教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:60238).zip

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Lets sing months of the year What are they? Free talk How many months are there in a year? January March November August June February April Sharp eyes May July September October December Whats going on? go on Lets learn Were having a birthday party. cake present card candle party celebration Unit 11 I was born in JanuaryUnit 11 I was born in January Module Module 6 Celebrations6 Celebrations 天河区前进小学 陈星归 Welcome to Jiamins birthday party! Answer the questions.(回答问题) 1.Who comes to Jiamins birthday party? 2.How old is Jiamin? 3. When was Jiamin born? Ms White ,Xiaoling and Ben come to his birthday. He is ten years old. He was born in January. 4.When was Ms White born? She was born in January,too. pair work A:When is your birthday? B:My birthday is in_. I was born in_. August November June February January March December May September April October July be bornwas born Look at all the presents, cards and flowers! Whats going on? Were having a party for Jiamins birthday. Great! Lets read Happy birthday, Jiamin! I was born in January, too. How old are you? Lets put 10 candles on the birthday cake. iiIIm ten. Look _ all the _, _ and flowers! Whats _ _? Were having a _ _ Jiamins _. _! at presents cards going on party for birthday Great Fill in the blanks _ _, Jiamin! I _ _ in _, _. _ _are you? Lets _ 10 _ _ the birthday _. iiIIm _. Happy birthday was bornJanuary tooHow old ten putcandles oncake Look at all the presents, cards and flowers! Whats going on? Were having a party for Jiamins birthday. Great! Happy birthday, Jiamin! I was born in January, too. How old are you? Lets put 10 candles on the birthday cake. iiIIm ten. Ms White and the _ are _ for Jiamins _.There is a big birthday_and some _ on the _. Jiamin was _ in _. Hes _. Ms White & children: _, Jiamin. Jiamin: Thank you for your _. I am very _ today. Children:How old _? Jiamin: I am _ years old. Xiaoling: I am _,too. Ms White: And I was born in _, too. children having a party birthday cake food table born Januaryten Happy Birthday presents happy are you ten ten January Lets retell Lets act Ms White: Look at Whats? Xiaoling:Were having Ms White: Great!/ Thats good!/Super!/ Wonderful! Ms White: Happy I was born,too. How? Jiamin: Im Ben: Lets put Xiaoling:Ok,lets sing a song/ play games/eat the cake!/ have fun! 情感教育 Be polite!(要有礼貌) Bring presents/gifts!(记得带礼物) 当你去别人家里做客的时候: 当你收到别人礼物的时候: Say “Thank you”! Homework 1.听读U11单词课文。 2.抄写U11单词并家听。 3.背诵课文对话。 Lets write Today is Sallys _. Her _ are _ _ _ for her. She gets many _. There are _ _ on the birthday _. They are _ _ now. She _ born _ _. She is very_. And they are _ fun. August birthday friendshaving a party presents nine candles cake singing songswas in August having happy Teaching Aims 1 、学生能读理解: celebration, was, be born, present, card, go on, party, candle, cake; 2、能运用句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in+月份。 