教科版三下Module 2 Positions-Unit 3 Where's my car-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80274).docx

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教科版三下Module 2 Positions-Unit 3 Where's my car-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:80274).docx_第1页
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1、Whats going on ? 教案 一、课程导入 通过绘本 Whats going on ? 的学习,让学生认识字母 0 在闭音节读/ /。运 用自然拼读法,能够快速读出拼读的台历有关 0 读 / / 的单词发音,培养学生 的音素意识。 二、文本内容 绘本 Whats going on ? 讲述了一个夜晚, 几只很有爱心的小动物帮助一只落 在地上的幼鸟,回到树上温暖的家。 三、学情分析 四年级的学生通过了一年的英语学习,已具有一定的语言基础,特别是学习 过 26 个字母的发音和书写后,已经初步知道了某些字母的发音规律。他们已经 学习过 O 在闭音节结构的词汇。同时,该班小朋友大多具备了良好

2、的听说习惯, 能够积极参与课堂教学活动。 四、教学目标 1、语言知识目标 知道字母 O 在单词中的发音及学会拼读相应单词。通过故事图片的引导,能 够正确流利地朗读绘本故事,能口头复述故事。 2、语言技能目标 通过小组合作的方式提高学生的拼读及合作能力。通过图片和文字阅读,理 解故事所表达的含义,回家创编一个情景新故事。 3、情感目标 培养学生同学间互相帮助的情感 五、教学准备 1、配图故事 PPT“Whats going on?” 2、 教具制作: a tree, ox , box, fox , dog , frog , peacock , donkey , a baby bird ,a bi

3、rd nest , ox , hog, cob, cock 3、拼读台历 4故事语音 六、教学设计 (一) 、Pre-reading 1、Greetings: T: Good afternoon , boys and girls ,are you happy today ?Im very happy today. Becausethere are so manyfriends here .And I bring some friends here too. 2、Leading in story T:Look at this , do you know it ?What is it ? Ss:

4、Yes , a dog / a doll . T: Well done . Today we will learn a story about them .Do you like stories ? Ss : Yes . T : OK .Lets watch TV , and listen ! (ppt 播放 Whats going on ? 绘本故事。 ) 设计意图 :引导学生进入英语氛围,通过精美的卡通动物,激起学生的好奇心, 通过老师鼓励,学生积极参与活动,提高学生的兴趣和信心,为接下来的活动做 好铺垫。 (二) 、While reading . 1、Listen and repeat

5、the story . 2、Guessing game T: Whats going on? Why are-they doing that? Ss: They want to pick the apples. T: Maybe . Ss:They play games. T: Perhaps . Ss: Maybe there is a ball in the tree T:But I dont think so . SS: There is a bird in the tree ,they want to get the bird . T: Ha ha ,do you think so ?

6、 OK ! The answer is ,they help the baby bird go back home , go back to the nest in the tree . 设计意图 :通过猜测游戏,激起孩子们头脑风暴,学生们积极猜测小动物的意 图, 而老师只是简单作答 Yes , no , maybe, 体现了学生 Learning by playing.玩中学。 当学生能说出相近的答案,老师表扬并点击 PPT 展现答案。 3、Ask and answer ( pptgroup work ) a. Why are they doing that? Whats going on?

7、 b. Whats it? c. Whats on the clock /donkey .? T:Why are they doing that? Whats going on? Ss: They want to help the baby bird go back home .The baby is on the floor . T:How friendly they are ! What animals are they ? Ss: donkey ,fox , peacock , frog , baby bird . (Point to the word cards on the blac

8、k board. Pay attention to the sound of the letter “0” . ) 设计意图:通过单词学习,引出 0 在闭音节的发音。 4、Summing up. Practice the sound of the letter o T: Look at the words on the black board, can you find the same letter? Ss: The letter o T: Yes, whats the sound of the letter o? S: / / 5、Practice the pronunciation th

9、e new words . (1).Lets chant : The sound of the letter “0”, the short vowel “0”. Watch a video and try to follow (2). Team work. Read more words with the flip book. 6、Game: Fast reaction 老师用 flip book 呈现单词,学生快速抢答。 设计意图:通过 cvc 结构的词汇全锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力和小组合作学习的能 力, 帮助学生扫除 o 在重度闭音节结构中的发音障碍。 小组动手动口 的合作能力,让学生玩中学

10、,读中学,思中学。( Learning by playing , Learning by reading , Learning by thinking.) (三) 、 Post reading 1 . Group work: Do you have any good ideas to help the baby bird go back home ? Maybe they can help . Can you say these words ? 老师出示含闭音节0的单词: ox, hog cob ,cock .For example: The donkey is on the ox ,the

11、dog is on the donkey ,the fox is on the dog .(小组讨论) 2. 学生展示方式 Pupils come to the blackboard,one says ,the others stick the cards on the blackboard . T: You are friendly. You did a good job. 3. Summing up. We should help each other like these animals in life ,and we will be happy every day . 设计意图: 读后

12、环节设计了三个活动, 一是小组讨论还有什么办法帮助小鸟回家, 复习检查 0 在闭音节的发音,。二是走出去陈述自己想到的办法。三是总结,通 过这个故事,我们要学习小动物们做一个有爱心的孩子,一人有难众人帮。培养 学生同学间互相帮助的情感。 (四(四) 、Homework 1. Find the words with letter o on your English book. (在学校英语书中找有 o 发音的单词) 2. Read the story (熟读故事) 3. Tell your parents how you help the baby bird go back home. (告诉爸爸妈妈你 是怎么帮小鸟回家的。)


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