教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 2Textbook p.61-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f0056).zip

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Unit8IntheBathroom 乔静静 教科版小学四年级英语下册 1.Sing a song! 2.Show your sentences! 3.I can guess! 秀秀你的句子! I am She/He is We /They are :Goodmorning,Tom.Whatareyou doing? :IamwatchingTV. :Whatareyouwatching,Tom? :Well,watchwithme.Itsfunny. :Oh,thankyou. Watch 1.WhatisTomwatching? 2.Howmanylegsdoesithave? 3.Isitfunny? Watch Watch 1.WhatisTomwatching? 2.Howmanylegsdoesithave? 3.Isitfunny? Aspider. Eightlegs. Yes,itis./No,itisnt. Letsread. spring sport spell spy spider Doing,doing,whatareyoudoing? Sleeping,sleeping,Iamsleeping. Doing,doing,whatareyoudoing? Swimming,swimming,Iamswimming. Watching,watching,whatareyouwatching? Watching,watching,Imwatchingthespiders. Where,where,whereareyou? Oh.inthebathroom. A.卧室B.浴室C.客厅 Iamwatchingthespider. + Iaminthebathroom. Iamwatchingthespiderinthebathroom. Can you finish ? A:Whatishe/shedoinginthebathroom? B:He/Sheis_inthebathroom. washbrush A:Whatisshedoinginthebedroom? B:Sheissleepinginthebedroom. Ss:Livingroom,bathroom,diningroom, bedroom,open,open,openit. B:Livingroom. T:WatchTV. B:IamwatchingTVinthelivingroom. 选择一个房间词,根据此房间的活动,说出 Iam_inginthe_. :Hi,Duckling.Whatareyoudoing? :Hi,Jerry.Iamsinging. :Help,help.Abigtiger.Imscared. :Whereisit,Tom? :Underthetree. :Letmehelpyou,Tom. :Thankyou. Afriendinneedisafriendindeed. 患难见真情 I.Listenandanswer: ()1.WhatisKenwatching?Heiswatching_. A.TomandJerry猫和老鼠 B.PleasantGoatandtheWolf喜羊羊与灰太狼 C.RainbowCatandBlueRabbit虹猫和蓝兔 ()2.Whereisthespider?Its_. A.underthebedB.ontheTVC.inthebathroom A C II.Icanfillintheblanks. 1.Whatareyou_,Ken?(do,doing) 2.Look!Maryis_thepiano. (plays,playing) 3.JackandMike_swimmingintheriver. (are,is) doing playing are (任选一项。) 1.替换划线处仿写3个句子:Jessisplayingthepiano. 2.替换划线处仿写一组对话: A:Whatareyoudoing? B:Iamridingabike. C:Help,help.Abigsnake. B:Whereisit? C:Behindthedoor. B:Letmehelpyou. C:Thankyou! Unit 8 In the Bathroom(Part 2) 一、一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Students can listen,speak,read and write the words and phrases: spider, bathroom,bedroom , in the bathroom Key structures:What are you watching? / I am watching the spider in the bathroom. 2. Ability aims: (1) To develop Ss abilities of listening , speaking , reading, and writing . (2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups. (3) To foster Ss abilities of communication and their innovation. 3. Emotion goals: Students can help each other when they are in trouble. 4. Focus of the lesson: understanding the dialogue as a whole; role playing the dialogue with the right pronunciation, intonation and sentence stress. What are you doing? I am What is she/he doing? / He/She is 二、二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching , 三、三、Teaching aids: tape, cards 四、课前录制微视频四、课前录制微视频 在微课教学中,学习者学习差异问题是通过观看微视 频的时间调节来解决的。但是,怎样才能使学生乐此不疲 地反复观看微视频来学习呢?我在录制微视频的时候注意 了两个问题。 