教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b0e0f).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 1 Lets chantLets chant Left ,left, right, right.Left ,left, right, right. Go, turn around.Go, turn around. Go, go, go.Go, go, go. Left ,left, right, right.Left ,left, right, right. Go, turn around.Go, turn around. Go, go, go.Go, go, go. the first the second the third Youre here. 1. Is the cinema next to the museum? 2. Is the gym at the third crossing? 3. Can you tell me the way to the restaurant? 4. Is the library on the left or on the right? A: Can you tell me the way to the _, please? B: Go straight ahead, _, the _ is on the _. take the first right A: Can you tell me the way to the _, please? B: Go straight ahead, _, the _ is on the _. take the right/left. John and Joan are standing in front of their house. stand They are going to the cinema. cinema park house cinema park house front gate gate house They cross the main street and turn left into the park. They walk through the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they are in front of the cinema! 听课文录音,判断以下句子是否符合课文内容,如符合请 写“T”, 否则写“F”。 1、JohnandJoanweregoingtothecinema.() 2、Johnusuallyturnsleftoutoftheirhouse.() 3、Johnusuallytakesthefirstleft.() 4、Theycrossedthemainstreetandturnedleftinto thepark.() 5、Theywalkedthroughtheparkandoutofthe backgate.() 6、Theycangettothecinemaontime.() T T F T F T 听课文录音,判断以下句子是否符合课文内容,如符合请 写“T”, 否则写“F”。 1、JohnandJoanweregoingtothecinema.() 2、Johnusuallyturnsleftoutoftheirhouse.() 3、Johnusuallytakesthefirstleft.() 4、Theycrossedthemainstreetandturnedleftinto thepark.() 5、Theywalkedthroughtheparkandoutofthe backgate.() 6、Theycangettothecinemaontime.() T T F T F T arewere taketook crosscrossed startstarted turnturned walkwalked looklooked saysaid do/doesdid getgot 1.Where were John and Joan going? 2. How long do they need to get there usually? 3. What does “short cut” mean in Chinese? 4. How did they get to the cinema? 5. Why was John happy? They were going to the cinema. They usually need 15 minutes to get there. 近路。 They crossed the main street and turned left into the park. They walked through the park and out of the front gate. Because they got to the cinema on time. on time 及时;按时 Lets try. 1. 我们每天应该按时交作业。 2. 如果你不能按时到达,应该预先告诉他们。 We should hand in our homework on time every day. If you cant arrive there on time, you should tell them. 自己读课文并在小组内尝试背课文。 John and Joan were standing and John looked at his . “Well be late, the film starts in , but we need to get there,” John said to Joan and he started to quickly. “Dont worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a .” To get to the , John usually out of their house. Then he , goes and . But today Joan took him a different way. They crossed the main and turned into the park. They the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were . John looked at his . “ I cant _ it. We are _. Youre really great, Joan!” 近路 John and Joan were standing _ their house and John looked at his _. “Well be late, the film starts in _, but we need _ to get there,” John said to Joan and he started to _. “Dont worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a _.” To get to the cinema, John usually _ out of their house. Then he _, goes straight ahead and _. But today Joan took him a _. They crossed the _ and turned _ into the park. They _ the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were _ the cinema. John looked at his watch. “ I cant _ it. We are _. Youre really great, Joan!” in front of watch ten minutes 15 minutes walk quickly short cut takes the first right turns left takes the second left different way main street leftwalked through in front of believeon time John and Joan like _ in the cinema on Sunday. There is a cinema near their house. To get to the cinema, they usually _ _ _. But last Sunday they walked a _. They crossed_ _. 根据课文内容,提取有效信息,将以下短文 补充完整。 家庭作业: 1)听录音,熟读课文。 2)继续完成短文的改写。 