I was born in + 月份。 3、能理解课文对话,能按照意群朗读课文,并 能读出停顿和升降调,能根据提示复述课文,能 根据图片完成填空作文。 姓名( ) 班级( )学号( ) 四下 Unit 11 第一课时前置性学习练习 一请写出 12 个月份的单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 二你能发现 12 个月份单词书写规律,并找出最佳方法记住他们吗? 1. 所有的月份单词都需要大写第一个字母吗? _. 2. 1 月 2 月有什么共同的书写规律? _. 3. 6 月和 7 月有啥共同点? _. 4. 9 月,10 月 11 月 12 月的共同点都是什么? _. 5. 你还发现其他记忆月份单词的好方法吗? _. _. _. 三猜猜下面是那些月份?which month is it? 1. Spring Festival(春节) is in this month(月份) 2. We have Childrens Day in this month. 3. We plant(种植)trees in this month. 4. This month is the first(第一) month of the year. 5. Fools Day is in this month . 6. It is very hot(热) in this month and we have summer holiday(暑假). 7. Thanks giving Day is in this month, which month is it? 四、庆祝生日会时我们通常需要什么东西呢?请收集相关单词。 _ _ _ _ 五、 When is your birthday? I was born in _.(月份) 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课话题是义务教育教科版四年级英语下册本节课话题是义务教育教科版四年级英语下册 Module6Module6 Celebrations,Celebrations,教学内容为教学内容为 Unit11Unit11 I I waswas bornborn inin January.January. LetsLets talktalk 部分。部分。 本节课重点词汇有本节课重点词汇有 9 9 个:个:was,was, bebe born,born, present,present, card,card, gogo on,on, party,party, candle,candle, cake.cake. 重点句型是重点句型是 I I waswas bornborn in+in+月份,功能意念句子月份,功能意念句子“Whats“Whats goinggoing on?”on?”以及现在进行时态进一步延伸和学习。以及现在进行时态进一步延伸和学习。 Unit11Unit11 是关于庆祝是关于庆祝 JiaminJiamin 生日聚会的对话内容,创设本班同学过生日的情境让学生感受对话内容,很贴近学生生日聚会的对话内容,创设本班同学过生日的情境让学生感受对话内容,很贴近学生 的日常生活,学生容易理解和上口。里面关于月份的的日常生活,学生容易理解和上口。里面关于月份的 1212 个单词已经在第一节课上解决。本节课的教学重点是能理解个单词已经在第一节课上解决。本节课的教学重点是能理解 课文对话,能按照意群朗读课文,并能读出停顿和升降调课文对话,能按照意群朗读课文,并能读出停顿和升降调, ,能根据提示表演课文,复述课文,能根据图片完成填空作能根据提示表演课文,复述课文,能根据图片完成填空作 文。文。 教学对象分析教学对象分析 四年级学生对生日聚会的这个话题比较感兴趣,三年级已经学过祝贺别人生日快乐四年级学生对生日聚会的这个话题比较感兴趣,三年级已经学过祝贺别人生日快乐“Happy“Happy birthday”birthday” ”Thank”Thank you!”,you!”,询问别人年龄询问别人年龄“How“How oldold areare you?”you?” ”Im”Im”等句式的表达,生日聚会类型的话题有一定语言基础。孩子活等句式的表达,生日聚会类型的话题有一定语言基础。孩子活 泼好动,爱表现自己,生日聚会话题涉及我在哪月出生,孩子们都有学习的欲望,利用生日蛋糕等实物激发孩子们的泼好动,爱表现自己,生日聚会话题涉及我在哪月出生,孩子们都有学习的欲望,利用生日蛋糕等实物激发孩子们的 学习模仿热情,促使孩子们有效的完成课堂学习内容。学习模仿热情,促使孩子们有效的完成课堂学习内容。 教学目标教学目标 一语言知识目标:一语言知识目标: 1 1)能听说读写以下单词:)能听说读写以下单词:celebrationcelebration , , present,present, card,card, gogo on,on, party,party, was,was, bebe born,born, candle,candle, cakecake 2)2) 能在情境中运用以下句型能在情境中运用以下句型: : I I waswas bornborn inin 3 3)能在情境中运用以下功能意念句型)能在情境中运用以下功能意念句型:“Whats:“Whats goinggoing on?”on?”“We“We areare havinghaving a a birthdaybirthday party.”party.” 4)4) 能在情境中运用现在进行时进行表达。能在情境中运用现在进行时进行表达。 二技能目标:二技能目标: 1.1.能学会在生日聚会中对别人表达祝贺语。能学会在生日聚会中对别人表达祝贺语。 2.2.会表达出生在几月的句式。会表达出生在几月的句式。 3.3. 能理解课文对话内容,能按照意群流利朗读课文,并能读出停顿和升降调能理解课文对话内容,能按照意群流利朗读课文,并能读出停顿和升降调, , 能根据关键词句提示表演课文,复能根据关键词句提示表演课文,复 述课文。述课文。 三情感态度目标:三情感态度目标: 学会和人友好相处,学会关爱他人。当去别人家里做客的时候要有礼貌,要带礼物,当你和收到别人送的礼物时学会和人友好相处,学会关爱他人。当去别人家里做客的时候要有礼貌,要带礼物,当你和收到别人送的礼物时 要记得说感谢。