教科版三下Module 4 Fruits-Unit 7 May I have some grapes -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:81c47).zip

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  • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Fruits_Unit 7 May I have some grapes _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:81c47)
    • Lets chant背景音乐.swf
    • Phonics song.mp4
    • Unit 7 Fruits 图片.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit 7 Fruits音乐.swf
    • Unit 7 May I have some grapes .pptx--点击预览
    • 教案81c47.doc--点击预览


6 Fruits apple some apples orange some oranges a an pear some pears grape some grapes banana some bananas Unit 7 May I have some grapes? 义务教育广州版小学英语教材 三年级 下册 Phonics song Phonics time a o a u e u i e i o a e i o u -c- a a t cat -h-a t hat -p- i i g pig -s-i x six -r- e e d red -p-e n pen Phonics time -d- o o g dog -h-o t hot -b- u u s bus -c-u t cut do Sight words time red have we nine orange somehere a-e Sight words f a c e Sight words f a c e Sight words n a m e Sight words n a m e Lets sing What do you see? (你看到了什么?) 1.What do you see? (你看到了什么?) Lets try Fruits Unit 7 May I have some grapes? Module 4 Fruits Welcome to my garden! (果园) Aki apple Lets guess (看一看,猜一猜) orangepear a grapegrapebanana anana a a Lets play a game! (看到炸弹图片立即坐下,埋头, 避免被炸弹炸到) a grape a banana an apple a grape an orange a pear an apple an orange a banana a pear Sharp eyes What fruits do we have? (我们有什么水果) Do we have _? Sharp eyes Do we have apples? Yes, we do. Do we have _? Do we have oranges? No, we dont. But we have some grapes. Do we have _? Do we have pears? No, we dont. But we have some bananas. Do we have _? Do we have grapes? Yes, we do. May I have some fruits? Group work A:May I have some bananas? B:Yes/OK. Here you are. Lets Lets playplay 2mins A:Thank you! Lets chant Apple,apple,do we have an apple? Yes, we do. Yes, we do. Apple,apple, may I have an apple? Here you are. Here you are. mango kiwi cherry lemon watermelon _,_,do we have _? Yes, we do. Yes, we do. (No, we dont. No, we dont.) _,_, may I have _? Here you are. Here you are. (Oh, I am sorry.) Group work 2mins 1.Choose a fruit 2.Make a chant An apple a day keeps the doctor away! (一日一苹果,医生远离我!) Thank you! Aki Fruits 1.Copy the new words of Unit 7 (抄写U7单词) 2.Do a repot: What fruits do you have? (找一找家里有什么水果?) What fruit do you like best? Thank you! 一、教学内容分析 通过三年级上册 Unit 11 的学习,学生已基本掌握表达自己想要某物和给 予别人某物的句型“May I .”,“OK. Here you are.”和能够问答某人是否 有某物“Do you have.?,Yes, I do. No, I dont. ”。通过三年级下册 Unit 5 和 Unit 6 的学习,学生基本掌握了单复数的使用。在本次课中,话题是学生熟 悉且感兴趣的水果,要求学生在掌握大部分水果类单词的基础上,进一步学习 表达自己想要某种水果,要求学生掌握水果类单词“apple, banana, pear, orange, grape”,掌握短语“Do we have.? Yes, we do. No, we dont. May I have some., Yes. Here you are.”,并且在游戏和小组合作活动中,参与课堂 活动,增强英语交际能力,培养小组合作精神。 二、学生情况分析: 三年级学生的年龄在九到十岁左右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维, 对游戏、竞赛、画画、音乐特别感兴趣。三年级的学生有着极强的求知欲强和 表现欲,根据学生的心理特点我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣 的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、努力唱! 三、教学目标: 1. 语言技能:能够问答某人是否有某种水果,能够表达自己想要某种水果 2. 语言知识:掌握水果类单词“apple, banana, pear, orange, grape”,掌握 短语“Do we have.? Yes, we do. No, we dont. May I have some., Yes.Here you are.” 3. 情感态度:敢于开口,积极参与课堂活动,培养爱吃水果的好习惯 4. 学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务 四、教学重点与难点 1. 重点:水果类单词“apple, banana, pear, orange, grape”,短语“Do we have.? Yes, we do. No, we dont. May I have some.,Yes. Here you are.” 2. 难点:可数名词单复数的使用 5、教学过程: ProceduresTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurposes Warm up1.Present the phonics song 2.Present and spell the phonics 3.Present the sight words 1. Sing phonic song with the classmates 2. Read and spell the words 3. Read the sight words 1.在热身环节,带领 学生齐唱字母歌曲, 活跃课堂气氛 2.通过拼读单词和高 频词,在复习巩固语 言的基础上,营造愉 快的学习氛围,让学 生尽快进入学习状态 Pre-task1. Present a song about fruits and ask a question: “What do you see?” 2. Lead in the topic 3. Set an interesting situation about Aki 1. Watch a video about fruits and answer a question: “What do you see?” 2. Learn the topic about fruits 3. Learn with a situation about Aki 1.观看视频,齐唱歌 曲,激活所学水果单 词的旧知识,活跃课 堂气氛 2.设置情景,带领学 生走进 Aki 的果园, 学习关于水果的知识, 增强学习趣味性和实 践性 While-task1.Present some pictures of fruits and play a guessing game with students 2.Play a bomb game with the students 3.Play a sharp eyes game to present the new phrases 4.Play a rock paper scissors game with the students to practice the phrases 1.Play a guessing game with pictures and learn the new words about fruits 2.Play a bomb game and read the new words 3.Play a sharp eyes game to learn the new phrases 4. Play a rock paper scissors game to learn and practice the phrases 1.通过猜测游戏和炸 弹游戏,学习和操练 水果单词,不仅能增 强学习趣味性,还能 活跃课堂气氛 2.通过锐眼游戏和图 片,学习可数名词 单复数的使用,学 习和操练问答某人是 否有某种水果的句型, 引导学生联系实际生 活,运用所学于交际 中 3.利用石头剪刀布游 戏和小组任务,巩固 可数名词单复数的 使用,引导学生学 习和操练表达想要某 种水果的句型,加深 学生的印象,培养小 组合作精神 Post-task1.Present a chant about fruits 2.Present more pictures of fruits and ask the students to make a new chant 3.Encourage the students to eat more fruits and cultivate a good eating habit 1.Learn a chant about fruits 2.Choose a fruit and make a new chant about fruits 3.Learn to eat more fruits and cultivate a good eating habit 1.学习关于水果的小 诗歌,添加音乐节奏, 活跃课堂气氛 2.拓展关于水果的新 知识,让学生创编小 诗歌,整合所学知识, 培养小组合作精神 3.鼓励学生多吃水果, 培养学爱吃水果的好 习惯 SummarySummarize the knowledge Review the knowledge 总结本节课文重点知 识,帮助学生整合本 节课的学习内容,加 深学生的印象 After class assignment Assignment a homework to help students consolidate the knowledge: 1.Copy the new words of Unit 7 2.Do a report: a. What fruits do you have? b. What fruit do you like best? Remember the homework consolidate the knowledge 有针对地布置作业, 帮助学生巩固复习知 识,布置书面和口语 作业,增强作业的趣 味性 六、板书设计:
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