接力版五年级下册英语Lesson 1 My favourite season is spring.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e08d6).zip

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season 季节 There are four seasons in a year. spring spring 春天 My favorite season is spring. summer summer 夏天 My favorite season is summer. autumn autumn 秋天 My favorite season is autumn(fall). winter winter 冬天 My favorite season is winter. springsummer autumnwinter Whats your favourite season ? My favourite season is spring. I can fly kites. My favourite season is summer. I can swim. My favourite season is autumn. I can climb mountains. I like winter best. I can play with the snow. ( ) 1. Nobody likes autumn. ( ) 2. Tom can swim in spring. ( ) 3. Sally likes spring best. ( ) 4. Lingling can fly a kite in spring. ( ) 5. Peter can play with the snow in summer. True or False(判断正误,对的写T, 错的写F。 ) F F T F F Summary words: season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, snow, mountain -Whats your favorite season? -My favorite season is ./ I like . best. I can . 课堂练习 选择题。 ( ) 1. Whats your favourite season ? _ A. Blue B. Summer C. Football ( ) 2._do you like best? A. What colour B. Which season C. What time ( ) 3. I _ summer. Mike _ autumn. A. like, like B. likes, likes C. like, likes ( ) 4. _ do you like winter ? Because I can skate. A. Why B. What C. How ( )5. _ in spring in Beijing ? Its windy and warm. A . Which season do you like best B. What time is it C . Whats the weather like 1.1. 背诵本课的生词。背诵本课的生词。 2.2. 在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 3.3.完成本课的课后作业。完成本课的课后作业。 Homework 接力版英语五年级下册接力版英语五年级下册 Lesson1Lesson1 MyMy favoritefavorite seasonseason isis spring.spring. 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 课题 Lesson1Lesson1 My favorite season is spring. 学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, snow, mountain;掌握句型:Whats your favorite season? My favorite season is . I like . best. I can . 过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下使用单词句型进行有关季节的问答。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和 勇气。 重点掌握有关最喜爱的季节的问答句型。 难点能够在日常情境下使用单词句型进行流畅对话。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课 warm up(Free talk) 1. What day is it today? 2.What is the weather like today? 3.What is your favorite subject? 在老师的引 导下回答问 题 复习巩固常 用表达法, 为引出新课 题做铺垫。 讲授新课 1.Vocabulary (1)Look at the pictures and learn the new vocabularies . season, spring, summer, autumn, 学习新单词。 图文结合学 新词,进一 步加深单词 的理解掌握。 winter, snow, mountain (2) Demonstrate how to write in English. (3)Make sentences: My favorite season is . 2. Lets learn. (1) Read the book. (2) Listen carefully and try to repeat the conversations. (3)Listen again and find out the key points. My favorite season is . =I like . best. For example: My favorite season is spring. = I like spring best. 我最喜欢春天。 Someone can do something. 某人可以做某事。 For example: I can climb mountains. 我可以爬山。 You can swim. 你可以游泳。 自由读课文, 发现重难点。 发现课文中 的重点句型。 思考问题并 与同学、老 朗读训练, 纠正发音。 总结归纳, 培养学生自 主学习能力。 与他人沟通 交流表达个 人看法,促 进课文理解。 She can fly kites. 她可以放风筝。 (4)Think and answer: true or false ( ) 1. Nobody likes autumn. ( ) 2. Tom can swim in spring. ( ) 3. Sally likes spring best. ( ) 4. Lingling can fly a kite in spring. ( ) 5. Peter can play with the snow in summer. 3. Lets talk. Ask students choose a picture and talk like this with your partners: A: Whats your favorite season? B: Its . A: Why? B: Its .(reason). We can .(do something) 4. Add-activities (1) Match the pictures and describe them. Someone like(s) .(season) best. Or Someones favorite season is .(season). 师讨论。 结合图片进 行对话。 完成练习并 进行表达阐 述。 根据图片会 议表演课文。 。 小组活动让 学生增强合 作意识,同 时可以取长 补短,互相 帮助,共同 完成任务。 口语表达能 力的锻炼。 巩固知识。 Someone can do something. (2) Pair works: act out the conversations with your partners and then show to others. 5. Practice 选择题。 ( ) 1. Whats your favourite season ? _ . A. Blue B. Summer C. Football ( ) 2._do you like best? A. What colour B. Which season C. What time ( ) 3. I _ summer. Mike _ autumn. A. like, like B. likes, likes C. like, likes ( ) 4. _ do you like winter ? Because I can skate. 21cnjycom A. Why B. What C. How ( )5. _ in spring in Beijing ? Its windy and warm. A.Which season do you like best B. What time is it C.Whats the weather like 5. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: season, spring, summer, autumn, 完成练习讲练结合, 考查评估学 习成果。 winter, snow, mountain -Whats your favorite season? -My favorite season is ./ I like . best. I can . 6. Homework (1)背诵本课的生词。 (2)在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 (3)完成本课的课后作业。 总结重点: (1)熟读本课对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结关于描述喜爱季节 的句型。 回顾本节课 重点内容。 记录课下作 业。 及时进行重 难点的总结 梳理,巩固 本节课学习 成果。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生学习喜爱 季节问答的兴趣,通过实际对话情境的模拟练习 加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的句型讲解做好 铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,让 学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务, 达到预定的教学目标。
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