2020-2021学年人教版 英语八年级下学期 unit6单项选择专项练习70道.doc

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1、第 1 页 共 5 页 人教版人教版 八年级下册八年级下册 unit6 单项选择专项练习单项选择专项练习 ()1.The soap opera is_boring_stand(忍受)it at all. A. too; toB. enough; toC. so; thatD. as; as ()2.Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.Dont worry. I will _ you then. A. return B. realize C. remind D. repair ()3.Why was Yu Gong tryin

2、g to move the mountains?Because it was_for his family to get to the other side of the mountains. A. difficultyB. difficultiesC. difficultD. more difficult ()4._do you like your holiday in Mount Tai? We enjoyed it very much. The sight is very beautiful. A.What B. How C.Why D. Where ()5.More and more

3、people have a better life and the air is getting much_than a few years ago.A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest ()6. _ fine day it is today!Yes, the sunshine is _ beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea. A. How;suchB. What a;veryC. How;soD. What a;so ()7.Monkey King keeps fightin

4、g and never _. A. give out B. give off C. gives up D. give away. ()8.You can save money_you buy cheaper things. A. ifB. beforeC. butD. until ()9. I had a pleasant weekend by working on the farm. _. A. Oh, thats very nice of youB. Its a pleasure C. CongratulationsD. Im glad to hear that ()10.Please r

5、emind me_that letter. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answered ()11.Its nice _ you _ me a lot. A. for, to helpB. for, helpingC. of, to helpD. of, helping ()12.Superman kept _ against bad people and he _ our hearts. A. fight; won B. fighting; won C. fought; won D. fight; winning ()13.They sent

6、 me a letter _ October 2nd, 2020. A. inB. onC. atD. to ()14.When the teacher came into the classroom we all stopped_him. A. to listeningB. to listenC. listening toD. to listen to ()15.Jenny _ a rich man. She has _ him for 5 years. A. married with; married with B. married, been married to 第 2 页 共 5 页

7、 C. married to; been married D. married; married ()16.Jack, you look worried. What happened?I _ forgot Mr. Johns project and I m afraid he ll be very angry.A. successfully B. completely C. smoothly D. peacefully ()17.When did your parents _?They _ for 20 years. A. marry; got married B. marry; have g

8、ot married C. get married; have got married D. get married; have been married ()18.Many children will feel nervous _ they go near the gate of the hospital.A.as soon as B.as good as C.as well asD.as far as ()19.It took her _ afternoon to check out _ information.A. the whole;the allB. the whole;all th

9、e C. whole;all the D. whole;the all ()20.All the students in the classroom do their homework_.A. enough careful B. careful enough C. enough carefully D. carefully enough ()21.Some people think Guo Mingyi is_silly.A. a kind ofB. a little bitC. a bit ofD. a lot of ()22.She was late for class because h

10、er mother forgot to_.A. wake her up B. wake up her C. put her up D. put up her ()23.This pair of shoes doesn t_me. Do you have a larger size?A. allow B. wearC. beatD. fit ()24.We should try to think up a good way_the problem. A. solvesB. to solve C. solvingD. solve ()25.I want _ eggs. I have eaten t

11、oo much. A. any moreB. no more C. some moreD. much more ()26.Theres _ time left. Hurry up, or youll miss the wonderful movie. Yes, Im coming!A. a few B. a little C. much D. a little bit ()27.Its reported that a bus fell into a river yesterday. Luckily, _ was hurt.AsomebodyBnobodyCeverybodyDanybody (

12、)28.If you are_, you should drink lots of water.A.tired B. thirsty C. stressed out D. hungry ()29.The moonlight goes _ the window and makes the room bright. Aacross BthroughCoverDin ()30.She sings _ her sister.A. so well asB. as good asC. as well asD. so good as ()31.Yu Gong and his children tried _

13、the mountain in their life. A. finishing to move B. to finish moving C. finishing moving D. to finish to move ()32.(2020 年江西抚州市单元测试题)Li Meis _ is very beautiful. Yes. Her songs _ very beautiful.A. noise; voice B. voice; sound C. sound; 第 3 页 共 5 页 noise D. shout; sound ()33._ happened _ him last nig

14、ht? He fell down and hurt himself while playing soccer.A. How; with B. How; to C. What; with D. What; to ()34._ can you finish this English examination?In about one and a half hours. AHow farBHow oftenCHow soonDHow long ()35.The movie was funny. I couldnt stop_.A. to laughB. laughingC. laughD. laugh

15、ed ()36.Dans teacher was angry with him, for he _ in the exam by copying from the boy in front.A. replied B. cheated C. argued D. rested ()37.Linda wont watch TV unless she_her homework in time.A. finishes B. finish C. finishingD. to finish ()38. Thats a nice mobile phone. So it is. My aunt_it for m

