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1、房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 英语 (必修第一册)英语 (必修第一册) Unit 1Unit 1 Lights, camera, action!Lights, camera, action! G Grammarrammar andand usageusage 一、一、学习目标:学习目标: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. understand the usage of the subject-verb agreement 2. use the abo

2、ve words and expressions in new situations; 3. understand the rules of subject-verb agreement 4. make sentences using subject-verb agreement 二、导读导学二、导读导学 1、自学必修二课本第 6 页,观察语法现象,总结语法规律,并运用 2、完成课本上相关练习 IV.问题分层: 思维导图 单元语法一图贯通 观察观察 结合上图,观察并分析下列黑体部分的用法结合上图,观察并分析下列黑体部分的用法 Everyone was surprised when Disney

3、 said its film team members were remaking The Jungle Book. Mowgli and his animal friends live happily in the jungle until one day Shere Khan the tiger returns and tries to drive him out of the jungle. In 1967,Disney adapted the book into a cartoon film, which is widely regarded as a classic. . not o

4、nly the animals but also the jungle is digitally used. Building the jungle environment on the computer was no easy job. The Jungle Book lasts for about two hours . .but there is enough tension and humour to hold your attention during the whole film. Two hours seems very short when you re having so m

5、uch fun! 房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 发现发现 1遵循语法一致原则的有句遵循语法一致原则的有句 。 2遵循意义一致原则的有句遵循意义一致原则的有句 。 3遵循就近一致原则的有句遵循就近一致原则的有句 。 语法突破 语境理解 合作探究 主谓一致是指句子的主语和其谓语动词在人称和单复数上必须保持一致。主谓一致一主谓一致是指句子的主语和其谓语动词在人称和单复数上必须保持一致。主谓一致一 般遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。般遵循三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则。 1语法一致原则语法

6、一致原则 主语的单复数决定了谓语动词的单复数。主语的单复数决定了谓语动词的单复数。 (1)动名词短语、动词不定式短语、单个从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。动名词短语、动词不定式短语、单个从句作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。 Listening to music makes me relaxed after a busy day. 听音乐使我在一天的忙碌之后得到了放松。听音乐使我在一天的忙碌之后得到了放松。 To prevent the air from being polluted is what we re now researching. 阻止空气污染是我们正在研究的课题。阻止空气污染是我们正

7、在研究的课题。 When we can go out freely has not been decided. 我们什么时候能自由出行还未决定。我们什么时候能自由出行还未决定。 指津指津 what 引导的从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式,但如果从句表示复数意义,则引导的从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式,但如果从句表示复数意义,则 谓语动词用复数形式。谓语动词用复数形式。 What he said is far from the truth. 他的话与事实相差太远了。他的话与事实相差太远了。 What the school needs are qualified teachers. 这个

8、学校需要的是合格的老师。这个学校需要的是合格的老师。 (2)主语后跟有主语后跟有 with、 together with、 as well as、 like、 but、 except、 along with、 rather than、 including、 in addition to 等引起的短语时,谓语动词的数要与前面的主语保等引起的短语时,谓语动词的数要与前面的主语保 持一致。持一致。 The teacher as well as his students was very excited. 老师和他的学生们都很兴奋。老师和他的学生们都很兴奋。 (3)and、 both .and .连接

9、两个不同的主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;但是如果由连接两个不同的主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;但是如果由 and 连接的两个名词表示同一个人或物时,谓语动词用单数形式。连接的两个名词表示同一个人或物时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The poet and writer has produced many works. 这位诗人兼作家创作了许多作品。这位诗人兼作家创作了许多作品。 (4)定语从句中关系代词作主语时,从句中的谓语动词的形式要与先行词保持一致。定语从句中关系代词作主语时,从句中的谓语动词的形式要与先行词保持一致。 I will always treasure the moments that

10、were full of pleasure. 房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 我将永远珍惜那些充满欢乐的时光。我将永远珍惜那些充满欢乐的时光。 (5)“many a 或或 more than one可数名词单数可数名词单数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 Many a parent has had to go through this same painful process. 很多父母都被迫经历了这个同样痛苦的过程。很多父母都被迫经历了这个同样痛苦的过程。 (6)boots、 glasses、 glov