3)自己设计路线图,并用英语描述 该路线图。 家庭作业: 1)听录音,熟读课文。 2)继续完成短文的改 写。 3)自己设计路线图,并 用英语描述该路线图。 一、Lets talk(画出路线图并讨论 John and Joan 可以走的路线) 二、听课文录音,判断以下句子是否符合课文内容,如符合请写“T”, 否则写 “F”。 1、John and Joan were going to the cinema. ( ) 2、John usually turns left out of their house. ( ) 3、John usually takes the first left. ( ) 4、They crossed the main street and turned left into the park. ( ) 5、They walked through the park and out of the back gate. ( ) 6、They can get to the cinema on time. ( ) 三、根据课文内容,提取有效信息,将以下短文补充完整 John and Joan like _ in the cinema on Sunday. There is a cinema near their house. To get to the cinema, they usually _ _. But last Sunday they walked a _. They crossed_. Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut Lets talk 教学设计教学设计 一、一、教材分析教材分析 Unit12 是 Module6 关于“方向”(Directions)的第二个 Unit,也是第二个描 述问路的 Unit。是小学五年级英语下册(科教版)(三年级起点)的教学内容。 本套教材是根据国家英语课程标准的目标要求,Unit12 主要先学习 Lets read,是在 Unit11 的基础上进一步描述问路和指路,但是路线比较复杂,因此, 在教学过程中,教师对教材进行处理,图文结合,直观形象,建立文字与图 (事物)联系的能力,以小组讨论的方式培养合作意识。这样,在学习策略上, 注重了注意力和模仿力的培养;合作意识,自我归纳能力的培养。 二、二、学情分析学情分析 学生在学习了 Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?的基础上,对于指路用语已 经有了一定的了解,已经懂得用一些已知的句型去描述路线图上所表示的线路, 本节课是在前面已有基础上对句型进行巩固和拓展。因此学生对课文的理解还 是比较容易的。但由于新单词和句型较多,学生要很快上口还是有一定的难度。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 (一)语言知识目标: (1)学生能“四会”掌握 11 个新单词 were, stand, watch, late, out, took , through, suddenly, believe, did 以及 4 个短语:short cut,out of, take the first right, on time (2)能运用指路用语:Turn left out of the . Take the first right/left. Cross the main street and turn left/right into the . Walk through the .and out of the gate. 等进行交际。 ( 二)语言技能目标 1.能通过记笔记、抓取关键词的方法,概况文章大意。 2.能通过模仿、思考设计路线图,写出通顺的句子。 【学习策略目标】 1、在学习过程中注意倾听,积极主动用英语思考,参与对话,运用语言; 2、能够有效进行小组合作,乐于与他人交流。 3、教师在课堂开展小组合作学习、通过游戏、竞赛等不同的教学形式来激发 学生参与学习。 【情感态度目标】 1、通过参与课堂活动,激发学习英语的乐趣,培养学习自信心,乐于学习英语; 2、通过课堂交际活动和小组合作,培养合作意识; 四、教学重点和难点四、教学重点和难点 【教学重点】 1、掌握本课单词和句型 2、理解和准确运用重点句型 3、能准确理解对话内容,准确流畅朗读和表演对话内容。 【教学难点】 1、学习、掌握本课中出现的描述路线的用语。 2、能通过小组活动,运用指路用语描述不同的路线图。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1、老师创设(生活)情境,让学生在具体的语言环境中理解并综合运用语言. 2、老师利用 Phonic 教学法进行词汇教学,让学生感受单词的发音规律,更好 地掌握词汇。 3、注重过程性评价,提高学生学习的积极性,在和谐的学习氛围中学习,感 受学习的成功和乐趣。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 教学课件、音频、视频 七、教学过程七、教学过程 教学步骤教学步骤该步骤要达到的该步骤要达到的 目的目的 该步骤教学的内容和活动该步骤教学的内容和活动该步骤要使用的策略该步骤要使用的策略 (尤其是学生的学习(尤其是学生的学习 策略)策略) Step 1 热身 Warming up 热身,活跃课堂气 氛;引入新课 1、配动作,齐读有关左右方 位的小诗 2、就路线图师生进行对话 1)激发学生的兴趣和提 高注意力;复习旧知, 引入新知 Step 2 呈现与练习 Presentation And Practice 1)创设情境,学习 单词和句型。 2)个人、小组操练 重点句型 【讲授】 1)出示一幅路线图,用 Can you tell me the way to the? Yes. Go straight ahead. Turn right/left at the crossing.The is on the.句型来谈论路线。 2)学习句型 Take the right/left.句型。 创设情景,呈现课文 【活动】 1)师生对话,创设课文情景。 学习新句型 Turn left/right out of their house. 2) 学生四人小组讨论 John and Joan 可以走的路线。 3)学生汇报。听取学生的汇 报中呈现新句型 Turn left/right out of their house. 4)呈现、操练走近路路线图 的描述。 5)同位操练近路路线的描述 句型。 1)学习新单词和重点句 型。 2)4 人一组互相询问路, 操练重点句型。 3)整体呈现课文并讨论、 操练句型 Step 3 巩固 理解、熟读课文1)听课文录音,初步理解课文 内容。 (1)合作和调控策略的培 养; Consolida- tion 2) 出示 PPT,呈现判断正误 的练习题。 3)观察 PPT 中判断正误的句 型,留意 PPT 中红色字体单词, 他们有什么特点?引出课文中 动词加了 ed 单词,告诉学生 这是动词的过去式,从而引出 课文中另外的几个不规则变 化单词:were、took、did 4)看 PPT,读动词原形及过去 式。 5)打开书,细读课文。 6)跟读课文自读课文 齐读课文根据提示,以 挖空的形式试背课文。 (2) 模仿录音语音语调, 有感情地朗读。 (3) 提高学生表演的能力。 Step 4 发展 Develop- ment 能运用所学句型于 实践中; 根据课文内容,提取有效信息, 根据提示,对课文进行归纳改 写: Joan and John like _ in the cinema on Sunday. There is a cinema near their house.To get to the cinema, they usually _. But last Sunday they walked _. They walked a_.They crossed_. 提取有效信息,根据课 文,改写文本 Step 5 归纳 Summing-up 引导学生归纳今天 所学内容。 Boys and girls, what we learnt today? 自我分析归纳的能力; Step 6 布置作业 Homework 熟悉课文和该课的 生词 1、听录音,熟读课文。 2、继续完成短文的改写 3、自己设计路线图,并用英 语描述该路线图。 检测今天所学内容的掌 握程度 Blackboard design Unit 12 I know a short cut Period 1 Turn left out of the . Take the first right/left. Cross the main street and turn left/right into the . Walk through the . and out of the gate. 单词单词 小组评价小组评价
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