教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 2 Textbook p.45-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b14c5).doc

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1、Unit 5: Where Is The Gift Shop? Period 2 I、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Students can listen, speak, read and write the words and phrases: left, right, turn left/right, straight, gift shop, restaurant, bank, photo shop, zooblocks, building, go straight, on your left, movie, between and. in front

2、 of , (扩) behind Students can listen, speak and read: restroom Students can listen and speak: theater Students can listen, speak, read and write the sentences: Where is ? Is there? 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Learn the text and master how to ask and

3、answer about direction; 2. Use structures like “Is there a near here? Go straight _ blocks and turn left/ right.” Its next to to talk about their ideas in English. 3. Ss can give examples with the phonetics: /sm/ and /w/. 4.Ss know the meaning and can read the words like: photo shop, zoo, restroom,

4、and supermarket. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. Ss know the places like: movie, theater, library, restaurant, bookstore, gift shop, hospital. 2. Ss can use“ Go straight block(s) and turn right/left. You can find it on your left/right”to tell the way to the others. 3. Ss can ask the way by two ways: Wher

5、e is the ? / Is there a near here? And the differences about these two sentences. 4. Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Ss can express the direction fluently. 2. The pronunciation of “straight, turn, bank, photo shop.” II 、 Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, Situational language teaching

6、, III、Teaching aids: pictures, CAI IV、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting Step II : Revision. T (ppt) Show some covered pictures of places like library, hospital, bookstore, school, shopping mall, park. Ss guess the words and say sentences like this: We can read books in the library. /We can see

7、a doctor in the hospital. We can buy books in the bookstore./ We can study at school. Then Ss read them for revision. (设计意图:复习环节所涉及到的单词均 能够为学生学习本课新知做好准备。) Step III: Presentation 1. (ppt) Show a picture of a gift. T: We can buy gifts in the gift shop. But I dont know where the gift shop is? Today we

8、are going to learn Lesson 5 Where is the gift shop? (板书) 2. Read the words “gift shop” one by one. 3. T draws three signs on the BB. Ss guess three direction words: turn left, go straight, turn right, 4. Read them and pay attention to the pronunciation of” straight”. “ T: ai” prounce /ei/ straight r

9、ead in a line 5. T says, Ss do the action, and then change, ( left, left, turn left,) (设计意图:让学生在熟读的基础上用手势再一次熟悉左转,右转,直行三个短语, 为下一步在句中练习做好铺垫.) 6. T shows a card of a building. Read and learn j u: 同时让学生说出更多的含j u:的单词:beautiful,cute , new , T sums up on ppt. Ss read. 7. T shows a map, tell the Ss the diff

10、erences between block and street. Read and remember: block clock 8. T: Mothers Day is coming, I want to buy a gift for my mom. Can you tell me where should I go? S1: Shopping mall. S2: Supermarket . S3 :(引出 gift shop) T: OK. Where is the gift shop? Today well learn another way of saying it: Is there

11、 a gift shop near here? here i 出示同音词 hear, 同时让学生说出更多 的含i词:near, dear , beer T sums up on ppt. Ss read. Ss read after the teacher three times. T asks some Ss to say this new sentence one by one. Raise their attention to the answer to the question “Is there a.” Its a general question, so we should ans

12、wer with “Yes/No”. Thats different from “Where is the?” 9. T: I tell you “Go straight two blocks and turn right. You can find it on your left.” A line repeat the sentences . 10. Practice in pairs : A:Where is the gift shop? B: Go straight two blocks and turn right. You can find it on your left. 11.

13、T shows pictures with the three positions. Picture 1: T points to the building and says : Can you see that white building? The gift shop is next to that building. Read together “next to”. (Bb) The whole class practice together. Picture 2. T shows another picture. Look, where is the bank?Its between

14、the restaurant and the hospital.(Bb) between /i:/ A and B AB 可以是人、物、地点 Make examples by using “between and” Point to the ss to do it. Picture 3. T shows the last picture. Look, where is the theater? Point to the “block” , let ss know the meaning of this word.(Bb) block /blk/ -two blocks Go straight

15、two blocks.(together) T: Its in front of the bookstore. in front of(领个独立整体) Make sentences with the new phrase. 12.T uses the Ss to present : in front of, next to, betweenand Eg: Li Ming is in front of Wang Xing. Huang Xing is between Yu Lan and Liu Ning. Im next to Nan Xiaowei. Let Ss say more sent

16、ences with in front of, next to, betweenand (设计意图:先看图很直观地明白三个位置,然后再用学生来举例子,很容易的 让学生记住这三个短语,学生都可以说出自己和周围人的位置关系。) 14 .T: Show a picture and ask : Is this a library ? S1 : No, its a . T : Its a restaurant . Learn res tau rant 让学生在课上分三组记单词,课上就背会。 A line spell the word . T: Show a picture and ask : Where

17、 is Tom ? S1: In the . . T: In the movie theatre . Spell “movie” together . BB: a gift shop ,a restaurant Show another map on page 47. And introduce some new places like: bank, photo shop, post office, restroom 15. Look at the map and practice in pairs like this: A: Is there a movie theatre in Wonde

18、r Land? B: Yes, Go straight three blocks and turn left. Its in front of the bookstore. BB: Is there a movie theatre in Wonder Land? Yes, Go straight three blocks and turn left. Its in front of the bookstore. Step IV: Consolidation. 1.Listen to the tape on page 47 and repeat. 2.Exercise. P50 IV.: Hom

19、ework. 1.Read P47 and copy the text twice. 2.Write three dialogues like “ Is there a ? Yes. Go straight and turnIts .” V、Blackboard design Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop? VI、Teaching reflection turn left go straight turn right A: Is there a ? B.Yes. two blocks and . Its next to = close to in front of behind betweenand 我想英语课应给学生一种轻松的感觉,让学生在轻松、和谐、愉悦的 氛围中学习。英语学习,兴趣为先。在教学中我会多关注学生是否对 这个话题感兴趣,如何能借助手段引起或满足学生的好奇心。通过利 用多媒体及卡片,引发学生求知欲,启发学生学习。在教学中还要遵 循源于生活、寓于生活,用于生活的理念,让学生学习到活生生的英 语,有用的英语。不足之处,学生在练习对话时有的同学出现丢词、 多词的现象。


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