教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 4 Textbook p.64-66-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:6007e).zip

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Lesson5 I ride a bike. Everyone, everyone, go to school. Everyone, everyone, clean the room. Everyone, everyone, play computer games. Everyone, everyone, draw a picture. Everyone, everyone, play hide-n-seek. Everyone, everyone, sit down please. bike ride a bike sing a song go to the library I like going to the library. read a book I read a book. I like reading a book. piano play the piano violin play the violin He plays the violin. This is a bike. I have a bike. I ride a bike. I like riding my bike. I go to the library. He goes the library. I go to the library. He goes to the library He likes going to the library. This is a bike. I have a bike. I ride a bike. I like riding my bike. I go to the library. He goes the library. I go to the library. He goes to the library He likes going to the library. sing a song ride a bike read a book go to the library play the piano play the violin play the piano go to the library Ke wen cha tu Questions: 1.When is it? 2. What do they ask? -What do you do after school? -I go to the library . Ke wen nei rong Xuesheng ting gendu bing huida wenti Questions: 1.What does Li Li do after school? 2. What does Li Li like doing? 3. What does Jess do after school? Homework: Make a survey of your classmates to know what do they do after school? NameWhat do you do after school? Lesson5 I ride a bike 课 题 Lesson5 I ride a bike. 课时第一课时 知识目标: 1 四会单词:ride bike library violin piano bike after 四会短语:go to the library ride a bike play the piano play the violin 2 2.重点句型 :What do you do after school? I go to the library. She goes to the library.She likes reading. 能力目标:能听懂有关放学后做些什么的询问。 能听懂并说出有关自己或他人喜欢做的事情的表达。 教 学 目 标 情感目标:培养学生合理安培时间做事情的能力。 重 点 动词三单的正确使用(goes ) 难 点 She goes to the library. She likes reading . 教 学 过 程 教 学 环 节教师活动学生活动 Step1 Greeting and Revision 1 Say hello to each other. 2 Lets chant together to review some verb phrases 复习动词短语,做好 热身,调动学生的积极性, 为新课的学习做好准备。 在此环节,教师应和学 生边 chant 边做动作,要有 节奏 Step2 New concepts 1 T: Lets play a guessing game (show a little part of a bike) 2.T:(继续出示图片,再次猜 图片) (Show more parts of a bike) T:Whats this? T: Guess again Whats this? S1: Is it a ball? S2: Is it a cake? S3:Is it an egg? S5:Is it a bike? 3.T: Look! Its a bike.( 师出示一辆自行车) T:Right.A bike. What color can you see? T:Yes.You can see blue,yellow and black on mybike.Its a beautiful bike. S1:blue. S2:yellow S3:black Ss: So beautiful. 学生与教师一起书写 bike 这一单词。 4.讲授 ride a bike 这 一短语并 write it on the blackboard. 5.同样的方法讲授动词短语 sing a song go to the library read a book play the piano play the violin T:(出示一张图书馆的图 片) Show a picture T:Look at the letter“r”It sounds like / r / i / ai / d / d / T: Yes,this is a bike. I can ride a bike. Who can ride a bike? T:Lets ride a bike together. Today well learn Lesson5 I ride a bike. (师引课题并读两遍) T(师出示一张图片): Where are they? T:Yes. Its a SS: r r r /r / /r/ /r/ d d d /d/ /d/ i i i /ai/ /ai/ . S5:I can ride a bike. S6:I can ride a bike. . 生一起读课题。 S:Theyre in the library. 板书短语:go to the library T: 在此环节,教师告诉 学生,当主语是 he /she/it 时,在一般现在时里,动词 也要用到第三人称单数形式。 变化规则:1)一般在词尾加 s , 2)以 s ,x ,ch ,sh,o 结尾的动词在词尾加 es, 3) have 的三单是 has T:(show a picture) T:Show a picture of reading a book 在此讲解动词的三单形式。 