要记得说感谢。 四学习策略:四学习策略: 1 1学会观察分析单词中字母的发音,分音节来记忆单词的方法。学会观察分析单词中字母的发音,分音节来记忆单词的方法。 2 2培养学生的小组合作精神和能力。培养学生的小组合作精神和能力。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点重点:9 9 个单词的发音及意思的理解,以及句型个单词的发音及意思的理解,以及句型 I I waswas bornborn inin,功能意念句型,功能意念句型“Whats“Whats goinggoing on?”on?”“We“We areare havinghaving a a birthdaybirthday party.”party.” ,对话的理解和正确朗读。,对话的理解和正确朗读。 难点:课文的表演,复述。难点:课文的表演,复述。 教学准备教学准备多媒体多媒体 PPTPPT,金太阳光碟,教学图片,金太阳光碟,教学图片 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 一一WarmingWarming upup 1.Lets1.Lets singsing 播放月份歌曲,让孩子们一起唱月份歌。播放月份歌曲,让孩子们一起唱月份歌。 然后提问:然后提问:WhatsWhats thethe songsong about?about? HowHow manymany monthsmonths areare thethe inin a a year?year? WhatWhat areare they?they? 2.Sharp2.Sharp eyeseyes 学生唱月份歌。学生回答问题。学生唱月份歌。学生回答问题。通过唱歌活跃气氛,并且带通过唱歌活跃气氛,并且带 入课文内容。入课文内容。 学生复习熟练月份单词,为学生复习熟练月份单词,为 后面的句型练习做准备。后面的句型练习做准备。 用教学卡片复习用教学卡片复习 1212 个月份单词,让孩子轮流说出月份个月份单词,让孩子轮流说出月份 单词。单词。 学生回答问题。学生回答问题。 3.Lets3.Lets learnlearn 创设的本班同学生日聚会情境,介绍新单词,创设的本班同学生日聚会情境,介绍新单词,gogo on,on, cake,cake, present,present, card,card, candle,candle, celebrationcelebration ,party,party, was,was, bebe bornborn 并引出课题。用本班同学过生并引出课题。用本班同学过生 日的情境第日的情境第 一次呈现对话内容。一次呈现对话内容。 学习新单词。玩炸弹游戏朗读学习新单词。玩炸弹游戏朗读 新单词熟悉新单词。新单词熟悉新单词。 让学生在情境中学习新单词,让学生在情境中学习新单词, 学生容易理解并记忆深刻。学生容易理解并记忆深刻。 4.4. LetsLets listenlisten andand answer.answer. 播放音频,引导学生听对话,获取主要关键信息。播放音频,引导学生听对话,获取主要关键信息。 学生根据自己实际情况操练句学生根据自己实际情况操练句 型,小组合作练习。型,小组合作练习。 操练巩固新句型。操练巩固新句型。 5.Lets5.Lets practicepractice 学生在情境中操练句型:学生在情境中操练句型: When is your birthday? MyMy birthdaybirthday isis in+in+月份。月份。 I I waswas bornborn inin + + 月份。月份。 听对话,回答问题。听对话,回答问题。学生再次感知对话内容,理学生再次感知对话内容,理 解对话内容。解对话内容。 6.6. LetsLets readread aloud.aloud. 引导学生模仿朗读,注意语音语调及意群的停顿。引导学生模仿朗读,注意语音语调及意群的停顿。 跟读对话,模仿长句的停顿及跟读对话,模仿长句的停顿及 语音语调。语音语调。 多样朗读,熟悉对话;关注多样朗读,熟悉对话;关注 朗读技巧,欣赏语言美。朗读技巧,欣赏语言美。 二二PresentationPresentation andand PracticePractice 7.7. LetsLets recite.recite. 引导学生借助插图,关键词句,重现对话。引导学生借助插图,关键词句,重现对话。 借助插图,关键词句,背诵对借助插图,关键词句,背诵对 话。话。 多种形式背书,重现文本,多种形式背书,重现文本, 帮助记忆。帮助记忆。 三、三、DevelopementDevelopement 8.Lets8.Lets retell.retell. 引导学生借助插图,关键词句,复述课文。引导学生借助插图,关键词句,复述课文。 在插图,关键词句的帮助下,在插图,关键词句的帮助下,学生复述课文。学生复述课文。 复述课文。复述课文。 9.Lets9.Lets act.act. 引导学生借助插图,关键词句,有创造性的表演课文。引导学生借助插图,关键词句,有创造性的表演课文。 在插图,关键词句的帮助下,在插图,关键词句的帮助下, 表演课文。表演课文。 有创造性的表演课文。有创造性的表演课文。 四四HomeworkHomework 1.1.听读听读 U11U11 单词课文。单词课文。 2.2.抄写抄写 U11U11 单词并家听。单词并家听。 3.3.背诵课文对话背诵课文对话。 六六Board-Board- designingdesigning Module 6 Celebrations Unit 11 I was born in January gogo onon cakecake presentpresent WhatgoingWhatgoing on?on? cardcard WereWere havinghaving a a birthdaybirthday party.party. candlecandle WhenWhen isis youryour birthday?birthday? celebrationcelebration MyMy birthdaybirthday isis inin NovemberNovember . . partyparty I I waswas bornborn inin NovemberNovember. . waswas bebe bornborn cakecake
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