构。 存现句存现句 课文重点句子回顾课文重点句子回顾 汉译英汉译英 1.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。-孔子 2.老子曾明智地说:千里之行始于足下。 3.今天是新学期的开始,三年征程的开始以及充满 希望的未来的开始。 4.最重要的是,你们在高中的时光和努力将开启你 潜力的大门。 Study witho

22、ut thinking leads to confusion, thinking without study ends in puzzlement.-Confucius. As Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Today is the start of a new term, the start of a three-year journey and the start of a promising future. Most importantly, your time

23、 and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential. 5.谁知道你们将创造出怎样美丽的艺术作品,取 得怎样的医学进步,或者研发出多么惊人的技 术。 6.同等重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能 和积极的态度。 7.要自信,尽你们最大努力,让我们骄傲。 Who knows what beautiful works of art you will create, what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will

24、develop. Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. Be confident, do your best and make us proud. 8.最后,你们会发现自己成长为全面发展的 人。 9.我很高兴有机会体验这种不同的生活方式。 Im very glad to have the opportunity to experience the different way of life. In time ,you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual. Homework 1.Review the language points in this unit.(复 习本单元的知识点) 2.Get ready for the unit test. 3.Preview the next lesson Unit 2 Reading.(预习Unit 2 Reading部分)。


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