教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 1 Textbook p.60-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e07ce).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit8 In the Bathroom_Class 1 Textbook p.60_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e07ce)
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Unit 8 In the Bathroom (Part 1) Task1 Task2 Task3 Task4 Do you want to visit my rooms? Task 1 Quick Time (快速说出下列图片所对应的单词或短语) sleepsleeping jump jumping cookcooking eateating readreading singsinging 仿照例子变单词。仿照例子变单词。 work working watch TV watching TV swimswimming dancedancing make dumplings making dumplings What is she doing? Where is she? In the living room. She is watching TV. live-living living room What is she doing? Where is she? In the living room. She is watching TV in the living room. She is watching TV. What is she doing? She is washing her face. Where is she? In the bathroom. =+ bathroombathroom roombath math three thirty thirsty thank What is she doing? She is washing her face. Where is she? In the bathroom. She is washing her face in the bathroom. He is sleeping. In the bedroom. What is he doing? Where is he? =+ bedroombedroom He is sleeping. In the bedroom. What is he doing? Where is he? He is sleeping in the bedroom. What is Steve doing? He is eating. Where is he? In the dining room. Steve is eating in the dining room. 我发现了 bedroom bathroom living room dining room What are they doing? They are cooking. Where are they? In the kitchen. They are cooking in the kitchen . Task 2 Make a dialogue. (Pair-work) A : Where are you? B :In the living room. A : What are you doing ? B : Im watching TV in the living room. sleep bedroom wash my face bathroom cook kitchen eat dining room A: Where are you ? B: Im in the _ . Task 3 Listen and answer . 1.Where is Ken? He is in the _. A. bathroom B. bedroom C.living room 2. Is Dad with Ken? _. A.Yes,he is. B.No,he isnt. C.We dont know. 1.He is working in his room.(翻译) _. A.他在他的房间做饭。 B.他在他的卧室休息。 C.他在他的房间工作。 C B C Mom: Where are you, Ken? Ken: In the living room. Im watching TV. Mom: Is Dad with you? Ken: No. He is working in his room. Listen and follow.Read ,act or make up a dialogue . 量力而行我最棒(三选一 ) Task 4 Do the exercise. 一、根据句意填空。 1.Hes watching TV in the _. 2.Shes sleeping in the _. 3.Shes washing her face in the _. 4.We are cooking in the _. living room bedroom bathroom kitchen 二、连词成句。 1.working, his, he, is, in, room 2.your, is, doing, sister, what 3.is,he,playing,in, the, living room He is working in his room. What is your sister doing? He is playing in the living room. living room bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room East or west, home is the best. 哪儿好也不如家好 。 1.替换划线部分仿写句子。 Im watching TV in the living room.(3句) 2.替换划线部分仿写对话。 A: Hello, XXX. B: Hi, XXX. Welcome to my room. A: Thanks. Your bedroom is so nice. What are you doing? B: Im drawing a picture . A: Wow, how beautiful! B: Thank you very much. ( 任选一项) 共需课时数(4 ) 课题 Lesson8 In the Bathroom 课型 New teaching 第( 1 )课时 教 学 目 标 1、 学会表达正在做的事情的问答。 2、 学会说房间构造的用语及一些动作用语。 3、 通过各种游戏、竞赛培养学生相互团结、协作、互相交流及竞争意 识。 教 学 重 点 单词:his living room with where work watch 教 具 准 备 录音机,单词 卡 教 学 难 点 句子:Where are you ? In the _. Im_. Im watching TV. Is dad with you? NO.Hes working in his room. 学 具 准 备 板 书 设 计 Lesson8 In the Bathroom. his living room with where work watch Where are you? In the living room. Im watching TV. (Im watching TV in the living room.) Hes working in his room. 典 型 习 题 课 后 反 思 本课继续学习现在进行时,与地点短 语,通过大量的练习,掌握较好。 引 用 课 外 资 源 无 教学环节 教学过程设计意图个性修改 Step1Step1 Greeting Warm-up Step2Step2 Lead-in Step3Step3 New concepts T: Good morning boy and girls. T: How are you today? 出示 102 页图片给学生看并询问: 肯正在做什么(看电视)看什么节目 呢?(猫和老鼠)在哪里看呢?(客 厅) 1.看图 102 页讨论故事情景,找出 生词 living room、watch 、work 2.听录音看卡片确认新单词 Read and spell : l-i-v-i-n-g r-o- o-m living room w-a-t-c-h watch, w-o-r-k work 3.再听录音回答“Wheres Ken? Whats he doing? 4.讲解重点句式: In the _. Im_. Im_in the _. (游戏:找一个同学说英语描述现 在进行时态,其他同学根据他说的动 作边说边做动作。 ) 通过简单的问 候使学生的情 绪得以放松, 快乐的进入到 英语课堂,激 发学生的学习 热情 看图片提高学 生的兴趣,调 动他们的积极 性。 通过出示单词 卡片,在情境中 讲解新单词的读 音并比赛看谁读 的准,使学生掌 握其发音,拼练 到位。 新知传授环节 ,教师给学生一 个整体的感知的 教学思路,让学 生了解学习的全 课文表 演 一定结合 P110内容一 起学习。 Step4Step4 拓展 Step5Step5 巩固操练 Step6Step6 作业 出示 110 页家里各居室的图片学习 bedroom/bathroom/dining room/kitchen 这些单词并练习现在进 行时态的第 3 人称单数 eg: Hes watching TV in the living room. Shes cooking in the kitchen. 1、 小组分角色表演对话 2、 (板前展示) 3、 Fun with words.111 页 4、 Chant Chant 103 页 回家将各居室的单词写成卡片贴在 相对应的门上读给家长听,能够背下 来的时候摘下。适当描述所做的动作。 过程及学习的知 识,使其能灵活 地把握学习的主 动权,从而充分 体现了素质教育 的宗旨。 在实践环节中, 学生们通过练习, 全面提升了自己 听、说、读、写。 这四项基本技能, 使自己的英语水 平得到了提高, 提升了自己交际 英语的使用。 通过合作学习, 给学生提供了平 等的说英语和运 用英语的机会。 这样既创造了轻 松愉快自然和谐 的课堂气氛又促 进了交际活动的 展开。英语的能 力 合作学 习运用 到位。
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