接力版五年级下册英语Revision 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0096).doc

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1、小学英语接力版五年级下册 Revision 第 1 课时教案设计 一、教学内容 Listen and readLook, find and tick Sing a song 二、教材分析 Listen and read 板块通过 Peter 一家外出野餐过程中发生的事情,呈 现析使句和“ there be”结构等内容,围绕食物袋这一话题,复习句 型 Whats for lunch ? Wheres our picnic bag? There is a cat and a dog in the kitchen at home.There are many eggs and apples”对话 后

2、设计了针对对话的阅读理解活动通过六个问题,引领学生阅读故事,找出问题 的答案,完成阅读填空活动。学生在完成任务的过程中进一步理解文本内容 Look, find and tick 板块是词汇复习板块,分为两部分,第一部分是 复习单词的音、义、形,第二部分是单词在具体语境中的运用。通过看图片、找 单词的活动复习词汇的音、义、形,通过讨论城市设施图,将单词与句型结合, 突出词汇的语义和语用功能。 Sing a song 板块 设计了 Theres a hole in the middle of the road这首歌 曲,歌词内容重复,呈现了“ there be”结构的陈述句,可以让学生在轻松 愉快

3、的歌曲欣赏活动中初步感知句式结构。 三、教学目标 1知识目标。 (1)能听懂、会说、认读、会写单词 dear, supermarket,能听懂、会 说、认读单词或词组 picnic, post office, bookshop (2)能听懂、会说、认读、会写句子 I often go on a picnic with my parents on the weekend. There is a cat and a dog in the kitchen at home. There is some chicken In the bag. 2.能力目标。 能在真实情境中运用有关场所及设施等有关话题的

4、语言进行交流。 3情感态度、文化意识、学习策略。 (1)积极思考,对英语学习有兴趣,乐于合作交流。 (2)了解城区基本设施的功能和设施的英语表达形式。 四、教学重难点 1教学重点 (1)能够在图片、实物的帮助下或在真实情境中运用“ there be”句型 描述某地有某物,或者询问、交流某地是否有某物。 (2)能够在图片、实物的帮助下或在真实情境中恰当运用祈使句。 2教学难点 在“ there be结构中,能够根据 be 动词后的名词的性质,能使用正确 的 be 动词形式进行表达。 五、教学准备 1教师准备 课本、单词卡、多媒体课件等。 2学生准备 课本。 六、教学流程设计 Step1 warm

5、ing up 1. free talk. 2. Sharp eyes. 3. Sing a song.There is a hold in the middle of the road. Step2 presentation 1. 接歌曲谈话导入,look,there is a hold in the middle of the road.Dont go there,Its dangerous.Near the road,there is a park. 呈现 PPT park 情景。问, Is it beautiful?Do you like to go to a park?What can

6、 /cant we do in a park? 学生根据提示说 we can. Dont. 2. Its a sunny day.Many people are in the park.look,who are they?PPT 呈现课本图 1,学生看图回答。 What does Peter often do on the weekend? 学生听音第一段回答,教 go on a picnic. Does he like going on a picnic?What do you like doing on the weekend? 学生根据实际回答 I like. 3. look and s

7、ay 学生看书本插图, 完成表格。 What do Peter and his parents do in the park? 4. 想一想:What do you want to talk to Peter? 学生 Dont. What will mom say to Peter?学生听音第二段回答。 5. Its time for lunch.Peter is .做 hungry 动作,让学生说 hungry,Peter asks mom “ ”个别学生回答,在听第三 段录音纠正。 6. mom looks for the picnic bag,she cant find it.she w

8、alks to dad,and asks” ” 学生听第四段录音回答,再听一遍回 答 what does dad answer? 7. Whats in the picnic bag?学生看图回答 there is /are. 8. The picnic bag is in the kitchen at home.whats else in the kitchen? 学生看图 5 回答 there is.what do the dog and the cat think of their picnic? Step3 practice 1. listen and imitate. 2. arra

9、nge the picture in order. 3. Read and fill. 4. Retell the dialogue. Step4 consolidation and extension 1. Peter is hungry.He is on his way home now.He meets Lingling on the street.They talk about the city Lingling lives in.Look,this is a map of the city.find and tick out these places below. 2. Design

10、 your dream city in group. 3. Talk about your dream city . Step 5 summary 1.like+doing 表示喜欢做. 2.Dont+do 表示不要做. 3.There is+单数/不可数名词 There are+复数名词 4. There be 句型的疑问句形式及其回答 5. 选择填空。 Step 6 Homework 1. 听录音,跟读课文,并能熟练朗读。 2. 根据本课时谈论的 city,以 my city 为题,写不少于 5 句话的小作文。 板书设计: Revision 1 I like going on a picnic with my parents on the weekend. There is some chicken in the bag. There are many eggs and apples. Is there a .in the city? bookshop post office supermarket Yes,there is ./No,there isnt.


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