教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 5 Textbook p.50-52-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:7325d).doc

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教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 5 Textbook p.50-52-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:7325d).doc_第1页
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1、Lesson5 Where is the gift shop? Part5Lesson5 Where is the gift shop? Part5 教 材 简 介:通过问路练习,巩固有关位置的表达。 教 学 目 标:掌握关于场所位置的表达 ,准确应用问路和指路的句 式“Turn leftin front ofturn rightbetweennext to” 过程与方法目标: 通过看城市地图进行情景对话提高学生运用语言的能 力。 情 感 态 度:培养学生乐于助人的好习惯。 教 学 重 点:指路的表达。Go straight Its 教 学 难 点:指路句式和短语 教 学 准 备:地图,磁带

2、教 学 时 数:一课时 教学过程: Step1: How are you today? Today well study lesson5partV. Now,I do, you say. 用手势训练,引出 updownleftright 用不同方向转身, 引出 turn leftright,并引导学生朗 读、 做动作 T: Look at the blackboard. What are these? Ss: These are streets. T: There are many buildings on the streets . What are those? Ss: gift shop

3、supermarkethospitalbookstore Step2: Lets listen carefully. Where are they?(听录音) 1.T:找学生到前面来一前一后,三个人并排站,两个人 挨着站来练习 in front of 、betweenand、next to(板书贴单词) 学生读方位词 2.T: Now, I want to go to movie theater. How does I go there ? S1: Go straight three blocks and turn left . Its in front of the bookstore.(

4、in front of ) 板书 T: Where is the museum ? S2: Go straight one block and turn left. Its between the gift shop and the cafeteria.(betweenand)板书 T:Where is the library? S3: Go straight two bolcks and turn right. Its next to the restaurant.(next to)板书 Step3:Exercise Lets play a game. 1. Yes or no? If I

5、say it right,you please stand up say: “yes”. If wrong,you please sit down say: “no”. 2.Look!This is word road.(挂图) Now, I have some letters. Who can make some words about these letters?(一些 打乱的字母) 3.Guess “where is it?”(猜老师同学问的地方在哪?) Look at this picture “where is the(把地点用小 纸遮盖住)” S1:Go straight block and Its 4、给自己确定一个地图上的位置,用两句话描述怎样到 达某地,并让别人猜一猜自己在哪.Where am I ? Good job! 板书设计: Lesson5 partVLesson5 partV in front of betweenand next to


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