教科EEC版六下Unit4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays-Class 1 Textbook p.34-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:90b03).doc

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1、 1 EEC 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays 1、本单元设计意图:通过学生间相互沟通、交流,以学习表达频率,能听懂并学习问答 地址及电话号码,并能在适当的情景中运用。从而了解英语国家有关地址、电话号码等表达 方式,培养学生对异国文化的兴趣。 2、本单元学习目标:巩固学习时间表达法,学生能用已经学过的数词,表达时间,能 从听、说、读、写四个方面对时间进行问答,并对已学内容有效延伸。(即学会:a quarter,It s already +time (to,past)知识点) 语言技能目标:通过教师创设情境,学生在情境中学习语言,

2、能准确的问答电话号码, 能运用所学语言在真实场景中进行问答对话,使学生能运用所学语言进行交际。 情感态度目标:激发学生学习的主动性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生参与合作 的意识,通过学习和交流, 提高学生的实际生活能力。通过创设情境,促进学生对西方国家 的了解。 学习策略目标:课上通过小组合作,师生互动、游戏操练等形式,让学生完成听、说、 读、写的技能训练。使学生能够灵活运用本课对话、培养学生实践、创新和自主探究学习的 能力,并提高学生语言的实际运用能力。 3、学情分析 (由执教者填写) 学生基础较差,在学新授内容前要在家庭作业中提前复习相关的数字,巩固时间的直接 表达法,为新授内容打基础

3、。 4、单元具体设计 根据课时安排我把本单元分 3 课时来完成教学。 The first period P46P49 The second period P50P53 The third period 复习第 4 单元 音标: v : Chant: P44-45 听力练习:P54P57 Unit 4 We Usually Eat Pizza on Sundays Period 1 一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objective: Four-skill words: turn up down , a quarter sometimes,hear (li

4、sten to) , on +Sunday , Its already +time ( to , past) Three-skill words: usually ,never, loud, dessert Key structures:How about ? 2 2. Ability objective: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Use the word “a quarter” and the structure “Its already +time ( to , past)” to ask a

5、nd answer the questions about time. 2. Use the words “a quarter, sometimes, on +Sunday” both in speaking and writing; 3. Use words like “usually, never” to say sentences in English. 4. Scan the dialogue. 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. Understanding the dialogue as a whole; 2. Role playing the dialogue w

6、ith the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. Its already +time(to,past) I/We usually/sometimes/never eat on Sunday. 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Ask and answer questions about time; 2. Students can say the sentences with the words “sometimes, usually, never”. 二、Teaching methods

7、: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、Teaching aids: CAI tape 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting Step II: Warming up and revision. T:1.To review the numbers from 1to 60.(采取全班同学轮流报数复习) 2. (ppt) Then show pictures of the time , to ask and answer the time.(两人合作练习) 设计意图:利用全班同学轮流报数来复习数字,不仅能锻炼学生反应力

8、还能为后面的时间表 达做铺垫。使学生在紧张而愉悦状态下展开学习。 (ppt)Show some pictures about the time.7:45 8:45 9:45 10:15 9:10 8:50 (分别用两种方式来表述时间)What time is it ? 2:15 3:15 4:15(教授另种表达 a quarter past/ a quarter to)给学生讲清楚 past 和 to 的用法。 设计意图:鼓励学生用两种方式表述时间,通过所学新词的发音,将旧知和新知相联系, 培养学生的发散思维。 11:45,We can also say”Its a quarter to tw

9、elve.” Learn to read the words of a quarter. Focus on the new word “quarter” and the pronunciation of “ar” :. Let volunteers give some old words with “:” . T: Who can say a word with “:”? Ss: ball,talk, for, short, water, saw, warm,.(板书) StepIII: Presentation 1. T:I get up at 7 oclock. What time do

10、you get up ? S1: T:What time do you have breakfast? S1:(采取问答方式练习两组) 2. (card)T:Look, whats this? S1: A pizza. T:Im hungry. Its 11:45.Its time to have lunch.(出示钟表图) 3 3. T: What time is it now ? Its already a quarter to twelve. T: Oh ,its time for lunch.Im hungry. Do you hungry,too? What do you want

11、for lunch? A pizza? Today we are going to learn Lesson 4 How about a pizza ? Write the title and read. 4 (ppt)Show some pictures about the food and the time.Then make a dialogue like this “Its alreadyDo you want for lunch/break/supper?Yes.” 5. (ppt)Show “a week eating table” to learn the frequency a

12、dverbs :sometime usually never 6 Listen to the tape and read after it .(P48) 7. T:Lets look at the cartoon.Can you hear it ?Ss: T: Let me turn up the volume. Learn to read the words of volume .Focus on the new word “volume” and the pronunciation of “v” v. Let volunteers give some old words with “v”

13、. T: Who can say a word with “v”? Ss: vet, violin ,five, live,very .(板书) 8. T:This time,can you hear me? What do I say ?Ss:. T:Its too loud . Let me turn down the volume.Play a game to practice the phrase about turn up/down.(根 据教师的手势大小声联系,手举过头顶大声说 turn up the volume,手向下伸则反之。) 设计意图:通过游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,更好的

14、理解所学知识。 Step IV: Practice 1. Look at page 49 to completeB. 2. And to completeC. Then the students practice in pairs with PPT.(To make the dialogue like P47C.) 设计意图:通过课件为学生提供大量的语言材料,让学生有语言支撑,能够大胆地自信地主 动运用英语进行交流。 StepV: Consolidation. 1. Play the tape(p46). Ss listen and answer the questions. 1) I can

15、t hear the TV. Please _ the _. 2) The TV is too loud. Please _ the _. 3) What does Qiaoqiao want for lunch ? 2. Listen and read the text. 3. Exercise. 连词成句 1. never/ for school / is / My brother / late 2. already / a / to / it / quarter / is / rwelve 3. hear / I / the / cant/ TV 4 StepVI: Homework. 1. Copy the new words. 2. Write the time with “past” or “to”. 五、Blackboard design Its already a quarter past one. to 六、Teaching reflection 本课内容设计环节较多,学生对时间间接表达法接受能力较弱,课堂气氛不活跃,本 节课的亮点是能利用思维导图引导学生思考归纳 turn 的语言点,培养训练学生的思维能力。


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