教科EEC版四下-Unit9 We're Taking Photos-Class 3Textbook p.70-71-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:905d2).zip

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  • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit9 Were Taking Photos_Class 3 Textbook p.70-71_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:905d2)
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Unit2 Can I Join You? Warm-up Sing a song Free talk Lead-in If the talent show is coming soon, what will you do? What are you good at? Look and answer Presentation Who are they? What are they doing? . XiaoxiaoQiaoqiao Jim Listen and answer Presentation What are they doing? What does Qiaoqiao want to do? What is Qiaoqiao good at? Presentation Listen and answer What are they doing? What does Qiaoqiao want to do? What is Qiaoqiao good at? They are practicing for the talent show. He wants to join the band. He is good at playing the piano. Practice Read and Speak Qiaoqiao: Can I come in? Xiaoxiao: Yes, you can. Qiaoqiao: What are you doing? Jim: We are practicing for the talent show. Qiaoqiao: Talent show? Can I join you? Xiaoxiao: Im sorry. Youre too young. Qiaoqiao: Im a good pianist. Without a pianist, you cant make a good band. Read it by yourself for one minute . 自读对话一分钟。自读对话一分钟。 Learning tip : 1 0 2 0 30 50 4 0 60 30 20 10 Practice 比一比看谁能在一分钟内比一比看谁能在一分钟内 读完,并且读得读完,并且读得准准确、流确、流 利!利! 小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 Practice Pronunciation (语音语音) Fluency (流利流利) Cooperation (合作合作) OK! Good! Great! Talk together. Practice a b What are you doing? We are practicing for the talent show. What are you doing? I am making a cake for the birthday party. Talk together. Practice c d What is Xiaoxiao doing? He is preparing for the test. What is Jenny doing? She is packing for the picnic. Ask and answer Practice What is she/he doing? He/She is Summary What are you doing? I am for 1.观看课文动画, 按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2.记录下你身边亲友当时的活动状态(不少于5个 人)。 3.预习“Unit2 P15、P17”。 Homework Unit 2 Can I Join You? 教学目标 根据所教学生对第一课时的掌握情况及本课在单元之中的地位及作用,依 据有效教学的基本理念和小学英语教学的目标,确立本课的 Teaching Aim(教学目标)为: 1)Knowledge Aim(知识目标):现在进行时的基本表达方式。来源:Z。xx。k.Com 2)Activity Aim(能力目标):在认知和技能掌握的基础上,培养学生的 自主探索、观察、倾听、纠错、合作能力,并发挥学生的思维与想象力。 3)Moral Education Aim(德育目标):使学生在学习中增强学习自信 心,培养团结合作精神。 4)Psychological Education Aim(心育目标):在学习的过程中,使学 生享受合作收获知识的喜悦与乐趣,体验成功的喜悦,促进学生心理的健康发展。 教学准备 语言是一种交际工具,小学阶段的英语教学又侧重于口语。为了帮助学生 掌握和运用这些句子,我注重引导学生采用听说、朗读、小组合作、角色表演、 反馈精练等方法,培养学生敢于开口,积极实践的良好学习习惯。在这一课中, 我做的课前准备有: 1、准备教材配套录音。2、教学课件。 教学过程 (一)Greeting. T: Say hello to class. (设计意图:师生间相互问候,沟通彼此间良好的情感及建立融洽的课堂 教学氛围) (二)Warm up T: Lets sing a song. (设计意图:通过有韵律的运动,营造快乐的学习气氛, 激发学生的学习 英语的兴趣。) (三)New lesson 1、视听导入 T: Ask students to look at the pictures and try to answer questions. (设计意图:幻灯片出示与对话有关的图片,由情景导入,使学生有如 身临 其境,营造浓厚的语言学习气氛,明确学习任务。) 2、明确新知 T: Check students listening and let them grasp by match. Ss: Boys and girls remember as possible. (设计意图:运用多媒体和录音机教学,让学生们在听有趣的故事中感受 和学习语言,通过视觉领受新的知识,明确学习的目标。) 3、角色朗读 T: Make students read the whole dialog in groups and add 3 points to each group (if each group has no mistakes). (设计意图:运用分角色朗读比赛,培养学生认读能力,及时纠正学生的 错误,还能给予适当的鼓励,让学生更自信的学习。) 4、情境表演“ The Talent Show ” T: Let students make some preparation and act in groups. Group1, group2 act the dialog and the others gi ve them a big hand. (设计意图:英语教学面向全体学生,教师创造轻松和谐的学习环境,通 过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作等方式,使英语学习成为一种愉悦的体验和 感受,以提高学生的听说能力和交际能力) (四)Consolidation 1、图型结合,操练重点 T: Show students PowerPoint and let them finish the sentences according to the pictures. S: Finish them in groups. (设计意图:帮助学生进一步地了解现在进行时的基本表达方式,同时也 为学生正确地运用此语法做好铺垫。)来源:Zxxk.Com 2、循循善诱,发掘规律 T: give students some suggestion; get them to find the regularity and to fill in the blanks. Ss: watch carefully and think about them. Then complete the blanks in groups. (设计意图:让学生在有趣、开放式的语言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨 论、体验和总结,培养学生自主学习能力和语言表达能力,并为中学的语法学 习奠定基础。) (五)Homework Set up homework according to the key points and students demands. 1.观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2.记录下你身边亲友当时的活动状态(不少于 5 个人)。 3.预习“Unit2 P15、P17”。 ( 设计意图:作业体现了英语学习的策略:听说读写坚固,让学生从心里 重视和喜欢英语。) Blackboard design Unit 2 Can I Join You? What are you doing? We are /I am What is he/ she doing? He /She is
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