16、y last birthday.A.boughtB. buyC. have boughtD. will buy ()39.These days we have _ homework to do.A. much too B. too much C. many too D. too many ()40.The little boy named Karl is so _ that he cant climb the tree. I think he needs to go to see a doctor.A. strong B. weak C. healthy D. high ()41.The wi

17、ndow is _. Please close it. Its cold outside.A. opened B. openingC. openD. opens ()42.Dont you think it _ of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? Well, I dont think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences. A. creative B. sillyC. wiseD. curious ()43.You d better take the map wit

18、h you_you won t get lost .A. as soon as B. now that C. when D. so that ()44.In our country, you should shake hands with others when you meet them_ the first time.A. of B. for C.in D. on ()45.We all know that Monkey King can make _ to his body and turn himself _ different objects, animals or people.

19、Achange, intoBchange, on Cchanges, intoDchanges, to ()46.The people who are more confident have more_to make themselves successful.AeducationBchancesCprideDexcuses ()47.Her village was 2,000 meters _ sea level(海平面).A. onB. overC. aboveD. under ()48. Keep quiet, son! I need complete _ when Im working

20、. Sorry, Dad. I wont make any noise again. AtrustBsilenceCcontrol Dstrength 第 4 页 共 5 页 ()49.Did you watch the football match on TV last night? I wanted to, but my mother _her favorite TV program. A. watches B. watched C. was watching D. had watched ()50.Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried_someth

21、ing different for me during my stay in Canada. A. to cookB. cooking C. cookD. cooked ()51.Did your brother go to the movies this morning?No, he stayed at home and did his homework _ going to the movies.A. because ofB. instead ofC. insteadD.rather than ()52.Oh, no! Weve missed the 9 oclock train. _ .

22、 Theres another one in half an hour.A. Dont worry. B. Hurry up. C. Give me a break. D. Youre welcome. ()53.Finally, Susan got married _ a businessman.A. with B. ofC. to D. from ()54.Lots of readers are expecting the famous writers new book will _ next year.A. run out B. work out C. help out D. come

23、out ()55.We will go to the square to watch the raising of the national flag_it rains tomorrow.A. whenB. ifC.sinceD. unless ()56.Her voice _ very sweet. A. hearsB. listensC. sounds D. feels ()57.Dont give up. I think things will be fine soon.Yes. We should learn to be _ when we are in trouble.A. brav

24、e B. quiet C. stupid D. angry ()58. (2019贵州铜仁中考) Do you know anything about C919? Of course. It s a kind of plane which _ China.A.is made of B.is made in C.is made from D.is made up of ()59.My brother will lead you _ to my house. A.goB. goingC. to goD.went ()60.She worked so quietly _no one knew she

25、 was there. A. whichB.after C. asD.that ()61.Its raining outside, please dont leave_ it stops.A. sinceB. untilC. whileD. when ()62.Im very sorry. I broke your tea cup. _.A. Its too badB. Youd better notC. Take it easyD. It doesnt matter ()63.You get wet all over. It must be raining _outside.A. heavi

26、ly B. hardly C. carefully D. loudly ()64.I like working_Chinese and I work_a magazine now.A. on;forB. on;asC. as;outD. out;as ()65.He spent an hour _ his homework. A. to doB. do C. doingD. did 第 5 页 共 5 页 ()66.Which of the two T-shirts will you take?I ll take_. One is for my brother and the other is

27、 for myself. A. bothB. eitherC. neitherD. all ()67.Many years ago there lived _ emperor in the country. _ emperor likes new clothes.A.an ,AnB. the , TheC. an , TheD. the ,An . ()68.We lost the basketball game. _. Better luck next time. A. No problem B. Its up to you C. Youre kidding D. Never mind ()

28、69.The lady is so _ and she believes the man who always tells lies.A. cleverB. smart C. stupidD. talented ()70.Im not feeling _. I dont feel like eating anything. A. good B. badC. wellD. badly 答案 1.A2.C3.C4.B5.B 6.D7.C8.A9.D10.B 11.C12.C13.B14.D15.C 16.B17.D18.D19.B20.D 21.B22.A23.D24.B25.B 26.B27.B28.B29.B30.C 31.B32.B33.D34.C35.B 36.B37.A38.A39.B40.B 41.C42.B43.D44.B45.C 46.B47.C48.B49.C50.A 51.B52.A53.A54.D55.D 56.C57.A58.B59.C60.D 61.B62.C63.A64.A65.C 66.A67.C68.D69.C70.C


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