告诉学生当主语是 he/she/it 等单个人或物时, library. I say one you say another. (师和学生一替一个 字母的拼单词) T: Write it together T:I go to the library. How about you? T:(师指一位学生) He/She goes to the library. T:Please look at this picture. T his is my friend. She likes reading.So we can say she goes to the library. Who can say? T: Look at this phrase “read a book” T:read read read a book T: write it on the blackboard. T:I like reading books. Who likes reading books? T:Ithink you all SS:l-i-b-r-a-r-y Read it one by one. S: I go to the library,too. S1S6 S7: She goes to the library. S8S12 Read together and do some actions Ss:write it with fighers. Say this sentence one by one. S5.S10:I like reading books. S11.17:She likes 在一般现在时里,动词也要 用三单形式。 动词三单的变化规则: 一般在词尾加 s 以 ch/sh/s/x/o 结尾的动 词在词尾加 es. have 的三单是 has. T:show a picture of piano 讲解 like+doing sth. 告诉学生 like 的相关用 法 列如:I like music. I like you. I like reading. like 的常用搭配:可在 其后加名词;可加代词的兵 格;加动词常用动词的 ing 形式.在此进行造句练习。 T:show a picture of playing the piano(并板书 该短语) like readingbooks.Right, we should read more books. As we know knowledge is power. T:She likes reading books. T:Look.Its a piano. Here you can see an old word T: Right. Look at the letter P / p / i /i / a / / T:What color is this piano? T:(拍手)play play Play the piano Do with me T: Good!I Think you all play the best. Just like Langlang-a very famous pianist in the world. T:We know piano is akindofinstrument.But therere also other instruments. Who knows? reading books. SS: no SS:P-i-a-n-o piano one Read it one by S18.23 blue/pink/oraqnge/yellow a blue piano a pink piano an orange piano. SS:(加动作) play the piano (one by one) I play the piano. . S1.S6 violin guitar flute erhu violin S7.S12 I can play the violin. 学生一起读学过的动词 Teaching another kind of instrument (violin) and play the violin.(以猜 的形式讲解 violin) 对学过的短语进行总结 (I point you read.) Step3 Practice (guessing game) 头脑 风暴 大屏幕上闪现句子,让学 生瞬间记忆,句子从易到难, 从开始的一句话,到最后的 三句话。逐渐加大难度,锻 炼学生的记忆能力。 Step4:Consolidation 巩固知识点,讲解课文 1) Look! Our friends are coming.Theyreso happy.Theyre talking someing Listen and try to know.(出示两个问题)引出短 语 after school 并板书 师-生-师 生- -生 2)Practice in pairs and act it out 3)Game time 教师和学生一起玩游戏, 来巩固句型,在此还有一些 拓展知识的练习。 T:Show a violin and write it on the blackboard. T: Ipoint quickly .You read it as quickly as you can. T: Lets play a game. Lets see whos the fastest.Who has bright eyes? When is it? What do they ask? T:Whatsthemeaning ? Who can translate? T:I ride a bike after school.What do you do after school? What do you do after school? 短语,对这些词汇整体把握, 为 下面句子的学习埋下伏 笔。 S5-8 This is a piano. I have a piano.(2-3 人) S9-12 I play the piano. I like playing the piano. . S9 after school S10 What do you do after school? I read a book. I play the piano. I play the violin. .(5-8 人) (生生互练,操练句型) 全班性的句型操练,既 巩固了知识,又符合学生的 认知水平。 学生听磁带并跟读 4)Listening and repeat 5)Read the story and answer some questions (在此设置三个问题,来 巩固主要知识点,同时复习 一般现在时的相关用法。) Step5 Closing the class do some homework Say good-bye I .after school? T: Lets play a game.Pass a magic box.When you got it. Choose one and answer it. Ready Go! T:Listen to the story and read it. T: Here are some questions for you. 1)What does Li Li like doing? 2)What does Li Li do after school? 3)What does Jess do after school? T:Pleaseread the story and recite it. S4: She likes reading. S5:She goes to the library. S6: She plays the violin. SS:Say good-bye.
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