11、es、 clothes、 shoes、 trousers 等表示复数的词作主语时,等表示复数的词作主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式, 但如果前面有谓语动词用复数形式, 但如果前面有 a pair of, the pair of 等词修饰时, 谓语动词的数和等词修饰时, 谓语动词的数和 pair 保持一致。保持一致。 My glasses are broken.I have to buy a new pair. 我的眼镜碎了,我不得不买一副新的。我的眼镜碎了,我不得不买一副新的。 A pair of glasses costs quite a lot now. 现今一副眼镜费用很高。现今一副眼镜费用

12、很高。 (7)代词作主语代词作主语 不定代词不定代词 everybody、 everyone、 everything、 anybody、 anyone、 anything、 somebody、 someone、 something、 nobody、 no one、 nothing、 each、 the other 等等 作主语时,谓语动词常作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。用单数。each、 every、 no 所修饰的名词作主语时,即使有所修饰的名词作主语时,即使有 and 连连 接,谓语动词仍用单数。接,谓语动词仍用单数。 Just like snow flakes, each and ever

13、yone of us is special and unique. 就像雪花片一样,我们每一个人都是与众不同的。就像雪花片一样,我们每一个人都是与众不同的。 none of不可数名词,谓语用单数;不可数名词,谓语用单数;none of可数名词复数,作复数看待时较多,可数名词复数,作复数看待时较多, 但也有时作单数看待,这要看情况。但也有时作单数看待,这要看情况。 He has made a lot of promises, but none of them have been carried out. 他许下了很多承诺,但都没有兑现。他许下了很多承诺,但都没有兑现。 None of the m

14、oney was paid to me. 连一分钱也没有付给我。连一分钱也没有付给我。 either, neither 通常作单数看待。通常作单数看待。 Neither of us has gone through regular training. 我们俩都没受过正规训练。我们俩都没受过正规训练。 即时演练即时演练 1 单句语法填空单句语法填空 Reading often (mean) learning. War and peace (be) a constant theme in history. The teacher and writer_ (be) her good friend f

15、or many years. We can see from the picture that the man together with his wife and children (sit) there watching TV. Neither of them (be) in good health, but both worked very hard. 房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 More than one student (pass) the examination up to now. 2意义一致原则意义一致原则

16、 意义一致原则是指不管主语的形式是单数还是复数,主语的意义决定了谓语动词的单意义一致原则是指不管主语的形式是单数还是复数,主语的意义决定了谓语动词的单 复数。复数。 (1)集体名词作主语时,若被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;若被看作是构成集集体名词作主语时,若被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;若被看作是构成集 体的一个个成员, 谓语动词用复数形式。 常见的集体名词有:体的一个个成员, 谓语动词用复数形式。 常见的集体名词有: family、 class、 team、 group、 public、 committee、 government、 audience 等。等。 The class

17、 consists of 25 boys and 20 girls. 这个班由这个班由 25 名男生和名男生和 20 名女生组成。名女生组成。 The class are doing experiment. 全班学生都在做实验。全班学生都在做实验。 (2)“分数分数/百分数百分数/the majorityof名词名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于 of 后后 名词的数以及其表示的意义;名词的数以及其表示的意义;all、 some、 half、 most、 the rest 等作主语时,谓语动词等作主语时,谓语动词 的单的单复数取决于主语实际表达的意义。复数取

18、决于主语实际表达的意义。 About one third of the books are worth reading. 这些书中大约有这些书中大约有 1/3 值得一读。值得一读。 Only 60 percent of the work was done yesterday. 昨天只做了昨天只做了 60% 的工作。的工作。 (3)“the形容词形容词”表示一类人,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。表示一类人,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 The old are taken good care of here. 在这儿老年人被照顾得很好。在这儿老年人被照顾得很好。 (4)a quant

19、ity of 后既可接不可数名词, 也可接可数名词复数, 谓语动词的单复数取决于后既可接不可数名词, 也可接可数名词复数, 谓语动词的单复数取决于 of 后名词的数以及其表示的意义;后名词的数以及其表示的意义;quantities of 后无论是可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动后无论是可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动 词均用复数形式。词均用复数形式。 A quantity of time has been wasted on the project. Quantities of time have been wasted on the project. 大量的时间被浪费在这个项目上。大量的时间被浪

