教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 10 How many people are there in your family -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:c0373).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 5 Relatives_Unit 10 How many people are there in your family _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:c0373)
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Sound family a a-e i-e o e o-e u u-e Good job! Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? 第一课时 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 三年级下册 Module 5 Relatives Happy Preparation 本课目标 复习家庭成员单词和数字词, 新学big; 学习How manyare there? There are( 复数)以及Who are they? 。They are 熟练朗读课文,在老师的帮助下复述课文 对话 。 Happy Preparation What did you know? Words Cards threeone ten seven six five two four eight nine Lets sing. Number song How many dogs? There are three. There are six. How many cats? There are four. How many dolls? There are seven. How many cars? How many balls? There are ten. How many pictures? There are five. How many pencils are there? -There is one. How many pencils are there? -There are two. How many rubbers are there? -There are five. How many _ are there? There are _. apples five 游戏:复习与巩固句型How many are there? There are. How many _ are there? There are _. cats six How many _ are there? There are _. dogs four How many _ are there? There are _. planes nine How many _ are there? There is _. balls one 游戏:复习与巩固句型How many are there? There are. How many _ are there? There are _. people two 游戏:复习与巩固句型How many are there? There are.并导入课文学习。 Father and mother, I love you. How many people are there in your family? There are four. How many 问多少 你家里有几口人? There are six. howbigmany family in are there people Lets play. family bigmany people there how Game: Lets kill How many people are there in the family? There are small family How many people are there in the family? There are big family There are five. 课文呈现:播放金太阳光碟第一遍,感知课文。 Jammin and Miss White are talking about families. Lets guess how many people there are in Jiamins family. They are. 课文呈现:播放金太阳光碟第二遍,继续学习课文。 There are five people in Jiamins family. Who are they? grandfather grandmother father mother me There are some photos on the blackboard. Lets look at them. 课文呈现: 利用课文中的场景,学习句型How many people are there? There are. How many people are there in _ family? There are _. Zhang HengsLiu LipingsJohnsRoses threefivesixfive 课文呈现: 利用课文中的场景,学习句型How many people are there? There are. Who has a _ family? big 课文呈现: 学习新词big. 朗读课文:利用光碟分角色朗读. 1、听读课文,签名。 2、介绍自己的家庭照。 Module 5 Relatives Unit 10 How many people are there in your family? 一、教学内容与教学对象分析 本课是 Module5 Relatives Unit 10 How many people are there in your family?第一课时。本课的主要内容是如何用 How manyare there.?询问数 量,并用 there be 作回答。学生在 Module 3 已学习了数字,在一年级口语 接触过 How many?的句型。这节课,主要通过图片,让学生学习如何询问数 量,并作出相应的回答,并通过此所学句型谈论家人。 二、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1能听、说、读 many, How many? people ,there are, they, so, big. 2能用 How many ?询问数量。 (二)学习能力目标 1用 How manyare there.?询问数量,并用 there be 作回答。 2能理解和跟读课文。 3能运用 Unit 10 的句型和所学的句型谈论自己的家谱。 (三)思维品质目标 1、通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生的学习兴趣,增强学习英语的自信 心。 2、在说的学习活动中,运用语言,乐于交际,培养学习英语的和运用英语 的习惯。 3、在听的学习活动中集中注意力,细心聆听,主动思考,学会听的微技能。 (四)文化品质目标 2、在语言训练活动中,让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,乐于跟同伴交流分享。 3、在语言学习中培养学生爱家人的情感文化品质。 三、教学策略 本节课借助多媒体、听说、唱歌等方法创设教学情景,以学生为主,调动 学生积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生合作、自主、愉快地去学习,使学 生能在宽松、愉快的氛围中达到学习的目标。 四、教学重难点 1.重点:重点: (1)熟练掌握 How many are there?There are Who are they ? They are . (2)能听懂会读本课对话。 2. 难点:熟练掌握 How many are there?There are 五、教学媒体 研学案,自制课件 六、教学过程 Part 1: Happy founding 1. Sound Family 2. Lets read &Sing a song: number song. 3. 呈现课题和学习目标。 【设计意图:通过 Sound family 渗透音素,唱数字的儿歌,回顾数字的表达, 同时通过儿歌活跃学习气氛,营造学习氛围。 】 Part 2: Happy learning 1. Lets talk & watch the video. 【设计意图:体现以生为本,深入预习自学、实践“先学后教、以学定 教” 】 2.Lets guess and learn. 学习 How many are there ? 的句型。 1)学生看图,回答问题 How many .? How many . are there? 2) 引出 family。 3) Lets sing : I love my family。 4) 完成小组对话,练习 How many people are there in your family? There are. 3. Lets play the games. 4.Lets learn . 1) 通过对比学习 big family。 2) 引出 Who are they ? They are. 【设计意图:通过大量的图片,帮助输入语言,通过 song and game , 让课文 的学习内化语言。 】 Part 3: Happy Development Write and say. Fun with language . 学生对话交流,谈论家谱,并写一写。 【设计意图:通过小组交流,在听,说,写的活动中进一步内化语言,在谈论 自己的家谱活动中交流,输出语言。 】 Part 4:Happy task 1、Summary and homework 2、Emotional education
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