1.声音清晰,语言亲切,语速适中 在录制微视频时,我想象与一位学生面对面交流的情 境,声音要清晰,不使用“boys and girls”之类的课堂用语。 同时录制时,语速要适中,并且加以停顿。如果教师的语 速过快,经由耳朵传至大脑的信息间隔过短,会使听者不 自觉的处于一种高度紧张状态。语速适中,再在适当地方 加以停顿,甚至提醒学生在需要的地方按下暂停键,就会 让学生在较轻松的状态下,有条不紊地开展自学。 2.情境中教学,让微视频更显趣味性 本节微视频的主要内容是讲解现在进行时的用法。微 课的设计也要循序渐进,微课中我通过创编 Tom 和 Jerry 的 故事呈现现在进行时,然后让孩子们观察句子的规律,从 而总结,再到情境中练习现在进行时的用法。 五、课堂教学五、课堂教学 Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greetings and assessment introduction 【设计意图:介绍评价方式并以此贯穿全课,通过此评价 方式激发学生的学习兴趣。 】 Step II: Check up 1.Lets sing. First let the students sing a song. 【歌曲既能检测学生对现在进行时的掌握又能激发学生的 学习兴趣】 2.Show your sentence. (学生看完微课后造句子 I am She/He isWe /They are) 【设计意图:检测学生对现在进行时是否掌握.】 3.I can guess. Find a student do the action.And let others guess:What is he /she doing? 【设计意图:检测当人称发生变化时,学生对现在进行时的 对话是否掌握.】 4.Practice the dialogue: A:Good morning,Tom. What are you doing? B:I am watching TV. A:What are you watching, Tom? B:Well, watch with me. Its funny. A:Oh, thank you. 【设计意图:拓展句型 What are you watching?学生可以替换 动词并对话练习。 】 Step III: Learn the new knowledge. 一Watch and answer. 1.What is Tom watching? 2.How many legs does it have? 3.Is it funny? 【设计意图:利用视频学习 spider】 二. Read the words and learn the word. 【设计意图:通过读以“sp开头的单词的读音,让学生体 会sp的发音然后进行单词学习。 】 三.T: The spider likes walking.Where is it? Chant with me. 1.Lets chant. 2.Look and say. A:What is he/she doing in the bathroom? B:He/She is _ in the bathroom. 【设计意图:让学生在有韵律的 chant 中学习 bathroom 同 时操练在浴室正在做什么的对话】 四Look and say. A:What is she doing in the bedroom? B:She is sleeping in the bedroom. 【设计意图:让学生看图在对话中学习 bedroom 同时操练 在卧室正在做什么的对话】 五Play a game. 选择一个房间词,根据此房间的活动,说出 I am_ing in the _. Ss: Living room , bathroom , dining room , bedroom, open , open , open it . B: Living room . T: Watch TV. B: I am watching TV in the living room. 【设计意图:利用游戏巩固本课所学,同时激发学生的学习 热情。 】 六Role play in groups. Jerry: Hi, Duckling. What are you doing? Duckling: Hi, Jerry. I am singing. Tom: Help. Help. A big tiger. Jerry: Where is it, Tom? Tom: Under the tree. Jerry: Let me help you. Tom: Thank you. 【设计意图:创编对话中包含了本课的重点知识,让学生 在语境中理解运用。小组合作的学习方式能让学生在同伴 互助中提高自我,同时也扩大了学生交流面,能让更多的 学生参与到课堂中,实现语言学习的实践性。 】 T:We should help the one in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 七.Come to the text. Play the tape. Listen and do the exercise. StepIV: Homework. ( 任选一项)任选一项) 【设计意图:依据学生认知水平,分层设计作业,满足不 同层次学生的发展需求。 】 六、六、Blackboard design Unit 8 In the bathroom. (Period 2) What are you watching? I am watching the spider in the bathroom/bedroom. 七、七、Teaching reflection: 根据本课的重点句型,我选择录制现在进行时的用法。 让学生随着绘本故事体会句型的用法,在短短几分钟的微课 中我通过大量的例句帮助学生形成语感,最后进行知识点的 总结,学生就更加明白了现在进行时的用法。而接下来的课 堂回收部分我通过设计如下三种不同形式的课堂活动来检 测学生对微课的学习效果, 1、Sing a song!2、Show your sentence. 3.I can guess.我感觉学生对微课的学习掌握很好。 紧接着处理了课文中没有处理的教学内容,我觉得比较满 意的内容有:充分利用多媒体等现代教学手段,在课堂上 创设相对真实的生活情景,让学生身临其境的理解语言的 功能。让语言与生活紧密结合。同时进行一定量的语言拓 展和知识拓展。 教学气氛轻松,把孩子们的被动学习变成 了主动学习过程,学生都自愿学习。但是.由于一堂课的时 间有限,放给学生的时间还不够多,小组活动中,不能让 每个学生尝试到更多的角色扮演。今后的教学应该给学生 更多的表达空间与时间。
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