20、费在这个项目上。 (5)“a number of复数名词复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“the number of复复 数名词数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 A number of students have gone for an outing. 许多学生去远足了。许多学生去远足了。 The number of the students is increasing year after year. 学生的数量逐年增加。学生的数量逐年增加。 (6)表示时间、距离、重量、金额等复数名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。

21、表示时间、距离、重量、金额等复数名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。 Three thousand dollars is quite a lot of money for a boy. 房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 对于一个男孩来说,对于一个男孩来说,3 000 美元是一笔大数目。美元是一笔大数目。 (7)以以- s 结尾的名词,如结尾的名词,如 news、 maths、 physics、 the United States 等,本身不表示等,本身不表示 复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式。复数意义,谓语通常用单数形式。 Mat

22、hs is the most difficult subject and English is the easiest, I think. 我认为数学是最难的科目,而英语是最容易的。我认为数学是最难的科目,而英语是最容易的。 即时演练即时演练 2 单句语法填空单句语法填空 Four weeks (be) often approximately regarded as one month. The young, on the one hand, often (think) the old conservative. Twenty- five dollars _(be) too much to p

23、ay for that shirt. Two- thirds of the people present (be) against the plan put forward at yesterday s meeting. The class (make) noticeable improvement than other classes so far. 3就近一致原则就近一致原则 就近一致原则是指谓语动词的单复数形式取决于离它最近的主语的单复数。就近一致原则是指谓语动词的单复数形式取决于离它最近的主语的单复数。 (1)由由 or、 either .or .、 neither .nor .、 n

24、ot only .but also .、 not .but .等连接等连接 的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数常与最近的主语保持一致。的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数常与最近的主语保持一致。 Either you or one of your students is to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. 要么是你要么是你的一名学生应该出席明天的会议。要么是你要么是你的一名学生应该出席明天的会议。 (2)由由 there, here 引起的主语不止一个时, 谓语动词的数通常和最邻近的主语保持一致。引起的主语不止一个时, 谓语动词的数通常和最邻近的主语保持一

25、致。 There are three books and a pen on the desk. 桌子上有三本书和一支钢笔。桌子上有三本书和一支钢笔。 即时演练即时演练 3 单句语法填空单句语法填空 Either I or they (be) responsible for the result of the matter. There (be) one table and three chairs in the room. Here (be) a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you. Not only you but also he (want

26、) to be admitted into the university. Not you but I (be) responsible for the mistake. A 级级语言知识基础练语言知识基础练 .单句语法填空单句语法填空 1Both Cathy and her daughter Linda (have) gone shopping. 2Every boy and every girl (like) attend evening parties. 3Not only my brother but also I (be) good at painting.Both of us (b

27、e) good painters. 4 The population of China (be) larger than that of any other country in 房山高级中学“问题教学 6+1”生态课堂学案 编号:42 主备人:Kong Zhiyuan 审核人 the world. 5The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses (not change) much if people leave things as they are. 6The United States of America (be) one of th

28、e most developed countries in the world. .语法填空语法填空 As a student,you may have many dreams.These dreams can be very big, such as _1_ (win) the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best _2_ (student) in your class. Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Have you ever

29、 tried to make your dream come true? Andrew Matthems, _3_ Australian writer, tells us that making our dreams come true is life s _4_ (big) challenge.You may think you re not very good _5_ some school subjects, and it s _6_ (possible) for you to be successful. In fact, everyone can realize his dream.

30、The first thing you must do is to remember _7_ your dream is.Keep telling _8_ (you) what you want every day.There will be difficulties on the road to your dream, but the largest difficulty _9_ (come) from yourself.You need to decide to do what is the most important. When you get closer to your dream, it may change a little.This is good as you have the chance to learn something more _10_ (use) 、课堂总结、课堂总结 1. 问题总结(错题集) 错题 题号 错因分析 基础知识 基本技能(方法) 易错点分析 审题答题规范性 学法指导 2. 学习报告(思维导图) 学习报告 班级: 姓名: 学科: 任课教师:


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