教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 1 Textbook p.14-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80b0b).docx

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1、教案 课 题 Lesson2:What Do You What to Be ? 课 型 New teaching 共(5) 课时 第(3) 课时 教学目标 (重、难点 标注) 学习目标:能自由讨论未来想从事的职业及相 关活动。 Words: pilot, plane, engineer,spaceship Sentences: What do you want to be? What do you what to do? 教学难点:在实践中熟练区分运用 What do you want to be? 和 What do you want to do? 表演课文对话。 教学资源 学生:Liste

2、n and remember 教 师 : lead and explain tape, a recorder, 板书设计 Lesson2: What Do You What to Be ? New words : pilot, plane, engineer, spaceship I want to be a pilot. What do you want to be? I want to be an engineer. I want to fly planes. What do you want to do? I want to design spaceships 教后反思 本课要求学生能够

3、表达自己的理想,需要掌握 许多的职业名称,因此需要提前布置学生作 业,让学生查找各种有关自己和家人的职业名 称。 教 学 过 程 设 计 意 图 教 学 调 整 1Greeting 2Learning T: Now please answer my questions: What do you usually do after school? S1: I usually watch TV. S2: I usually do my homework. S3: I usually play football. S4: I usually practise the violin. T: Do you

4、 want to know Let us warm up, 能以其欢 快的曲调 和明快的 形式,活 跃课堂气 氛。 本课的导 入部分既 复习了旧 知,又自 然引入了 新知。注 重与学生 进行情感 what I usually do after school? Ss: Yes. T: I usually learn English and read books. Because Iam a teacher. I like teaching. I want to get a lot of know-ledge from books. Do you want to be a teacher? Ss:

5、 Yes,I do./No,I dont. S1 : I want to be a(an). S2: I want to be a(an). T: You did a good job. I hope your dream will come 交流,激 发了他们 的学习兴 趣。 在 听 、 看、问、 答的过程 中,逐渐 培养学生 的语言运 用能力, 使学生易 于接受所 学知识。 口语表达 时学生能 使用简单 true in the future, Today were going to learn a new lesson. Lesson TwoWhat Do You Want To Be?

6、T:First,we are going to learn the new words. Look at the card. Who can read this word? Who is he? Ss: Pilot. T: Whats the meaning for Chinese? Ss: 飞行员。 T: Read after me. (Read after the teacher.) T: Lets read this word one by one. 的交际策 略,使交 流活动得 以顺利完 成。 把课文再 现 给 学 生,教师 通 过 引 导,让学 生自主学 习,逐渐 培养了学 生善于思

7、 考,自主 学习的习 惯 和 能 力。 为学生创 Ss: Pilot. T: spell it Ss: P-I-L-O-T,pilot. T: Do you want to be a pilot? Ss: Yes, I do./No, I dont. T: Now lets read these words together. (Read the words together.) T: Now let us have a word game. Polly says,Are you clear? Ss: Yes. Learn the other words like this.The teach

8、er asks the students to use 设各种情 境,鼓励 学生大胆 地使用英 语,为学 生提供自 主学习和 直接交流 的机会, 使学生能 通 过 体 验 、 实 践、合作 等方式, 发展听、 说、读、 写的综合 能力。 the sentences and the words to ask and answer in pairs. Model: S1 : What do you want to be? S2: I want to be a(an) T: Please open your books at Page23. T: First, let us listen to the tape and know what the lesson is about. T: This time lets listen to the tape and read after the tape. 3Practice 关注学生 情感,创 造民主、 和谐的教 学气氛, 使他们都 能主动地 参加这些 有趣的英 语活动, 自然地将 本课知识 T: Please practice this dialogue with your partners.(Act this dialogue in groups.) 4、Listen and write. 5、Homework 与实际生 活联系。


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