六年级英语下册教案:Unit 3 Where did you go?Part B Let’slearn人教PEP版.docx

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1、教师姓名教师姓名 单位名称单位名称 填写时间填写时间 学科学科 英语英语 年级年级/ /册册 六年级下册六年级下册 教材版本教材版本 人教版人教版 课题名称课题名称 Unit3Wheredidyougo? B Letslearn&Lookandsay 难点名称难点名称 听、说、读、写 ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts 等词汇。能 够运用句型“How was your summer holiday?”进行口语练习。 难点分析难点分析 从知识角度分析为 什么难 能够运用句型“How was your summer

2、holiday?”询问别人的假期情况; 从学生角度分析为 什么难 掌握不规则动词的过去式及其在具体语境中的运用。 难点教学方法难点教学方法 1、教学模式采取学生观看录制的微课后再在微信群进行提问、答疑的方式进行。 2、以激发学生的兴趣和培养学生学习英语的自信心为主,从而使学生把学习英语的兴趣转换成学好 英语的志趣。 教学环节教学环节 教学过程教学过程 导入导入 1.Sing a song: A trip to China . 2.Guessing:What did I do over my winter holiday ? (show pictures),gave the answers: I

3、 stayed at home and took online courses 知识讲解知识讲解 (难点突破)(难点突破) 1. ate fresh food. (1).Look at the picture then listen and repeat. (2).T :What fresh food did he eat? (展示健康食物)Did he eat.?(展示不 健康食物)(Eat more fresh, healthy food is good for your health.) (3).What did WuYifan do last summer holiday ? He a

4、te fresh/good /delicious food with his family . and show the words cake ,lake ,face .(a .e .pronounce ei ,ate pronounceeit ) 2. and show the pictures :ate breakfast , ate lunch , ate dinner ,ate fresh fruit and read together went swimming. (1)、What did he do? listen and repeat: went swimming. (2)Did

5、 you go swimming last summer holiday?(More exercise, more leisure and good health.)Lets chant :go go went went went went swimming. 3、Took pictures. (1)、What did he do? listen and repeat:Took pictures. (2) 、 三连拍游戏。 Let s chant : take take took took took took pictures . (3)、They took pictures too.Were

6、 they right?(Civilized travel, civilized photography.) 4、以相似的方式教授 bought gifts. 课堂练习课堂练习 (难点巩固)(难点巩固) Play a game :sharp eyes 3、Listen and repeat ,then finish the sententious How was Wu Yifan s summer holiday? 4、 Look and say。What did Andy do? Listen then talk in the groups. 5、 Share your last holiday in pairs . 学生两人人一小组互相分享假期所做的事。 6、总结动词的过去式 小结小结 给学生创设相对真实的语境鼓励学生敢于开口说英语学以致用,同时培养学生小组合作的能力以及懂 得积极主动地去关心别人。


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